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Dr Muriel Newman

Climate Deception

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This month the Coalition Government has released two new reports on Climate Change – a strategy paper HERE and an emissions reduction discussion document HERE (submissions close on August 12).

On the surface, apart from some differences around the treatment of agriculture, there is little to distinguish them from something a Labour Government could have produced. Their alarmist narrative implies man-made global warming causes adverse weather events, and they remain committed to the economically destructive goal of net zero by 2050.

All of this provides yet more ammunition to those who believe that National is Labour light!

A contest of ideas is fundamental to the proper functioning of our Westminster democratic system. Yet, we have a Parliament that has no counter view on the key public policy issue of climate change.

It appears virtually everyone in Parliament has been captured by this extremist ideology, with little tolerance for dissent. That was evident during the last Parliament when National’s Maureen Pugh was forced to back-peddle for challenging then Climate Minister James Shaw to provide evidence for his claim that humans had caused Cyclone Gabrielle.

This faith-based acceptance of man-made global warming is despite two fundamental facts that confront such extremism.

The first is that with 97 percent of carbon dioxide produced from natural sources including oceans, rocks, and volcanoes, how can human be responsible for dangerous global warming when only three percent is produced by mankind?

And second relates to the fact that since the warming effect of our main greenhouse gases is logarithmic – which means that as their concentration in the atmosphere increases, their warming effect diminishes significantly – how is catastrophic warming even possible?

As Geologist Gregory Wrightstone, an Expert Reviewer for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change explains, “Climate scientists have determined that the warming effect of each molecule of CO2 decreases significantly (logarithmically) as its concentration increases. This is one reason why there was no runaway greenhouse warming when the concentration of CO2 was approaching 20 times that of today. This inconvenient fact, important though it is, is kept very well hidden and is rarely mentioned, for it undermines the theory of future catastrophic climate change.”

It’s the same story for methane – the warming effect diminishes logarithmically as concentration increases, making it impossible to produce dangerous warming.

Given these inconvenient facts, why are we in a situation where New Zealanders who believe climate extremism has gone too far and that Labour’s Zero Carbon Act is such a danger to families, businesses, and the economy that it should be scrapped, have no voice in Parliament?

A US report published by the Rasmussen polling company in January, may shed some light on the reasons.

Their survey highlighted a significant difference in attitudes to global warming between the ‘Elites’ who influence the political agenda and run the country, and everyday Americans: “The people who run America, or at least think they do, live in a bubble of their own construction. They’ve isolated themselves to such a degree their views about what should be happening in this country differ widely from the average American’s.”

Asked if they would favour “rationing of gas, meat, and electricity” to fight climate change, 77 percent of the ‘Elites’ said yes, compared with 28 percent of regular people.

Asked whether they would personally pay $500 more in taxes and higher costs to fight climate change, 70 percent of the Elites said yes, versus 28 percent of everyone else.

And when it comes to banning modern conveniences such as gas stoves, air conditioning, SUVs, and non-essential air travel, between half and two-thirds of the Elites favour such bans compared to fewer than one in four ordinary Americans: “The Elites are wildly out of touch with the American people. To fight climate change, the Elites strongly support banning things that are part of the fabric of life in America.”

Does New Zealand have a similar problem? Does our ruling ‘Elite’ operate in a ‘bubble’ far removed from the views of ordinary people?

Or is our situation more akin to the views expressed by British historian Sir Niall Ferguson, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute, who claims the climate change phenomenon is “A bogus ideology that hardly anyone really believes in, but everyone has to parrot unless they want to be labelled dissidents – sorry, I mean deplorables?”

Is fear of being labelled “climate deniers” – to be pilloried by the press and scoffed at by opponents – the real reason New Zealand Parliamentarians are too scared to challenge this ideology?

It used to be a similar story with the race debate, of course. Few Parliamentarians were prepared to speak out against the attempted takeover by the tribal elite under the Ardern administration, for fear of being labelled “racists”. But once He Puapua was revealed and the public understood the threat to democracy, the mood changed, and opposition Parliamentarians finally found their voice, and their spine.

The legacy media must accept some responsibility for the current state of affairs. When climate change first emerged as a public concern, the media acted as the ‘Fourth Estate’, publishing both sides of an argument and leaving the public to make up their own mind.  

But once Labour became government, Stuff took the lead through their “Save the Planet” project and stopped publishing alternative views: “We’ll feature a wide range of views as part of this project, but we won’t include climate change ‘scepticism’. Including denialism wouldn’t be ‘balanced’; it’d be a dangerous waste of time.”

Sir Niall Ferguson is bucking the trend by speaking out: “As for climate change, the world is now awash in Chinese electric vehicles, batteries, and solar cells, all mass-produced with the help of state subsidies and coal-burning power stations. Our policy elite’s preoccupation with climate change has resulted in utter strategic incoherence by comparison. The fact is that China has been responsible for three-quarters of the 34 percent increase in carbon dioxide emissions since Greta Thunberg’s birth (2003), and two-thirds of the 48 percent increase in coal consumption.”

Sir Niall is right. The public are faced with utter policy incoherence.

Why would New Zealand, a tiny country that is already one of the cleanest and greenest in the world need to do much more? We already produce 80 percent of our electricity from renewable energy sources. We have the most efficient farmers in the world. The country is awash with trees. And we are so ‘green’ that urban development and roading covers less than one percent of our land area.

And the answer is that we wouldn’t need to do much more – if the Coalition Government corrected two fundamental errors in their climate modelling that are making New Zealand’s situation appear worse than it really is.

It’s a simple problem. The Labour Government’s Zero Carbon agenda uses two key metrics in their policy work that are wrong.

The first is their continued use of the IPCC’s ‘worst case’ emissions scenario called Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 which predicts such extreme sea level rise and flooding that it’s been discredited for policy-making.

As planning consultant and former Massey University lecturer, Katharine Moody, explains: “For years, I have observed a small group of local experts pushing the worst-case emission scenario, RCP-8.5 on businesses and home owners across New Zealand. And yes, councils have already been taken to court on this matter; and yes, the use of these extreme scenarios have already been found to lack scientific rigour on merit review.  

“RCP-8.5 is the climate scenario that… nobody really believes in  ̶  except for, it seems, a small cohort of experts who have secured undue influence on the Ministry for the Environment.

“These ‘high end’ scenarios should have no place in legally-binding, regulatory decision-making, such as district planning, or in the assessment of building and resource consents. 

“To my mind, there is no remedy aside from expunging all reference to RCP-8.5 from local government guidance and hence, from current planning practice. The cost to individuals, business entities and communities of ratepayers has been more than enormous already.” 

Canterbury University Professor and lead IPCC author Dave Frame is also highly critical of RCP-8.5: “If developers are required to build to standards that anticipate more frequent, more severe flooding and fires and other events, then they will have to spend more. And that cost will be passed on to the purchasers and tenants of new homes and businesses.

“If they build in a safety margin that’s actually contingent on a scenario that nobody really believes, then it’s bad policy practice. And I also think it opens the door to legal challenge.”

While the Parliamentary Under-Secretary Simon Court is well aware of the problem, warning Councils that picking extreme climate scenarios “risks lawsuits by requiring developers to design and build to overly stringent climate warming models”, to date his Government has failed to ensure that RCP-8.5 is removed from all government guidance.

