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Bev AdairGraham Adams- Coastal Court Action Flies Under the Radar
- Mainstream journalists smell blood in the water
- Fire and Fury is often funny — unintentionally
- The philosopher stoned for his defence of science
- A professor without honour in his own country
- Māori professor under investigation for views on mātauranga Māori
- Attacks on Professors Miss Target
- Ardern’s Gamble: shutting down the “white privilege” debate
- The Wonders of MMP
- Changing an unwritten constitution
- What a bastard!
- A written constitution for NZ?
- The Challenge of Citizens Initiated Referenda
- Democracy or Dictatorship?
- The Real Story of the Anti-Smacking Referendum
- Why are New Zealanders allowing race-based privatisation of our foreshore and seabed?
- Political meddling threatens our coastline
- Tribal Privatisation Threat to Our Coast
- A Violation of the Marine and Coastal Area Act
- New Government must review the foreshore and seabed shambles
- Our foreshore and seabed now massively at risk from tribal claims
- Will the 2011 MACA Act now start stealing our beaches?
- National’s tribal privatisation assault on NZ’s best fishing coasts looms
- Our Foreshore & Seabed: precious enough to fight for
- When will iwi and Finlayson start taking our beaches?
- Why we are running a Citizens Initiated Referendum against National’s Marine & Coastal Area Act
- A Citizens Initiated Referendum to repeal the Marine & Coastal Area Act 2011 is now essential
- Giving Away the Foreshore and Seabed
- Maori Party Madness
- The 2023 Election in Retrospect
- Grainne Moss: Fall guy for deeper problem
- The Maori Seats
- The Waitangi Industry
- Wanted- A Law and Order System that works for us
- Top Cops advice to “have a go at crims” rational, effective and long overdue
- Agenda denial and framing – the Child Support Act 1991
- Should we believe the ‘experts’
- Rethinking Stopping Violence Programmes
- Let’s not kid ourselves – politics and reasoned debate
- Thinking of the Future
- Disgruntled Dads and the Family Court
- Referenda and the sway of public opinion
- Throwing money at education
- The Pressure Points of Immigration
- Election Year Economics: the Home Straight
- Election 2014: An (out of) pocket guide to the economics
- Climate change and the social importance of scepticism
- Schools, Hospitals and Raw Prawns: Those asset sales again
- Is there a Euromess in our own shop?
- The Euromess: Irresistible forces, immovable objects, and economic realities
- The Eurozone Meltdown: Part 2 – New Zealand Exposures
- The Eurozone Meltdown: Part 1 – The Why and Where of the Euromess
- The 1% balance and Belshazzar’s Feast
- The economic consequences of Mr Key
- Polls, MMP, and the ‘Bugger Off’ Factor
- Marry in haste, repent at leisure
- The Iwi Tax is Upon Us
- The foreshore smell has become deafening
- Don’t Panic!
- China, NZ and the Free Trade Agreement: Remind me again, which is the LDC?
- The NZ Dollar: End game or new game altogether?
- Nanaia Mahuta reminded me of Rob Muldoon
- Where to Now?
- PC Culture Limits Free Speech
- Is Freedom of Speech Under Threat in New Zealand?
- Budget 2016
- What Does the Government Really Intend With Respect to Fresh Water?
- The surrender is almost complete
- A Dangerous Path
- Budget 2015
- Why I disagree with Gareth Morgan
- Hikois from hell
- National’s Sixth Budget
- Are we really beating the Aussies?
- Open Bank Resolution – better than bank closure or government bailout
- How many times do we have to re-learn what monetary policy can and can’t do?
- Another missed opportunity
- Return to Orewa
- Can we catch Australia by 2025? Yes we can, but…
- Reaction to the report of the 2025 Taskforce
- NZs economic outlook – Can we ever catch Australia?
- Don’t Assume that all our Problems are the Result of “Free and unregulated banking”
- We Deserve Another Referendum on MMP
- Welfare Reform not about Fiscal Savings
- RCP 8.5: A recipe for endless waste
- 1.5°C – An Unethical Aspiration
- The Sins of the Fathers….
- Should agricultural methane be taxed?
- UNFCCC: Mission Accomplished!
- Climate Revelations
- 20 Reasons Why Government Waste on Climate Policy is Inexcusable
- Rotorua Gerrymander is a Blatant Power-Grab
- Can “principles of partnership” trump our state sovereignty
- They are Laughing in Our Faces
- Risk Assessments are not Threat Assessments
- Commissioning Transformation
- “The Envy of the World”?
