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Dr Muriel Newman

Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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Last month the Minister of Maori Development, Nania Mahuta, announced that the Government intended developing a national plan of action for implementing the highly controversial United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

This is the so-called ‘aspirational’ and ‘non-binding’ agreement that Helen Clark’s Labour Government had considered too radical to support, but that John Key’s National Government signed.

Given the importance of this announcement for the future, it’s worth reviewing the background in some detail.

At 4.45 am New Zealand time on the 20th of April 2010, the Minister of Maori Affairs Dr Pita Sharples announced to the United Nations in New York that New Zealand would support UNDRIP.

Later that day Prime Minister John Key announced to the New Zealand public – who had not been consulted – that the signing had taken place.

It had been a clandestine affair – no-one had been told that Dr Sharples was flying to New York with officials and selected media to sign the agreement. Those involved had been sworn to secrecy.

Supporting the Declaration was considered controversial because Helen Clark as Prime Minister had refused to sign on advice from Crown Law that it was fundamentally incompatible with New Zealand’s constitutional and legal arrangements.

At the time, New Zealand was one of only four countries that hadn’t signed – the others were Australia, Canada, and the United States, which also had in place substantial legislative frameworks associated with early inhabitants.  

In her address to the United Nations on 13 September 2007, Rosemary Banks, New Zealand’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, outlined why New Zealand could not sign the Declaration:

“Madam President, the place of Maori in society, their grievances and the disparities affecting them, are central and enduring features of domestic debate and of government action. Furthermore, New Zealand has an unparalleled system for redress accepted by both indigenous and non-indigenous citizens alike…

“It is therefore a matter of deep regret that we find ourselves unable to support the text before us today. In particular, four provisions in the Declaration are fundamentally incompatible with New Zealand’s constitutional and legal arrangements, the Treaty of Waitangi, and the principle of governing for the good of all our citizens.

“These are Article 26 on lands and resources, Article 28 on redress, and Articles 19 and 32 on a right of veto over the State.

“Madame President, the provision on lands and resources cannot be implemented in New Zealand. Article 26 states that indigenous peoples have a right to own, use, develop or control lands and territories that they have traditionally owned, occupied or used. For New Zealand, the entire country is potentially caught within the scope of the Article. The Article appears to require recognition of rights to lands now lawfully owned by other citizens, both indigenous and non-indigenous, and does not take into account the customs, traditions, and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned. Furthermore, this Article implies that indigenous peoples have rights that others do not have.

“In addition, the provisions on redress and compensation, in particular in Article 28, are unworkable in New Zealand, despite the unparalleled and extensive processes that exist under New Zealand law in this regard. Again, the entire country would appear to fall within the scope of the Article and the text generally takes no account of the fact that land may now be occupied or owned legitimately by others or subject to numerous different, or overlapping, indigenous claims. It is impossible for the State in New Zealand to uphold a right to redress and provide compensation for value for the entire country – and indeed financial compensation has generally not been the principal objective of most indigenous groups seeking settlements in New Zealand.

“Finally, the Declaration implies that indigenous peoples have a right of veto over a democratic legislature and national resource management, in particular Articles 19 and 32(2). We strongly support the full and active engagement of indigenous peoples in democratic decision-making processes. We also have some of the most extensive consultation mechanisms in the world, where the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, including the principle of informed consent, are enshrined in resource management law. But these Articles imply different classes of citizenship, where indigenous have a right of veto that other groups or individuals do not have.

“Unfortunately, these are not the only provisions that cause us difficulties; for example, we also have concerns about Article 31 concerning intellectual property.

“Madame President, New Zealand takes international human rights and our international human rights obligations seriously. But we are unable to support a text that includes provisions that are so fundamentally incompatible with our democratic processes, our legislation and our constitutional arrangements. These provisions are all discriminatory in the New Zealand context.

“This Declaration is explained by its supporters as being an aspirational document, intended to inspire rather than to have legal effect. New Zealand does not, however, accept that a State can responsibly take such a stance towards a document that purports to declare the contents of the rights of indigenous people. We take the statements in the Declaration very seriously and for that reason have felt compelled to take the position that we do.”

The clauses that Rosemary Banks referred to in the Declaration are as follows:

Article 19

States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them.

Article 26

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired…

Article 28

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to redress, by means that can include restitution or, when this is not possible, just, fair and equitable compensation, for the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used, and which have been confiscated, taken, occupied, used or damaged without their free, prior and informed consent…

Article 32

2. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources.

