Category: Social Issues

What has been described as a “covert 20-year plan to establish Maori sovereignty” is now being rolled out by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern under the guise of a blueprint for the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Without any mandate from New Zealanders, the Ardern Government has decided to turn this symbolic Indigenous Rights Declaration into an action plan for our country. Her ultimate goal is to elevate Maori tribal leaders to the status of a ruling aristocracy. Representing 15 percent of the population, they will exercise 50 percent of the Government’s decision-making power and control the vast economic resources that would accompany such a role.

The Maori Sovereignty Movement wants to reclaim control of New Zealand through biculturalism, return all land to Maori, impose Maori culture onto the country, ensure the Maori language dominates, and redesign the country’s institutions to prioritise Maori.

This misguide belief that the Treaty did create a partnership of governance, has been weaponised. It is no longer just a tool of convenience for self-proclaimed “influencers” but a dangerous weapon in the hands of “wannabe” politicians who seek to chart our future.

It’s not colonisation and racism that is holding back disadvantaged Maori families, but tribalism and the failed ideology of Cultural Marxism...

In this paper, I propose a new model. It states that people from hunting and gathering societies have had a harder time adjusting to industrial society, than people from societies with a long history of urbanism...

New Zealand’s child abuse problem is largely due to the incentives in public policy that encourage children to be born into homes that do not provide them with the stability of two loving parents. Changing those incentives should be the Government’s top priority...

There is something genuinely nauseating about the witch hunt that removed Grainne Moss from the head of this state entity. Naida Glavish salivating on TV about her exit; the sight of those middle-class Maori Dames fulminating against a Pakeha trying to do the right thing...

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to thank you for your wonderful interest and support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

This result is a bombshell. Essentially it means the huge sacrifices New Zealanders made during the lockdown had little impact on the virus because it was imposed after our infections had peaked - Labour’s response was too late!