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Dr Muriel Newman

Labour’s Divisive Legacy

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When Helen Clark’s Labour Government introduced Maori Wards into the Local Electoral Act in 2002, the Deputy Chairman of the Local Government Select Committee David Cunliffe stressed they could only be established with community support: “There is a general referendum and a general trigger mechanism that means no Maori ward can be established unless a majority of all electors on the electoral roll say that should be the case.”

The “trigger mechanism” he described was a petition right enabling five percent of voters to call for a referendum, so the community as a whole could decide whether to introduce Maori wards.

The reason a “trigger mechanism” was needed was that establishing Maori wards requires the introduction of the Maori Electoral Roll, and any constitutional change involving the voting system requires a higher threshold – a ‘democratic safeguard’ to prevent those in power from manipulating the system for their own advantage.

The reasons are easy to see. Since Maori Roll voters overwhelmingly support parties of the ‘left’, petition rights discourage left leaning councils from seeing Maori wards as a convenient way of cementing in permanent control of local government. They also prevent those tribal interests, who are desperate to get their hands on local government power – and the riches it will bring – from being able to coerce their way into a dominating position on councils.

By 2020, the fact that only three out of the 24 councils attempting to introduce Maori wards had been successful, was a clear indication that New Zealanders do not want their communities divided by race. Nor, according to Local Government New Zealand, do those of Maori descent: “A number of councils have sought the views of hapu and Iwi about whether Maori wards should be established only to be strongly advised that any such wards would not have the support of mana whenua.”

By the end of that year, petition rights were again being used by nine communities to challenge council decisions to establish Maori wards: Kaipara, Gisborne, New Plymouth, Ruapehu, South Taranaki, Taupo, Tauranga, Whangarei, and the Northland Region.

But the newly elected Labour Government had other ideas.

In spite of campaigning on a pledge to “uphold local decision making in the democratic institutions of local government”, without any public mandate whatsoever they introduced and passed under urgency retrospective legislation to abolish petition rights, trashing ‘local decision making’ in the process.   -.

Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta justified the move with lies. She claimed Helen Clark’s petition rights were discriminatory because they applied only to Maori wards, when, as she was well aware, only Maori wards change the voting system.

She also claimed they were needed to address the underrepresentation of Maori in local government. But that too was a lie: in 2019, 13.5 percent of elected Councillors were Maori – the same as the 13.7 percent of Maori in the adult population.

Once Labour had removed petition rights, powerful tribal lobby groups moved in to pressure local authorities around the country to introduce Maori wards. This resulted in an explosion in the number of Maori seats, with thirty-two councils establishing Maori wards and a further 13 planning to do so.

As a result, Maori representation on councils escalated to 21.6 percent, with Maori now significantly over-represented in local government – just as they are in central government.

It was in this climate that the Coalition Government delivered on their election promise to restore petition rights. With local body elections due next year, the legislation requires all councils that established Maori wards without consulting their community – or plan to do so – to decide whether to retain or abolish them by 6 September 2024.

Those that resolve to abolish them will have no Maori ward after next year’s election. Those that decide to retain or establish them, will be required to hold a binding referendum at the election, asking their community whether they support Maori wards – the results will not kick in until the 2028 election.

With Maori wards likely to be a major topic of debate during next year’s campaign, the Coalition should be congratulated for forcing elected Councillors to get off the fence and decide whether or not they support Maori wards. This will give electors a clear indication of their sitting councillor’s position when they decide who will get their vote.

To date, the only council that has resolved to disestablish their Maori ward is the Kaipara District Council, which voted for abolition in the face of heavy intimidation and disruption from hundreds of protestors.

In his account of the meeting, Frank Newman points out that it was the Maori ward Councillor herself who “demonstrated why Maori seats should be abolished. Quite simply, they are a gateway for radical elements within Maori to get around the top table and disrupt. What we saw at the meeting were the disruptors who are so entrenched in their victim mentality that they think it’s OK to shout abuse at those who don’t agree with their radicalism.”

The Mayor of the Kaipara District Council, Craig Jepson, is not a career politician but a  business operator, who sponsored the petition against Maori Wards. He stood for election on a pledge of removing race-based privilege and restoring equal rights – and he’s been subjected to ongoing abuse by radical separatists ever since gaining office.

Mayor Jepson is this week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator with an outline of the case against Maori Wards:

“I believe the Maori ward here in the Kaipara has not justified its establishment and is divisive.

“My critics say by removing the Maori ward we are not fulfilling our obligations to Maori.  We are. Our council is complying fully with the Treaty obligations imposed by section 4 of the Local Government Act in respect of decision-making processes and obligations under the New Zealand Bill of Rights. We facilitate participation by Maori in local decision-making processes but while doing so we ensure our decision-making entails equal rights for all communities and people of the district. Any preferential treatment of Maori or any other group would infringe those provisions.

“We are elected to represent the various communities of our district equally without fear or favour. Democratic decision-making means dealing with the people and the communities of the district on an equal basis, without preferential treatment.

“Our vote to disestablish the Maori ward was about preserving all that is good about our freedom for all to participate in a well-functioning democracy.”

In response to Kaipara’s plan to disestablish the Maori ward protest organiser Ngati Whatua filed legal proceedings against the Council ahead of the vote, and warned it would file an injunction if the council supported abolition.

Ngati Whatua, a registered charity, is a $1.6 billion corporation with $100 million in income in the last financial year. In their latest annual report they outline the importance of gaining influence within councils: “During the year we have built a closer working relationship with Auckland, Kaipara, and Northland Councils, and to a lesser extent with Whangarei. In relation to Maori representation on Council Boards, we were very active in our advocacy to achieve the best outcomes for Ngati Whatua. We participated in working groups and made written submissions to councils on the subject.”

These tribal conglomerates, that are manoeuvring themselves into positions of power on councils, have massive resources. That was evident when they orchestrated hundreds of activists to protest at Major Jepson’s earlier decision to halt the use of ‘karakia’ to start Council meetings – and now to disestablish the Maori Ward.

The coercive abuse of Councillors by tribal interests that have engineered direct influence over local authorities is occurring across the country.

In some cases, those who tried to stand up to their bullying – like Councillor Murray Chong in New Plymouth where a Maori Ward had been rejected in a referendum in 2018 by 83 percent of the community – have been subjected to shocking violence and intimidation:

“I’m now scared. I’ve had my life threatened several times in letters. I now can’t walk by myself at night because I’ve been told I will be king-hit and I’ll wake up in a hospital. I’ve had people say they will grab my dog, chop it up into quarters and leave it on my doorstep. I’ve had my daughter hassled.” 

With threats to his family escalating from drive-by abuse to a drive-by shooting, he capitulated:

 “Fighting back tears, Chong told a two-thirds full council chamber ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ before saying that he would not be fronting any resistance to a Māori ward next year because he feared for his safety. ‘I won’t be saying anything because I believe you’ve won. You’ve won because of the tactics I’ve received over the past five years’.” 

And with that, he abstained from the Maori ward vote.

These dreadful developments were the result of Labour’s unmandated decision to increase tribal control over local government.

They even legislated for local body co-governance, but once the public realised the Rotorua District Council (Representation Arrangements) Bill would have given Maori voters five times the voting power of everyone else, outrage forced it to be withdrawn.

The Canterbury Regional Council (Ngai Tahu Representation) Bill, which increased the influence over the Council of the $2-billion Ngai Tahu corporation  through the addition of two reserved seats, was, however, passed into law. Critics raised concerns that the additional seats would bias the Council in favour of iwi initiatives, and that certainly appears to be the case.

Fresh from extracting more than $100 million from power generators Meridian and Genesis Energy in return for resource consents for the Waitaki River (an extortionate amount which surely should be subject to a Government inquiry) Ngai Tahu submitted a proposal to co-govern the River. This would give them the power of veto over a vital national resource that supplies three hydro dams and five other power stations. It provides 16 percent of the country’s electricity and over 50 percent of the hydro storage.

Both controlling authorities supported the proposal – without consulting the wider community. The Otago Regional Council with its Ngai Tahu ‘partnership’ Board voted 8 to 4 in favour of investigating the scheme, while the Canterbury Regional Council supported it –– by 13 votes to 3, with the two Ngai Tahu Councillors voting in favour despite what appears to be a clear conflict of interest.