Article 31

1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as the manifestations of their sciences, technologies and cultures, including human and genetic resources, seeds, medicines, knowledge of the properties of fauna and flora, oral traditions, literatures, designs, sports and traditional games and visual and performing arts. They also have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over such cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions…

Altogether UNDRIP – see HERE – consists of 46 Articles which confer special rights on indigenous people that elevate their status above that of all other citizens. These include the right to “self-determination” and separate self-rule, through their own political, economic, legal, social and cultural systems. It includes separate education, health and housing (all funded by the state), the right to virtually all of New Zealand’s land and resources, the right to on-going compensation, and the right of veto over the actions of the Government.

Furthermore, the thorny issue of defining who is an ‘indigenous’ person is resolved through self-identification in Article 33: “Indigenous peoples have the right to determine their own identity or membership in accordance with their customs and traditions.”

The whole Declaration is at such great odds with the concept of New Zealand as a modern democratic nation where people of all races are equal before the law, that it’s almost impossible to understand how John Key and his National Government could have justified even contemplating signing. At the time the PM said the Declaration was a symbolic aspirational affirmation of indigeneity. The warning that UNDRIP was it is in fact a lever to set in motion an agenda which would see the tribal elite assuming higher authority over domestic matters than other New Zealanders, was ignored.

On announcing the signing of the Declaration, John Key said, “As a Government, we can be proud of the fact that we have worked through any difficulties supporting the declaration have presented. While the declaration is non-binding, it both affirms accepted rights and establishes future aspirations. My objective is to build better relationships between Maori and the Crown, and I believe that supporting the declaration is a small but significant step in that direction.”

He outlined what he believed was a crucial safeguard: “The statement in support of the Declaration, reaffirms the legal and constitutional frameworks that underpin New Zealand’s legal system, noting that those existing frameworks define the bounds of New Zealand’s engagement with the declaration”.

New Zealand First’s leader Winston Peters expressed concerns about the Declaration: “The United Nations Indigenous Peoples Declaration was signed in the dead of night at the UN in New York. The people were never consulted. This declaration says that in a dispute over New Zealand laws, some New Zealanders’ rights over-ride the rights of others. And in time, this is going to be written into our laws. This is the final step on the road to separatism. This is the road to Zimbabwe.”

Now, in announcing they will implement UNDRIP, it is Winston Peters’ Government that intends taking that “final step on the road to separatism”.

According to a Cabinet minute, on 5 March 2019 Government Ministers – including Winston Peters – agreed that the Minister of Maori Development would develop a national plan of action for the implementation of the Declaration. A technical working group will be established and “an engagement process with iwi, hapū and whānau that embodies New Zealand’s best practice under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Declaration” will be developed.

The Minister is expected to report back her plan by August.

So there you have it. Thanks to his approval, the final step to separatism that Winston Peters warned about is now underway.

Public concerns about the Declaration, that National dismissed as scaremongering, are now coming to fruition. By allowing themselves to be manipulated by the Maori Party into introducing a powerful weapon for Maori supremacy, National set the scene for its implementation.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator is former Canadian Judge Brian Giesbrecht, who outlines his deep concerns over the fact that Canada not only signed UNDRIP in 2010, but under their progressive PM Justin Trudeau, are implementing it into law:

“Canada has always been solidly with The United States, Australia and New Zealand In refusing to acknowledge UNDRIP as anything more than an aspirational document. But now it seems that the current government has thrown all caution to the wind, and intends to force UNDRIP through Parliament as Canadian law. Bill C-262 has received third reading in the Commons and first reading in the Senate. Unless wiser heads in the Senate can stop this juggernaut we may soon be saddled with a monster that will destroy jobs, compromise Canada’s economic future, and negatively affect the governance of the country.

“The Prime Minister has previously vowed to make his Indigenization agenda impossible for succeeding governments to undo. He has also publicly stated that he is determined to make his view of Indigenous advancement his most important legacy. It seems that he is prepared to do these things at all costs – even if that means severely diminishing the Canadian economy, and making the country effectively ungovernable in the process.”

Heaven help us if Winston Peters and his Government decide to do the same thing!


