Category: imported_weekly

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A Society of Equals

The Craggy Range walking track debacle is an excellent example of why iwi tribal groups should have no more power than the rest of society. They are bullies, and the best way to deal with a bully is to stand your ground.

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Labour’s Disastrous Track Record of Welfare Reform

A critical shortage of workers in the kiwi fruit industry - while 118,755 New Zealanders are registered as unemployed - is symptomatic of a welfare system that is failing to ensure able-bodied beneficiaries transition into work.

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The Pitfalls of Change

The politically correct vigilantes, who populate the media and social media are increasingly acting as judge, jury and executioner. By viciously attacking and hounding people who say things they disagree with, they are ruining careers and destroying lives

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Defending Democracy

People need to take action to defend a community’s democratic right to call a referendum if their local council decides to establish a Maori ward, since Local Government New Zealand is attempting to have this important public power abolished.

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A Lurch to the Left

On October 23rd last year New Zealand First leader Winston Peters announced that he’d chosen the most radical left wing coalition in this country’s history to become our new Government.

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Local Democracy Undermined

Last month Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull, the President of Local Government New Zealand wrote to the coalition Government calling for the removal of the petition rights that allow local residents and ratepayers to demand a poll if their Council unilaterally decides to establish Maori wards.

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Labour's Leadership Vacuum

In some cases being a ‘soft touch’ is a positive and appropriate. But not when one is the Prime Minister. Jacinda Ardern is increasingly looking out of her depth. But if she’s not really in control of the country, the question is, who is.

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Global Warming Groupthink

With the Government’s climate change policy agenda set to impose huge financial costs on households over time, it is little wonder that global warming scaremongering is now being ratcheted up.

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A Tax Sham

Last week submissions opened on the Government’s tax review. In reality, it's a twelve month long $4 million political charade designed to deliver the capital gains tax policy that Labour botched during the election campaign.

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Will President Trump bring down power prices in New Zealand?

Will the President of the United States be responsible for lowering power prices in New Zealand? That question has been raised because this could be one of the unintended consequences of Donald Trump’s latest move “to make America great again”.