This situation highlights the substantial benefits that can accrue to tribal groups when they secure permanent influence around a council table.

Of the many councils now assessing the future of their Maori wards, in Palmerston North, where almost 69 percent of the community opposed Maori wards in a May 2018 referendum, the City Council not only voted to retain them, but to investigate refusing to hold a referendum.

And in Gisborne, instead of holding their Maori ward meeting in the neutral ground of their Council Chamber, it was held at the local marae, leading one Councillor to vote in favour, saying, “I want to get out of here alive.”

The division created by Maori wards is exactly why most communities have voted against them. They have exposed an ugly side of society.

And that’s the problem. Once powerful tribal groups gain a foothold in Council, through their aggressive self-interest, they demand more. Most councillors simply give in to their coercion rather than subjecting themselves to the sort of bullying and intimidation meted out to Murray Chong.

The capture of local government by tribal interests is now having a detrimental impact on the rest of society. This can be seen in Gore, where, after receiving advice from their Ngai Tahu ‘advisors’ the Council has designated their whole district as a “Site and Area of Significance to Maori”!

The only long-term answer is surely for all race-based requirements on local government to be removed.

Kaipara has done the right thing by dis-establishing its Maori ward. The remaining councils will now have to answer to their electorate.

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 *Do you believe Maori seats on local councils should be abolished?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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As human beings we are all unique, but not special. Maori are not special. PM Luxon told Local Government leaders to get back to basics as far as costs are concerned. Maori seats on councils are an unnecessary cost and should be abolished.Monica
absolutely.It is race based and fosters tribalism.galem
The supposed treaty has been so used and abused to death now its a worthless scrap of parchment which should be in the National Museum of NEW ZEALAND History. This unhealthy obsession with that paper has given rise to unquantifiable demands in the lives of every New Zealand citizen. It has to stop!Sharron
1. It is undemocratic, 2. Maori are and can be if they so chose to, be elected to councils throughout the country. 3. It is simply wrong to give preference to one ethnicity over another. If they feel so strongly about the issue, go and do the leg work to get elected and serve the “total” community and not just your selves.chris
Most definitely. Come on kiwis wake up to the long term effect Maori control of local council will have.Heather
Ngati Whatua should be struck off the Charities Register for their self-confessed advocacy activity, something that is expressly prohibited by law if an organisation wants to obtain and retain charitable status.Colin
should never have been established in first instancecliff
Absolutely — any separate development is called “apartheid” but it seems it doesn’t matter in NZ.Alan
Before it is to late!!Ray
YES, the sooner they are out of everything the better, ONE PEOPLE, ONE VOTE, ONE LAW, WE ARE ALL KIWIS.COLIN
100%, the Maori Wards are abhorrent. I am a supporter of Craig Jepson and take my hat of to him for his unwavering focus of doing the right thing in tis regardMark
Totally undemocratic. No longer one person one vote. Goes against Article 3 of the treaty of Waitangi.Margaret
I think it is very undemocratic and you should be voted onto councilGeoff
Absolutely yes.Susan
Seems the 13% MINORITY are very worried about Seymours’ Bill, regarding the clarification of the Treaty. The Activists are holding a war council, Hui this weekend, with all of the Big Activists taking part…. watch closely… for further action!!David
Democracy must rule!Warren
Maori Wards equals division and racism against New ZealandersSheila
Ngai Tahu’s 2 seats on ECan should also be abolished immediately.Kate
I experienced this as a farmer from the HBRC. They had 9 Maori seats . The Water Consenting Process became extremely expensive and progress was slowed and often stopped by the unelected Maori seats.Ricky
Of course they should…. but they won’t be, because NATIONAL are LABOUR LITE, and LUXON, is following AGENDA 21/50, the feudal marxist agenda, of the WEF/UN/WHO, exactly the same as COMRADE ARDERN……..! Same CLUB.David
Simply to prevent civil war.Garth
Stupidly the previous labour Govt has opened the door to intimidation, exactly as is now happening in Canada. Must rid this system of apartheid in NZ and Canada and stop the money flow now!Norman
We have already seen the violence of racism by Maori in NZ. We are one country and everybody who are nationalize New Zealanders should have equal rights. This is all heading to Anarchy.Pauline
Well past time, to get rid of the Maori seats and the Maori wards ! Our country is becoming quickly divided by racial prejudice, both of which should be abolished.David
The sooner the better. we are all New Zealanders, if we do not go forward together will we ever get there. We have to many ( sh ) stirrersRoss
I abhor the racist NZ that Elite Maori are proposing.Karenza
The abuse,verbal and physical thrown at cr. Chong, should NEVER be allowed to happen again anywhere. Sadly I see civil unrest on a big scale coming NZ’s way, if these radicals are not dealt with very firmly. They do not deserve to be here.Peter
Get them gone asap.Peter
We are supposed to all be kiwis and maori have the right same as everyone to be voted onto councilDoreen
Totally undemocratic Intimidation is the way activists are getting undue influenceGeoffrey
There should not be Maori seats or any others defined by race, anywhere.Frank
It is insulting to all intelligent people to have protected privileged positions.robin
Racial privilege leads to racial division, jealousy and tension.Ross
The activist maori have no interest in working with other NZ Citizens. If they don’t get their way, their bullying and agressive behaviour shows itself rapidly. They think they can intimidate others who do not share their views. Get rid of the maori wards. If a maroi wants to be a councillor runs for council and they do the work that supports the community they will be elected in on the merit they have earned by votes from the community they want to serve.Jackie
it used to be whinging Poms now it’s whinging MaoriBeverly
Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which New Zealand is a signatory, states “The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.” Maori wards are neither universal nor equal. Neither are Maori seats in Parliament for that matter. So much for high-flown principles.Colin
There is absolutely no need for Maori wards as there are in most cases a proportional representation of those of Maori decent on local councils.T
Maori should be treated the same as all other rate payers – they do not need a seperate agendaPeter
The Labour Party, are now the most divisive racialist party in N.Z! Why do they always take the side of RADICAL MAORI STIRRERS? The Hipkins led Labour party, no longer represent the working classes in N.Z. time to leave THEM.David
It is important that all council members must be elected by the local citizens from those persons who put their names forward to be the elected council representatives for their particular territorial area. The Part Maori Party can jump up and down as much as they like, but they will always be in the wrong because it would seem that most Maori just want to go with the flow like the rest of us and be normal kiwis with one person, one vote. They know that these radicals are chasing power and enrichment for themselves by fraudulent means, including by way of intimidation and coercement. Will New Zealand ever reach a high level standard of maturity with the essential civic duty of co-operation to allow our small nation to be prosperous and a joy to live in? Rather than to flee from.Garry.
If people wish to represent themselves on a council they need to stand for and get elected.Wendy
We are ONE Nation with ONE Government !!Pierre
Gone, the sooner the better. Maori big business not only pay no tax they want 50% of the countries tax. Unbelievable Talking recently to an ozzie friend recently regarding maori in NZ taking over he said over there most Ozzies already think maorl have taken over NZ. We are just a bunch of clowns for letting it happen. His words.Kevan
Of course, they racist and if they are not then seats should also be allocated for Chinese etc etcWayne
Absolutely, if those who call themselves Maori and not New Zealanders want more seats and influence then put up their candidate and vote them into council, just like the rest of the country.Barry
There is no room for racial superiority in NZ. We are one people. WEF and UN strategy is to divide the people by conflict. Maori elites are just tools for the elites cabal.Alan
Damn right. Racist bullshit paying Maori with everyone’s money. They can have Parton their own back yards and grandstand themselves there.Fiona
I’m opposed to all forms of racism and am amazed that “maori seats” were allowed in first place.John
Get rid of DEI and all this will go away. Quota systems will never be as good, or successful, or as financially beneficial as democracy.larry
Of course any law/ policy which is race based goes against the Human Rights Act, so is against the law. But we know by now, government don’t care about the majority, nor the law. The judiciary appears to follow that lead.larry
No race based anything.Gerhard
local councils, like central govt, should be unbiased and non-divisivenoel
Absolutely. Race based privilege and rights based on ethnic or racial background, was exactly what tore apart numerous countries in history.Johan
the waitaki extortion is a perfect example of how Maori control works Is this money taxed and does it filter down Of course notrMichael