Do you agree with the Government that the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples should be ‘implemented’?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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I can see no reason whatsoever to support this. Colin
Here we have the ugly face of the communistic UN meddling in our country’s affairs. Nanaia Mahuta from a racist Maori parliamentary seat is at the UN today pleading her indigenous bias; she is also Local Govt. minister – what a disaster for our country on both counts. Oh Winston Peters, where is our referendum on the Maori seats? Monica
We already have The Treaty of Waitangi Louise
Maori are NOT indigenous to New Zealand. Doug
All citizens of NZ should have equal rights. Lew
NO NO NO. The only way this should be addressed is by a public referendum and BRING BACK DEMOCRACY – DEFEND OUR NATION FROM TREACHERY, GREED, LIES AND DECEIT. Save New Zealand from apartheid! CMT
No I do not agree. Peter
Definitely NO, NO, NO! It is an unjust and untrustworthy plan. It would bring us to total apartheid – cause civil war in this nation. Everyone who is not affiliated with the Sovereignty movement will rise up against it. We will be facing a civil war in this land. Early settlers used and inhabited waterways, coasts, and land – cleared forests and established farming, built houses and established towns. Much of our coastline is owned by descendants of the the early settlers – what will happen to that ownership? Maori sovereignty is a lie. The Mori-Ori people were living here long before any maori set foot on land here. As an established group of people we do not see any attempt by Mori-Ori to clalim the nation. They are honoured and respected far above any member of the Sovereignty group – which needs to disband and accept equality with all other citizens. This is right and just way ahead for New Zealand. A footnote – all claims for sovereignty is surely an act of treason against The Crown!!!. CM
Once again it shows you cannot trust politicians and shows that they are being manipulated by Maori once again, yes we are on the road to Zimbabwe and South Africa. Heaven help us. Fraser
This is political correctness gone mad! Cyril
There is a conscious stirring of discontent within this nation. Politicians better be aware we the people are fedup to the back teeth with their concealment and fait accompli attitudes. Disgusting political sleazeballs. Robert
When people who are one sixteenth or one thirty-second can claim to be indigenous, something is wrong in our country Florence
It may make some sense in the context of very backward, isolated indigenous tribes in places such as the Amazon or the Andaman Islands, but not when we are looking at indigenous peoples who are well integrated into mainstream society. Barend
I warned John Key about this before they signed, but he said not to worry since “it had no teeth” in law – yeah right !! Laurie
It is discriminatory and racist. A typical UN botch. Richard
Not another thing to separate us, we already have the Treaty! Kate
close the road to apartheid – do not implement it Alan
As this would result in unequal human rights, it must be avoided at all cost. Each NZer should have equal rights. Keith
asked to become a new-zealander many years ago,I was assured that the nz democracy was identical to the dutch one/ it certainly is not I now notice Guus
Modern day Part-Maori aren’t the Indigenous People of New Zealand. Fred
Absolutely not We must have control of our borders and let in only those who will live peacefully here Anything that gives the Maori elite more say in running the country must not be implemented under any circumstances Colin
We haven’t any New Zealand indigenous people. There were people here before the Maori landed. Jacinda is just back-scratching, AGAIN. Josephine
Didn’t like our previous woman dictator but at least she was right not to sign but along came the traitor key who sucked up to the bunch of half caste tribes and signed up and getting a knight hood for destroying this great country and now our tear jerking pm and peters is/has sold this country to a bunch of corrupt face less people in NY and NZ, lets bring back the few remaining moriori from the chathams as they were the original indigenous people not the bunch of half caste ones we have now and start afresh by tearing up the so called waitangi treaty. Richard
We are being hoodwink by Winston et al. Catherine
i do not like the secrecy i grew up with openess . i am not proud any more to be a new zealander Zelda
Trouble ahead. John
Unbelievable but true. Where we are now and where we are heading.. Norm
Truly,l i’m fed up with all this tribal hoo-hah. Get a job. Mabel
Hold the front page! Latest! Read all about it! “Tail wags dog”. Given the obvious intent of this and the previous ‘governments’ to retain power at all costs, even by bowing down to the maoris, there is no surprise in this latest episode of stupidity. TOBY
It has all gone to far. We are all equal it was confirmed by Article 3 of the Treaty. It is wrong that democracy is being slaughtered by successive governments. Margaret
Everyone born in NZ is indigenous as well as being parented by a family that at some time immigrated to NZ. Arthur
The UN should be shut down Bruce
Who are the indigenous people? Moriori, maori or early settlers from around the world. One law for all citizens of NZ please! Mark
