Category: Politics
New Zealand’s majority Labour Government is enacting a strategy to replace democracy with tribal rule by 2040 - without the consent of the public. By deliberately concealing her He Puapua agenda for tribal co-governance from voters during the election campaign, Jacinda Ardern has knowingly orchestrated an illegitimate abuse of power.
The Public Interest Journalism Fund should be seen not as evidence of a principled, altruistic commitment to the survival of journalism, which is how it’s been framed, but as an opportunistic and cynical play by a left-wing government – financed by the taxpayer to the tune of $55 million – for control over the news media at a time when the industry is floundering and vulnerable.
To be effective, welfare policy should have incentives to transition beneficiaries into work. But New Zealand has long lagged behind best practice - as the current situation, where well over 200,000 able-bodied people are on benefits at a time when the country is crying out for workers, demonstrates only too clearly.
The extraordinary rise of our regulatory state, comprised of red-tape and rules which can send the wrong signals and create woeful inefficiencies, has become public enemy number one. Our regulatory superstructure becomes vastly more opaque, year upon year, as each successive government tries to control more and more of our behaviours.
This submission is based on the expectation that the curriculum designers will develop an honest, impartial, objective and comprehensive account of the past and present development of our country. It is also a very rare and exciting opportunity to inform our young people and indeed, the rest of us, about who we are today.
It is time to put an end to deceptive politicians being able to abuse their positions of power by delivering something they did not promise when soliciting public support on the campaign trail. This kind of political dishonesty should never be allowed in New Zealand and should not be tolerated.
As probably the key element in the He Puapua strategy designed to achieve joint Maori-Crown sovereignty by 2040, the proposed curriculum is hugely important. I would urge readers, if they haven’t already, to make a submission. Feel free to use anything from my effort, if it helps. You have until May 31.
Increasingly we are coming to terms with the reality that ACTION will be needed to turn around the prevailing public mood; but that action cannot simply be left to someone else! Effective action will not take place by chance; it will require the participation of significant numbers in effective, planned and co-ordinated initiatives.
A bombshell ruling from the High Court, unless appealed, opens the door to tribal control of New Zealand’s entire foreshore and seabed. It represents a major setback for those who believe the country’s coastline and Territorial Sea should be owned by no-one and protected by the Crown for the benefit of all.
At the heart of the judge’s reasoning is the notion that “Tikanga”, a partly spiritual partly cultural concept comprising a number of strands of behaviour by which it is now said that Maori society ordered its affairs in times past can somehow translate to rules of law relevant to the multi-ethnic, sophisticated, and complex society which New Zealand now is.