Yes, abolish Maori seats on local councils. It is disappointing though that in one of the world’s oldest democracies that bullying, and intimidation are still the tools used to force others to accept your position. Also, disappointing that these Maori Corporations claim charity status and therefore don’t pay tax but leave other NZ taxpayers to do the heavy lifting. Once these tribal groups have gained the power they so desperately want…what next? Intertribal warfare?Rob
Immediately if Maori want to get on a council stand for it and be voted in like everybody else. not race basedSidwell
When the primary functions of local bodies are to provide roading and fresh water, as well as providing a waste water system, why do the requirements of Maori differ from those of non-Maori? Or are some people just more full of shit that others?David
How did this happen while we were asleep??? Yes they should be ABOLISHED, councillors should be voted on by talent not colour or race. This is New Zealand we are all equal this is ONE country. Get on the same page and grow this country not divide it.rod
They simply create more divisionPeter
Absolutely . Nz is supposed to be a democracyDianne
Definitely abolish special seats for Maori. It should be the best person for the job, whatever their colour.Sheila
when you see the number of part Maori people now being elected to Parliament ant to local body mayors and councils they are not needed and they are racist.Neville
Its against democracy.Peter
Should never have been introduced in the first instance.Jackie
Definitely,definitely,definitely.the sooner the betterDavid
As should the Maori Electoral roll.Peter
All of this was founded on the false premise that the Treaty was a ‘partnership’.Anthony
The coastline should belong to every New Zealander.Lesley
Definitly, ASAP! This racist, apartheit, crap needs to be stopped in it’s tracks NOW! NZ is in grave danger re democracy, FOR ALL RACES in the country (including Maori). We will all loose our democratic rights elsewise. One only has to look at events in Europe, UK and elsewhere to see the potential end results.Andrew
Why can’t a Maori wth political ambitions use the same process as any other candidate?John
Absolutely. They are a vehicle for Maori bullying and intimidatory practices as demonstated yet again by the attacks on Craig Jepson after he abolished Maori wards as undemocratic. I see further threats being issued by underpants Tuku Morgan at Ngaruawahia to David Seymour in the usual form. I bet David Seymour’s mail is an uneducated mish mash of threats,lies, intimidation and profanities.Terry
There is no place in a democratic country for bullying and intimidation by a minority 13% of the population.Dot
Absolutely yes..no encouragement for race bias please!!!!carol
they are just another step towards separatismkabe
Equity of all is needed. Maori are already represented in proportion or above on their own meritJohn
As should maori electorate seats in parliament. The electoral commission were aware of that risk to democracy in this country and recommended their removal. By stealth and bullying tactics the democratic central and local government in this country is being subverted. Ownership of our waters is under attack. False claims of racial identity are used to bolster racial numbers. Claims of political independence to claim fraudulent rights to government financial resources. Constant public demonstrations and protests about discriminatory decisions by central government intended to garner more support for supremacy. The pace is increasing towards a showdown.terrence
Anything solely based on race is racist.Carol
Maori are over represented, This can enable tribal groups to gain undemocratic power within councils, They are not elected by the people – this sucks the mostSteve
We are tired of being threatened by a minority who will surely make things worse.Murray
Most certainly – we don’t pander to bulliesKerin
this is the result of Aderns race card Stanley
We are meant to be one people, as there are some 200 hundred different nationality’sAlec
Why do the 13% always ‘bite the hands that feed them”? Took all the money Morgan, (remember him?) the underpant man that caused a heap of trouble, a few years ago over his silk undies…. hah, ha ha… He’s back.. and is complaining at his benefactors…’THE CROWN’…..HE WANTS ANOTHER hand out…!!! can you believe it…..!!David
Equality for ALL New Zealand citizens without death threats, violence and shutting down free speech. ONE UNITED NZ, AOTEAROAEileen
Democracy. One for all to decide.RICHard
very democratic. Maori love to intimidate, its in there DNA . Prove me wrongjohn
They have ushered in apartheidMark
There are NO maories left and they are also immigrants to NZ. A while before Captain Cook, but still proud of having discovered ( and killed of the original population) with there 7 canoes.Peter
Should not be race based appointments, but democratic voting in.Lynda
Politically motivated tribalism has no place in a Democracy. I’d like to hear from the elders of the 500 tribes who signed the Treaty that empowered the British to protect them from violence and massacre by the larger war-mongering and cannibal Maori tribes.Phil
Should have been abolished years ago, we are ALL NEW ZEALANDERS we all came here, we don’t have two separate ethnicity’s.Tony
Yes – It’s a must.Noel
They are a divisive institution and a source of corruption. Lets have the same rights for all citizens not apartheid.Derek
They have no part in a true democracy. The ECAN seats must goJohm
Sadly the Far North council will never listen to voters and will never be voted out. The powerful Maori within will not let go without an almighty fight.Gillian
without questionbruce
maori mafia just want to keep robbing the taxpayersbruce
For all the obvious reasons!Bruce
Having Maori seats is totally undemocratic. Maoris who want a seat at the table should have to be elected in the usual way like anybody else.Chris
find it disturbing hen submissions went out in Kapiti DC and the poll was 90 against they then went and put them in. After speaking to the mayor Janet Holborow she told me she didnt believe in one person one vote, and the only pople who vote ar white affluent people. Go figure, everyone has the opportunity, but too many say, i am not interested inlocal government politics, and all i can say , just watch what they re doing.charmaine
Separatist racebased council wards and members are undemocratic.Sharon
Special MAori representation is an afront to our basic constitutional framework.boud
Absolutely – they have no place in a democratic society where the citizens are all equal – one person – one vote!!Margaret
Labours’ damage to N.Z, has been devastating with the amount of structural wreckage of our internal infrastructure, which will take decades to recover from, if ever…… Labour have much to account for , and they don’t seem to care about the amount of real damage that they have done, will they be held to account for the damage ?Most of the leadership have all scampered off and are in hiding, most kiwis don’t seem to care, this is very worrying.David
We can already see how the Maori seats have led to massive corruption in local government. If they become an endemic part of all LG, iwi will have total control of the country, whatever happens in Wellington.Dennis
the mere existence of race based elections is devisiveMichael
After 1994 in South Africa there was BEE = black economic empowerment. Then came BBEE= double black economic empowerment. Now there is BBBEE !!!…. Look at what the mighty powerhouse of all of Africa has become. Horrendous as do not have enough power to keep industry & the lights on HorrendousDane
Yes they should be. They where established a long time ago to ‘remedy a perceived’ impediment to Maori representation at that time. They where established on the basis that they would be temporary.As such, and under any other consideration they can be removed without Maori consultation. They are in any case in breach of the rights of all other non-Maori New Zealanders.Mike
There is no place in democracy for voting to be based on race , religion or creed.Lachlan
Division between citizens never ends well.Dennis
We are supposedly a democratic nation – to have political representation based on race lays waste to the claim of democracyJoe
I’m not in favour of divisive racism.Alan
Where is democracy these days? Plenty of Maori input into our local bodies via other channels.Barbara
I am sick of hearing the word racist being thrown around when any one disagrees with what they want. The only racism I see is those who want everything on the grounds of race. Where are the Police in all this. When councilors that vote against 50% Maori rule in Government and local bodies are threatened. Have the Police gone down the same path. We are a mixed Maori European family and are disgusted with their racist violent behaviour.Dene
Remove any reference to ethnicity from Local and Central Government.Rex
There is absolutely no need to have separate Maori seats in either Local or Central Government! A person should stand for their respective Electorates on their own achievements.Heather
We should not put up with aggression and threatening behaviour from protesters. Thus vehaviout merely demonstrates why we should have Maori wards.Rosemary
All racist institutions should be prohibited. NZ used to be anti racist, Todying to a few radicals is not liberalism but stupidity.charles
Greedy Maori tribal groups should have no seats given to them. We are supposed to be a democratic country. Stop the racist nonsense nowGraeme
Don’t need Maori wards. One person, one vote.dwane
It is NZ’s Shame, we as a society continue to divide our citizens by race, now heavily embedded into all our laws and legislation. The elephant in the room are so called intelligent politicians who appear to be governing for a select few, willfully blind to the eroding social contract they have destroyed over the last 50 years. National and NZ First must support ACTs clarification of the TOW principals. To Not open up the debate with citizens will be seen as sabotaging what is left of our democratic process including faith in our institutions. An example: Review and scrutinize the calculation method on how maori seats are arrived at or better yet scrap them along with the TOW tribunal asap. Transparency Please.Sam