- Was Level 4 a Step Too Far?
- Why is the Government brainwashing our children?
- The Zero Carbon Bill
- Is New Zealand exempt from climate change?
- It’s Climate Month – Again!
- Cause of the Pause?
- The Great Government Green-wash
- Confidence in climate scientists plummets
- 2020 Emission Targets – An Appeal to Reason
- Kawharu’s Re-written Treaty
- Willie’s Tricky Maori Engagement
- Are you OK with two governments under tribal rule?
- What Twyford tenancies could do
- Meth, evidence, govt failure
- Race appointees ammo for Winston
- Govt to blame for Maori reoffending?
- Tribalising local government
- Tribal rebellions day indoctrination not wanted
- Tribes plan for $1b plus water ownership
- The case against HB amalgamation
- Amalgamation tactics underhand
- Govt fabricating deaths in woodburner scare tactics
- Poverty, wealth, and the election
- Key govt’s $1.2b treaty settlements record
- WOF politics to hurt tenants, landlords
- Submissions reveal constitution panel’s trickery
- No hearing for non-iwi constitutional group
- Treaty Transparency Report: Never-ending settlements
- Seven reasons why the Waitangi Tribunal must go
- Turning around race-based policy
- Treaty beliefs, in their own words
- Treaty Transparency: Settlements 1989-2012
- The no-vote protest vote
- Maori politics – rights without responsibility
- Treaty payouts near $2.5b and continue to grow
- Protest without end
- Politics, Parties, Voters
- 2006 CLIMATE CHANGE AND GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE: Hansenism in the cause of command and control climate politics
- The IPCC – On the Run at Last
- Stopping the Woke Wave
- The Quota’s Crusade
- Focus on the Parents
- Will this Government End Political Correctness?
- Looking for places to cut expenditure: Tax-payer funded lobby groups
- Inquiries now imperative into Maori COVID-19 roadblocks and state complicity
- COVID-19 pretext for sweeping Maori tribal territorial claims
- Governor William Hobson – New Zealand’s Forgotten Hero
- Maori Myths & Legends: Deconstructing the Maorification of NZ
- Maori Myths & Legends: Local electors deliver stinging rebuke
- Maori Myths & Legends: LGNZ conspiracy against local democracy
- On the Money: Has MMP produced a new era of FPP elections?
- Will water flow to Maori?
- Politics, Property and the RMA
- The Smith Reforms
- Ending racial discrimination in local government
- Local Government Commission promotes racial discrimination
- Favouritism flaw spells danger
- Racist rorts in draft Auckland Plan
- Treaty train rocks on to radio waves
- Just say no!
- The Great Maori Language Rort
- A question of trust – The government and the Marine & Coastal (Takutai Moana) Bill
- The Great Foreshore and Seabed Sellout
- Revisiting the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004
- The Endless Inflation Budget Charade
- Block The Border Holes Or Get Ready For Another Bad Report
- Strengthening ETS would reduce emissions at less cost
- The Food Bill
- Youth Unemployment
- An Arrogant Affront To Democracy In New Zealand
- Why “celebrate” Waitangi Day?
- Constitutional Advisory Panel: Engagement Strategy for the Consideration of Constitutional Issues
- Set our schools free to help students excel
- Politically Correct Education and the Cultural Revolution
- How Effective Is NZ’s Education System?
- New Zealand Curriculum: Backward looking and dumbed down
- Budget 2024: Policy Solutions to New Zealand’s Funding Problems
- New Zealand Budget – May 2024: There’s got to be a better way
- Why a Lack of Imagination and Courage Threatens Our Future
- Why a Lack of Imagination Threatens Our Very Future
- Unfunded Liabilities
- The March Towards Poverty
- In a New World, New Thinking is Required
- A Better Way for New Zealand
- New Zealand – the need for change
- New Zealand Needs Reform Not Tinkering
- Judging National’s First Budget
- “Kids – it’s time to come home”
- Does ACT have a Future?
- I defended the media then; I wouldn’t now
- Another Dismal Setback for Intellectual Freedom
- A few thoughts on hate speech
- Journalism or Indoctrination?
