Category: imported_weekly

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Undue Influence

Predominantly journalists need to go back to their role as neutral observers and reporters of the news. And with regards to contentious issues, they need to return to providing a balance of perspectives so their audiences have reliable information on which to make up their own mind.

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Opening the Books

History is clear. The best way to grow an economy is for the Government to get out of the way and let businesses do what they do best: create jobs and wealth. New Zealand’s future should harness the entrepreneurialism, energy, and expertise of Kiwis wanting to build a good future for themselves and their families.

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A Broken Country

No other government in New Zealand’s history has treated voters with the level of arrogance and contempt shown by the Jacinda Ardern–Chris Hipkins 2020 Labour Government. It will take a herculean effort from a new government to repair the damage and heal the divisions.

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Labour's Deliberate Deception

If our climate models used realistic scenarios instead of those discredited by the UN - and the correct value for methane - we would not need an emissions trading scheme, a carbon tax, or any of the myriad of climate regulations that have been imposed onto the country.

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Dangerous Influence

The division the Ardern-Hipkins Labour Government has created through the insanity of their unmandated power sharing arrangements with the iwi elite has not only damaged the social fabric of New Zealand, it has undermined democracy itself.

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Six Years of Failure

Co-governance is a euphemism for totalitarian tribal rule. The iwi elite will call the shots and they will be accountable to no-one. They will not be able to be challenged, nor sacked. They represent the future if Labour is re-elected.

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Cultural Injustice

Labour has fundamentally undermined New Zealand’s criminal justice system since coming to power in 2017. The consequences are plain for all to see. It’s fixation with making the Maori incarceration statistics more “equitable” is dangerous. New Zealanders have a right to feel safe, and they must demand better from whoever becomes the government on October 14.

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A Big Idea

How on earth has a fiercely independent nation like New Zealand, with its number eight fencing wire heritage and strong pioneering spirit, reached a point where The Government is doing almost everything for us – including feeding our children? The answer is simple. Because we, the people, let them! But its now time to take the country back!

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All Are Equal

Essentially, the only way to remove the widespread racial preferences that Labour has introduced under their He Puapua agenda, will be for Parliament to step in with legislation that ensures New Zealand is a colour-blind society where all citizens are treated equally under the law and all discrimination based on race is illegal.

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A High Stakes Election

The only hope for New Zealand is a change of government and a new administration determined to not just halt the social and cultural revolution that has divided our society and eroded the fundamental principles of our democracy, but to reverse it.