And, as a result of NIWA’s discredited RCP-8.5 predictions of excessive sea level rise and flooding being incorporated into local authority plans throughout the country, the insurance industry is having a field day increasing premiums for property owners.

This is not only leaving some homeowners extremely vulnerable – unable to afford to insure their homes – but this escalation in insurance premiums has outstripped general inflation and is adding significant cost pressure to the economy that’s keeping interest rates higher for longer and penalising all New Zealanders.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, energy expert Bryan Leyland, calls on the Government to do the right thing:

“Look at the emissions scenario RCP-8.5 which is used as a key input into the computer models that postulate bigger floods, major sea level rises and the like. The United Nations has said that the RCP-8.5 scenario is obsolete and extreme and should not be used for policy-making. In spite of that it is used by most organisations in New Zealand when setting policies associated with climate change. If, instead, the scenarios RCP-2.0 or RCP-4.5 that are currently advocated by the UN, International Energy Agency and others were used, the models would project a modest level of warming that can be handled by adapting to whatever a changing climate visits upon us.”

The second major flaw in the Government’s policy framework is their claim that methane is twenty-eight times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. The UN has accepted that 28 overstates the effect of methane on global surface temperature and has corrected it to a factor of seven. Yet our Government continues to use 28 in their projections.

Since methane, which is released when cows and sheep chew their cuds as part of an ancient natural cycle that can be traced back to the dinosaurs, makes up roughly half of New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions profile, if the correct value of seven was used, instead of 28, our total emissions would fall to a level close to our 2050 target.

This would allow money earmarked for climate initiatives to be deployed into measures that would improve community resilience to extreme weather – such as rebuilding flood-damaged infrastructure, reinforcing stop banks and seawalls, ensuring rivers and harbours are well dredged, and properly addressing the problem created by forestry slash.  

However, using the incorrect methane value, the Coalition intends pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into silly ideas like carbon capture, methane vaccines, carbon forestry, and 10,000 electric car charging stations for an industry that’s in decline.

Common sense tells us that faulty assumptions lead to faulty outcomes. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the errors is significant – and the consequences, so horrendously expensive and far reaching, that they will impact on the lives of all New Zealanders.

I will leave the last word to the influential American economist Thomas Sowell: “Would you bet your paycheck on a weather forecast for tomorrow? If not then why should this country bet billions on global warming predictions that have even less foundation?”

