Category: Maori Issues

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Repealing Democratic Rights

The reality is that New Zealanders do not want to be defined by race – including most of those of Maori descent. The only people who want to divide the country by race are a small but vocal minority of dangerous activists pushing for Maori sovereignty.

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The Destruction of Democracy

I have just resigned from the Northland Regional Council on a matter of principle, over how ONE vote can change a century old system of electing our local decision makers. To alter the electoral system to introduce separate seats based on race without a poll being taken of the community is abhorrent.

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A Cultural Takeover

A cultural takeover is well underway in New Zealand. Modern-day Marxism is marching through our institutions, academia, and the media. It is largely funded by taxpayers. If it is not stopped, it will divide our nation and threaten democracy itself.

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Te Reo Risks

The owners of the Huruhuru Authentic Leather shop removed their store’s Facebook page after being sent abusive messages, insults, and racist slurs but said they couldn’t afford to rename the store. The store had opened just a few weeks earlier...

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Political Agenda Endangers Lives

The ‘by Maori, for Maori, with Maori’ separatist “solution” that’s being proposed is sinister. It not only fails to address the real cause of the child abuse crisis, but it also fails to even acknowledge it. The real problem is not the government agency - nor institutional racism or colonisation - but family members threatening the safety of their children.

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RMA Misrepresentations

Minister Parker’s claim that the changes he introduced represent a “significant milestone in reforming the RMA that would reduce complexity, increase certainty … and makes significant improvements to environmental outcomes” is a gross misrepresentation - an absurdity that is patently untrue.

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Dangerous Agendas

New Zealand is not immune from the consequences of protests over the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of US Police being captured by political extremists pushing their own radical agendas.

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A Covid Farce

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is now looking foolish after thousands of people took to the streets in protest on Monday, thumbing their nose at her lockdown rules, while the Police watched on doing nothing.

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Democracy Under Threat

Progressing the Treaty ‘partnership’ agenda has been a key priority of Labour. As a result, the rights of those who identify as Maori are being elevated above those of all other New Zealanders, undermining the concept of equal rights upon which our democracy is based.

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Inquiries now imperative into Maori COVID-19 roadblocks and state complicity

Maori tribal rahui roadblocks instigated across New Zealand under COVID-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown and continued under Level 3 and even Level 2 are illegal. Independent investigations of what happened over the roadblocks have become imperative.