- Doris Ferry and the phonics debate
- What No-One Talked About During the 2020 Election Campaign
- Incompetence is one thing, misinformation another
- Pushback at last against Harawira’s vigilantes
- More thoughts on the Christchurch massacres and their aftermath
- So now we know: we’re a nation of racists and Islamophobes
- Capitalism cowed: The Craggy Range backdown
- Devious, Manipulative and Deceitful
- Post-election hiatus illustrates the perversity of MMP
- The gang-up on Don Brash
- Whatever this is, it’s not democracy
- Heavy-handed Policing
- The right to free speech – more fragile than ever
- Newspapers lose readers and revenue
- Three more years
- It’s Time to Call the Teachers’ Bluff
- The Road to Hell…
- The Changing of the Guard
- The Tipping-out Point for Labour
- Free Speech, Anyone?
- The Death Rattle of Local Democracy
- The Jewelled Gecko
- The Rattle of a Grumpy (Old?) Man
- Plato’s Conceit
- The DoC Estate: the place where land goes to die
- Te Reo Risks
- Reforms to restore prisoners’ mana
- Meng Foon shares his thoughts on criticism of the treaty
- Constitutional Change by Stealth
- New charter aims to culturalise scientists – will dissidents be starved of funding?
- How New Zealand First Might “Take Back Our Country”
- Labour’s sensible delay on hate speech law
- Ihumātao reflects the Zeitgeist of 2019
- Pundits predict the year ahead in NZ politics
- Political Roundup: Greens go red
- Jacindamania
- We Need Flatter Taxes, Cleaner Rules
- Farewell to the Paris Accords
- Trump’s Tax Plan
- Trade and Immigration After Brexit
- How Is Warren Buffett Like the Pope?
- Back to Basics for New Zealand Labour Markets
- Declining Productivity as a Way of Life
- The Road to Stagnation
- Why did Labour work so hard to protect the staffer?
- Questions and answers on Curran and Hirschfeld
- New government fails to defend internet freedom
- An Abuse of Power
- Firearms law changes – Royal Commission
- NZ’s right to bear arms?
- Resource Legislation Amendment Bill – Deceptive advice to National caucus
- Sensible sentencing of Urewera four
- The New Zealand Maori Council Water Rights Claim
- Balance of power in American voters’ hands
- Tax haven status good news for some
- Serco in need of some Churchillian diplomacy
- Challenge and reward in growing ethnic mix
- Best in Show?
- COVID-19 Boosters and Rising Excess Mortality in New Zealand
- Public Misunderstanding of COVID-19 Vaccine Trials
- Economic and Health Effects of Mass Covid-19 Vaccination
- Lockdown Again
- Lockdowns only slightly postponed deaths in New Zealand
- Killed by Kindness?
- Government Mandated Lockdowns Do Not Reduce Covid-19 Deaths
- An Endless Cycle Of Despair
- New Zealand’s Maori Child Welfare Problem
- UNDRIP – Yet Another Duty To Consult
- Homeless Child Welfare Wards
- The Mating Game and #MeToo
- Child welfare system still broken
- Ngai Tahu’s tax exempt charitable status
- The Failure of Ngai Tahu holdings Corporation as a “Charitable” Entity
- Tax-payer subsidised charities and their business activities – time for change
- The Government is intent on pricing livestock emissions – but why?
- Carbon zero bill will derail our economy and wellbeing
- ETS – Hot air and cold cash
- The folly of the ETS
- If Kiwis won’t work then foreigners must do it
- State subsidies worsen tribal favouritism
- Tribalism sets honey trap for welfare
- GCSB used as a stick to bash Govt
- A Risk-Based approach to Mask-Wearing Mandates in New Zealand?
- Consequences of the Christchurch Call: Social engineering by internet platforms?
- Calling out the ‘Christchurch call’
- Fact or Counterfactional? Unpacking the Crafar Controversy.
- Defiling the Rank: How Useful are the OECD League Tables?