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 *Would you like to see a Parliamentary Party promoting the repeal of Labour’s Zero Carbon Act?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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It’s not realistic and the cost to the nation Is outrageousDoug
yes absolutely.galem
Yes definitely, it’s a ridiculous waste of moneyKelly
Poison1080/Covid /sars 2, WEF/UN/WHO Agenda WAR, on NATURE, being waged all over the world, for WORLD DEPOPULATION/KALERGI PLAN. WORLD WAR 3 about to happen!!!David
We really need to expose the destructive policies of politicians who pander to the false religion of man made catastrophic climate change and waste billions of average Kiwis hard earned tax dollars on net zero targets through so called mitigation, totally wastefully and uselessly, while blindly and intentionally ignoring the real science relating to the earth’s climate and it’s history, and failing to address the very real needs to address adaption to extreme weather events, which have and will always threaten us, by proper maintenance of and improvements to infrastructure EtcJim
Yes definitelyKylie
NZ is certainly being given the run around by those who seem to think they are the Gods of this country. NZ is a small group of islands without heavy industry so i find it ludicrous to reduce emissions that wont make an ounce of difference.Doreen
It continues to amaze me how so many people believe the climate alarmist nonsense. Political parties are just reflecting what the populace want them to do. If enough people wake up to what’s really behind the scam, then the politics will change too.Steve
Labour are total HYPOCRITES… they sat on their hands, for 7 years in Government, with a huge majority, didn’t do a thing… now they want to push CLIMATE HOAX LIES! TYPICAL…David
The Labour Party need to do some serious science research and should know that without CARBON, we all die ! Basic form 3 General science….David
Wake up coalition! Stop playing politics and accept the data you fools.Steve
Auckland Island needs helpLeigh
its virtue signaling and chucking our country under the bus for no good reason.Willy
New Zealand needs to have growth so the level of debt is reduced and Labour we’re making it too hard for producers to do their jobs .Chris
When major countries like the USA repeal such Marxist ideologies will smaller countries follow. Watch Pres.D. Trump when he returns to White HouseMonica
Yes to a bold commonsense party promoting the repeal of Labours Zero Carbon Act. Along every other ridiculous green house gas emitting tax and levy that most people are not even aware they are paying. But i do not see a party or government with that intention. Let’s pull out of the Paris Agreement while we are wishful thinking. NZFirst would be the most likely party.Marty
THE ECONOMIC TERRORISM ACT CONTINUES TO GET CLOSER? As has been said these climate change policies are pedalling the biggest fraud of the 21st century and the perpetrators should be brought before the courts under an Economic Terrorism Act. Today, many democracies are either in recession or have run out of borrowing capability to prevent one. Thus, de-industrialisation is in motion due to the fallacy of swapping fossil fuel economies for inefficient, unreliable and brutally costly renewable energy-based economies. By courtesy of Sky News Outsiders the analysis of the perfect SCAM as applicable to the politics of Human Induced Climate Change is worth noting! For a good SCAM you need four devious principles or steps:- 1. The SETUP You need a couple of decades to create the setup so that the scam can be perpetrated against many! The gullible voters of the 110 democracies who have long been leached of faith and are open to any campaigns of fear like this one. Come in the political scientists like Professor Flannery in Australia who made doomsday predictions based on the destruction of the Australian climate in regional Australia. 25 years later not one single one of his predictions have come to pass. Funny no-one can find him today? 2. The HOOK Using fear; one needs to make toxic one of natures%u2019 harmless, microscopic, natural gases and create an atmospheric warming model (From your keyboard!). This also creates the first building block for socialist politicians to gain political control of the weather patterns! Now you are HOOKED! 3. The TALE A good story or TALE is a must now that you are hooked! One then only needs to gather the best of the socialist scientists to work together and dream up a computer model quickly so that real scientists do not get a chance to bring forth the results of decades of core samples and laboratory findings from around the planet that would unhook you with facts that reveal there is no evidence to support the doomsday predictions. 4. The STING !!! This is by far the best principle or step is the STING because you are now in a position to be scammed in real time and fleeced out of the contents of your wallet! Congratulations! Now we are all broke as we battle to pay for the 21 crises created by this monster that if allowed to continue will drive a large percentage of us into impoverishment as the disasters unfold! The result of such a scenario can be found by looking back into history where civil wars and revolutions were needed to remove the deliberate power and control being exercised by politicians, socialist governments and political aligned corporates. A real solution is an Economic Terrorism Act that would make the socialist modellers and the devious that support them accountable in law – bring it on!!!Frederick
Absolutely. Climate changes cannot be influenced significantly by man. There is no point in destroying this country’s economy.Gavin
Climate change catastrophe is a nonsense. The sooner eliminated, as suggested, the better – and resulting ‘savings’ deployed elsewhere…or to reduce taxes further. Likewise with our Paris Payments – has the destination of those annual contributions ever been audited AND published by Govt to the people? I’ve never seen any such result – has anyone else??Jocko
Waste of time – and resourcesGraham
To late now for CLEAN GREEN N.Z….. take a look at the devastation done to the environment, water fauna, forest, wildlife by that INCIDIOUS POISON 1080, not a peep from the LOONEY GREEN FASCISTS!!!David
The real question is why have they not done it already ?Frank
just another money-grubbing exercise, what do they care about the rest of us. The whole of govt need sacking, they are fond of putting commissioners in to run errant councils perhaps we should elect a successful businessman in to run the country, sack the slackers, and overflowing backroom boys, raise the expectations of the population to pull their weight, slap the hands of the handout brigades, make people work for their pay. A number of New Zealanders have become lazy and sloppy, it’s about time for them to GROW up. The Govt is stealing their lives and freedom from under their noses, in the name of climate change.Merryl
Absolutely repeal it. The outcome of it is unlikely to be pro business or pro life, unmeasurable, and another way of spending millions/billions of dollars to administer it for no positive outcome. The world is doing fine, just work on increasing resilience, enjoy the warmth and increased food production with the increase in carbon dioxide, which by the way is not a polutant!Graham
It’s absurd that our elected politicians don’t listen to the science that has been updated. It seems they’re working for themselves and not the people that elected them to power.Ross
Mining the right wing Hoover Institute in the US is something of an eyebrow lift for me… each to his/her own.. I’d prefer the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2921 Report which amongst many other things concluded that no only is the planet getting warmer, but the rate of warming is actually increasing. The Earth’s nearest neighbour Venus has a surface temperature of 480 degrees C, enormous clouds of CO2, no water, acid rain, and an atmospheric ground pressure 80 times that of Earth. There are suggestions that Venus may once have had oceans that have boiled away in a Runaway Greenhouse. A warning for us?Alan
It is now perfectly clear that this “religion” is yet another total fiction. It is a falacy that, if allowed to revail, will do endless financial harm to worldwide finances and totally cripple New Zealand which, comically , is about the “cleanest” nation in the world today. We are being taken for a ludicrous ride.Ronald
The whole ‘Climate Crisis’ issue is nothing more than scaremongering and all of it should be kicked into touch. The vast amount of money saved could be used constructively to address normal weather events. I did say ‘normal’ intentionally, for I can assure you that this has all happened many times over in the past.J J
Absolutely as world wide hype with no actual measurable facts to substantiateAlan
The evidenceis clear,,,,,,, it’all nonsense. Bought to us by the same crew who created the “Pandemic”.Ronmac
It makes me angry that the so many of the people I know have been totally misled by the so-called evidence supporting climate hysteria. The climate has always changed! There were ice ages followed by periods of warming. Even in human history there have been centuries-long waves up and down. These days people conflate weather with climate. Every heavy rainstorm is taken as a sign of oncoming disaster.Marla
I think we are being hoodwinkedAndrew
We have been hoodwinked . Time for a changeRob