ALL Maori wards, Maori electorates, and the Maori roll should all be abolished. It is high time all laws pandering to Maori were removed from New Zealand statutes and Maori told in no uncertain terms they are no different to any other New Zealand citizen. It’s time for the modern reinterpretation of the treaty to be stopped PERMANENTLY. Al the Maori driven division by race must be made illegal immediately.Steve
let us have democracyTony
Maori have too much say in councils if they want to sit on council’s get voted in like everyone else.Colleen
The maori race is getting TOO powerful – overstepping the mark.judith
Race based politics is abhorrent. One person one vote across all areasNorm
They are taking more and more …Philip
Yes abolish them and stop the bully boy tactics that these thugs are inflicting on the rest of usJeffrey
Should never have been implementedJennie
1 citizen I voteMike
Emphatically YES and at the same time abolish Maori seats in Parliament and dissolve the Waitangi Tribunal!Kevin
In a lot of cases Maori’s democratically onto councils’ exceed the % on the Maori rollArthur
We are all Kiwi and not divided by IwiJzay
We are all New Zealanders. Colour and culture should not play a role.ido
Unbelievable that we never read such truth in the usual accepted news sources.Jill
We should not be having racial segregation.Kent
If – God forbid – we actually keep ‘maori seats’ then we have bought fully into apartheid … AND as New Zealanders one and all, we are better than that .. !Naine
Racism is ripping New Zealand apart, all races should be treated equally. I would even go so far as to suggest the racism should be made illegal.David
Leaving Maori seats on local councils where people have been banned from voting whether they should be there or not will only lead to civil war.Derek
Undemocratic & lead to racial discrimination. Must be abolished right now. !! Also Maori seats in Parliament must be abolished. These are also racist & u democratic.Andrew
They should certainly be abolished. Firstly, anyone, Maori or non-Maori person is able to put themselves forward as a candidate in local body/authority elections. Secondly, Maori wards are not democratically elected. Thirdly, Maori ward members openly confirm they will push for Maori interests and not the interests of the community at large. Fourthly, Maori wards have meant in the past that Maori are grossly over represented on councils.Keith
This shows clearly what this country has to do stand up for our rights and get back to being all equal at voting be it local council or country election timeleo
Yes, Maori Wards are undemocratic unless voted for by the majority..June
We are all NZ’er not 2 races.Murray
No race creed culture or ethnic group should receive more than the other. It should be based on individual needs case by case. The his sense of arrogant entitlement is very damaging and wears a society down to chaos.Angela
Marae pay no rates so should not have special seats on anythingShirley
Absolutely. As they have proved, they do not serve the community they claim to represent.David
Any racial minorities must be excluded from forming divisions within all councils in New ZealandFrank
They are undemocratic and have been manoeuvred into place by bullying activists with the aid of conniving politicians.Hugh
New Zealand has ended up with a fractured democracy. Maori radicals are intimidating,, coercing, threatening, elected officials who have a responsibility to ensure that Democracy rules. Radical maori are hell bent on overthrowing democracy. This behavior has to be stopped,. Government has to get a backbone, they have to rewrite legislation, to have no more references to the treaty, They have to use the full force of the law to apprehend these radical thugs. Maori tribes have been given immense amounts of money, land, power, all because of the scurrilous, fraudulent findings of the Waitangi tribunal. Governments have capitulated and given in to these demands. The taxpayer and this country has paid the price. New Zealanders, we as a country are heading into the pool of turbulence. Civil war is at our doorstep. Government has to take action now.steven
Every citizen must have equal Voting rightsStan
Because they are undemocratic, racist, and completely unnecessary given that those New Zealanders who identify as “maori ” are already adequately represented, both in local and central government. In actual fact, over represented.Trevor
Maori members have already been elected to councils on their own merit and have proven their capability. Those wanting Maori Wards to imposed on councils are the ones incapable of achieving this status and therefore demand a free ride. Their contribution would therefore be questionable as they would likely have an alternative agenda without a means of removal from office by the electorate.Martin
Yes – and central Government as well. One nation, one people all equal under the Law, which is the only way the Treaty can ever be honoured.Scott.
Absolutely yes. No group in NZ should able to bully local communities into following their self interests in preference to the whole communityIhaia
should never have been allowed in first placeColin
Equality for every New Zealand citizen.Steve
We are all one people here in NZ. Stop this septertisim.clive
read the Treaty of Waitangi. We are now one people. But with cross-breeding came the cunning of the Maori, & the greed of the Pakeha, all in one package. Through the cunning came the demand for compensation, that the maori demanded, for so called wrong doing inflicted on them by the Pakeha. Consequently they found, the more that they asked for, then the more that they received. With the new found wealth, the Elites discovered power and domination, beyond their wildest dreams, and now, with GLOBALIST friends, like John Key, and all of the Marxist Left backing them, they know that they do not have to accept NO as an answer. So to those voters, who continue to vote National or Labour, stop complaining, because nothing will change while the tweedle dee & tweedle dum Parties dominate. Both support the W.E.F, who promote the great reset. The Maori are being used to destroy Western democracy in New Zealand. Just one step at a time.A.G.R.
of course they should dejohn
Unfair for one part of the population to have special power in Councils. In a few electorates now, Asians are a bigger share than Maori now.Hugh
Absolutely -there’s no place in local government for ongoing racial divisiveness as a direct result of undemocratic processes!Tony
The power grabbing, fiscal extortion and handouts need to end and a one for all blueprint entrenched. No more gravy train!Hugh
I’ve emailed the local MP to make sure Kapiti have a proper referendum. Not like the poll that the took which was a resounding no…..for them to put it in place anyway…truly disgustingCath
absolutely, happy to have maoris on councils, they just need to be voted in democratically !mike
Maori seats should be abolishedFrank
They have no place in a democracy.David
Bloody racist.Jeremy
equal rights and responsibilities for all citizensJohn
all race based representation needs to be abolished whether in local or national government level. All of this racial division must go & be legislated so it can never returnNigel
One Country; One People; One vote One Name = New ZealandMurray
Separist and undemacratic bullshit which will not be torerated!,,,Keith
Many Kiwis l speak to tell me that they believe this country is stuffed and will never be the same, we have been sold out by weak, foolish and corrupt politicians.Paul
They have proved they dont have to subjucate themselves fir preferental positionsBeverley
Maori are already well representedPeter
The sooner the better but Luxon gutless.Norm
we live in a democracyMerv
Of courseStephen
The members of the last Labour government should be charged with treason. They have done more damage to our country than any natural disaster.Paloma
This well overdue!Daphne
Racial bias not democratic at allTony
All race-based requirements on local governments should be removed ASAPPam
they are not needed, if you want a seat around the council table, then stand for election as others do. NO special preferences.Peter
I’m sick to death of the greedy Maori elite, let them fry in hellMerryl
This is being driven by the wealthy charitable trust Maori Corporations. Abolish the unelected special seats/representations in local and central government, and public and business enterprises.Barbara
absolutely !!! absolutelytony
And the parliament seats as well.David
The sooner the better. Lives are at risk !Henk
Not Democratic.Allan
We are meant to be one people and one nation. we are meant to be equal.David
It is clear that a small percentage of Maori have an agenda for disrupting democracy with the intention of monetary gain for a privately few. Most new Zealand citizens are sick and tired of Maori bullying tactics.Graeme
And We say again KIWI NOT IWIGeoff
We are all New Zealanders!Margaret
Mainly because local Maori representatives would not allow a referendum.Brian
again, equal right to all cintizensPhil
Yes! All Maori seats of any kind, either on local councils or in Parliament should be abolished; along with the Waitangi Tribunal. All raced based policies and references to the TOW should be removed from ALL legislationJohn
Maori seats on local councils and Parliament must be removed forever or racialist hatred will destroy New Zealand’s Democracy ….what a sad legacy for future generationsChris
Absolutely!! Every effort must be made to ensure both politicians and the voting public understand the divisive and destructive impacts and effects that legislated PRIVILEGE will have on destroying the much prized equality of our society. Many of our forefathers came here specifically to avoid the oppressing PRIVILEDGE of OLD EUROPE. They will turn in their graves if we squander the prized EQUALITY they have won for all of us, our children and all subsequent generations.. this is a MONUMENTAL issue!Malcolm