How many generations of a family need to live in a ‘country’ before they are considered indigenous? ‘Maori’ originally arrived in what is now New Zealand 7 – 800 years ago. Scientific evidence shows that there were already humans living here at that time (and back at least to the Taupo eruption a thousand years earlier). It is probable that immigrant ‘maori’ exterminated these humans to expropriate their resources. My caucasian ancestors arrived in NZ in 1840, but, they or their fellow 19th century immigrants did not try to exterminate maori, So, as a country of immigrants, why would we want to elevate the status of some citizens above others on the grounds of race – that is institutional racism? Francis
We are all New Zealanders. This type of policy seeks to divide Kiwis and is harmful. We all pay tax. We all contribute. No one should feel any less than anyone else. Harriet
Indigenous people are people who ‘have always been there’. New Zealand has no indigenous people – Maori can tell you the name of the waka on which their people arrived relatively recently. All we have is some settlers who arrived earlier than others. Gail
Frightening!! Martin
The Treaty of Waitangi covers the rights of all New Zealanders . Why should one small minority have extra privileges. The Maori’s claim to be Taunga Turuwhenua is incorrect the Morriori’S were the Taunga Turuwhenua of New Zealand . This does not mean Maori can assume this role. Wendy
absolutely no! This will lead too apartheid all over again! Ron
Yet another apartheid system to be fought against. Ross
I can’t express my anger here, they wouldn’t print it. Athol
NO Peter
Definitely not! Ridiculous. Tom
Definitely NO Arthur
Sadly tribalism does not work. I beg the government to stop this separatist program. Lachlan
John Key should be tried for TREASON. N.Z. has NO INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, All; by their own admission, arrived comparatively recently, via boats, from lands near & far. Maori were ruthless in their slaughter of people already here, & only with civilization introduced by Europeans, did their stone age culture start to disappear. This is not hate speech, this is FACT.. A.G.R.
Isn’t wonderful living in the Democratic Dictatorship of New Zealand when there are SO MANY discrepencies happening, even historically right form our countries founding document…….. The Treaty of Waitangi, manipulated to seem like it’s ALL ABOUT the Part Maori people of NZ and not taking into consideration ALL other NZers, it is nothing less than Reverse Apartheid and a Revolution is needed to STOP all this NONSENSE from going any further. Now I will be labelled RACIST or the correct word is RACIALIST and a “White Supremsist” for speaking out on vital issues for NZ, but of course I’m not allowed an opinion am I, or I will be labelled as I said above! Bruce
Maori people or I had better say “Part Maori” people in NZ are just like many other civilisations that have come here, are also immigrants…….NOT Indigenous people. The Treaty of Waitangi is a scam and a sham! The original version in English, then translated into Maori has been underminingly manipulated to take away the original meaning of it being a Treaty for ALL NZers, NOT just the Maoris! So, let’s STOP this nonsense of calling or letting the Part Maori people of NZ call themselves “Indigenous People” so they can have SPECIAL RIGHTS, discriminating against all other people living in NZ…Kiwi Land. It is well overdue for NZers to stand up and STOP all this Reverse Apartheid, if we all supposed to one people as Chch massacre brought out, let’s all live together, as ONE in peace and harmony! Mr John Key, you went against our NZ Laws to further your cause of a cosy relationship with the Maori Party as it was then and shame on you for doing so! If it has gone against NZ Law and Constitution, then the decision must be reversed immediately if someone has big enough Kahunas to attempt to do so in our Reverse Apartheid country of Aotearoa…..”The Land of the Wrong White Crowd”…..!!!!! Please feel free to publish this in your Newsletter, this country needs a REVOLUTION to straighten our SO MANY discrepencies in our social structure, laws and culture! Bruza
What happened to equality under the law for all? Carol
How on earth did National get us into this appalling mess?….and how do we get out of it? David
Too many preferences already for one nation Brian
Maori are not actually “indigenous” are they? While they may have arrived before the later European Colonisation, there were already peoples living in NZ (Moriori) and evidence of previous occupation pre the Asteroid strike and tsunami, near Stewart Island in the 1400s, that destroyed or covered all shore proximity occupation evidence. John
This is a crazy suggestion that has no place in N Z Pete
It spells ruination for the future of my Great Grandchildren and others. It is all about the $ Laurel
Don’t trust a damned one of them – our politicians are all a bunch of lying bastards. Regardless of what they promise, they’re intent on taking us down this path of destruction, and I see no way out of it and no return. Fighting it appears to have no effect whatsoever, and the process carries on regardless. Dale
It,s time for N.Z. people to show that they are NOT SHEEP & STAND up for themselves & MAKE ALL mp,s from ALL parties KNOW that this is NO GO. Cindy
Fact,the UN is nothing more than an expensive impotent waste of time.But socialists like Ardern and her communistic rabble will sell us out to such a proposal.Our indigenous people are Maori and they can be proven to be nothing more than crime,child abuse and welfare bludgers.Why don%u2019t the UN investigate this mob for what it%u2019s worth -nothing,! Don