Co2 is not the cause but is the result of warmer temperatures releasing co2 from the oceanTed
Aside from any facts, NZ can make no difference to the climate.Campbell
The whole climate change thing is a lie propagated by the wealthy who profit from it.phil
All bull s..tJeremy
It needs to go now.Mark
the lies and open deception is open for all to see and as you Muriel have articulated so well Thank yougraham
The science behind the Zero Carbon Act must be clarified based on current international information. Not the selected ideology of greenies and insignificant so-called interest groups.Chris
Ill conceivedBarry
I became interested in climate change more than 20 years ago because of my interest in superstitious beliefs. One thing that amazes me is how many people have to know so little about so many things for so many to believe that net zero is possible without a massive drop in our standard of living.John
The sooner the betterCyril
The Zero Carbon Act is just another scam after “Global Warming” and the “Emissions Trading Scheme” which is just a scheme to create tax on carbon dioxide, which is the provider of life. What is wrong with a slightly warmer world that is continuing to green with the increase in CO2. Scrap the Zero Carbon Act and put the money into improving resilience. This is after all a First World problem, the Third World would like more food and energy!Graham
I believe Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon which has manifested again after millions of years. There is little humans can do to stop this.Sue
Oh Please! Please!, somebody Please repeal it! Labours Zero Intelligence Carbon Act!Ron
Ostrich like attitudes have to gorobin
It is necessary to find out the TRUTH of the causes that is affecting our planet’s climate change. It appears to be a bit warmer these days than what it was a few years ago. So what’s causing it to be so? What ever is the true cause needs to be shouted from the roof tops so that we can adapt to whatever is coming? I really don’t think that NZ can do anything to change our weather bombs but a least we should be getting things in order ASAP in case we get further Gisborne type weather catastrophes.Garry.
It should have been done already. CO2 is after all, a plant food that is much needed.Darag
Methane is a natural gas which in turn is used to grow the grass the animals eat. I have never heard of any sea rise in NZ and water always remains level.Velma
zero carbon will achieve absolutely nothing. giving up our farming, our freedom, our lifestyles will not change the weatherjohn
Crimeit ChangeMark
Their idealism has already been proven to be false – what more needs to be said?Trevor
It’s an absolute waste of time. Carbon is essential for ALL life to exist with plant life benefiting from more carbon. PLUS, nature has an amazing way of balancing carbon in appropriate ways and at amazingly appropriate levels. Have you thought how long nature has been around feeding us Oxygen while we feed out CO2 to feed nature. What a wonderful arrangement!!!Stuart
It’s a load of rubbish. The majority of NZers are fed up with it all.Valerie
Net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 is totally unrealistic. The Zero Carbon Act persecutes our minority farmers which are essential to funding our health, education and other social services.Kent
I had believed this was going to be sorted by National. I’m feeling a little disappointed wit Luxon and his promises.Pauline
The Act is a farcetony
Labour’s is living in fantasy land. Zero Carbon and Pest Free NZ are both impossible to achieve.Urban
NIWA are a pack of liars, and the present Government believe every word they say.Warren
I live in the Marlborough Sounds we sometimes get extra big tides it’s all to do with high or low pressure systemsJohn
Well overdueDaphne
YES! YES! YES!Murray
And to make it clear that there is NO looming, existential, apocalyptic climate change.Vic
As soon as possible!!murray
Definitely and soonPam
At a minimum I would like to see responses to the question as to why is RCP8.5 and the methane factor of 28 are not being corrected and publishing of such wrongs is not being shouted from the rooftops of the authorities?Alan
Inaccurate and misused scientific data does not give authority to punitively impose costs and laws on the general public and influence policy.Steve
We need to get sensible here. There has been a lot of scare mongers g from the last govt – the present govt should dispel,that fear. We were told I. The 1970,s the sea was going to rise – it still hasn’t. we are so clean here it is criminal to hurt people furtherGail
Totally without scientific supportPhillip
Lets get passed the bullshit, this government is talking about installing thousands of changing stations around the country for EVs, what the cost will be one can only guess? What is happening over seas with the auto makers is a good indication that this whole climate bullshit is starting to unwind, most if not all are going back to building petrol and diesel vehicles, reason been the EVs are to expensive to build, plus sales a plummeting, “The best news for the EV industry this month is that Ford is only losing $50,000 a car now on its electric vehicles. That’s so much better than the $132,000 it was losing last quarter. But the true economic carnage is deep and widespread. The one sure bet in the world of electric vehicles was Tesla where sales rose two percent in the last quarter but their profits plummeted 45%. The fire sale shifted cars but it burned the bottom line. Similarly Mercedes Benz profits were down 21% mostly thanks to the EVs. And Ford’s were down 35% (not surprisingly).” Without subsidies, your money, my money, our money, this whole green bullshit would be dead in the water, and while our main modern systems are staved of cash, the green bullshit is feed like a fattened pig.Sven
New Zealands influence on the earths atmosphere is so insignificant that we should not be spending billions for little to no effect. Thats crazy.Graham
Zero Carbon means literally we are all dead. Plants will not survive without Carbon thererfore nor will we. The Zero Cabon policy is all part of the WEF’s main Agenda for a One World Government. It is pure Fiction.Geoff
Net Zero is a political fraud show designed to concentrate increasing power into the hands of an unelected techno-elite class All life on earth is Carbon based. Net-Zero ultimatyely Zeros all of us.Peter
That both main parties in every country around the world are fleecing their tax slaves for climate infringements should concern everyone. True or not, I heard on the radio NZ is poised to be fined billions of $$$ for not meeting the paris climate accord goals. TAXSLAVE $$$ going to unelected organisations, AGAIN! Rosa Koiri started warning the world over a decade ago about the predator class plan on this “climate change” psyop. It has been in the making for over 50 years. ZERO of all the doom and gloom UN forecasts have come to fruition. The only conclusion I came to after seeing what has happened in the world is, the predator class want ALL the resources for THEIR future generations. National signed NZ up to the UN’s Agenda 21/ Sustainable Development in ’92. That Labour tried to save the planet by themselves in the 6 years they were in is telling in as far as “they’re all in it together”.larry
Country going down the gurglers, real quick…. something must be done SOON, because we are going to be in SERIOUS TROUBLE, very soon!!David
You put your finger on the button when you described just how well New Zealand is on its energy renewables- quite incredible and proud of our Country. The Twisted idiots who want to penalise us all are that . They thrive on twisted numerical numbers and love a limelight for anything they can add their name to as “an expert” or the many add ons to that. ps. they probably will fail the number test below—–Phulip
Two books -‘Green Murder’ by Ian Plimer and ‘Mirrors and Mazes’ by Howard Thomas Brady – have convinced me that the dangers of climate change are vastly overrated, and New Zealand politicians should not join the rat race to self-destruct our country.Richard
Global warming the biggest hoax ever.Astrid
We have much bigger problems – this is getting way too much oxygen (pun intended …)Doug
An ill informed over reaction to a non problemAlison
NZ should opt out of the Paris Agreement. The whole man-made climate change scenario is a scam.Mary
Definitely! We are being deceived, and this is just a total scam and another way of stealing money off taxpayers. Totally unrealistic…Heather
“Climate Change”- mostly Hysterical nonesense based on dubious science. common sense prevails in the long runbruce
Utter rubbish!Audrey
My University of California degree was in environmental studies. I am appalled that NZ has given way to the views of extremist climate alarmists whose work has been discredited elsewhere.Dan
Climate change… to quote a phrase… the tide is turning. This is the new inconvenient truth that is highlighted in Brian Leyland’s article.Lance
The whole climate alarm thing is a cruel hoax perpetrated by those with too much money and too much self proclaimed influence. So sad that so many people go along with it. Get rid of the stupid zero carbon act.Derek
It’s all nonsense.Kath
Time to live in the real world – which most certainly does not exist in NZ !Dane
How can we know where the truth lies if we are only told one side of the problemTony
The politicians are following the bs narrative pushed by the wef, un, elites, et al. Time for the politicians to show some backbone.Gordon