Without doubt and deal with the Waitangi Tribunal in exactly the same way. Abolish the lotneville
They should never have been racially segregated in the first place.DAVID
Why are our politicians elected nationally not doing the right thing” no race/tribal based policies” Instead they are fluffing around or are really stupid. One race, the human race only based laws and policies is the only answer. But, due to weakness and selfishness I think we are p.ing ahainst the wind. So sad, so stupid and vile.Leonard
Sooner the better. why should Maori get special treatment.Dawson
Absolutely. These racially divisive seats need to go from local government, and from central government. If this nation is to advance then all people need to be treated equally.Gavin
There should be no distinction between people of any ethnicity. One person, one vote.Lois
I have Maori ancestry and believe we are treated as equals by all New Zealanders and are represented more than fairly. The proof is in the number of Maori voted into local and government bodies by the general public. There is no need for racially based representation. Most New Zealand governments have been very fair, and the treaty settlements and ongoing tax-free status are increasing their wealth significantly each year. My suggestion is the tax free status is removed from all groups after ten year so all New Zealanders can be treated equally. Tribalism is dangerous and causes resentment for misguided members.Alan
No No NoMichael
My grandchildren are part Maori (like all Maori in NZ), how dare some Maori say they are not good enough to stand to be voted in for council against Pakeha, Maori, Asian or any other race. What an insult.Jude
One nation, one people! Same rights for everyone!Ceccy
I am all for DEMOCRACY!Ngaire
I cannot believe the ingratitude of some maori for being colonised. It has given them so much opportunity.Neil
One person one vote and all votes are equal.Denis
I do not support racial division.Laura
Maoris should never have any race based privileges.Maurice
Who wants to live in an unequal society? We can’t give in to bullying that would make all non Maori an under class. We need to stand up and be counted with the rule of law behind us.Carol
Non democratic and racistPeter
,maori are only different because of there brown colored skin they shouldn’t get extras because of it.Jimmy
Maori are getting like the criminal gangs of MexicoColin
The evidence is very clear.Ronmac
They should never have been instigated in the first place Racism at its worst!Gail
Get voted on like everyone else.Susan
We have, for years supported and called for the abolition of the Maori seats in Parliament to balance the excess majority of Maoris in our Parliament. Unfortunately without success. Sadly it is likely that the council’s undemocratic ward seats will also be ignored in the same way. The endless |Maori cry of gimme, gimme, gimme is now stronger than ever and is backed up by the illegal support from Inland Revenue in allowing Maori Businesses to to be treated as charities with all the tax savings that brings. The aggressive demands from Maoris when ever they see an opportunity to score something over and above their normal rights has been pushed to its limit as they have found that the Government gives in to them for the sake of peace.CHRIS
Sooner the better. If the Palmerston North council continues down the line of refusing to hold a referendum then the govt should do what they did here in Tauranga and sack the lot and put group of commissioners in their place. Who the hell do they think they are . They will probably find themselves voted out anywayHarvey
One people one voteCarl
Abolished Totally! What kind of Democracy is it where racism rules! Obviously it’s not Democracy At All! It quickly becomes Tyranny.! and will only end badly for us all.peter
Maori are able to be elected as any other race. They do not need special treatment.Dianne
I believe all this separative Maori stuff like these wards should be abolished and if Maori people want to learn their own language and follow their own way of living so be it but leave the rest of us out of it.Barbara
The quicker the betterClinton
Councils need to be returned to being an organisation that works for everyone equally, and provides efficiently and with minimum cost the services the communities needs.Donald
Absolutely, we’re not an Apartheid country. Well we weren’t. This is the way to bring it on.Graeme
Equal power to all NZers.John
Immediately and throughout NZCarol
absolutely they should never ever have been there in the first place in a so-called democratic country. They are so undemocratic it beggars belief. And now the outright bullying from Maori and activists is just downright disgusting,Carolyn
We are heading down a very bad path for democracy if this goes aheadMartin
They should be abolished ASAP as they do not fit in with a democracyNick
Maori seats should definitely be abolished. We are all equal & one racial or ethnic group shouldn’t dominate. That’s not democracy!Patricia
Never ever should have been created. The recent intimidation and threats of violence against Craig Jepson and Murray Chong are outragious, abhorent and dispicable. These maori radical extremists should be jailed for coruption, treason and are traitors of New Zealand. What a shocking state labour, greens and maori party have caused. None of these lot can ever get into power to takeover NZ.Allan
They don’t own the land sea or water as they are not the indigenous people of New Zealand. All New Zealanders should not be intimidated by these iwi gangs.Jill
We must abolish all race-based legislation.Frank
Race based seats have no place in a liberal democracy.Grant
They should never have been allowed to exist without full approval by each constituent Local or Regional Authority. If retained it is clearly a form of reverse apartheid.Robert
We are all kiwis irrespective of race!!Derek
Let them be elected like everyone else.Lawrence
One person, one vote. One country, one people.Robin
Let democracy prevail Equal rights for all New ZealandersBrenda
WE are supposed to be one we are all human beings We don’t need all this tommy rot.Gaynor
Racial biases are appalling in NZ and all references to colour should be removed from ALL legislation.Noel
Tribal control of the country has been on the agenda for quite some time now, staking their claim on everything through their endless grievances. These tribes that run numerous businesses making millions yet classify themselves as charities are cheating the system and the National led government is too gutless to do anything to change the situation. It’s appalling the way the tribal representatives manoeuvre their way onto local government boards and generally infiltrate organisations without opposition. They get away with it through intimidation and threats and operate in a lawless way that the rest of the population would not get away with.Kay
They are causing nothing good only more race based divisionHilary
Do it quickly. Before more damage is doneRoy
There should be no privilege based on race, imagined or otherwiseJohn
You must be voted on to a council not given a seat as Maori think that they have a god given right to haveGraham
This Maori co governance and Maori wards bullshit must be stopped in its tracks. Christopher Luxon needs to grow a set and get rid of all this Maori crap, like he promised to do pre-election.Richard
They are a tribal based, racist power grab mechanism and should have been strangled at birthDoug
Democracy itself is at risk.Peter
Of course they should be abolished. We are supposed to be a democratic country so let’s behave accordingly.Gary
We need major publicity to this months shocking information.Ian
This must happen if this.country remains worth living in.David
How soon will the civil war start?rod
How is it possible that there can be people on the Council who have precedence over one’s rights as a ratepayer when you cannot vote for them.? It is blatantly undemocratic. and racist.Colin
Yes, very much.Jillian
As soon as possible! I was part of the effort in Taupo to gather signatures on a petition for a referendum and we were successful. The council simply ignored our efforts and still won’t listen to any words on this subject. It is undemocratic and plays into the hands of the local tribe who are gaining power almost day by day.Roger
It is surely in the interests of NZ for them to be abolished. Otherwise we really will become a third world nation.John
I’m of Maori descent, I’m proud of my Maori heritage, but I believe in one country… one people, not a country divided by race and privilege. I believe in abolishing Maori wardsDave
All members of council should be elected by the publicMarie
100% YES.Ray
Absolutely. Racial representation is not justified under any circumstances.Neville
Yes they should be abolished, not only the seats,but also the bullies who push their racist agenda.Ross
Including maori seats in our parliamentAnthony
We must urgently put a stop to all these racist separatist political appeasements.Mike
let the community vote not by race but by community wishespeter
Everyone can stand for council and get voted in. There are No free lunches!Mike
not only abolished but all the so called hori charities made to pay tax and the power companies that paid out huge sums who refuse to say the amount and are GOVT OWNED hence tax payers money need to lower power prices by reclaiming from the hori mob all monies paid to them PLUS INTEREST because it wont be long before the second round of civil war starts because of the hori and their white bum boys and girls greed.Richard
I believe every person has the same chance of being elected regardless of raceColleen
This racist and twisted legislation favouring Maori over and above the rest of NZ is outrageous, unfair and needs to be stopped immediately and for all time!Greg