- Governments, Governance and Trust
- House prices
- The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill
- Silicon Valley
- Capital Taxes and Economic Growth
- Economic Inequality
- The Market Path To Prosperity
- Opportunities of a Lifetime: Lessons for New Zealand from New High-Growth Economies
- Ban beggars and watch the votes flood in
- Bureaucrats wallowing in cultural correctness*
- Leadership
- Why ponytailgate is nonsense
- The mob wants a capital gains tax? Just ignore it
- Maori seats give unwarranted influence based on race
- Homo Degeneratus
- Return of the Primitive – a world of ignorance and superstition
- Tikanga is not law
- Ruling Out Race-based Social Revolution
- Legal Opinion: Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill
- Three Waters: Ideological government indulging sectional political constituency
- Free trade, protectionism and the TPP
- The Integrity of the Climate Change Debate in New Zealand
- Climate Change Mitigation in New Zealand – the Stifling of Debate
- The Challenge of Climate Prediction
- Big little climate lies
- Feel-Good Bans on Plastic Bags Don’t Help the Ocean
- Steve Jobs on education
- Bernie Sanders, Sweden and New Zealand
- Budget 2011 doesn’t solve serious problems
- The real meaning of welfare
- Why the ETS Should Be Deferred
- Budget a Good Rolling Maul But Not a Game-Changer
- Global Warming No Longer Cool Even in New Zealand
- Unemployment Returns as a National Scandal
- Tax Working Group Report Over-Hyped
- The 2009 Budget: What’s Next?
- The End of Capitalism? Dream On!
- Budget 2008: An Admission of Failure
- It’s Not Your Money, Dr Cullen
- The Electricity Crisis: Urgent Action Needed
- The Electricity Saga
- Climate Change is NOT a Major Problem
- Net Zero Nonsense
- Wind and Solar Power Need Storage
- Escalating Power Prices
- Emissions free electricity: the dream and the reality
- The Zero Carbon Bill will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Government plans blackouts
- Do we want myth or reality?
- Local Government New Zealand leads on global warming
- The Future of Electricity Supplies in New Zealand
- No Evidence of Dangerous Global Warming
- Why we should scrap the Emissions Trading Scheme
- Why electricity prices are too high
- New Zealand’s Energy Strategy – the good, the bad, and the ugly
- NIWA and the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
- Why is electricity so expensive?
- “Salvation Circus” or Government Consultation?
- Windpower: Foolish Energy
- New Zealand Energy “Strategy”
- Energy Strategy – expensive, misleading and futile
- Retirement income policies: what we know and what we don’t
- Are home-ownership rates really falling?
- New Zealand Superannuation is expected to be cheaper?
- Are home ownership rates really falling?
- Is The United Nations A Threat To National Sovereignty?
- A Loss of Confidence
- The Rise of Violence in Schools
- Welfare – who needs it?
- Too Intimidated to Speak Out?
- DOC Promotes Ancestral Privilege
- Control the Water, Subjugate the People
- Rushed Housing & Development Authority Prioritises Maori Over All Other Kiwis
- Who’s Protecting the Public Interest?
- There’s More than One Way to Skin a Cat
- A Grab for the Gulf
- Manipulation of New Immigrants
- What’s really going on in our schools?
- Will the Reviewed Auckland Unitary Plan Save Auckland from Itself?
- Auckland Planning: Doing Less with More
- Meeting Auckland’s Urbanisation Challenge
- Resource Management for the 21st Century
- Local government restructuring – putting the cart before the horse?
- Our Economic Disaster and the Tragedy of NZ’s Political Leadership
- Paradise lost! Two Decades of Shocking Failure in Political Leadership
- Why We Have To Learn To Love Subdivision – Again
- Let’s take our councils back
- Let’s “Dis” the DURT
- Beware the dark greens
- The impact of the Simplifying and Streamlining Amendments to the RMA
- Beyond Amalgamation – Did anyone expect this?
- Beware the Dark Greens
- The Species Hoax
- Local Government – thoughts for the new year
- Stoush Between Collectivist and Individualist Maori
- Glossing over growing benefit numbers
- Māori Social and Economic Indicators under Colonization: A Picture of Progress
- A Tale of Two Tenets
- The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
- A child’s ethnicity shouldn’t outweigh their safety
- Another Working Group: Another Waste of Time and Money
- Paying the Pipers
- Plans for Benefit Changes Misguided
- Family Structure and Child Poverty: What is the evidence telling us?
- Re-inventing CYF is not the answer
- Welfare: Violence made viable
- The Folly that is Whanau Ora
- Show us the “systematic discrimination”
- MSD ups efforts to detect sole parent benefit abuse
- ELECTION 2014: Where to with welfare?
- Discussing Child Poverty in New Zealand
- Should New Zealand introduce time-limits on welfare?
- The politics of child poverty
- Vulnerable Children Bill: Will it make a difference?