The millions of dollars for the methane gravy train is horrific given that this money could be put to better use elsewhere in NZ. All for a gas that is swamped by water vapour.Hamish
Repealing this Act would help to save my sanity! It is so frustrating to see so many gullible people swallowing the government and media lies.Elizabeth
There is no chance of that party being National as Luxon is clearly a follower of the extreme view regardless of the scientific evidence. Surprised that ACT have not picked up on this.Dave
but that would mean many so called experts would loose their funding.mike
The whole thing is a load of crap.How can people be so stupid to go along with it.Sydney
Just check out Ian Wishart’s report, on the NZ climate history!Stuart
Zero carbon is a hoax. Little NZ is doing its bit for the environment. It%u2019s the BIG polluters e.g. China, India and others who should be targeted to do their share by reducing emissions.Barbara
The arguments used have been there since day 1 virtually but only the horribly logical use them. Being seen as nice is so much easier than dodging idiot’s bullets so thanks again NZCPR.Anon
I call the many climate predictions over the years the Chicken little climate perdictions – the sky is always falling but it NEVER happensAlvin
Basic school science told us trees and vegetation absorb Co2 and give us back oxygen that we breath. Global climate change or whatever you like to call it! is the biggest rort since the Black Stump.Wayne
We can all see and view the 2024 wild weather. I am no expert but the significant changes in the weather patterns is not good so we do need to all help not put our heads in the sand. Floods, wild fires, extreme heat and tornados are all on the increase. We can all deny the obvious and put our head in the sand but we need to face reality.ALan
Any New Zealander with a molecule of critical thought knows Zero Carbon is an unachievable scamCharles
All nations are set to miss 2030 and 2050 targets allowing the climate debate to kick the can down the road. So why should NZ be the lone duck with obsolete law? Second going electric, reducing fossil feuls is all about the massive amounts of finance pouring into the sector — the Chinese see climate change as further changing the balance of power with the US. China can make low cost electric cars / trucks and flood the world with them. The US since 1945 have controlled the oil industry, with only a few minor hiccups. China see Climate Change as an opportunity to reduce the impact of US control on a key component of the drivers of the global economy. Its not abpout Climate Change.brian
If TPM can get into Parliament with 3% of the NZ vote, we should have representation in Parliament as we are far more than 3%. Do itmike
Climate alarmists(greenys) in Nelson raved that the city low lying parts would be under r water from sea level rise by 2020!! The river running through the city to the nearby sea hasn’t been into the city yet! What nonsense we have been sold.Floods occurred annually 60 years ago and no one mentioned climate change !!!Murray
Climate change cannot be attributed to human input. It is a con!Hugh
Because accurate science and historical evidence can prove CO2 and CH4 emissions will not raise atmospheric temperatures for planet Earth.Stephen
Yes you are correct CO2 is not the cause of natural climate change. We are still coming out of a Little Ice Age!John
Climate change is a myth and costings us in our Insurance Policies.Chris
The whole ETS is premised on IPCC discredited assumptionsKevin
The abuse and misuse of taxpayer funds on this “climate con” needs to end and put the money towards paying down our state debt. That would help every single person.Mark M
It is about time the scare mongering about catastrophic climate change was put to rest. Climate is a feature of naturally occurring events; not that of normal human activities.Ronnie
Councils should build better “flow through” of areas of potential flooding. Manage where building better to avoid potential flooding.James
Most definitely.John
Our economy is under enough stress without this ludicrous pandering to the climate clowns.TOBY
Slash it to 3pcKevin
One day – if I live long enough. IT HAS BEEN bs & LIES FOR TOO LONG.Doug
Labour rushed into this and I think it needs to be repealed.William Clive
I believe that the supposed climate change is a natural phenomena history shows’ it has occurred in the past.Allan
No questionDavid
The government is not following correct information and leading local government down an unnecessary path that is dangerous to our economy and New Zealanders.Jackie
You are right about the climate, of course : the world was warmer only 1000 years ago when they had farms in Greenland – it was warmer still during the Roman period – and warmest of all during the Climatic Optimum about 8000 years ago, when so much ice had melted at the poles that eustatic sea level was up 2 meters higher than today!! But I think we can and should relax : Before our coalition government has finished its first term it will be an accepted truth that CLIMATE CHANGE HYSTERIA IS A HOAX. Donald Trump, next US President, will see to that. And by then all the world’s democratic nations will tacitly accept that (including New Zealand).Andy
follow the correct facts.Leon
YES,ASAP. Get rid of this nonsense thats costing us so much. But I can see this woke Luxon having the courage to change things ,despite so much evidence from the ICCP admitting their models are wrong.Peter
Get the model right, why are we still working on outdated formulas.Heather
Common sense could prevail even.Andrew
Correlation between CO2 levels and temperature are scientifically unproven.Doug
Yes, for sure! Man-made Global warming and to have “ZERO CARBON” is a complete lie! Carbon dioxide is the giver of all life on this planet, without it, everything dies!Valerie
This whole climate change frenzy has been manufactured by the vile United Nations in order to control the world. A fake argument perpetuated by the left. Global temperatures were higher in the 11th century than they are now. How many cars back then?Peter
We know it is out dated and completely incorrect and withdrawn ny the IPPC .Douglas
Man made climate change is the biggest rout ever.David
nz emissions barely register on the worlds graph -we dont need to be trying to be the world leader re ZERO emissionsLes W
Yes, man-made climate change is a sham.Kate
It is based on totally incorrect information.Geoff
Don’t forget an expert is a drip under pressureChris
it’s just common senserussell
Its a farce is why! The evidence speaks for itself, if only our parliamentarians would read it for themselves instead of jumping on the “Doom and Gloom” bandwagon.M
it must happen!!norman
High time NZers woke up to this Climate Change nonsense stopped using Computer generated Nonsense which is purely data fed in by Naieve persons.Karen
We need to drop the hysterical response to extreme weather events and start promoting and funding professional scientific research to establish what is REALLy going on with the climate.T
It is a grasp for votes from minoritiesKen
Must read GREEN MURDER by Ian Plimer. This is a fact/ data based destruction of faith based lies.Bruce
pull out of that corrupt french agreement and loony septic politician and nutter swedish tart and all the sheep type so called experts that talk this dribble and let common sense prevail so life can go on without this extra crap that is put out by the loony greens in this country that luxon believes as well .this lump of earth has gone through all this gloom and doom many times and we are still breathing and earth is still spinning, pity all the loony fringe dont get thrown off.richard
Let’s do it.Humphrey
This so-called climate crisis is nothing, but a Ponzi scheme created to generate millions and to keep these so-called experts in a job and the taxpayer is the victim of their bull shit.ken
Climate change has been going on since the beginning of time. Various peoples, societies or governments have been jumping on the band wagon to blame human involvement. It is time it stops. and monies should be used to mitigate climate initiated damage.Dennis
RCP8.5 has Auckland’s sea level rise at 1m/100 years i.e. 10mm per year. Actual data has the average at 1.4mm i.e. 14cm/100 years. Insurance for a person I know who has never claimed on flood damage now has a $25,000 excess and premium up by 35% due to Akld Council flood map based on RCP 8.5Deborah
Time for a reality check. The hypocrisy is almost to the same level as NZ’s anti nuclear stance. We send athletes to France which has recently announced that 8 new (additional) nuclear power stations are to be built. Our main trading partner is communist China which builds approx one coal-fired power station a month – apparently, so long as ‘it’ is off-shore we can stick our collective heads in the sand and pretend we hold the moral high-ground with a holier than thou ‘policy’. A policy which, if enforced to the letter, would cripple our economy, which is overwhelmingly agrarian/maritime based. Time for some fundamental, science based, home truths.Francis
I can’t see Labour Light repealing though.John
Yes, but intelligence from parliament after all this time? Come on !!!Jim
Not promoting it! DOING IT!!!!Colin
Bring some sense back into the debate.Colin
Climate scam with out a doubt.Mike
carbon zero will be the death of us.john
