Category: Regulation
This plan for tribal control, which was to dominate the agenda of the new government, had been deliberately kept hidden from voters during the election. Labour feared a backlash that would have cost them votes if the public found out.
We are witnessing a remarkable turnaround in New Zealand politics. The Coalition agreement entered into by National, ACT and New Zealand First reflects the first three-party coalition deal in our country’s history. Democracy can be seen to have prevailed, with MMP delivering what a majority of New Zealanders want.
80,000 delegates and 5,000 journalists are winging their way to Dubai from all corners of the world (including thousands in their personal jets) for COP28 of the UN’s FCCC. Their earnestly stated objective is to stop the world from warming by as much as 1.5° C above the levels of 1850. Yet they know this is a lie. They know it is unethical.
The problem we face is that few political leaders have the vision or courage to introduce transformational reforms that will genuinely empower New Zealanders to build a brighter future for themselves and their families.
Labour’s decimation in the polls represents a rejection of woke. New Zealanders do not want to be divided by race, nor by any other categorisation, and nor do they want to be threatened by exaggerated climate predictions to justify authoritarian control.
A Court of Appeal decision was released last week that will have a profound influence on the future of New Zealand. Poor drafting and a radical application of ‘tikanga’ by the judiciary has delivered the exact opposite outcome from what the public was promised.
The way to hell is paved with good intentions and that is proving to be never more true than the legal circus which surrounds the interpretation of the Marine and Coastal area Act 2011.
What New Zealanders now need to consider is that even though the most destructive government in our history has been defeated, they have left democracy in a parlous state. It has been undermined by the co-governance agenda driven by a radical cabal of Labour’s Maori MPs, led by members representing the Maori seats.
New Zealand farmers feed 40 million people and the IPCC was crystal clear in the Paris Agreement – do not take any climate mitigation action that “threatens food production”. Our farmers produce food more efficiently, both environmentally and economically than any other country. It makes a mockery to penalise them.
The battle lines are drawn. On one side is a small but powerful tribal elite claiming racial privilege is necessary to improve Maori disparity, and anyone who disagrees is racist. On the other side is the majority of the population who say everyone should be treated equally, that race does not cause inequality, and calls for racial privilege is racist.