Category: Regulation

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The Farcical and Bizarre

We seek boldness from the Coalition and industry to tackle the huge injustice of condemning farmers for being polluters when the latest science is clear: ruminants are not a problem. Saving millionths of a degree by decimating our most successful industry is as ludicrous as cutting off your hand to spite your elbow.  Could we return to sanity, please?

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Democracy in Turmoil

The iwi elite have been extraordinarily successful in persuading successive governments to progress their separatist agenda. Their takeover has 'captured' many of the country’s key institutions including much of the mainstream media, some of highest echelons of the Judiciary, the vast majority of our universities, and most State Sector agencies.

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Budget Review

The Coalition will need to keep a laser focus on eliminating wasteful spending and reducing the size of the State sector if the New Zealand economy is to really take off and deliver the prosperous future to which we all aspire.

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The Endless Inflation Budget Charade

From 2011 through 2023, failure to index the income tax thresholds pulled about a million wage and salary earners from the bottom 10.5% tax bracket into the 17.5% range and another eight hundred thousand from the 17.5% range into the 30% tax bracket.

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Time for Reform

If Sir Roger is right in his prediction that none of the existing political parties will support the proposed reforms because they don’t want to relinquish their tight-fisted grip on power, then we  will need an army of Kiwis who are prepared to help us create the momentum we will need for a change of this scale...

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Budget 2024: Policy Solutions to New Zealand’s Funding Problems

Most politicians are tribal, they support their political party right or wrong, often in the hope of getting a ministerial job down the line. I never fitted into that category of politicians. For me, policy always came first - that is policy I believed to be in the best interests of New Zealand. Today, I still find it impossible to stay silent...

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Budget Challenges

New Zealand suffers from low productivity. While many factors influence a country’s productivity, the regulatory burden plays a significant role. Instead of clearing away the mountains of mind-numbing regulations and red tape that hold up progress and deter investment, the Ardern-Hipkins Government spent six years creating more.

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New Zealand Budget - May 2024: There’s got to be a better way

This article calls on all New Zealanders to be clear-eyed about the state of social services, particularly health, education, welfare and superannuation, and acknowledge that without major changes the system will inevitably collapse under its own weight. No government has had the courage to face up to the fundamental structural flaws of our present system.

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Unwinding Labour’s Agenda

Using Letters of Expectation Labour’s Ministers were able to put He Puapua into effect, away from the spotlight of public scrutiny, transforming institutions into agents of radical indoctrination. Under their directives virtually every government organisation was required to prioritise the Treaty and Maori interests. Such requirements are now endemic.

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Rebooting Our Universities and the Science System

A critical issue for universities throughout the Western world, has been an ideological shift away from institutional political neutrality, and a focus on teaching and research excellence, towards the critical social justice politics of diversity, equity, and inclusion. DEI agendas focus mostly on race and gender identity issues and have become oppressive and exclusionary.