Definitely, they like Labour are using the totally wrong values. Also they are ignoring the Paris agreement that nothing must interfere with food production I.e. methane from livestock. Why are they continuing this?Laura
Totally needs to goColin
Govt should use UN latest figures regarding ETSNoel
Absolutely. It is insanity,promoted by fear.DICK
It is just a cindy lac’a’kindness idea – so unnecessary and wastefully expensive. Sending money down this insatiable pipe, denies us Pharmac medicines, operations, schooling and so much else in the here and now. Insanity.murray
Zero carbon is impossible and totally unnecessaryJohn
Using the current modelling fundamentals for emissions control will sink whatever is left of NZ’s quality of life and achieve an immeasurable impact on climate change – these resources must go into infrastructural work to mitigate effects of severe weather evnts.Wilfred
There is NO climate crisis. CO2 has been far higher in the past with LOWER temperatures and if our natural forests and grasses were taken into account we would be much lower than carbon neutral No money to be made here though. When have any of the dire predictions of the past come to fruition NEVER NEVER and they never will IT IS A SCAMRobin
This ignorant approach to global warming does not appear to be accidental. It seems to part of the corrupt governmental processes now operating in most political parties.Russ
The sooner the better!!John
It’s critical in any modelling that the assumptions the model uses are robust and withstand scrutiny. With something that is so important to our economy it is negligent to base modelling on weak science and the use of worst case scenarios.Andrew
NASSA said the cyclone was caused by the Tongan volcano, which pumped 186 million tons of water into the atmosphere!!Derek
I LOVE Co2. It makes the planet greener and is a supporter of life.Glyn
It was a fraud on the public ab initio.John
YES YES YESanthony
There is too much rhetoric from supposed experts. Deal with the facts only.Russ
needs to urgentlyColin
There is too much of this nonsense that we have to tolerate from politiciansMartin
Yes and under urgency, it’s a rort!Janine
Politicians should read the facts from independant researchers and stop following the corrupted NIWA lina.Gerry
YES. It’s propaganda – it’s fraud – a socialist scam.Jude
Based on false premises. Read the IPCC science reports (and other scientific literature), rather than rely on the erroneous narrative of the politicised summary documents the media and governments love.Henry
The CO2 cycle shows that animals emit no CO2, just a small amount of methane which turns into CO2 after about 10 years. Our green grass and trees absorb more than all the CO2 we produce. The world has been far warmer in the past with no runaway warming.Mike
more and more evidence against current predictions used by Govtjohn
Time for proper science based facts to be usedDavid
An example is the refusal to recognize that it is the IPCC who dumped the 8.5 figure – ,NZ do not need to bow to ever more foolish neglecting the evidence of Global warming being proved wring.Maurice
Need to get the media to spell out the true facts of climate change from around the world expertsleo
It’s time that we stopped paying other countries for our non existent greenhouse gases and put it into NZ resourcesKen
the climate is changing just as it always has done!Shaun
I say yes BUT i would like to see new calculations based on (a) the RCP changed from 8.5 to the scenarios of both 4.5 and 2 which seems more accepted now and (b) definitely reduce the methane factor conversion to CO2 from 28 times to the UN’s latest guideline of 7 times. Then base our plans on these results.Keith
After studying climate change for many years now ever since an alarm was generated in the early 90’s I am now convinced the anthropogenic evidence is a total fraud. Climate change is now an industry and not a science. The film “Climate the Movie” has been criticised by some but the REAL climate scientists know it to be factual. We are in fact still in part of an ice age and climate change is cyclical and natural. 500 REAL scientists wrote a long informatory letter to the UN explaining there is no climate emergency and wanted a discussion. They did not even get a reply. As one REAL climate scientists said the argument for man made climate emergency is scientific fraud. The ignorant public are just suckers — where the hell does all the money go ??????Alan
We are such a small country, have large forested areas and the most efficient agricultural food production. Net Zero policies should be dropped when it comes to planning infrastructure.John
Crippling New Zealand financially for the sake of an ideology that will only at best reduce the global problem by 0.6% is stupid.Tony
our council rates projections and house insurance is really getting to rediculase levels.john
Based on reasonable fact, including the UN ‘s current data the decision to “zero rate” carbon emission is flawed. It is about as achievable as Labour’s zero road accident policy. Time to stick to the facts and amend the current policy and stop wasting the tax payers money.chris
Common sense tells us that the alarmist climate change is simply rubbish. What we should do is nod to the loony leftist governments that support the lie and ignore itHugh
Slowly but surely the tide is turning and people are starting to see the Emperor in his new clothes. The little child just needs to shout out making the masses see and understand the scam for what it is.James
Saving the planet is a pagan religion based on false statistics.Hugh
Absolutely. The whole zero carbon rubbish is a crock and the politicians know it. Time for them to find their spine and repeal EVERYTHING Labour did. It was all rubbish.Christine
When the major polluters like China, USA, India, Russia start to actually decrease their carbon output then perhaps we should make an effort. However the way things are at present any effort we make will have the same effect as putting a drop of water in a very large bucket.Richard
Based on extreme data and monies could be redirected towards an overall better environmentBruce
Absolutely. And why when it is shown that CO2 is unimportant to weather and climate do we continue to flounder around talking about emissions and maybes while our economy continues to struggle?.Kevin
It is all bullderdash but it will take a brave Party to remove it from the news or more importantly a brave news media to remove it from the news.Warren
ASAP. It’s a huge scam costing us dearly and needs to stop yesterday.Donald
Stupid stupid stupid!Clive
Needs to happen soon to assist control of escalating costs due to present climate policy settings.Chris
It’s an absoluter no-brainer – any further hesitation simply encourages acceptance that its okay for “our politicians” to lie.Jim
CC is a globalist con…what more can anyone say??Geoff
yes it needs to be repelled immediately the coalition is dragging its heals on many things & this is an important one.NIGEL
The science does not support the current climate warming theoriesBeverley
And any other plans the Liebour mob had.Mike
Zero carbon is plain lunacy.David
common sense must prevail for the good of our special countryrichard
We NZ’s do not need this stupid act.Mark
Yes, and ensure no TLA is using the current legislation to promote additional costs levied against ratepayers. I have no wish to pay rates for a District Plan to be Carbon Zero by 2023.Peter
The recent solar flares causing massive auroras in the atmosphere would affect climate more than a cows burp.Kevin
Labour were totally dreaming with this actLaurie
Yes, right now. This scam should be seen for what it is. The Govt should have already dealt to this in their first 100 day plan of action, and so far they failed.Noel
It really is a no brainer. NZ has enough grass and native bush and cold water to naturally absorb and use way more than humans here produce. The factor is 200 – 400x as much depending on how that is measured, so the Carbon Zero Act is simply ridiculous.Boud
The whole climate change deal is pure BS.Michael
We have continually been lied to and brainwashed by those in power about the effects of climate change. Time to STOP.Gifford
Humans can’t change climate change.John
Enough nonsense is enough.John
It’s already too late. Scrap it now before it erodes more of our fragile economy. It doesn’t have any credibility.Mike
This act is based totally on a false premise.Jo
Most definitely! It should be done immediately and all the money being wasted put to useful purposes.Colin
Nature takes care of itself.Janet
Scare mongering at its best by self interested red queens’ past experts mostly unqualified to be yapping about thing they dont understand. The problem is all natural. They invoke the spin to give stuff media a reason to print waffle:mike.
There is absolutely no point in New Zealand taking any action on Zero emissions, when we make no difference to the situation. It is the major polluters such as China, India etc take action. Why waste NZ taxpayer money & harm the faring sector for no reason.David
and withdraw NZ from the ETSJohn
Any woke ideas by the last govt.have to be rejected.So stupid and wasteful.We will be paying for their stupidity for years.Not sure about National if they have the backbone to change much.Especially climate ,maorification and the treaty.Ross
Yes – absolutely! – deep six it along with the rest of Labour’s fraudulent schemes.Scott
right now, no more pussy footing around. put brains in gear!Chris
No to carbon taxNorman
