Category: imported_weekly

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Housing Affordability – Lottery or Reform

Who would have thought that Labour - a party that has expended a great deal of political capital over the years railing against the profits made property traders - would introduce a housing policy that delivers significant capital gains to chosen recipients. Like the couple who have made an instant gain of around $70,000 after winning the KiwiBuild lottery .

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Return the Coast to Public Ownership

In spite of assurances given by the National Government that under their new law, there would only be claims for remote areas of the coast, that would not impact on most Kiwis, it now appears increasingly likely that our entire coastline could end up under tribal control.

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Global Warming - the new political platform

Like Helen Clark, Jacinda Ardern is using global warming to create a political platform on the international stage - and perhaps a career path at the United Nations. But her game plan - to lead the world through zero carbon legislation - will come at a significant economic cost to New Zealand.

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The Controversy of Politics

The political media love controversy. There’s been an abundance of that ever since Donald Trump was elected US President - but over recent weeks, there’s been plenty here as well. Here’s how the Jamie-Lee Ross saga unfolded. 

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The Dangers of Judicial Activism

Ill-advised comments by senior Judges can have a profound and long-lasting impact. We saw this in the 1987 Lands Case between the New Zealand Maori Council - represented by Sian Elias - and the Attorney-General, when the President of the Court of Appeal, Sir Robin Cooke, used the word ‘partnership’.

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Time To Have A Say On Entrenching The Maori Seats

Last month Parliament debated a Private Members’ bill to entrench the Maori seats. The bill would make it more difficult to abolish Parliament’s Maori seats by ensuring that a vote of 75 percent of MPs would be needed to get rid of them.

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De-industrialising Our Economy

The cost of living is on the rise due largely to the record prices that New Zealanders are now paying at the petrol pump. Petrol hit $2.40 and more for the first-time last week, but over the weekend, the “no new taxes” Labour Government imposed a new petrol excise tax adding another 3.5 cents per litre – plus GST - onto the cost of fuel.

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Capital Gains Tax Edges Closer

Last week, the Government’s Tax Working Group released its interim report signalling that a Capital Gains Tax of up to 33 percent - more than double the 15 percent rate originally proposed by Labour – will be introduced before the next election.

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Cultural Indoctrination Week

Last week was Maori language week. Speaking te reo appears to have become New Zealand’s new cause célèbre. While on the surface it may appear to be a worthy objective, there is a radical political agenda behind this seemingly innocent cause.

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Attacking Landlords

Labour clearly sees the landlord tenant relationship as a definitive political ‘battleground’. Anyone living in rental accommodation is regarded as a potential voter. Put simply, there is political capital to be made by demonising landlords and victimising renters.