- National’s welfare reforms – observations and assessment
- Born Onto a Benefit
- Latest welfare reform no cause for hysteria
- Paid Parental Leave – time to take a step back
- Welfare reforms are in the interest of children
- How welfare harms children
- National’s welfare reforms – lots of smoke but not much fire
- Welfare reform becomes political football – again
- The Social Assistance Bill
- Reforms Could Arguably be Worse than the Status Quo
- If social security had been contained, how much better off would New Zealanders be today?
- Welfare needs more than a bit of tweaking
- Welfare Reform in a Recession
- Killing Te Reo Maori – Extracts by Professor Paul Moon
- Freedom of speech in New Zealand’s universities under attack
- Cannibalism too unpalatable for some
- The Marine and Coastal Area Amendment Bill – A step not far enough
- It’s a win! Of sorts…
- Labour Crushed
- If I Wanted New Zealand to Fail
- A Budget of low expectations
- Chiefs at War
- The Three Waters Lie – democracy the loser
- The Future of Local Government in NZ
- The biggest winners from Election 2022
- 3Waters – too good to be true
- Three Waters – Many Lies
- Three Waters: Lifting the veil of complexity
- Election 2020 Reflections and 2023 Projections
- Dump the RMA
- Financial Contagion
- Official Cash Rate Surprise
- Slow progress on Marine and Coastal area claims
- Budget 2019 – Rhetoric or Well-being?
- Fairness
- High rise rents and housing costs
- Capital gains tax heading your way
- Budget 2018 – key points
- The Future of Tax
- The beaches are becoming a battleground
- Change Brings Uncertainty
- Election 2017 – the winners and losers
- Political Promises
- Inside Budget 2017
- Donald trumps Hillary
- The cost of building a home
- Papakainga Housing
- Echoes of Orewa
- New lending restrictions target property investors
- The economic horizon
- ELECTION 2014 – the winners and losers
- Beware: Housing WOF on way
- Orange – a sign of our green times
- Affordable housing
- Election 2011 – the winners and losers
- Capital Gains Tax pitfalls and false prophets
- Taxing Matters
- Local Government, for better or for worse?
- Supreme Court’s Rush to Judgment is a Constitutional Wake-up Call
- Tools to Rein in Judicial Overreach
- Fottles, Fatwas and Free Speech
- Devoy vs Voltaire
- A Magnificent Pandemonium
- The Dunce-ification of Everythink
- The Tyranny of Umbrage
- Nanny State
- After Boris – the essential reset
- The Green Dream Goes Lethal
- “Taking a knee” to the destroyers of worlds
- It’s all about the narrative. Who controls it, wins
- The Extinction of Reason
- The Universal University
- In Defence of Democracy
- The Road to He Puapua – Is there really a Treaty partnership?
- Democracy and Tribalism
- Democracy and Diversity
- How should we engage with our government?
- An Argument against Iwi Claims to Constitutional Recognition and Public Resources
- New Zealand Constitution: Why iwi have got it wrong
- Marching though the institutions
- People Power or Ethnic Elites?
- Ethnic Fundamentalism in New Zealand
- Why have so many of our recent viruses come from bats?
- Global Warming versus Global Greening
- UK Welfare reform and unemployment
- The net benefits of climate change till 2080
- Global outlook rosy; Europe’s outlook grim
- Gas against wind
- Just Equality: The simple path from confusion to common sense
- A Broken Nation – complete tribal disunity
- Yes, we have apartheid
- Our choice for the future: Equality or tribal rule
- Living under tribal rule
- Tikanga in law: what does it mean?
- The Decline of Conservation
- A Treaty of Waitangi Constitution
- A Dangerous Legacy
- The Danger of Constitutional Change
- A New Dark Stage In Our Constitutional History
- Mixed Motives in Kermadec Tangle
- Two Nations
- The Cost of Magna Carta and the So-Called ‘Maori Magna Carta’
- The Tears of Papatuanuku
- Treachery is a contemptible thing
- Our Flag
- Prosecuting Sonny Tau
- It’s Quiet; Too Quiet
- Voltaire! Thou shouldst be living at this hour!