Muriel’s article should be emailed to every parliamentarian – can someone confirm they have done it – I do not currently have the capacity to do so.mark
But make sure they are honest men and women, if there are anyJenny
They will be heroes for doing so. It is outrageous that our government uses discredited data to impose gigantic unnecessary cost on all New Zealanders.Allan
It’s nonsense.Grahame
I thnk it,a a waste of time emailing national (who are useless like labour BUT email ACT & NZFIRST at least they do things.And MURIEL make sure BOTH ACT & NZFIRST get this newsletter.Cindy
Agreed! There are far more important issues to be dealt with in this country than trying to turn back the forces of nature which have been whirling around us since time began!Michael
Manmade climate change is an extreme over exageration of ideological claptrap.Trevor
This woke leftist ideology is already destroying & Will contribute to the high cost of living.Please let%u2019s have some common sense.Michael Andrew
Plus immediate removal or recalculation of reports in relation to RCP 8.5 – at no further cost to ratepayers – by those who have profiteered by their extreme unfounded calculations.Paula
Zero carbon act simply equates to economic armageddon.John
We are only damaging our economy and other Western countries with net zero, whatever that means in practice.Rob
The facts don’t stack up This Climate change thig has to stop. It’s Spawned a climate change IndustryLen
Seems like the coalition is turning out to be ‘ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS’, as ROME BURNS TO THE GROUND,,, Ceasar was caught fiddling……….!David
The PM needs to wake up to the lies with regard to this deceptionHeather
The sooner the better !Henk
Geologically sea levels have risen and fallen, volcanic activity has increased and decreased, and with it CO2 levels have changed. Ice ages come and go…. all nothing to do with the influences of mankind.Greg
About time the government started using common senseGareth
Most people dfont follow the science. All polititions are only after the vote.Michael
There is no climate crisis. We gave come out of an ice age and entering another. Carbon is the essence of life. Pollution is g plastics in our oceans and rivers and geo engineering are priority.Angela
No forecast is right, and without China, EU or US doing more than we are – its just a rort to remove taxes from the economy for what?Alex
Biggest Con on the NZ public.Peter
The “zero carbon” thrust is based on ideology and not science. Mainstream media are all liable for pushing and supporting this ideology.Peter
Insufficient evidence. Major polluter countries do what – nothing?Raymond
Climate change is a natural occurrence that has been happening for centuries.Ian
At CB least modify it and lessen the pecuniary aspects and exploirationMax
The whole Labour Zero Carbon Act, is a lie and fabrication, do away with it.George M.J.
The nonsensical route down the Net Zero fallacy will destroy the economies of Western nations. It is time for politicians to read other scientists.Bruce
The zero carbon act will not fix yhe climate change scamGary
The lack of factual data on the NAURALHeating and cooling mechanisms for Planet Earth and the complete absence of scientific uncertainty in any of the measurements plus the accumulated uncertainty plus the failure to discriminate between Weather and Climate is extremely disturbing coming from so called Science expertsStan
Facts speak for themselves.Mike
There is so much evidence AGAINST the need for this Act that it showed be repealedGeoffrey
The green stuff that produces oxygen loves carbon and could not live without it. What is the issue really – its all about control.Brenton
CO2 and Methane does not contribute to global warming – absolute scam!Greg
Talk about Emperor’s clothes!Mark
carbon is goodNoel
Absolutely. This whole climate change issue in nothing but a monumental farcical rort.Tony
As Muriel, and others, have pointed out – basic data is still being used that even the IPCC says was incorrect. Bad data in always equals bad results out.Barry
We have no control over the weather,eruptions or global warming.Steve
Climate Change rhetoric is a nonsense fraud. CO2 is life creating oxygen.Stephen
Certainly would! Left Forest and Bird and stopped regular donations over their promotion of this idiocy.Gail
Current policy is clearly based on the wrong premiseBruce
It is common sense to repeal this and review the method of calculationsMal
Climate is always changing. How can paying ridiculous amounts of money actually change it. We need methane and CO2 in order to live.Michele
climate change is just manipulationGill
Climate has always changed. Please explain hippopotamus bones found in the Arctic. A deafing silenceWayne
WHy does it take so long for incoming government to grasp the facts instead of continuing the climate change LieChris
Of course, it’s all a scam. Human’s cannot control the climate. We should focus on minimising our pollution, and sustainability instead.Kim
A complete virtue signalling rort – a bit like one of Golriz and Chloe’s shopping sprees!David
Its time we recognised this Climate Change rort for what it is. A total scamJohn
zero Carbon is deathLionel
This repeal must be given very high priority. It is disgusting that so much of our economy is built and controlled by discredited assumptions.Bruce
I expect National will not be the party to repeal the Zero Carbon Act. Luxon is too wet. It will be up to NZ First and Act.Mark
I’ve never believed in climate change just a money making train for someBarbara
We are already doing a fine green job in NZ, at the detriment of our people, we are not attending to the needs of the people making climate change and its huge expense more important while most of the world continues on not doing the green work.Vivien
yes yes yes down the gurgler pleaseErin
It was based on very bad assumtions and theory. Cancel it.Robbie
Climate change is a nonsense that has turned into a superstitious cult that forces lunatic policies and destructive ideas (The Kool Aid) down the public throat. The idiots in power pushing this are as out of touch with reality and the people as the court of King Louis the 16th.John
CC is the biggest hoax of this CenturyRobyn
The whole thing is a giant hoax. We must not play their game by even discussing it.Roger
I’ve never believed in manmade global warming. You only have to look at what one volcanic eruption (Pinaturbo) can do which pales man’s puny efforts in insignificance. This makes makes a mockery of man thinking he can mitigate climate change.Bill
Absolutely! It’s been observed that Centrist governments do little to change the status quo and make bold decisions. Is our present government largely wandering along in this direction?Laurence
Let’s demolish this hoax once and for all!Bryan
Is mankind so stupid it cannot cope with whatever the climate does whether cools or warms? The scaremongering is clearly making some people richer and others poorer over an invisible gas which is vital to all life and the more the better.Catherine
Thanks Muriel for bringing up this subject!!Marianne
Absolutely. We have to get rid once and for all of this malicious madness and purge our educational system and media . This cannot go on for very much longer or we end up in a tyranny we never would have thought could happen. We are already halfway there.Michael
The cost to the country in an attempt to give the world the impression that New Zealand are the “World Leader” in what has yet to be proven is nothing short of stupidity. Note, that none of Al Gores predictions 20 years ago have eventuated???Barry
You are still not getting it!! “Parliamentary Party’s” are two cheeks of the same arse, controlled by global parasites and who work against ‘we the people’ using an enslaving system called democracy (demonocracy) which works for “them” but not for us. “Parliamentary parties” need to go along with ‘their’ version of democracy which has intentionally created our problems, and a new system of the people for the people by the people can arise to take it’s place. We have to deal with the ’cause’ not the effect, and the cause is political parties and politicians working for global parasites using a system that transfers wealth and freedom from us to them.neil
Couldn’t agree more with your today’s post on climate deception . Hugh
We need fact, not elitish fancy.Leonard
The whole climate scam is to make the UN richerDavid
Our country needs to use common sense and abolish this nonsensesharon
I am sure this has been said before. Climate change ideology is the Modern version of the Emperors New Clothes, and nobody is hearing the voices telling those salivating at the feet of people control zealots. He is NAKEDTracy
Climate change hysteria is the Y2K Bug nonsense of this momentJohn
It’s proven wrongGavin
The Act is a dangerous piece of self-harm, based on nonsense.Trevor
IMHO man made global warming is the biggest con job on the planetKen
It has been a socialist style of rort since its origin. Politicians wishing for comfort and out of touch with the population (and reality). Media keeping it fuelled. The story of the Emperors New Clothes – 500 years later.Andrew
It’s about time the people started wake up to this fallacy and reports based on false data and conceptions/misconceptions.Carl
Only a foll could deny Global warming. What it is caused by is an entire other matter and one of which we have little or no control. To spend millions to achieve nothing is the height of stupidity, but to spend it to mitigate the inevitable consequences would be much wiser.Steve
