Category: Maori Issues
What we have seen is false advertising and orchestrated ‘news’ items on mainstream media to promote a perception that there is a need for reform. We have been given false assurances that the councils will retain ‘ownership’ of their water assets despite councils having no benefits of ownership and a report prepared by the Internal Affairs Department for Standard & Poors admitting water entities will have “limited Local Authority oversight”.
Jacinda Ardern’s path to co-governance and tribal rule, has barely got off the ground, but is already proving to be a recipe for Maori privilege by an inherited elite that will divide and weaken our society. Their end goal, of course - as outlined in He Puapua - is to ‘take the country back’ to tribal rule by 2040.
It is beyond question that nothing in the case suggests that the Treaty in any way creates a partnership between Maoris and The Crown or brings into question the legitimacy of our democracy. To argue the contrary on the basis of this court case is either ignorant or wilfully dishonest.
Labour needed a circuit breaker to arrest its decline in the polls and regain control of the political narrative. But turning the country into a nation of beneficiaries is not the answer!
The ideological call for “diversity” - embraced by the Public Service’s supposedly politically neutral agencies - is now undermining the traditional objective of hiring ‘the best person for the job’, which has long been the foundation of human progress.
So how on earth have we reached this point in time where democracy is being undermined by our own Government through a bizarre attempt to transfer democratic power and public resources from all New Zealanders to representatives of billion-dollar tribal business development corporations that pay little or no tax?
It looks like the Minister of Maori Development Willie Jackson has just visited the next stop on the He Puapua roadmap to achieve, by 2040, two overlapping governments in New Zealand, one for Maori and the other for everyone else. While doing so, he is denying that the He Puapua plan is the plan.
It’s time Kiwis found their voice and defined the line between personal freedom and state control. Do we want an authoritarian regime that believes every problem can be solved through regulation - or do we want a government that will enable us to do the very best we can for ourselves and our families?
The other alternative to democracy and the free-market system and one gaining a lot of airtime among the “intelligentsia” in New Zealand is that of tribal control of the means of production and exchange whereby each tribe owns and controls its own assets and, human nature being what it is defends them from the covetous eyes of its neighbours.
Increasingly it feels there is nowhere to turn for the truth. All too often, mainstream media are seen as puppets on a string. ‘Influencers’ are being paid by central government to push its narrative. So-called ‘independent’ experts are given ‘favoured person’ status and showered with attention they wouldn’t otherwise enjoy. And social media giants - born out of the desire for free speech - are coming under increasing pressure to back government narratives.