Category: imported_weekly

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Choice Improves Quality

A good education is one of the greatest gifts that parents can give to their children: education provides skills that equip people to make their way successfully in an increasingly complex world.

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Lessons from Singapore

The unions have brought New Zealand ’s public hospitals to their knees with their five-day junior doctor strike. All non-urgent operations have been cancelled and 17,000 patients sent home.

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In Our Hands

New Zealand is a country where there should be no poverty. With cradle to the grave welfare assistance, a vast supply of available jobs, and a temperate climate where families can grow enough food to be relatively self-sufficient, not only should there be no poverty, but there should be no intergenerational welfare and no underclass either.

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Capturing the Language

“Framing” is the political left’s new buzzword for what used to be called brainwashing. It has been developed into an art form by George Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics at Berkley University and forms the basis of a paper prepared by communications consultant Claire Curran for last month’s Labour Party’s Southland Regional Conference. Called “Language Matters: Setting agendas - taking charge of the debate”, the paper describes the necessity of capturing the language for the center-left if Labour is to win the next election. It provides an insight into their communication strategy.

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Nature Knows Best

Every day, in a myriad of ways, nature reminds us of her ancient powers: whether it’s the sight of birds flocking ready to migrate on their autumn journey across the globe, or the awful devastation of cyclones, earthquakes and volcanoes, nature has a time-clock and a mind of her own. And while it is true that man has learned to harness the power of nature to some extent, and through sensible preparation minimise her devastation, our world remains largely at her beck and call.

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Economic Transformation

The Budget is an annual summary or plan of the intended revenues and expenditures of a government, providing a public blueprint of their economic agenda.

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Lucky for some, unlucky for others

It has often been said that you make your own luck, and when you read Australia ’s 2006 budget it is easy to understand why they have been called the “lucky” country.

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Harming Our Young

Our capacity to imagine dire outcomes is infinite. From the creaking of the house in the dead of night evoking vivid images of an approaching intruder, to a delayed arrival bringing fears of dreadful traffic accidents, we commonly imagine the worst.

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Treating Men's Health Equally

Last year I presented a petition to Parliament calling for the introduction of a national screening programme for prostate cancer for men. As a result of that petition, I will be making a submission to the Health Select Committee on Wednesday.

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Freedom and Prosperity

In his fascinating 1998 treatise on economics “Eat the Rich”, PJ O’Rourke investigated why some parts of the world are rich and others are poor. He compared the state of affairs in a range of countries from Cuba to Hong Kong , Albania to the USA , and concluded that the whole miracle of the modern industrial economy is based on the wealth-creating attributes of hard work, education, and responsibility, along with property rights, the rule of law and a democratic government.