Category: Regulation

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The Great Global Warming Awakening

Before our eyes, the climate change movement is morphing into totalitarianism. With the State intruding ever deeper into our private lives will New Zealanders stand by and let them take more control, or, as a nation, will we too push back to defend our freedom and way of life?

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Wind and Solar Power Need Storage

Given that the CEO of Transpower has warned us of the risk of blackouts this year, when the lakes are full, it seems to be inevitable that if it was a dry year, we would be in serious trouble. Quite obviously, the electricity market is unable to ensure an economic and reliable supply.

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Labour is the Problem

Labour employs an army of public relations advisors and communications experts. So, it’s really no surprise to find that contrary to Labour’s record of abject failure in virtually every area of governance, a narrative of success and sound economic management is being run.

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A Budget of low expectations

The one thing I hope for from the annual budget is a government that says it will do less, not more. I’ve been hoping for that from every budget for the last 40 or so years, and each has been a disappointment.

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To be or not to be Republican or Monarchist

Teetering as we are on the brink of tribal Marxism should this government be returned to power I can think of no worse a time in our history to be considering abandoning the Monarch as our head of state. Republicans take heed.  What you are proposing will be a disaster for the survival of our democracy and way of life.

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Hiding in Plain Sight - the Real Agenda

Tuku Morgan and John Tamihere have made it very clear that if the Maori Party is the kingmaker after the election, they will not settle for anything less than full ownership of New Zealand’s freshwater.

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Naked Greed

It is no wonder that Ngai Tahu are content to let their water grab rest unresolved in the High Court when they have a cast iron legislative right through Three Waters (Affordable Water) waiting in the wings.

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Labour Delivers Control of Fresh Water to Maori

In reality, Three Waters was always a trojan horse used by Jacinda Ardern to hide the fact that Labour was passing control of water to Maori. Since Chris Hipkins’ Affordable Water Reform does not change that, Maori control of freshwater is set to become a major election issue.

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Who Owns Water?

The ownership of water is coming to the top of the political agenda with sinister connotations that it can be bought and sold and allocated on the basis of race. It is therefore timely to revert to first principles and consider just what it is the politicians are dealing with.

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Goodbye Jacinda

A kind interpretation of Jacinda Ardern’s tenure is that she was naive and impressionable, and those weaknesses were manipulated, especially by the Maori caucus to advance their agenda for Maori rule.  Other interpretations are much less kind.