There is no climate change – it’s called weatherSandra
Repeal. It is just an excuse for elitist control of our lives, right down to what we eat if we submit to it.Frank
CO2 , according to Greenland and Antarctic ice cores reached 370 ppm. during the Roman and Medieval warm periods. The levels now are hardly different during this soon to finish warm period.Ross
Sooner the betterEvans
This boondoggle has to endPhil
Totally logical to repeal this nonsenseHylton
Repeal Labour’s Zero Carbon Act immediately and withdraw our membership from the Paris Climate Treaty along with New Zealand taxpayers money.Don
we have so many politicians bowing to the bribes they take from CHina they wont want to go against the climate hoax and ruin CHinas sales of EVs and other climate items.Anna
Well we know it’s a world wide scam but what’s driving it ? Anyone with half a brain should be able to see through itPeter
Scam , deception or worse, why does this government still accept this flawed ideologyGordon
its been all bullshit from the word gobob
Humans have no influence on climate change unless extreme events such as atomic take place. We cat stop it raining, wind blowing, sun shining, etc. but think we are all-powerful? What arrogance! Or is it part of apparent the scheme to control the masses globally?Martin
wake up to the false claims, save ourselves from the zealotsGiles
MOST definitely it should be repealed. The WHOLE ZERO Carbon Act is total bullshit.Brian
There is no doubt that the climate changes from time to time and Nature always take care of these changes. What has happened in NZ over the last 6 and half years is a rort.pdm
Get rid of it!Des
We need to educate the masses that carbon is good for the planetColin
It’s all a ConBrian
All of this climate rhetoric founded on lies and corruption at the highest levels needs to be rejected by The People and beauracrats and Politician’s need to be held to account for sprogressing lies and misinformation. Luxon and National all other political parties need a big wake up or be prepared to face the consequences of their ill informed acceptance of what clearly is faceless and nameless con artists.Bruce
Mandatory organic chemistry for all Politicians perhaps?Mark
Need to relate only to NZ situation, not the worlds.Rusty
As science is updated then policy should also accordingly change.Gavin
Carbon emissions don’t cause climate change. The sun has a far bigger role in this and it is beyond our ability to influence.Maurice
Common sense must apply to all legislation not emotional nonsenseRichard
The sooner the betterGary
Just look at what influence this will havevon our primary industry, farming. New Zealand is one of the most efficient producers of meat in the world, if not the most efficient. If we impose strenuous conditions on farmers to force them to reduce output, this loss in output will only be picked up by less efficient countries. Period.Peter
We don’t need it. Just plant a tree.Rose
From the beginning the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ hysteria have been based on dodgy predictions which have since been shown to be inaccurate when dispassionately reviewed. Let’s get the real facts out there and stop the wrongly based nonsense being spread.Terry
All about grabbing more taxGreg
And hurry upRosa
For the reasons so accurately and eloquently expressed by MurielTerry
Absolutely needs to go!!robin
MPs all have rubber spines. They need a transplantRICHard
It is an anti-human cult designed for ultimate control of society. Who is the NZ politician who will be cult breaker? All too busy sitting on the fence that I can see.Roger
The cost of energy, caused by the ‘zero carbon act’ is crippling New Zealand.George
The world has heated and cooled for many years, not because of humans.Mat
Absolutely! Labour’s Zero Carbon Act is fundamentally flawed and will do nothing but continue to damage the economy; unreparably if the nonsense continues.Margaret
I doubt there is a current Parliamentary party with the spine to promote the repeal of the ‘Zero carbon act’ of any party – not just Labour. There were high hopes that ACT and NZFirst would bring sanity to Nationals’ policy decisions, however it is yet to be evident.Ted
The climate hoax is nothing but a scam.Bruce
As far as the animal effect is concerned I doubt there are any more of them than one hundred years agoRobert
It is time we woke up to scientific facts and look at creed and consumerism as our # 1 problems.Merv
Climate change is the humbug of the century. Climate of course changes, so does the weather. The NZ Govt needs to inform itself in the area and not behave like Greta dysinformation disciples.charles
We are now at 420ppm co2 which is over 30% more than a few years ago Nz releases 80 million tonnes which per capita is around 7.1 tons. That is about the same as China. The world releases about 40 billion tonnes pa. We can continue to put our heads in the sand and think that there is some other reason for rising world temperatures . Or we can take some action now to prevent rises that will have catostrophic impact For anyone to believe anthropogenic activity has not caused the increase in the heat warming agent co2 is nonsense . To think Nz is clean and green awash with trees is also nonsense. Less than 20% Nz is forested. Japan has 69%, czchec republic 60% etc Most of Europe is far higher than Nz For these reasons I do not want to see our zero carbon objective alteredGreg
Money spent in climate change orevenrion could be better spent on health or housing.Howard
Absolutely. We’re on the fast track to bankruptcy the way we’re going.Mark
Zero carbon is unscientific rubbish.Peter
Only 0.040% of the atmosphere is CO2. Any less, and the building blocks of human life are gone – no more green fields or crops. Climate change has worsened because the USA has been seeding the clouds for 15 years with nanoparticles to reduce temperatures and has destroyed the natural algorithms of the earthDavid
The elites have their heads in the sand only because they want to stay in power and the voters are too daft to do their own homework to understand the climate fallacyHilary
This unproven madness must be halted , for just like the covid scam was total fiction so are the unproven claims of fake sea level increases and the outrageous global warming scam too.fred
Replace act with targets based on the factual data you’ve noted. In doing this you will take the average voter with you & not turn more , ignorant, people against the coalition.John
It’s the pastoral livestock methane error that most needs correction.tony
Absolutely yes,yes ,yes. Come on ACTMike
Climate change is not caused by human activities. Eliminating Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere would cause plant growth to suffer.Glenn
The whole concept regarding climate change is madness.John
Has no foundation in sciencePeter
National lost my voice te when they supported net carbon zero.Tony
It is sad that so many of our politicians have fallen for the climate con. I have never believed it and possibly some of our politicians don’t either. The Greenies have brainwashed our children in the schools with this enormous scam, the rest of us will all have to pay the price.Paul
Of course, but politicians are either too gutless to admit they are wrong, or just plain ignorant of the facts in relation to the climate change debate. There is a massive amount of information and data available worldwide to prove there is no climate emergency .Your site has hosted.many excellent supporting articles from the likes of Bryan Leyland, Barry Brill and Professor Geoff Duffy but could it be that many MPs can’t read!Ian
It is well time politicians read up on grand solar minimum cycles and impacts thereof. Historical patterns often prove to be very valuable tools of understanding.Ian
It’s a no brainer to follow the path to net zero.Rex
Yes. Obviously, our politicians are either ignorant and as thick as the proverbial pigsh.t or they are simply lying. The longer this coalition continues in government the more Luxon’s true colour becomes apparent – a blue Jacinda. Hewill need to be sidelined before the next election.Alan
Man made climate change is the scam of the century. Labor, National and Luxon are prepared to sacrifice the standard of living of New Zealanders for their own selfish political gain of ideology driven by the corrupt UN and lobby groups. Lack a spine to lead. Bryan Leyland is a national treasure of common sense. How many more years of this expensive nonsense!Sam
This coalition, starting to look like a great big joke….. looks like the three of them have been scared into SUBMISSION, FROZEN by fear from racists and marxistsDavid
The question is WHY NOTBasil
Absolutely YES. it’s utter blind madness but how can Luxon et al backtrack now after publicly committing to this lunacy. We have dug ourselves a very deep hole.Alan
Absolutely! Climate change is a socialist scam. We need to get rid of all zero carbon laws and focus on improving infrastructure to cope with bad weather events.Bob
Yes, yes, yes! The country has been conned.Maurice
It is outrageous that these modelling errors are not being corrected – it is a fraud on New Zealanders.Paul
National, ACT and NZF are a huge disappointment promoting climate propaganda. They should have pledged to pull out of the Paris agreement instead. Nellie
There is no man-made global warming crisis. The politicians are misleading the country.Simon