Category: imported_weekly

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Killing Our Economy

There are just over 20 days left to send the Government a message that you are not prepared to accept the economic consequences of their Zero Carbon Bill, which comes at a very high economic cost to all New Zealanders, reducing jobs, growth and living standards.

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Time for Random Drug Testing of Drivers.

Far too many people driving on our roads are impaired. They are putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. The new Government needs to get real on this and put aside their political bias and give the green light to the random roadside drug testing of drivers.

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Replacing Damaging Regulations

The use of alarmism to justify the introduction of damaging new laws and regulations is a political strategy that sadly, is much more commonly used in New Zealand today than most people realise. The methamphetamine decontamination scandal is a classic case, where over-the-top scare tactics have been used to justify heavy-handed and overly restrictive regulation.

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Coastal Claim Developments

After months of procedural work, developments relating to the Marine and Coastal Area Act claims process are coming thick and fast. They include a new Bill in front of Parliament, a series of High Court case management conferences, the notification of priority claims for Crown Engagement, and a Waitangi Tribunal inquiry.

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Race-Based Democracy Opposed

Last week the final referendum results for the five councils that had decided to introduce Maori wards against the wishes of their local electors were released. In each case, the public voted against their decision. The message from the results is that most New Zealanders do not want local government defined by race.

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A Change in Direction

In the lead up to the last election, Labour’s policy manifesto signalled a dramatic change in direction for the country if they became the Government. The broad signs are already there that the new coalition’s unusual cocktail of radicalism and popularism is the greatest risk that this country has faced in years.

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A Society of Equals

The Craggy Range walking track debacle is an excellent example of why iwi tribal groups should have no more power than the rest of society. They are bullies, and the best way to deal with a bully is to stand your ground.

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Labour’s Disastrous Track Record of Welfare Reform

A critical shortage of workers in the kiwi fruit industry - while 118,755 New Zealanders are registered as unemployed - is symptomatic of a welfare system that is failing to ensure able-bodied beneficiaries transition into work.

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The Pitfalls of Change

The politically correct vigilantes, who populate the media and social media are increasingly acting as judge, jury and executioner. By viciously attacking and hounding people who say things they disagree with, they are ruining careers and destroying lives

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Defending Democracy

People need to take action to defend a community’s democratic right to call a referendum if their local council decides to establish a Maori ward, since Local Government New Zealand is attempting to have this important public power abolished.