We also need to feel safe from the radicalised bullying. Not sure how – apart from throwing the in jail.Helen
100% not needed in a democracy. Can’t wait to see them goGlen
Show publicly what standover tactics are being usedAlan
Divide and Maori will dominate because the rest of us are afraid for our livesHilma
Councils are in position to manage infrastructure and facilities if their district for all members of their community and should do so without fear or favour. No one group should be given preference over another and all councellors should be elected in one election open to all ratepayers.John
I don’t support ethnicity politicsSteve
And the seats in parliament……..clive
Racially divisive political processes are no longer if ever required.Ron
Yes, it is undemocratic as well as divisive.Pamela
ASAP. I have emailed the politicians about the unacceptable situation in Gore giving the whole area to Iwi as significant sites. This is tribal takeover at its worse. Certainly contrary to the coalition government pledge not to give rights and responsibilities on the basis of race. Tribalism is winning with their intimidation of councillors.Brenda
Yes!! This sad and tragic division and derision must end!Janine
Gov Hobson said at the Treaty signing “Now we are ONE people. He would be astounded if he returned today. It was not what Queen Victoria had in mind!Dick
Time to show that we don’t want special race Decision for all people in NZ. Maori or not TheMaori Elites HAVE NO RIGHTS TO DECIDE FOR ALL NEW ZEALANDERS!!Dominique Greenslade
Absolutely & most definitely.Mike
Absolutely – they are totally undemocraticBruce
Abolish them!William
This country is slowly but surely being taken over by Maori extremists. It will revert eventually to what it was before – an irrelevant, small, third-world location at the bottom of the Pacific dominated by tribal conflict.Gary
DEFINITELY NOT!!! We are east becoming a South Africa apartheid era look a like. It is time to remove ALL legislation that refers to the Treaty and Maori. WE are New Zealanders, all of us.tony
They are a fundamental breech of democracypercy
All racist laws, including seats at local and central government must be removed. Also All Maori corporations must go onto the same tax system as all other corporations operating in New Zealand.Hugh
the sooner the betterdavid
And on Regional Coouncils and any statutory board.Vic
Division will never unite the country and vested interests will destroy the country.john
Of course they should – never should have been brought in in the first place. Racism, plain and simple. It should be made illegal for race to be involved in any part of New Zealand life.Don
Anybody who wants to stand for Council needs to be elected on by their ability to do the job. No by the colour of their skip or religious view pointfrank
We have too much racial division as it is.Dayal
Isn’t it obvious?James
Any race based legislation in our country, local or national, should not be tolerated. Never.Andrew
yes i do we have a race of people here that are not indigenous,and should have no special rights over and above the rest of us in this country of NEW ZEALANDrodger
Maori wards by decree are undemocratic and tend to worsen the racial divide being advocated by the leftRay
Get rid of them but National has not got the backbone to cancel them once and for all. I do not trust Luxon and National and that’s a shame having been a national supporter for all those years. Give me ACT and NZFirst any day when it comes to dealing with the Maori elite and the radical. New Zealand is in the shit if we do not turn the situation around.ken
One of the most unbelievable laws to ever be tried to force on this country.Ralph
Just activist footholds to Dictatorship.Greg
Fair for all, not just a few !gary
We are ONE people of ONE nation. Here for the individual regardless of race. Race-based law is counter to our Kiwi Culture and should be banned.M
Plenty of good Maori who can put themselves up for election in a democratic way.Mark
I really fear where this country is heading based on these race based policies and agenda of the so called Maori “elite”. The only thing that these elite are interested in is power and money and they are using their so called Maori ancestry to try and get their way. How many supposed Maori have over 50% Maori DNA? I have 96% Irish/Scottish ancestry but I am a New Zealander first and foremost. I for one, am sick of the continuing racist rhetoric coming especially from Maori radicals, but don’t hold out much hope that anything will change any time soon because the National Party in particular, are too gutless to stand up and be counted. It is also about time that the government looked at what is a charity because these Maori Corporations and the likes of Sanitarium need to start paying tax like all other businesses that make a profit. But once again I see no chance of this happening.Robert
everyone should be elected to the councils by the whole community not just appointedCathy
Remove themArthur
It’s time this government removed the charity status from all Maori corporations. If maori used their money to support their members it’d be ok but average maori in need of help see nothing while rich tribal leaders constantly have their hand out to the government.Trevor
For sure – The Maori seats in Parliament should be scrapped too. If we want to live as one people -m then we have to be one people – what we have now is a mess and not truth but deception.Maurice
No political seats should be race based.Clive
Absolutely, it’s undemocratic, I am for 1 person 1 vote. Subtract from the voting pool the 5% Loonys or radicles the majority of any heritage call ourselves Kiwis.John
One man ,one vote. Wards must be population based.Earl
Democracy should prevail over racism and intimidation by PART maori activists and extremists. B R .Bruce
this is just a money grab.Jenny
the last govts blatant attempt to replace democracy, can not stand NZ is rapidly moving towards a third world status where all the producers of wealth leaveGraham
Unfortunately easier said than done with most councils dominated by left leaning councillors plus the Maori ward appointees also voting to retain their seats. It does not help when the Minister for LOcal Government, Simeon Brown sands a letter to your chair advising we do not need to hold a referendum because the seats were embded by Government in 2014. Apparently this was part of a second Treaty settlement with Tainui.Chris
Absolutely this is racist at the highest level;Russ
I do but it will not happen while Nats are so wokeRay
New Zealand is in a slumber, to afraid to open its eyes.sven
They simply promote a devisive approach to voting on decisions affecting local councils.Ian
Stand as all other candidates do.Mark
Get rid of racisms and place those into councils who are qualified and able.John
anything that does not apply to everyone is biased unfair & racist.Chris
Just look at what Te Pati maori and the Green party are morphing into,a total bloody nightmare for the rest of us New Zealanders and a daming legasy left to us by Jacinda Adhern and the last Labour government.WHAT A DISASTER.kevin
We are one people. Race shouldn’t matter.Mick
Racism is wrong and racism is not exclusively white, despite what John Minto believes.Bob
Quite simply – they are racist and divisive. Apartheid in action. Welcome to New Zimbabwe !Doug
Yes , abolish the maori wards for ever, they are a pernicious and insulting blight on communities. The power of the tribes who operate as charities, paying no tax, led by greedy minded well paid leaders , must be stopped if we are to have a happy nation , with democracy up front. Lets get rid of the Treaty too, its out of date , and now used as a weapon, instead of a trusting, truthful agreement between the old chiefs and the Queen.Bev
One Nation no division no split vote, Central or local councilKen
Definitely. They foster racism and aid only the Maori elite.Layor
as the current government was mandated to do in last year’s election. The Maori “say” is the Maori elites in the race based corporations, in my opinion.Giles
We are one country and everyone should bd treated with the same respect. Also, abolish charities as they are now a mechmechanism of tax avoidance. The same groups who want everyone else to pay for their privelage.Raymond
Please make sure the PM gets our response .That is why he was voted into parliamentHeather
Get.rid of them!Mike
Not justified UndemocraticMurray
I FIRMLY advice EVERYONE email ACT & NZ FIRST to act luxon WONT do anything he,s WEAK but ACT & NZFIRST have guts & will do things which are for ALL NZders so email them it,s FREE & if you want us all to be EQUAL ACT NOWCindy
The idea of establishing them in the first place was an appallingly racist one.Logan
To favour any select ethnic group in a community is racist….. and maoris are the most racist agitators in the land.Peter
the sooner, the better…..john
Should never have been suggested. They can get on council thru normal electionsBeverley
Equal opportunities for allian
The maori seats in Parliament should go too.Brent
ABSOLUTELY!! Equality for all.Tony
Let democracy win the dayJennie
100% ALL references to race in government should be removedGareth
All NZ citizens should have equal opportunities. Maori are well able to stand on their own feet, without being molycodled by special treatment.Garth
However I suspect it will be very difficult to remove those already in existence.mike
Racism and blatant self interest driven by abusive bullying is criminal behaviour. All perpetrators should be dealt harshly using the full extent of the law. Such behaviour must not be tolerated.Richard
Abolish. And while you’re at it abolish all legislation that referrs too race from the statute books. We are Nzers first a melting pot of culture’s.Bruce
ALL forms of APARTHEID should be abolished in NZ, including the separate Maori parliamentary seats.Geoff
One New ZealandRAY
Everyone who stands for a seat on Local Councils should be elected by all the people concerned, not just one race and no one should be appointed as that is not true Localism.June