What a terrible future exists for our children! Brian
HELL NO! Ooh, is that hate speech? We must ALL challenge the term “indigenous” whenever we hear it uttered. Along with the “principles of the Treaty”, it is becoming fact through repetition. Here is THE principle of the Treaty: Sovereignty for citizenry, that’s it. Make it your mantra, folks. Lesley
oppose systemic racism Angelica
What a load of cobblers. Ardern and her cronies are kowtowing to a few instead of governing for all..This country is going to the pack. Benjamin
I am SO over all this Maori privilege!! Race based legislation is racism! Jan
BUT it don’t matter a damn. There are only two indigenous people in the world: the Inuit and the Australian Aborigine. New Zealand has been misled to believe in the MOARI RACIST PROPAGANDA that they are indigenous to NZ. That’s just plain, outright BULLSHIT. Never let a MOARI lie to you: they all sailed here in canoes and then proceeded to EAT the people who were here before them. So how can an IMMIGRANT RACIST MOARI be indigenous when (a) they sailed here and (b) there were people here before them? The only way they can do this is by TELLING BIG OLD PORK PIES. The only way they can succeed at their MOARI RACIST AGENDA is if we continue to give in to their LIES and EMOTIONAL RACIST BLACKMAIL. Whenever one of them says “THAT’s RACIST!” tou know for a FACT they have been caught out in THEIR RACIST LIE. Don’t fall for the RACIST BLACKMAIL: aks them quietly and politely how anything you have said relates to race or colour of skin. Then listen for the “THAT’S RACIST!” and quietly and politely ask again. Time to stop MOARI RACISM dead in its tracks. Wise up people: these MOARI RACISTS are only AFTER THE MONEY that someone else has to work hard for. It’s all about GREED. Mark
No No No Iain
Hell NO!!! If this comes to pass then there is no stopping the hard line activists from dispossessing everybody and anybody as they see fit and we will have a situation like South Africa now — the only difference being that the oppressors are a mean spirited minority doing whatever they like to all who are not of Maori descent. This is getting really scary and that will not end well. Obviously there seems to be no firewalls in this legislation which would protect the non Maori population against wilful dispossession or even expulsion from the land the owned rightfully Not to mention forcing people out of the country.That is worse than Scharia law—- GOD help us.. Michael
no,no,no,no,no not ever,thepart maori along with the ,un can go to hell,we are all one people as from 6/2/1840 and that is that bloody stirrers. James
We will become worse than Zimbabwe Penina
And we still call ourselves a democracy ! John
it would give the Maori to much power to hinder nz progress for every body. Tony
Get us out of the UN now. The UN is ineffective and interfering in member countries affairs Keith
Gone forever the understanding of equality of people. Malcolm
Understanding what I’ve just read in Muriel’s newsletter, I’m dumbfounded that politicians have not sounded out the feeling of the general public before signing this insidious document. Tony
Key is a treacherous bastard who only cared about staying in power (short-term) and enriching his mates. The Comrades are much the same. God defend NZ. Our politicians certainly aren’t. Fiona
Firstly, check the meaning of indigenous! I interpret indigenous to mean born in this country. Maori readily acknowledge that there were people here before them, so how are they any different from anyone else born in NZ? Elizabeth
Apartheid on our doorsteps! Eric
one law for all Peter
The final step to apartheid? Peter
The vast majority of the UN membership is made up of countries that hate western democracies and would do anything to hasten their demise. Why did the National Party support a law they knew would cause resentment amongst white people, and also making it easier for the Labor Party to finish the process? Is NZ First going to do the right thing for the citizens or will they add to the division and resentment? Rex
No, this is unnecessary Rob
Lord help us John
Leading to separatism Andrew
There is apparently no governmental definition of indigenous. Some years ago it was ruled in the Hague that Maoris were native to New Zealand but not indigenous. Without a definition the validity of any legal discussion is questionable. Donald
Maori will be laughing all the way to the bank if this is implemented John
Maori are an immigrant race who arrived here maybe 400 years before the rest of us. Hard to consider them indigenous to NZ in my view. Can you imagine it the other way round – I don’t think so! Kevin
Absolutely not. Graeme
We are one people, one law for all. Louise
It would be yet another racially divisive action, in a country already facing major racial issues, such as the vast claims made to the entire coastline by various IWI. Hugh
Most definitely not! All New Zealanders are equal. None have rights the others do not. To enforce otherwise will cause friction between everyone. We want to live together in peace, and respect each other. Diana
Anarchy will result John
Racism rampart. AND NO Part-Maori is indigenous by the dictionary definition of the work and no act of parliament caan claim otherwise. Bruce
One NZ law Tom
