Category: imported_weekly

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Prisons, Porn and P

Like most New Zealanders I was appalled last weekend to read that the killer of Lillybing had enjoyed a life of P and porn in prison. In a media interview she explained that prison “is not as hard as people make out”.

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Are you a New Zealander?

Next Tuesday is census day. Once every five years we are required by law to fill in a detailed questionnaire about ourselves and our households. The information gathered provides a snapshot of New Zealand and is used in a wide variety of different ways to determine such things as whether we have enough hospitals and schools, where new roads should be built, how many police will be needed, whether a planned shopping centre is viable, or whether an airport needs to be extended.

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The Boundaries of Free Speech

The publication of the Mohammed cartoons and the screening of South Park's bleeding Madonna episode has again exposed how tenuous the right of free speech really is.

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The virtue of self-interest

Most New Zealanders believe that we live in one of the most wonderful places on earth remote from the world's trouble spots and, with our stunning landscapes and natural beauty, many claim that we, not Australia, are the “lucky” country.

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Transforming welfare

Jamie is 20. He has never had a job. He didn’t really have an education either: because his mother never bothered with preschool, he always lagged behind the other kids, and so right from the beginning started playing truant whenever he could.

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Education or Social Engineering?

This week, in an unusual move, the Ministry of Education agreed that some Northland parents would not be forced to send their children to a poorly performing high school.

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Letter to the Prime Minister

The economy is in trouble. So much so that the Prime Minister has signalled it will become her government's major priority.

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History in the Making

New Zealand history is full of contradictions. In the very week that the government launched their $1 million road show to educate the public about the “official” history of New Zealand and the importance of the Treaty of Waitangi, a UK based group released a different interpretation of world history (see the Economist).

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The Smacking Debate

Last week the Body Shop announced that stores throughout the country would be encouraging customers to sign a petition to Parliament supporting the Green Party's bill to abolish section 59 of the Crimes Act. (click here to view the bill).

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Local government the new GM battleground

Having been rejected by central government, GM radicals are now putting pressure on local councils to further their cause.