Category: imported_weekly

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Drug Testing Drivers

The carnage on New Zealand’s roads is continuing, with 326 fatalities last year - seven more than in 2015, and 30 more than in 2014. While one in four of the drivers were going too fast for the conditions, drugs and alcohol were factors in 40 percent of the crashes.

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Politically Correct Madness

Political Correctness is being used by vested interest groups to force new norms of thought and behaviour onto society. Nowadays if you are not “sensitive” enough in embracing values such as “tolerance” and “diversity”, then you will be aggressively attacked and stigmatised by activist critics - including in the media.

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The Year Ahead

2016 has been a year of significant political change. Establishment politics has been turned on its head. From the Brexit referendum in the UK, to the election of Donald Trump in the US, the shock waves kept coming.

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Reflections on John Key

The Prime Minister’s surprise announcement that he will resign on Monday has dominated the news this week. John Key said he’s been thinking about this issue all year but firmed up his decision during a recent visit to New York.

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Parliamentary Sovereignty Under Attack

Not content with creating the Treaty of Waitangi grievance industry and inserting ‘undefined’ Treaty principles into legislation – to enable activist Judges to invent new Treaty ‘rights’ - Sir Geoffrey Palmer now wants replace the sovereignty of the Queen with a new Constitution embedding the Treaty as superior law.

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Tinkering with the RMA

The new Iwi Participation Agreements will require democratically elected councils to seek the approval of unelected tribal representatives in all major decision-making. Even though many councils have more than a dozen iwi claiming an interest in their areas – each will be entitled to set up their own Agreements and be individually consulted.

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Food Regulations Under Review

Imagine being an artisan cheese maker, so proud of your product and your whole organic farming operation that you agree to Country Calendar featuring you on one of their shows. One would think that should be a good news story – but not so for 74 year old Biddy Fraser-Davies of Cwmglyn Cheese.

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The Silent Majority Fights Back

On Election Day the US electorate delivered a crushing blow to the political establishment. Against all odds, the Republican candidate Donald Trump was elected to serve as the 45th American President.

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The Paris Agreement

October was an important month for global warming advocates - New Zealand ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Essentially the Government has committed us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 - even though an estimated one million more people will be living in New Zealand by then.

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Water Rights Agenda Exposed

With the Treaty claims process coming to an end, the right to control public resources is becoming a central focus for tribal corporations as they enter the post-settlement era. Their priority is the control of fresh water.