Drastic step towards separatism, which is something we don’t need or want Graham
Without your careful scrutiny, I would have been completely in the dark, with no knowledge of what the signing would actually mean. Thanks. Dick
Get rid of the law as quickly as possible before we turn into another Zimbabwe IAN
Zero consultation before signing up and now putting it ino law. Andrew
The whole idea is based on a false premise; namely, that Maori are the ‘indigenous’ people of New Zealand. They arrived here, in dribs and drabs, in about the fourteenth century A.D., just a few hundred years before the Europeans. In other words, regardless of what the U.N. might declare, there are no indigenous people in this country; the Maori claim to that status is false. John Key’s part in this was both naive and reprehensible: he has left us with a potentially catastrophic mess. Winston Peters’ antipathy to Maori (especially iwi) elitism is profound and enduring, and I cannot see him agreeing to any part of this betrayal of democracy. He has shown the Labour Party that nothing important will happen without his say-so, by vetoing the CGT. I strongly believe that he will let the Maori separatists run away with their crazy ideas until late in the piece, and will then tell them to get lost. Graham
No Way. In the first place Maori are NOT indigenous to New Zealand. Secondly there are only Part maori peoples calling themselves Maori, . This also creates Race discrimination and is contrary to The Treaty and New Zealand Law there are only Part Maori Don
We cannot let this happen. We do a disservice to Maori by allowing them more rights than non Maori. Suggesting that they cannot be successful without special treatment. Linda
Too many UN-decisions and “declarations” complicate an allready chaotic human existence – not “uniting” but frustrating more peaceful areas as in Aotearoa/NZ. Stanley
A disaster in the making and dividing the nation! Hilary
That would open up yet another can of worms. Maori are already given far more than any other NZ citizen and yet, they keep putting their greedy hands out for even more. Des
Tribalism should be dead look at all the Maori language seeping in to radio and tv Bev
The power is in Winston’s hands. We saw this with the cgt. Edward
Absolutely not. Do our tribal early settlers want their cake and eat it as well. Jeff
No, not unless John Key’s statement about NZ Law can supersede all claims is fully understood and able to be used. Commonsense says No. Robert
How do we bring about some thing when we have no indigenous. in NZ does not make sense Russell
God help us if they do! Keith
Absolutely not. I have never been one to use Hate Speech but a move to implement this disgusting concept will put me out there as one vile son-of a -bitch. Frank
If this government and PM Jacinda Adern is truly democratic they will listen to the majority of NZ citizens who have had enough of apartheid in this country. UNDRIP will lead to more division. Maureen
It should make little difference to New Zealanders as Maori are not the indigenous people despite several failed attempts to legally say they are. As it does not apply to them … or to any other people in New Zealand this is just another attempt by Maori activists to re-write history. Robbie
It is UN trying to clandestinely implement world government. WE in NZ should be the ONLY masters of our own destiny based on current democratic principles. Geoff
This would be the last straw for NZ. It would mean the end of all we value and put a lot of people at risk of personal and financial damage. Murray
Whatever has happened to Jacinda’s “we are one people” etc? ron
Societies adapt to the prevailing circumstances. Lets not get bogged down in trying to address ‘someones;’ version of history. Rob
Everyone should be equal Stewart
no need to change things Gerard
Maori are not indigenous to NZ Lynn
Another backwards step and separation . look at the progress NZ has made in the last 250 years due to all being under 1 law. This application flys in the face of common sense because Maori are immigrants too!!!! One nation 1 rule for all! Raymond
Kelvin Davis and Jacinderella have already put in place the Arawhiti Agency which reads just like this separatist UNDRIP. So in effect we already have a slight of handmove on this. Bud
Most of us see where this will lead to. More $$$ transfer to the superior culture. All of the provisions in this document will now be advanced in top gear now that CGT is gone. The voting base must be consolidated on the plantation. Alan
We are one people and all equal. Dorothy
Anything that puts one race above another is a recipe for civil war. And NZ went out on a limb against apartheid where one group was given exclusive rights under law – have we forgotten that? Martin
The ultimate for the Maori supremacists. A very dangerous agenda. Why do you think it was signed in secrecy in the middle of the night Carolyn
No WAY thanks….. Carl
What is the definition of indigenous? The Maori arrived in NZ from elsewhere by boat relatively recently. They are therefore immigrants like everyone else. How many generations would it require for a NZer to be classed indigenous? Five would be a good number and would capture a large % of all NZ born citizens. Richard
Indigenous! you mean those left after the original inhabitants were killed and eaten? Brian
