Founder / Director

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Dr Muriel Newman

Treaty Book INSERT Orders


This is the Treaty Book INSERT Order Form & Donation Page 


As a public good project, the NZCPR is publishing and distributing to as many New Zealand households as funding allows, free copies of the English translation of Sir Apirana Ngata’s 1922 “The Treaty of Waitangi: an explanation”.



In 1922, in response to ongoing questions about the meaning of the Treaty of Waitangi, the trained lawyer and Member of Parliament Sir Apirana Ngata wrote an explanation of the Treaty in the Maori language.

Forty-one years later, with questions still remaining, Sir Apirana’s book was translated into English and distributed free of charge to Maori households as an insert in a government magazine.

Another forty years on, with the debate continuing, and the treaty being interpreted as a ‘partnership’ to justify co-governance and tribal control, we are distributing Sir Apirana’s explanation of the Treaty’s original meaning to Kiwi households to set the record straight. 

And who better to bring some clarity into the Treaty debate than one of New Zealand’s most respected Maori leaders – the man who appears on our fifty-dollar bank note!



The project is in two parts.

1. The first part involves printing Sir Apirana Ngata’s explanation of the Treaty as a quality insert to enable mass distribution through the country’s newspaper network to an estimated 1.4 million households.

Around 500,000 inserts have already been printed and distributed, and as a result of the generous support we have received for the second tranche of fundraising, we are now authorising the printing and distribution of a further 400,000 inserts. That will bring the total coverage to almost 900,000 households.

We are continuing our fundraising efforts as we seek support to be able to print and distribute the final 500,000 inserts we need to cover the rest of the country and complete the project. 

2. The second part of the project involves printing copies of Sir Apirana’s explanation as an A5 booklet to send to libraries and selected schools. These booklets have now been printed and are currently being distributed.



We now have a stack of Sir Apirana’s explanation of the Treaty in quality newspaper insert format, suitable for letterbox drops and school projects. We are making these available free of charge to anyone who would like them. For a minimum donation of $20 to cover the cost of postage, we are happy to send bundles of 100. Please contact us if you would prefer a bulk supply of more than 100 – and please note that any surplus funding we receive will be used to help complete the main project. 
Ordering inserts is a TWO STEP process:

  1. Firstly, please complete the order form below.
  2. Secondly, once you have ordered the inserts, please scroll down to send through your donation.



*Please note: the website is running a little slow at present due to a programme upgrade, so once you fill in the form and press “Submit”, please be patient – you will be taken through to the ‘confirmation’ page but it is taking a while! Thanks for your help – and sorry about the inconvenience … we are hoping to resolve the matter soon.

Treaty INSERT Order Form




If you would prefer to donate by phone, using your credit card, we are happy to help – please call us on: (09) 434 3836 .

And if you would prefer to donate directly, here are the details – Internet Banking: please credit ASB Bank NZCPR Treaty Book Project account: 12-3099-0833814-51 – but please make sure you have included your first name as well as surname in the details, using the reference area if necessary.

Thank you for your support for this important project.

Kindest regards,




Dr Muriel Newman
New Zealand Centre for Political Research
PS If you have any problems, please phone us on 09 434 3836 or email me at 
PPS Please don’t forget, the way we keep in touch is through our free NZCPR Newsletter – please click HERE if you would like to register.


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Please indicate the value of your donation:

  • $10,000
  • $5,000
  • $1,000
  • $500
  • $250
  • $100
  • $50
  • Other: $