Thank you for signing our New Zealand Centre for Political Research petition calling for the abolition of the Maori seats.
In election year, people power does matter, so please encourage as many people as you can to sign the petition so it becomes part of the political agenda.
The direct link to the petition is here:
To keep informed, we suggest you register for the mailing list of our free NZCPR Weekly – please click the button.
A comprehensive background paper, The Maori Seats in Parliament by Professor Philip Joseph of Canterbury University can be read HERE. An NZCPR background article from 2013, Have your say on the future of the Maori Seats, can be read HERE, and a more recent paper, Maori Seats Undermine Democracy, can be read HERE.
We will be running public information newspaper advertising campaign to raise awareness of the need to abolish the Maori seats and create a common electoral roll. If you would like to support such a campaign, please click the following button to our donation page.