Category: Regulation

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A Tapestry of Lies

Without a doubt, Three Waters has become a major battleground between the Government, attempting to elevate iwi into a permanent ruling class, and Kiwis fighting to defend ratepayer rights, democracy, and our way of life.

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Three Waters Update - December 2021

Please be assured most of your mayors will push back on any aspect of the proposals that impact our democracy - and there are many. At the end of the day, can the mandates survive a change of government? NO

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The Mātauranga Māori - Science Debate

The Royal Society Te Apārangi should review its actions in order to avoid considerable damage to its reputation as a proponent of research, science and technology in New Zealand. New Zealand should be proud to have internationally highly-acclaimed academics who are the conscience and critic of our society rather than attempt to silence them.

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Code Red for Health

Let’s be clear: health, to Jacinda Ardern, is less important than her political ambition of embedding Labour's Maori partnership agenda into all levels of government - while she has the unbridled power of an absolute electoral majority.   

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Legal Opinion: Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill

Pae ora adopts the Ministry’s lopsided application of a suspect definition and goes further to create a serious structural imbalance where the determinant is race, not health needs.

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The Fatal Flaw 

And that in a nutshell is the fatal flaw with tribal co-governance. It’s an arrangement that replaces democratic accountability with authoritarian rule by a tribal elite that cares little for the public good, and acts in their own best interest.

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Delta Comes Knocking

With vaccinated Aucklanders able to spread the virus, Jacinda Ardern’s strategy will result in a surge in Delta cases. The Minister of Health expects up to 16,000 cases a week in January, with 800 in need of hospital care.

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Economic and Health Effects of Mass Covid-19 Vaccination

From these results it seems that mass vaccination is some sort of get-out-of-jail card, as a way to get out of ruinously expensive lockdowns and allow some rebound in economic activity.

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The Great Climate Reset

Regrettably, New Zealand could be about to enter a phase of radical economic reform, justified by the Prime Minister’s desire to penalise our country through harsh new emission reduction targets, while the world's largest emitters carry on as usual with no imperatives to structurally change their economies.

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They are Laughing in Our Faces

There are literally tens of thousands of professional climate activists working on a full-time basis and drawing wages funded by these “philanthropists”. They make up the bulk of the non-delegates at the Glasgow convention. What hope does common sense or moderation have in the face of such an army of propagandists?