Category: Regulation

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The Peter Ellis Decision

A virus has been allowed to infect the common law and it has unknowable and unpredictable consequences. We can no longer refer to the common law because it no longer is common to all New Zealanders. Unless the courts and the law command widespread community acceptance by its impartiality and universal application the door is open to anarchy.

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Labour Plans an Act of ‘Mega Stupidity’

Quite frankly the livestock emissions policy is absurd and more so given our Prime Minister is forcing this tax onto our productive sector some fifty years before the world’s main carbon emitters are planning to take any action on reducing emissions.

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The Government is intent on pricing livestock emissions - but why?

By the Government’s own modelling its scheme will send 20% of beef and sheep farmers and 5% of dairy farmers out of existence. Out of existence will also go their share of the $30b export earnings the sectors earn each year.

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Message to the PM

Let’s not forget the agenda of the PM and her Maori caucus is far from complete. We know from He Puapua that the goal is to have Maori in control of New Zealand by 2040. In 2022 they made a giant leap forward to achieve that in local government.

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The New Face of Authoritarianism

Jacinda Ardern is the embodiment of new-age socialism. But what’s actually been thrust onto the country is simply a public relations make-over of the ugly failed socialism of old, that represses freedom of expression and perpetuates failure. As a result New Zealand is now more oppressed and divided than ever before.

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Stoush Between Collectivist and Individualist Maori

Prior to this compulsory cultural renaissance people managed their own conflicts. Tension would have existed always but so did the freedom to choose. What kind of society wants to remove that freedom? One in which the collective trumps the individual.

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Questions Over Our Future

Anyone pressing for constitutional change in this political climate, no matter what their intentions, would be opening up the country to capture by separatists. There are no two ways about it - a new constitution would lead to Judge-led tribal rule.

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A Climate of Authoritarianism

The reality is that nature controls the climate, not politicians. The most sensible thing we can do is learn to adapt – as humans have always done throughout history.

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20 Reasons Why Government Waste on Climate Policy is Inexcusable

How long will New Zealand voters tolerate under-investment in all other public services to accommodate massive over-investments in the ambition of some politicians to ‘lead the world’ in Climate Policy?

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The Cost of Coercion

The pressure to get vaccinated and a lack of information about the risks, strike at the heart of the controversy over the Pfizer vaccine. Has political pressure to achieve the PM’s vaccination goals led to widespread coercion – resulting in New Zealanders not being adequately informed about vaccine risks?