Category: imported_weekly

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Tyranny of the Minority

Turning New Zealand back into a society where are all Kiwis are equal under the law, is the only way to build a strong and united future. Otherwise, we risk descending into the toxic race-based abyss currently being planned by the Maori Party and their allies.

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Hiding in Plain Sight - the Real Agenda

Tuku Morgan and John Tamihere have made it very clear that if the Maori Party is the kingmaker after the election, they will not settle for anything less than full ownership of New Zealand’s freshwater.

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Labour Delivers Control of Fresh Water to Maori

In reality, Three Waters was always a trojan horse used by Jacinda Ardern to hide the fact that Labour was passing control of water to Maori. Since Chris Hipkins’ Affordable Water Reform does not change that, Maori control of freshwater is set to become a major election issue.

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Goodbye Jacinda

A kind interpretation of Jacinda Ardern’s tenure is that she was naive and impressionable, and those weaknesses were manipulated, especially by the Maori caucus to advance their agenda for Maori rule.  Other interpretations are much less kind.

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The Politics of Division

What happened to Posie Parker was a disgrace. The inflammatory comments by Ministers of the Crown, the false reporting by the media, the Police failing to protect a vulnerable woman in extreme danger, verged on State-sanctioned activism.

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Tribal Takeover

A tribal takeover, orchestrated by the Labour Government without any mandate from the public, is now underway in New Zealand, creating deep social unrest and division. And while the State Sector has been a priority, forcing it onto private enterprise under threat of deregulation or funding cuts, highlights the totalitarian reality of tribal rule.

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The War on Woke

Labour is the champion of woke. Under the watch of our new Prime Minister, New Zealand has been transformed into ‘woke’ society where anyone questioning any aspect of the Government’s social justice agenda is treated as an enemy and cancelled.

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False Narratives

To achieve equality and democracy, all references to the Treaty will need to be taken out of legislation, along with all references to race. Doing so reflects two important facts: the Treaty has expired and is no longer relevant, and, as far as ‘race’ is concerned, there is only one race, the human race!

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Questioning Climate Change

Labour has pushed the country too far down the climate mitigation rabbit hole, and that what the cyclone and the floods have shown us only too clearly, is that as a nation, our focus instead should be on adaptation, so we can build greater resilience to the natural disasters that will undoubtedly confront us in the future.

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Lessons From a Cyclone

Cyclone Gabrielle was a tragedy that exposed life-threatening frailties and failures within our infrastructure network. Once the immediate problems have been addressed, a comprehensive review will be required to mitigate the effects of potentially damaging natural events in the future.