- Review of Treaty of Waitangi Settlements, edd. Nicola Wheen et al
- The Auckland Unitary Plan
- A House Divided
- Letter to Bill English
- The place of the Treaty of Waitangi in a new constitution
- Government’s constitutional review sham
- The showdown begins
- A Treaty of Waitangi Constitution
- ‘New Zealand’s Constitution; The Conversation So Far’ (Constitutional Advisory Panel, September 2012)
- No-one owns the water
- We get the government we deserve
- Charter: Declaration of Equality
- The myth of biculturalism
- A Slippery Slope to Ruin
- Horotiu the taniwha stirs
- Time to Say “No” to Treaty Claims
- Multiculturalism and Diversity – part 1
- Foreshore and seabed public access
- Submission process a disgrace
- A crime against the public
- Who is Indigenous?
- Riding Roughshod Over Our Right to the Seabed and Foreshore
- National has no mandate for promoting racial seperatism
- The Enemy of Nationhood
- Time to be offended
- The “H” Battle
- The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Reflections on the Treaty
- The Maori Seats in Parliament
- Brits recoil from teaching respect for authority at home or school
- The Romance of Capitalism
- The Future of the Welfare State in New Zealand
- Welfare Reform in Australia
- The New Equation: Racial Preference = Unearned Privilege
- Why and How we Should Change from MMP
- A Political Priority
- The Nonsense of the List MP
- Three Waters Update – December 2021
- Three Waters Journey – Part 3
- The Three Waters Journey – Part 2
- The Three Waters Journey
- Fighting Islamic Extremism
- The Terrorist Threat
- Sustainability and the role of the university
- Evaluating performance in our universities
- Floating Nuclear Reactors: coming soon to a port near you?
- Climate and politics: Advice for the committee
- The Tyranny of Fadism: PBRF and other stories
- Losing the Working Class
- An Ugly Demonstration
- Parting Shots
- Can The State Pull The Lone Wolf Terrorist’s Teeth?
- Taking Control Of The Nation’s Story
- No Ordinary Bill
- Musings from Beirut: the new norm of e-learning
- Micronationalism and democracy don’t mix
- Depriving teachers of their democratic rights as citizens
- Making schooling work for all (even those problem teenage boys)
- The Prefu forecasts are not realistic
- The Train Wreck That Is Government Policy-Making
- Budget 2020 and Covid-19
- Why taxes are so high – and set to rise a lot more
- Bijural Law
- Enjoying the Foreshore
- Sovereignty in New Zealand
- Blowing in the Wind
- Dismantling the Constitution
- The Maori Seats in Parliament, an Anachronism
- Censorship
- A “Global Warmer” Against the Polluters
- The State Owned Enterprises Case and the Partnership Fiction
- A Time and Tide
- The Foreshore and Seabed
- October 14, 2023
- Taxing Gangs
- To be or not to be Republican or Monarchist
- Naked Greed
- Who Owns Water?
- Who Guards the Guards
- The Inquisition 2023 National Party Style
- Karl’s Marks
- Constitutional Double Dealing
- The Peter Ellis Decision
- Two Waters?
- The Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Fairy tales for the gullible
- Democracy and the Free Market Economy
- Marxism It Could Not Happen Here – Could It?
- Stepping Off the Bench Part Two – Tikanga Maori
- Stepping Off the Bench
- Notes on the Judgment of Churchman J. in the case of Re Edwards.
- Maori Lore
- Partnerships
- The Thin Red Line
- What Price Liberty and the Virus
- Colonisation by a nation of shop keepers
- What Climate Catastrophe?
- Ethnic Taxation
- Interventionist judges
- Treatise on Freedom and the ‘Isms’
- Tax cheat caught red handed
- Binding referenda – should we allow them
- The State of Democracy in New Zealand
- What Value Fresh Water?
- Best Bets 2017
- Sir Geoffrey’s last monument
- Cabinet’s intentions concerning the allocation of fresh water
- Britain’s exit from the European Union
- Waitangi Tribunal hearing on fresh water
- Water, The Rule of Law, and the Treaty
- Separatism and the Resource Management Act
- Fresh Water, Democracy and The Rule of law
- Trial by Jury in New Zealand
- Sir Ronald Davison, CMG, GBE, QC. Chief Justice of NZ 1978 -1989.
- Water yours mine or nobody’s
- Sovereignty in New Zealand
- Maori water rights a recent Supreme Court decision
- The Rule of Law or The Supremacy of The Law
- Privilege and the Rule of law
- Sovereignty and the Treaty of Waitangi
- Submissions on Constitutional Review