Category: Social Issues

Looking at what Singapore does differently, the biggest one is Singapore doesn’t let positive patients back into the community.

The only effective way to reduce child poverty is to ensure parents are in work, not on welfare. Policies that make welfare attractive risk deepening the dependency trap.

That’s the tragedy of tribalism - vulnerable Maori families have become pawns in a complex revenue stream that relies on the number of people experiencing disadvantage increasing. Now the former Maori Party co-leader Dame Tariana Turia appears intent on using them to help her resurrect the fortunes of the party she founded.

A free society releases the energies and abilities of people to pursue their own objectives. Freedom means diversity but also mobility. It preserves the opportunity for today’s disadvantaged to become tomorrow’s privileged and, in the process, enables everyone, from top to bottom, to enjoy a fuller and richer life.

The current welfare system has failed the people of New Zealand and led to too much inequality. We need to move away from the current welfare system of tax and spend via government-owned institutions to a system based on individual choice, competition, and personal savings...

2019 was to be the year of delivery for Labour. We were told this new government would be transformational, and their policies would have a wellbeing focus. Reality has not lived up to the expectations.

New Zealanders generally support the concept of a safety net for those in genuine need. Most believe that for the able bodied, assistance should be temporary. In other words, anyone who can work, should work.

It isn't at all clear to me what this brave new world of bigger benefits with no strings attached is going to do for children. Money can't buy love. In fact unconditional money finances lifestyles that are not conducive to happy and safe childhoods.

As if the problem of suicide in New Zealand is not bad enough, the Government is now considering legalising cannabis even though cannabis use doubles the risk of psychosis and schizophrenia, thereby significantly increasing the risk of suicide.

Cannabis advocates have followed the same playbook. They press for medical legalization, then argue for recreational use. Linking legalization to medical use has proven the crucial step. It encourages voters to think of marijuana as something other than an intoxicant.