Category: Maori Issues
The former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her Labour government made things much worse: through an act of the gross betrayal they implemented the secret He Puapua agenda of radicalised Maori, weaponising State institutions to deliver sovereignty goals.
Parliament’s failure to assert Sovereignty on behalf of the people and put an end to this separatist race- based movement is the primary cause of the recent riot in Parliament by members of the Maori Party and their had picked acolytes in the Public Gallery.
Concerns about Treaty principles escalated when the former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern began imposing her secret He Puapua agenda onto the country to give the unaccountable representatives of multi-million-dollar tribal business corporations, power over our lives.
The parliament in New Zealand descended into tribal Stone Age grunting on behalf of so-called indigenous rights. This is a preview of what our country could look like if we keep apologizing for our history…
November 6 was a day of reckoning for the United States. It was the day the American people delivered a regime change by electing Donald J Trump as their 47th President. In what has been described as the greatest political comeback of all times, the 78-year-old went through hell to achieve his historic victory.
The battle for democracy is still raging as the Coalition Government defends Parliamentary sovereignty against attack by tribal leaders – along with their allies in the judiciary, the media, academia and State sector - who are using a ‘weaponized’ version of the Treaty to advance Maori sovereignty.
Submissions on the Bill close October 15. Our submission can be seen below. We would urge all concerned New Zealanders to send in a submission...
As a result of the law changes, the judiciary is now on trial. Should they continue to prioritise tikanga, then the Marine and Coastal Area Act must be scrapped, and Crown ownership restored under the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act. New Zealand simply cannot afford to have activist judges effectively privatise our entire coastline to tribal interests.
The judgments in the High Court and Court of Appeal show how little regard some members of the judiciary have for the will of Parliament. In my view, the right thing to do would be to shut the door on customary title by returning the marine and coastal area to Crown ownership, managed for the benefit of all New Zealanders.
Biculturalism has been a colossal mistake. A policy introduced to help disadvantaged Maori has fuelled an ambitious takeover attempt by mega-rich tribal corporations aggressively seeking to dominate the Government and control the country.