absolutely yes, no place for divisive policyjohn
and the parliamentary seatsDavid
They become an abuse of powerBruce
Absolutely abolished and totally gone.Angela
To stop tribal controlFiona
Special allocations of seat set asside for Maori are plainly racist on one hand, however my major complaint with this is that the ratepayer cannot vote them off if they do not perform to what the ratepayers require.Peter
Urgently need to get back to equity for ALL New Zealanders.Bruce
Racist and undemocraticGeoff
Racism is NZ’s number one issue – and maybe the only way to solve is to become a state of Australia.Gerry
Because of issues like over-representation of Maori on local Councils, and voting for their own interests rather than the good of all citizens. We all, Maori included, need to stand on our own two feet and not use the right of position at Council tables for our own advantage.Laurence
Why treat Maori any different.Chris
Need to go, Not democracyCorey
Why should the Maori NOT have to stand like any other person who wants to become a counciller, put name forward and be voted in like any other counciller..Carl
Maori have proved they are more than capable of standing for local and national elections in general seats. They do need to be patronised by providing special seats with the inbuilt supposition that thay are incapable of standing ontheir own two feet.David
This division by race has to be stopped in its tracks immediately. Elected Councilors should represent ALL their rate payers.Mark
100% undemocratic.Mark
Absolutely, they are over represented in Local Government as it is. We can see the results as the Maori ward councillor “Paniora” and the amount of disruption she caused at council meetings trying to get her own way.Lawrie
Democracy must be preservedLindsay
Not only abolished but all the entrenched CoGovernance components, Veto rights components, consultation Rights being effectively a veto control, and Spealial quota rights and practices need to be abolished from our law, our practices, our internal central and local govt workings. Maori have access to education and jobs, they need to be returned to equal opportunity status and equal outcome status abolished. These charitiers need to be examined and audited, Within this Govt term we should see required separation of profit activities including capital acquisition and charity activity which is paying out to others, split with the proper tax bracket applied to each. We have to stop the Treaty being misused as a means of wealth transfer from Ratepayers and taxpayers.Richard
Along with central government Maori seats.Anthony
Absolutely. A nonsense situation.Murray
NZ one nation under heaven and one people of many ethnicitiesgraham
We need to be a One people nation where every citizen and resident has equal rights and equal say.Geraldine
There is absolutely no place for apartheid in any shape or form in our democracy, including Maori seats in Parliament and Local Government. Abolish them all urgently.Colin
No to racismLindsay
Maori seats in General elections also.carol
We are a democracy so anybody can put themselves forward & get elected, rather than Maori being treated as victims incapable of getting elected. And if the mainstream press requires a real life example of Maori succeeding & not playing the victim card we need only look to the party leaders of our current governmentJohn
Its just another form of apartheid, race based policies. Of course the maori rabble will bleat about getting rid of the rubbish. Be strong coalition you have a clear mandate to clean up all these greed based agendas.Ray
Immediately. 100%. Now!Grahame
An end to these standover tactics!Allan
And also, Maori seats in NZ Parliament. Anyone who wants to get elected on local Govt. or into political parties can do so on their own merits? Not by race.Wayne
I also believe the Maori seats in Parliament should be abolished.Terry
Logic and democratic both should apply.Peter
Absolutely, undemocratically introduced against the Logal Government Act. Unelected people have no place on councils.Graham
YES!!! One Man one vote …OK, I know, women too course..so One citizen one vote, black, white or brindle!. It’s called DEMOCRACY. God defend New Zealand from the Maori Activists and the Politicians.Bruce
Of course they should be abolished. They are undemocratic and should never have started this nonsense.Scott
We must do.all possible to preserve democracy and remove any governance based on race.Robyn
This is actually a vote for democracy or for tribal rulerobin
If Maori want seat on local council then they need to be elected like the rest of the councillors.David
Same rights for all New Zealanders. No discrimination.Tony
Democracy must rule NOT tribal apartheidDavid
Dont want racial division.Diane
Any meeting to consider such matters must be held on neutral ground. Very important.Peter
Absolutely needs to be abolished. No one should have an automatic right to a seat on council due to race, only on election. We are a. Multicultural country, if you want representation then put up for election. Not one member of society should have more rights than anyone else in any shape or form.Karin
We dont need tribal ruleShaun
The rot has already set in. Removing the maori stranglehold on councils will require determination and guts by the local constituents and any councillors who are too scared to resist should be voted out. Maori aggression and intimidation should be illegal and these people arrested ,charged and imprisoned.Koreen
The law should be that no one has any privileges based on their race in all matters absolutelyLuke
Without doubt. One person one vote is crucial. Ethnicity should be irrelevant.Bernie
There should be no race based legislation.Tony
One People- New Zealanders Simple reallyJohn
Councillors should be elected on merit onlyGaye
I am in the process of permanently relocating to Australia because the mess that Labour has created over the last few years.j. Shaw
One rule for all exists, we dont need to encourage another gravy dip pot. They never plan for the general good of all but only for their selfish greedy interests.mike
We are all equalKevin
Absolutely Maori have too much control and even worse is their billion dollar industries do not pay tax. So they should have no say in the community that they do not contribute to. They are super rich but none of it filters down to their people whilst they say that the government disadvantages them. Talk about reflection!Laura
They are not necessary.Chris
Nanaia Mahuta never had the mandate of the people (electorate) to bring in Maori Wards or Three Waters.Rose
One person , one voteRod
Race-based representation should be abolished both at local and central governmentJohn
Absolutely and urgently YESJoe
If Maori want to get involved in local councils they should stand, and be voted for like all other candidates.Marion
The colour of one’s skin should have no relevance to the makeup of local councils. What is relevant is for councillors to have a genuine desire to serve their local communities.Rex
They should never have been established in the first place. NZ is going to ruin because of the reverse racial antics & it is not surprising that so many New Zealanders are moving overseas.david
There has be an even playing field for all rate payers and voters in a true democracy.Warren
Nelson has shown that indeed, radicals usually get elected to Maori wards, people who do not tolerate any view other than their own victim narrative. With dreadful consequences for the community.Dan
One vote for all! Representative government must triumph.Rodger
Along with the Maori parliamentary electorates which should have been abolished with the introduction of MMPTerry
One law for all one vote for all , equal rights for all on special rights base on Race.Don
Maori Ward seats ( like dedicated Maori seats in Parliament) are unquestionably a form of Tribal co-governance , whether agreed to by a public referendum (of ratepayers) or not . Clearly Ward seats will be peopled by appointed activists/ radicals whose SOLE purpose will be promoting (preferential) Maori interests and Maori control – and nothing else Government undertook to eradicate co-governance. It has NOT done so , it has just shifted the responsibility for enabling it away from itself . Maori are just as able and entitled to stand for elected public offices as any other citizen. Why should they be entitled to any more than that , ensuring not just their over-representation in power , but the injection of radicals/ activists into positions in governance – more accurately co-governance. Government should have eliminated altogether any possibility of Maori Ward seats and further should eliminate the dedicated Maori seats in Parliament. Our democratic system is based on ‘equality of citizenship’ NOT race-based preference . Maori Tribes per se have absolutely no role or place in our Democratic system and structure. We are about ‘equality of citizenship’ as is effectively mandated in the Treaty of Waitangi.That principle should remain inviolable. Hugh
Racial politics is not what the majority of New Zealand ers want.Howard
Equal laws and rights for all New ZealandersPaul
Maori should stand and get elected like everyone else. Ranald.Ranald.
Get rid of them.. they are both racist and discriminatory!Rob
It’s passed time the coalition took action on so called charities who made $100 million last year and paid no TAXES, Ngai Tahu extracting $100 million from the power companies operating on the Waitaki River. Since when did Ngai Tahu get ownership of the Waitaki River. These monies are obscene and so is the fact they pay no taxes on said income.cmon Winston and David – action and response please. As for special seats on our councils, that’s a big NO from me, in Marlborough. Why are these part Maori so special compared to the 100 odd other nationalities now in NZ and contributing towards paying for the rorts taking place with no accountability.Carolyn
All residents should have equal rights. Not based on colour or heritage.Geoffrey
