Category: Social Issues

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Waitangi Week Messages

The response to the Prime Minister's message that the Government was setting up a $20,000 Mayoral Relief Fund to help the community get back on its feet, would have been incredulity - $20,000 to support a community devastated by fire in contrast to the announcements made in the lead up to Waitangi Day of over $220 million to appease Maori.

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Where to Now?

Can I begin my comments today by saying how much I appreciate your invitation?  I have no doubt that some of you see me as a racist of the worst kind.  It is a great tribute to you that you are nevertheless willing to have me here today, at this place of great importance in our history, even though you may disagree with me on a whole raft of fundamental issues. 

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Setting the Scene – 2019!

On the face of it, the Labour-led Government would have finished last year well pleased with their progress. Their coalition was holding together strongly and the minor parties had each achieved some big policy wins.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Thank you so much for your encouragement and help over the last 12 months - the NZCPR simply couldn’t achieve what we do without your wonderful support.

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Five Policies to Improve Our Future

For nine years in opposition, Labour vilified wealth creators for political gain, only to find their tax revenue now depends on them! It's not easy for a Party that’s beholden to the anti-business trade union movement for funding and electoral support, and totally reliant on the extremist Greens to stay in Government, to revive business confidence.

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Paradise lost! Two Decades of Shocking Failure in Political Leadership

When the economic engine of a democracy fails, social and environmental imperatives become unaffordable. But rather than fix the economy, politicians have obfuscated and spent more of the nation’s precious capital on political band aids – reinforcing the downward spiral.

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Claiming Back Our Rights

I wonder if those Royal Society members who are responsible for introducing their new draft code, appreciate that in strengthening Treaty partnership requirements and implementing biculturalism they are embracing the radical political agenda of the Maori sovereignty movement.

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PC Culture Limits Free Speech

Months ago, when the Massey University Politics Society asked me to give a speech on the Manawatu campus about my time in politics, nobody could have guessed how events would unfold.

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Time for More Action on FASD

The Ministry of Health estimates that a half of all women drink alcohol while pregnant. As a result, their children may be born with irreversible brain damage and other serious disabilities that make it impossible to lead a ‘normal’ life. The cost of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder to children and society is massive.

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Homeless Child Welfare Wards

More than half of Winnipeg’s Indigenous homeless population are former State wards. Many were born with irreversible brain damage caused by alcohol in their mother’s womb at a crucial time, resulting in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Their irresponsible parents placed their own selfish drinking and drug taking ahead of their duties as parents.