Category: imported_weekly

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Election Year Ideas

Ideas shape nations. Many big ideas are borne out of a country’s history and tradition. New Zealand’s pioneering heritage gave us our number 8 fencing wire “we can do it” approach to life that defines our Kiwi attitude.

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Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!

The NZCPR would like to thank you for your interest and support during the year ... and we wish you and your family a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy NEW YEAR!

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A New Report on the Treaty and the Constitution

We have pleasure in presenting "A House Divided", the newly released report by the Independent Constitutional Review Panel. The ICRP was convened in October 2012 when it became clear that the Maori Party was using the government’s constitutional review in an attempt to entrench the Treaty of Waitangi into a new written constitution as supreme law

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How to Win Friends and Influence Voters

The organisation spearheading the protest action against deep sea oil exploration in New Zealand waters is Greenpeace - a large multi-national corporation with 28 offices around the world, and a presence in over 40 countries. In its 2012 annual report, Greenpeace International claims to have almost 24 million supporters assisting it in environmental activism, and an income of $447 million.

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Nordic countries show the way

The Nordic countries have reinvented themselves over the last two decades, and their progress is testimony to the value of proper reform. They faced up to the problems created by governments that had grown too big and entitlement programmes that had grown too generous, to find successful solutions that reduced the size of government and ‘set their entrepreneurs free’.

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Constitutional Rights & Tribal Ambition

The problem for the wider community is that through this process, the government has become captured by the naked ambition of a race-based tribal aristocracy to co-govern the country. That this undermines the government’s commitment to a democratic society based on equal rights - relegating all other citizens to second-class status - appears of little consequence.

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Citizens Initiated Referendum

New Zealanders will soon get a chance to participate in the Citizens Initiated Referendum on asset sales. The referendum is required under law after the promoters (Grey Power, the Green Party, the Council of Trade Unions, the Labour Party, NZ Union of Students' Associations, and Greenpeace) secured sufficient signatures in a petition to Parliament this year.

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Selling sensation

We all know that in the media business, sensation sells. Advocacy groups like Greenpeace have long taken advantage of this by peddling scare stories - the world is running out of oil or food or trees, polar bears are dying out, the earth is becoming overpopulated, or melting glaciers are flooding the planet. Regrettably not enough people understand the need for scepticism over such reports.

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The State of Politics

A new Fairfax poll released today shows that while Labour has not made the inroads into National’s support that it would have hoped from the leadership change, it has stopped the loss of support to the Greens. While the poll indicates that National could govern alone, public opinion always firms up in the run-up to a general election and the polls will inevitably close.

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New Zealand’s Productivity Dilemma

As a result of his recent meetings in Washington DC with the governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Finance Minister Bill English has warned that New Zealand is still extremely vulnerable to global economic risks. Some of the world’s largest economies are about to enter unchartered territory as they shift their focus from stimulus to debt reduction - such changes will inevitably put pressure on a small country like New Zealand...