Category: imported_weekly

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Everyone Pays

Last week renowned economist and author Thomas Sowell published a column in which he shed light on the origins of Fascism. He explained that ‘real’ Fascism was introduced into Italy after the First World War by Benito Mussolini and was popular with the political ‘left’. He said, “Fascists were completely against individualism in general and especially against individualism in a free market economy. Their agenda included minimum wage laws, government restrictions on profit-making, progressive taxation of capital, and ‘rigidly secular’ schools. Unlike the Communists, the Fascists did not seek government ownership of the means of production. They just wanted the government to call the shots as to how businesses would be run.”

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When Radicals Agree

According to a recent Stuff poll, 75 per cent of the country believes that the Treaty of Waitangi is the nation's most significant event. But they can't agree whether that “event” is good or bad. (See

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Housing Affordability Crisis

Housing affordability is set to become a key election issue. Ill advised policies from local and central government are turning the Kiwi dream of home ownership into a fantasy.

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You Reap What You Sow

Cheyenne Petersen, just 18 months old, was carried into the bush by her P-addled mother Natasha - and left to die.

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The Cost of Power

Our home used to be our castle, but eight years of intrusive new laws and regulations have put paid to that.

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Winds of Change

The only good news from the Australian election is that it has foreshadowed a change in government here. Electorates grow disillusioned with parties that have been in power for too long and vote for change.

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Compromising Democracy

The Electoral Finance Bill, which seeks to impose complex restrictions on how people can engage in the democratic process during election year, was reported back from the Justice and Electoral Select Committee last week. (To read the Committee’s report click here )

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Global Mitigation or Adaptation?

The fourth and final report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was released today. Speaking at the launch, the Secretary General of the United Nations stated that climate change is putting the world on the edge of a global “catastrophe”. Such scaremongering over climate change appears to be par for the course.

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Selling Our Kids Short

The new primary and secondary school curriculum was launched this week amidst fanfare claiming that it is leading edge and progressive. However, the new curriculum may well sell New Zealand children – and teachers - short.

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Taxpayer Funded Activism

In the wake of last month’s Police raids, Tuhoe activists have asked to be left alone to establish an independent Tuhoe nation. They say that they will take up arms to defend their right to live as they please, as a country within a country.