Category: Regulation

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Moving Ahead

Red tape and bureaucracy are still out of control in this country. The state sector is still bloated and in need of firm direction to make it productive and less obstructive. Entrepreneurial Kiwis need to be encouraged, not penalised, so they can help to turn the country around and take us forward towards a better future.

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The Electricity Saga

The pursuit of ‘Net Zero” partly driven by a mistaken belief that if New Zealand reduced its  emissions our climate will be better, has driven the ban on gas exploration and the desire to shut down our coal fired station, even though it is doing a vital job in keeping the lights on. It has also given us expensive and unreliable wind and solar power.

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NZCPR SUBMISSION: Marine and Coastal Area (Customary Marine Title) Amendment Bill

Submissions on the Bill close October 15. Our submission can be seen below. We would urge all concerned New Zealanders to send in a submission...

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The Judiciary on Trial

As a result of the law changes, the judiciary is now on trial. Should they continue to prioritise tikanga, then the Marine and Coastal Area Act must be scrapped, and Crown ownership restored under the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act. New Zealand simply cannot afford to have activist judges effectively privatise our entire coastline to tribal interests.

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The Marine and Coastal Area Amendment Bill - A step not far enough

The judgments in the High Court and Court of Appeal show how little regard some members of the judiciary have for the will of Parliament. In my view, the right thing to do would be to shut the door on customary title by returning the marine and coastal area to Crown ownership, managed for the benefit of all New Zealanders. 

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In Search of Solutions

While fixing the carnage Labour created is no easy matter, many of those serious problems that are now emerging are systemic, caused by our changing demographic - band aid solutions will help, but only comprehensive reform can save New Zealand from becoming yet another failing nation.

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There’s got to be a better way

First published May 2024: This article calls on all New Zealanders to be clear-eyed about the state of social services in this country - particularly health, education, welfare and superannuation - and to acknowledge that without major changes the system will inevitably collapse under its own weight.

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A Colossal Mistake

Biculturalism has been a colossal mistake. A policy introduced to help disadvantaged Maori has fuelled an ambitious takeover attempt by mega-rich tribal corporations aggressively seeking to dominate the Government and control the country.

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Just Equality: The simple path from confusion to common sense

Across the world, over many millennia, people have learned how best to live together, in a decent society where all share a common feeling of belonging to one larger community – in sovereign countries, unified and living together as equal citizens. 

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Takeover by Stealth

Maori are now seriously over-represented in local government at 21.6 percent. As a result, when Maori elected in Maori seats join forces with Maori Councillors in general seats, through the support of sympathetic Councillors pushing environmental and social justice causes - they will often have a majority. An effective tribal takeover of local government by stealth is now underway throughout the country.