this will lead to civil unrest as it has in other countries, we put out to the world we are a multi-cultural society when we are not there is the maori NZ that is continuously thrust on us, the do-gooders whom pander to their every want & the rest of us whom if your european means you like me are scum just here to pay & have no rights what so ever Nigel
To summarise Winston Peters repetitive comment that by signing the UN agreement, will make no difference to our countries immigration policy. My question is then, that if this statement is indeed true, why are on earth are we signing it? It is a complete nonsense and we should stay well away from such legislative rubbish. chris
It’s bad enough already with the eternal claims. Kevin
This government does not have enough money to pay their teachers, and look after the NZ Poor people, now they want to help foreigners ?? The answer to UNDRIP is NO, NO, NO !! The only Drips are Jacinda and the rest of her team !! Pierre
Absolutely No. This is part of a UN takeover and supports Agenda 21 subversion. and the Anthropogenic Global Warming fraud. John
Another nail in the coffin of democracy. Ralph
never stops, IAN
Absurd decision by John Key to sign up to this agreement Graham
Indigenous is a meaningless and outdated word. David
This can only end one way unfortunately. The recent partial disarming of citizens is another step toward allowing control of the country to be ceded to maori. Ray
NZ laws adequately provide for equality of all peoples Doug
Many people fail to realise that maori are not indigenous to this country. Morioris should be classed as the indigenous people of New Zealand. Dennis
Nothing surprises me anymore, this country is doomed. Terry
I will never support any form of separatism. Tracy
What you describe as the actions of New Zealand First regarding UNDRIP reveals the duplicitous nature of that party and its leader. Colin
It is a can of worms Arthur
Why ……… Geoff
NZ should withdraw if possible. Trump has done it other agreements (climate change – also non-binding) we should do the same. The manner in which this was done is outrageous. and we should withdraw on this reason alone. Phil
Maori are NOT the indigenous people of New Zealand. The Mori Ori people were here well before Maori and are the true indigenous people. Andrew
All should be equal in the eyes of the law. Lois
Absolutely not. This is dangerous and thoroughly destructive to the people of New Zealand. Stop, Think. Do not implement these policies…! Grahame
The United Nations declaration is fine sounding nonsense when applied to New Zealand. Who is indigenous here?Polynesian pre-Maori or Moriori may have been the first human arrivals but they, like the Maori and like my own ancestors who followed, are all very late arrivals in geological terms. There were no truly indigenous humans here.For part-Maori supremacist racists to claim superiority over any other New Zealand citizen is outrageous nonsense. Further the United Nations declaration, designed by a mischievously communist infiltrated organisation, is an evil intrusion into the affairs of many of the world’s states. Rob
While Key dropped the ball in not seeing the wood for the trees ,there is absolutely no need to continue with this stupidity. What this government will do to get votes rather than be up front with the Maori by telling them that enough is enough, We are one country where all are equal. Tom
Maori have to lean to work in with us and not wanting every thing their way. Maori never talk about helping the country, Only helping their people and that their people should have higher authority over every body else in this country. Maori just want control and supremacy over every thing. watch out there could be a civil war with in New Zealand. Its time Maori started to work for the better of the country and not self interest. Robert
we are heading into dangerous times. Steve
IF NZ actually had indigenous peoples things COULD be different but we have none. A. because there are only mixed descendants left meaning their DNA is now similar to the other residents . B. Their own verbal history records their relatively recent arrival. C. They have all the same rights as all other residents anyway. Nick
The great migration in 1350AD brought 700 Polynesians (couples) to NZ. Over the next 100 or so years they displaced, enslaved and or ate the original inhabitants who may have come from many different places via the Islands or elsewhere. They are immigrants. Few are more than 25% original blood line. The maori may be natives (accepted analogy) but they are not indigenous). UNDRIP also states that all land, resources etc. must be returned to the indigenous whether it was given, purchased or forcibly taken. That will make 85% of the population lease holders of the land they own to Tribal groups. Not even people. Seems like the implementation of communism! Bruce C
What are they thinking?? Ken
It was a stupid decision made by John Key to sign it and would be even more stupid now to implement it. Roger
The maori are not the indigenous people. Jamie
No No No we all should have the same rights. Why should some get more than others. is it because of something that happened over 100 yrs ago come on get real this is today move on Cherryl
Is this Winston’s pc trade for blocking the Capital Gains Tax? What a dangerous shambles MMP provides. David
We need a legal definition that is accepted by all world countries on what is an indigenous person. As many so called Maori in New Zealand have no Maori blood but are considered Maori because “they act, think and accept the Maori traditions etc”. Otherwise New Zealand will have an indigenous acceptance that is out of step with the rest of the world and this could cause “issues” in year to come. Gary
