Category: imported_weekly

The country that gave the world Monty Pythons Flying Circus, Mr Bean, and The Goon Show, has just held a General Election. In true comic form, standing alongside the British Prime Minister Theresa May as results were read out for her Maidenhead constituency, were Lord Buckethead, Howling “Laud” Hope, and Elmo.

Standing up to bullies takes courage. That's true, be it in a school playground, workplace, or a home. Politics is no different. It takes courage to stand up to ideological bullies, especially those with roots in extremist doctrines that are well organised and have strong links to supportive media.

The plan by the Maori tribal elite to gain a privileged status and co-governance rights over New Zealand is further advanced than most people realise. The basis for seeking such privileges is racial – it depends on the adoption of ‘biculturalism’ by Government institutions as a de-facto ‘official’ policy.

Budget Day has been described as an ‘exercise of democratic power’. It’s the day the Minister of Finance begins the process of seeking Parliamentary approval for the Government’s spending plans for the coming financial year – in this case, by tabling the Appropriation (2017/18 Estimates) Bill.

National has long promised tax cuts once the books return to a surplus - as a pathway to stronger economic growth and higher living standards. With the Government on track to achieve a full-year surplus of at least $1.8 billion in the Budget, the time is right for them to keep their promise.

Who could have imagined, that a National Government would embed ‘cultural competency’ training into our education system. But that's exactly what they intend to do on the 1st of July, when the Maori Party’s separatist indoctrination becomes law.

A review of tribal claims reveals the biggest resource grab in the country’s history, and the largest ever exploitation of New Zealand's conservation estate. Some are planning on “taking” “dolphins, whales, penguins, and seals”. Many intend ‘taking’ “seabirds” – and their eggs...

Listening to the news each day, you could be excused for thinking that the country is shrouded in despair and on the brink of crisis – for, with an election looming, that’s how many in the media are depicting New Zealand. However, before deciding to emigrate, let’s look at how others from outside the country portray us.

Last month, during his regular Post Cabinet press conference, Prime Minister Bill English was ‘grilled’ about whether he intended putting a charge on fresh water that is being commercially bottled and exported.

The freedom of expression is crucial to the healthy functioning of a democracy. The media, as the ‘fourth estate’ - the fourth pillar of a free democracy alongside the Executive, Parliament, and the Judiciary - plays a central role in defending free speech and holding the government to account. The Human Rights Commission has undermined media freedom...