Category: Social Issues

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Swimming With the Tide of Political Opinion

Politics is a battle of ideology and influence. While social media has the virtuous intent of connecting people and communities, it has also become the frontline for a colossal struggle between propaganda and the truth.

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Free Speech Under Threat

Earlier this year, Dr Bruce Moon, a retired physicist and avid historian, was invited by the Nelson Institute to give a talk at his local library. The topic he chose for his April 8th address was New Zealand's ‘fake history’ as it relates to Treaty of Waitangi issues. Four days before the event, Bruce was informed the talk had been cancelled.

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Treatise on Freedom and the 'Isms'

Personal freedom, the right to live one’s life free from the interference of others is the natural bedrock of all human beings. Over the millennia it has been something more honoured in the breach than the observance, but as mankind emerged from societies whose economies were reliant on slavery and serfdom the assertion of personal freedom became unstoppable.

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Time for Random Drug Testing of Drivers.

Far too many people driving on our roads are impaired. They are putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. The new Government needs to get real on this and put aside their political bias and give the green light to the random roadside drug testing of drivers.

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Drug testing on our roads is overdue

Road deaths involving a driver with drugs in their system are increasing and it is well past time that New Zealand gave Police the ability to check for drugs through a saliva test. As illegal drugs and legal medications become ever-more part of people’s lives, crashes involving drugged drivers are increasing.

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Labour’s Disastrous Track Record of Welfare Reform

A critical shortage of workers in the kiwi fruit industry - while 118,755 New Zealanders are registered as unemployed - is symptomatic of a welfare system that is failing to ensure able-bodied beneficiaries transition into work.

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Paying the Pipers

According to the Dominion Post, April 25, " ...the Government is setting up a welfare overhaul 'expert advisory group' supported by a secretariat of officials from different departments." Labour has promised the Greens an overhaul. The ghost of Metiria Turei hovers.

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The Pitfalls of Change

The politically correct vigilantes, who populate the media and social media are increasingly acting as judge, jury and executioner. By viciously attacking and hounding people who say things they disagree with, they are ruining careers and destroying lives

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The Mating Game and #MeToo

My parents met during “the dirty thirties,” depression years, when life was tough. They were both teachers in small schools on the prairies. My father was older than my mother, and after a brief courtship they married.

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Child Poverty: Real or Rhetoric?

The Prime Minister says she intends making child poverty a priority for her administration. However, it’s not relative income measures that are needed, but policies to end intergenerational welfare dependency.