Hell No!! This would be the final step in what Mr Peters referred to as” Separation” of the people, but that is typical Peters once again sitting on the widest fence.If any document needed to be put to a referendum, this is it but that will not happen in a month of Sundays. This is no more than a political document to gain votes at election time and promote some with aspirations to be working in the UN. Barry
Maori are not indigenous people of New Zealand. There were other races here before they arrived.  Ian
Will it never end? to quote another, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” Vernon
Lets get back to basics. Maori aren’t ‘indigenous’. They were imports like all other races. Worse – the original Melanesian inhabitants acknowledged in their own folklore and verbal genealogy – were enslaved. Some were eaten. Some were inter-bred and the results of that can be seen in the distinct difference in South Isl Maori. SO what the hell was Key and his cronies thinking?? Stuff the UN – this Declaration has nothing to do with NZ. Lets face up NZ and stand up. Stop the rot. We are all equal in this country.- Mike
Insane !We are one nation and all people of NZ should be treated equally. There is no place for Elitist groups in our Society. Steve
My comment is Winston Peters has and is doing this country a huge disservice for generations to come, and seems to be doing an about face on many of the issues he has stood for and against in the past. This, and his blocking of even the most basic form of CGT will be his legacy to NZ. I am ashamed to admit I have voted for him. Never again! Stewart
NZ has to be colour blind !!!! Brian
What ever happened to democracy Bryan
Do this at our peril – such a devastatingly racial pursuit towards a greater socially divided New Zealand (even more than today) will simply encourage more disruptive activism. Stuart
NO, maybe a journalist from our national papers could ask John Keys what he thinks now! William
How close are we to world government.? Carl
this would be a total disaster. I will not vote for any party that plans to support this. Russell
Why would any sane person want to punish their grandchildren with this sort of legislation? Michael
NZ is doomed because of things like the UNDRIP. There will be no RIP (Rest in Peace) for NZ’s future as the racial separatism being created by our governments will result in civil war down the track. GUARANTEED! David
We don’t need any more separatism than we already have. Chris
Definitely not. Plus Maori are not indigenous. David
No, we don’t need this! Jo
We are all indigenous somewhere but at the base we are all just human William
All people in NZ should have the same rights regardless of their origin provided they are legal citizens. Tony
Utter stupidity. Terry
Completely unacceptable. Any constitutional issues must be put to the voting public. Neil
And in a generation or two what then? Land seizures from white farmers a la Rhodesia and now South Africa, yeah, right! Alice
Our race relations were harmonious until the Lange Govt instituted the Waitangi claims procedure with backdates. If we are to succeed as a multicultural nation we need to scrap any racially based laws including the very outdated Treaty of Waitangi Gerry
The signing would be the end of NZ Antony
As originally pointed out by Helen Clark’s minister, the matters covered in the UNDRIP are already in place and being worked through in New Zealand. Margaret
We have our agreements in place – this is superfluous and is a path to separatism Philip
Absolutely not. Alan
There is no long term historically satisfactory outcome to any policies that depart from one law for all and alternately promote separate development based on race or religion for that matter. Dick
Perhaps we can all self identify as Maori? After all we can self identify as male or female or anything else despite our birth characteristics. Hilary
Absolutely not! Joyce
Its just one big hand out at the moment every thing is maori Jimmy
We don’t have an “Indigenous People” in New Zealand. There is plenty of evidence to prove this, but it seems politicians want us to believe their spin. Denis
More poorly conceived pandering Collin
Indigenous New Zealanders already have greater rights than any other NZ inhabitants. Maurice
Not if Maori are considered to be the New Zealand indigenous people. They aren’t,, the Celts were first in this land. Then the blonde green eyed people from South America. David
It is racist and discriminates against white people. John
The declaration goes too far but there must be more fairness achieved with other means. Nina
Totally unnecessary in NZ Alan
Winston Peters is a traitor. He says one thing in opposition to gain our support, then once in government he does the exact opposite. Gordon
Absolutely not! UNDRIP is so radical it has no place in our laws. Lillian
The progressive’s plan to establish Maori sovereignty in New Zealand will be completed once UNDRIP is part of our law and starts to be enacted. Why can’t the politicians see how dangerous this is and how they are being manipulated? Michael
No, No, and No! Why are they so determined to create a tribal ruling class in New Zealand? It is so dangerous, it makes no sense. Harry
This is so outrageous – where has the concept of governing for all New Zealanders gone to? Don’t the majority matter anymore?  Pete