Category: imported_weekly

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Food Regulations Under Review

Imagine being an artisan cheese maker, so proud of your product and your whole organic farming operation that you agree to Country Calendar featuring you on one of their shows. One would think that should be a good news story – but not so for 74 year old Biddy Fraser-Davies of Cwmglyn Cheese.

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The Silent Majority Fights Back

On Election Day the US electorate delivered a crushing blow to the political establishment. Against all odds, the Republican candidate Donald Trump was elected to serve as the 45th American President.

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The Paris Agreement

October was an important month for global warming advocates - New Zealand ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Essentially the Government has committed us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 - even though an estimated one million more people will be living in New Zealand by then.

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Water Rights Agenda Exposed

With the Treaty claims process coming to an end, the right to control public resources is becoming a central focus for tribal corporations as they enter the post-settlement era. Their priority is the control of fresh water.

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Welfare in Need of Change

There is an on-going debate in New Zealand as to why immigrants are required for low-skill work that unemployed New Zealanders could do. Some say our immigration policy is at fault. Others point the finger at our welfare system.

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A Spotlight on Democracy

The votes are in and up and down the country local body candidates will be celebrating or commiserating. All should be proud of putting themselves forward for office – for believing they could represent their communities well and make a difference – because standing for election is not an easy thing to do.

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Education Shake-up

The changes currently being undertaken by the Government in the education sector have been described as the biggest shake-up since Tomorrow's Schools set-up school boards in 1989. The driving motivation behind the reforms is a desire by National to improve the quality of educational outcomes - especially for students at risk of failure - and to provide a greater choice of schooling for parents.

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Electoral Apartheid by Decree

The Government is using the Treaty Bill to undermine the democratic rights of the people of the Taranaki Region. They are riding roughshod over local democracy by forcing the Regional Council to appoint six iwi representatives onto two of their key planning committees.

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The Kermadec Controversy

Last year our Prime Minister boldly announced to the United Nations that New Zealand was going to create one of the world’s largest ocean sanctuaries. It was intended to establish our sustainability credentials on the biggest international stage.

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New Zealand Needs Tax Reform

“Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” The quote is attributed to Mark Twain but he could have been talking about New Zealand where misinformation campaigns continue apace. What’s worse is that these days they get reported as news.