Why do these Moari Iwi not pay taxes yet expect the taxpayers of this country to pay for everything they ask for?Jenny
NO unelected person should represent the wishes of the people, regardless of race. (And that goes for the list MP’s also). Maori are more than capable of standing for election – and winning. Northland is proof of that. We don’t need to be handing them,(or anyone for that matter), race base seats that are for no other purpose than to divide and squash the will of the people, should it disagree with them.Christine
No to apartheid in NZTom
1 person 1 vote, equal representation to all should prevail. We have seen the unpleasant and downright bullying from unequal representation of having Maori “compulsory council members”.Donald
The intimidation is not acceptable 100m for waikato unlikely to be public knowledge. Needs light shone on this. Reeks of corruption which if public this country would be considered third world statusPaul
they are not the only people living in this country and I am sick to death of the BS they are spouting.Marie
Blatant racismJane
MOST definitely that they should be abolished. This constant reverse racism is f..ky our once wonderful country – NEW ZEALAND.Brian
Sooner the better Unfortunately Mr Chong is gutless and should stand up to what he believes in.Evans
There is always a place for elected people on Council but not for racially appointed onesMorrin
I believe all voting in Nz should be equal and that the Maori seats in Parliament should also be abolished. Everyone who votes in NZ should be equalNorman
labour has divided n z and made it a raciest 3rd world country like south africa was , the world saw the results there.natasha
Already, Mafia type intimidation is rearing its ugly head to those who make stand FOR DEMOCRACY These tactics will only increase if a stand for DEMOCRACY , is not made now. All such Race Based should be wiped. Including those in Central Govenment. Let us all be “NEW ZEALANDERS”Percival
Maori seats in Govt as well. The activists don’t represent the garden variety of Maori / NZers but a radical few per cent of Maori who only have their interests at heartGlenn
We all one people living in harmony in one country and to divide us by race is creating life long tension between the people.Pavithra
They have the same right to stand for council as every othe Person in New Zealand note New ZealandPeter
Maori wishing to be. Councillors should go thru the same process as all other Nominees. No special treatment should apply.Robyn
ANYTHING “Maori” needs abolition now. Division will simply multiply ad nauseam nowGill
Absolutely. We are one people.Tony
For all the reasons already listed and well known. It is undemocratic have such wardsTerry
And the Maori seats in parliament. both are just racist lunacy.Dave
Along with charitable trusts that pay no taxesJohm
Maori seats at any level of government are racial discrimination.Bryan
With the MSM plus the Elite left wing Maori Activists receiving all of the exposure 85% off the population are totally irrelevant .A large portion of population leaving this country is not only for greener pastures but to get away from this Maori Dominated Society!Michael Andrew
Most definitely. They are totally racistOwen
We are all equal, Like non Maori they can have their name put forward.Jacqui
Of course, along with every other apartheid act and statute to do with the TOW. This is all the fault of our so called democratic governments, allowing and facilitating this divisive, racist, apartheid division, and all by design. Wake up people, the STATE is our only enemy. Focus on the cause and not the effects.neil
Everyone should get in on their own merit, not because of their race. Kim
Maori wards are racist and is against democracyAlec
The power frenzy exhibited by the maori elite is dangerous. On law for all is the only answer.Neil
No unelected seats based on race!Peter
There is enough Maori representation without having dedicated seats.Andrew
We should all be equal. One equal vote per personEdward
too racist.steph
It is not democesery, If they are very good why don’t they stand as a normal counciler. they are only voted in by a very small majority of select voters.Richard
As soon as possible. We all need to send a congratulatory message and support to Craig Jepson Mayor of Kaipara District Council.Cath
When does the civil war startpaul
Maori seats are a breach of the treatychris
Not democraticGraham
Apartheid v Democracy. We all need to decide this for NZ futureLaurine
All candidates should be elected on their merits. These bullies must nit be allowed to winJenna
colourblind is the only way forwardBrian
Hell YES.Tony
NowI understand why the power bills have escalated if they are paying Ngai Tahu for the use of the river…. this country is stuffed by greedy ungrateful radicals.Erin
The whole idea, of Maori seats, is giving them extra rights over other races. Its’ obvious that this is favoured privelege, and is certainly RACIST… It has to go!!!David
Absolutely – maybe these maori carpetbaggers shold also be asked to return some of the assets they have gained bt stealth and coercion, at the expense of the rest of the people living in this country. You know what thay say – :Give them an inch and they’ll take a yard” – never a truer word was spokenTrevor
Unless they are abolished, it will develop further into politically promoted racism.Bob
The alternative is racial inequality.Malcolm
Racist and undemocraticjohn
And further to the abolition of maori seats I believe that because of the harassment of councillors, their voting should now be secret to hide their identity.Rod
Of course they should, asap, and we shouldn’t be giving in to bullying and intimidation by these activists. That just makes things worse. It’s time our government got tough and did what we voted them in for.Lee
Craig Jepson deserves a medal for standing up to the Maori activists who promote this victim culture of tribal groups. His guest commentary is brilliant and all New Zealanders should read it.Mary
There should be no race based seats on any council or government departmentRod
representation should be via a democratic votegavin
Without any doubt, give Maori elite an inch and they want the whole mile.Greed is only part of the deal,they want domination of the country and finances. I don’t know why they don’t go back to where they say they came from.Peter
Strongly oppose- so devisive. Of Maori decent and a New Zealander!Audrey
Undemocratic, race based selection of Local Govt representatives must go.Bruno
Get rid of them NOW! They should never have been allowed and we shouldn’t have to wait until 2028 for them to be gone. Theyre pure evil and continue to devide our country and destroy our democracy as was Labours plan.Des
Council members should be elected by voting rate payers not get a free ride based on racePeter
One vote for each person and ALL stand for election through ONE baseKelvin
Our country will never be the same if this is allowed to happen.Annie
Yes definitely, otherwise eventually New Zealand will end up with the old Maori war syndrome again. Remember how the Maori tribal leaders asked the then Queen of England to come to NZ and help stomp out the out-of-control Tribal cannibalistic wars!Stuart
Mayor Wise in Napier wants racist Maori wards. Hopefully she will get booted out at next years Council election.Anthony
Vote according to merit. Let’s move into the 21st century and abolish racial preference!Liz
Must be voted onto councilKevin
Decisive ! Not true representation of democracy !Susan
Absolutely, the sooner the better!alan
New Zealand is supposed to be a democracy.Robbie
Absolutely YES.Simon
The Maori seats in Parliament must also be abolished.David
The article outlines clearly why maori wards should be abolished. Everyone who wishes to be on the local board has the right to be considered for election. If elected they do so but maori wards give extra maori representation that is not needed.Carol
Votes should be on merit only. Let’s move into the 21st century and abolish racial preference!Liz
Maori appear to want to win power through intimidation. They are against democracy!Hugh
Should never have been allowed in the first place.Mary
They are devisiveMike
Maori seats should never have been introduced to local councils. Race-based representation has no place in a democracy. Furthermore, Maori tribal corporations posing as charities should not be tax exempt. Restore democracy and root out the gravy train rip offs.Wendy
There is no need for themIan
Yes indeed.. That lot act like the Nazis forcing their ways after entering the Weimar Republic Reichstag. They threatened ,bullied and beat their opponents into submission to the point where they drove other members of the Reichstag either to resign and even managed whole parties to give up. That is the fabric of this so called Maori Party. They do not refrain from using Gangster methods and hiring thugs to get things done. This is only the beginning and if not radically dealt with, this will be the demise of this once proud Nation.Michael
Equal rights for everyoneGavin
Absolutely they are racist just like all cunsultations with troughing racist IWIGreg
They provide for a racial minority and must go!Nev
Race has no place in either national or local representation.Trevor
close the irrelevant TOWchris
Absolutely Maori seats in local government should be abolished – and in central government too. All New Zealanders must be treated as equals if this country is ever to thrive and prosper. Dave
Yes all race based seats should be abolished. We should be a colourblind society. Murray
Labour did so much damage when they were in government. The increase in racial division was caused by them. And repairing it is not going to be easy.Penny
Councils have been captured by tribal groups in many parts of the country. They are working for them instead of the community. Can’t councillors see what’s going on – or are they all too scared to take a stand??Hugh
Labour’s legacy of incompetence and racial division is appalling. Good luck to the coalition in trying to sort it out!Thomas