Category: imported_weekly

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Changing Society and Re-writing History

But do the 12,000 people who signed the petition represent the views of all New Zealanders? We have set up a petition to give voice to those who are opposed to a new commemoration day to mark the land wars.

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Challenges in Education

Parents have always gone to great lengths to impress on their children that education is the key to the future. According to this age old wisdom, those who are well educated can look forward to good jobs and higher wages.

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Social Challenges and Social Bonds

The National Government has prioritised social reform. While addressing persistent social failure is a long-term process, their approach has been to use technological advancements to develop accountability measures and to provide open access to leading-edge information in an attempt to find genuine and long-lasting solutions.

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The Politics of Fresh Water Reform

Love him or hate him, John Key is one of New Zealand’s most successful Prime Ministers. Whether he becomes New Zealand’s longest serving PM remains to be seen. But his poll ratings have remained high, and to date, he has managed the high-wire act of governing in an MMP environment adeptly.

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Submissions Open on Controversial Water Reform Proposals

Last Saturday, National launched their controversial water discussion document at a Party conference at Lake Tekapo. By announcing the major reform of the country’s system of freshwater management at a remote location on a weekend, National will have ensured that that most New Zealanders are unaware that a public consultation and submission process is now underway.

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Time for Submissions on the RMA

A report on the burden to economies of environmental policies, prepared by the OECD in 2014, ranked New Zealand 28th out of 34 member countries. It highlighted that real problems exist with our system of environmental regulation.

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Time for the PM to be strong and principled

Last Thursday representatives from 12 nations - New Zealand, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, the US, and Vietnam – gathered in Auckland to sign the biggest free trade deal in history.

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Sixty One

Last week, Prime Minister John Key reminded New Zealanders that governing the country in an MMP environment is all about numbers. Or, to be more precise, the number 61 - the number of votes the government needs to pass laws in this 51st Parliament.

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Setting the Record Straight

National’s concession to tribal demands for fresh water was signalled during the partial privatisation of the State-owned power companies in 2012. It was at that time, that the government’s rhetoric appeared to change.

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The Future of Biculturalism

Sweden's open borders immigration policy, which has been described as the closest thing they have to a national religion, has been responsible for the country being swamped by refugees and asylum seekers. Almost 200,000 entered Sweden in the last year alone. Migrant services are unable to cope, and the peace and stability of the country is now at risk.