Category: Maori Issues

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The Fatal Flaw 

And that in a nutshell is the fatal flaw with tribal co-governance. It’s an arrangement that replaces democratic accountability with authoritarian rule by a tribal elite that cares little for the public good, and acts in their own best interest.

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Official author of All Blacks’ haka was a mass-murderer 

It is likely that, in future years, the great majority of New Zealanders will look back on the Ka Mate haka with a good deal of embarrassment at the naivety and sheer historical ignorance displayed by their government, sports officials and the game’s participants.

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A professor without honour in his own country

Renowned psychologist Steven Pinker marked the death of his former teacher New Zealander Michael Corballis with a laudatory tweet. NZ’s Royal Society still hasn’t hasn’t provided an obituary after putting him under investigation for his views on mātauranga Māori.

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Māori professor under investigation for views on mātauranga Māori

Dr Garth Cooper has devoted his career to helping fellow Māori but he now finds himself in the gun over his opinions about science and indigenous knowledge. Graham Adams reports from the front lines of the culture wars.

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Delta Comes Knocking

With vaccinated Aucklanders able to spread the virus, Jacinda Ardern’s strategy will result in a surge in Delta cases. The Minister of Health expects up to 16,000 cases a week in January, with 800 in need of hospital care.

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We Don’t Love You Anymore Jacinda

You are trampling over the basic human rights of New Zealanders with socialist jack boots. This is not the New Zealand way. We feel betrayed us, and we have lost trust in your Government. That’s why we don’t love you anymore, Jacinda – and why you should resign.

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Stepping Off the Bench Part Two - Tikanga Maori

For as long as this government stays in power and the courts continue to be populated with activist judges “not particularly learned in the detail of the law” New Zealand stands at a dangerous fork in the road.

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Labour’s Health System Failure

With the health system already under serious pressure, it is sheer madness for Labour to consider pressing ahead with the upheaval that would be caused by major structural reform at a time when the Covid-19 elimination strategy is being abandoned.

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Trust in Labour Falling

Since the election, one out of every seven people who voted for Labour have shifted their support to another party. All it takes is another one out of every seven to do the same and its game over for Labour and He Puapua.

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Three Waters: Ideological government indulging sectional political constituency

Councils now own drinking water, wastewater and stormwater assets, directly or indirectly. That will change. Only iwi/Māori will have ownership rights. Directly in some respects, indirectly in others. Local authorities will have none.