Weekly Newsletter Index
March 2025February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024June 2024May 2024April 2024March 2024February 2024January 2024December 2023November 2023October 2023- Court of Appeal Opens Coast to Maori Ownership
- New Zealanders Vote For Change
- Final Thoughts on Election 2023
- Healing Racial Tensions
- Hiding in Plain Sight – the Real Agenda
- Labour Delivers Control of Fresh Water to Maori
- Goodbye Jacinda
- The Politics of Division
- Questions Over Our Future
- A Climate of Authoritarianism
- The Cost of Coercion
- New Zealand Turns Sinister
- The Revolution Within
- Time to Oppose Three Waters
- A Surveillance Society
- The Danger of Co-Governance
- The Crisis of State Overreach
- Manipulating the Truth
- Animal Farm Democracy
- Labour’s Deepening Dependency Trap
- We Don’t Love You Anymore Jacinda
- The Blame Game
- Dividing Our Nation
- Covid Wins
- Labour’s Health System Failure
- Trust in Labour Falling
- A Dangerous Time for New Zealand
- Update on Covid-19
- The High Cost of Failure
- Time to Pull the Plug On Three Waters
- Democracy in New Zealand: A Stocktake
- Disunity and Division
- Olympic Success – Political Failure
- Attacking Free Speech
- He Puapua in Action – Labour’s Three Waters Reform
- Troubled Waters Ahead
- The Turning Tide of Public Opinion
- Challenging the Agenda
- The Dependency Budget
- Political Dishonesty
- A Bombshell Ruling
- The Tide is Turning
- Threatening Our Future
- The Darkening Clouds of Totalitarianism
- Defending Our Democracy
- The End of Democracy
- Labour’s Housing Bombshell
- The Final Step to Separatism
- A Slippery Slide to Totalitarianism
- Propaganda Rules
- The Corruption of Democracy
- The Failed Ideology of Cultural Marxism
- Climate Commission’s Radical Plan
- The Abuse of Power
- Resetting Politics and the Media
- Failing Education
- Governing for Every New Zealander
- United Nations Agenda 2030
- Repealing Democratic Rights
- Tipping Points
- Political Agenda Endangers Lives
- Important Developments
- Covid Disruptions
- The Key Election Issue
- A Covid Farce
- Democracy Under Threat
- Modern Socialism
- The Politics of Fear
- New Zealand at a Crossroads
- Another Captain’s Call
- New Zealand’s Democratic Vacuum
- The Lockdown Week 3
- The Lockdown Week 2 – Concerns
- The Lockdown Week 1 – Questions…
- A Country in Lockdown
- COVID-19 – two weeks on
- Labour’s Dependency Trap
- COVID-19
- Ideas for a Better Future
- Fundraising Appeal 2019
- 2019 in Review
- The Dark Age of Political Intrusion
- Treating New Zealanders Badly
- Powerful Forces Threaten Our Future
- Ministry of Truth
- The Politics of Zero Carbon
- Private Property Rights Under Threat
- A Sacrificial Lamb
- The Best Interests of the Child
- Privatising New Zealand’s Coastline – Beach by Beach
- Muzzling Free Expression
- Supreme Power for New Housing Authority
- Dangers Ahead
- The Controversial Zero Carbon Bill
- The 2019 ‘Wellbeing’ Budget
- Election Lessons
- Criminalising free speech
- Climate Change Hysteria
- Expert Group Proposes Increased Dependency
- Undermining Democracy in New Zealand
- A Costly Mistake
- Implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- The Consequences of a Tragedy
- A Totalitarian State
- The Politicisation of a Tragedy
- United We Stand
- The Partnership Deception
- The Politics of a Capital Gains Tax
- Jacinda’s Vindictive Capital Gains Tax
- Economic Inequality
- The Art of Manipulation
- Waitangi Week Messages
- Aotearoa New Zealand
- Legitimising Illegal Migration
- Plastic Bags – a matter of perception not science
- Housing Affordability – Lottery or Reform
- Return the Coast to Public Ownership
- Global Warming – the new political platform
- The Controversy of Politics
- The Dangers of Judicial Activism
- Time To Have A Say On Entrenching The Maori Seats
- De-industrialising Our Economy
- Capital Gains Tax Edges Closer
- Cultural Indoctrination Week
- Attacking Landlords
- Warning Shots Over Foreshore and Seabed Claims
- Five Policies to Improve Our Future
- Claiming Back Our Rights
- Grow a Spine or Resign
- Time for More Action on FASD
- Court Hearings for Tribal Claims Edge Closer
- Swimming With the Tide of Political Opinion
- Free Speech Under Threat
- Government Conceit
- Local Government Activism
- Killing Our Economy
- Time for Random Drug Testing of Drivers.
- Replacing Damaging Regulations
- Coastal Claim Developments
- Race-Based Democracy Opposed
- A Change in Direction
- A Society of Equals
- Labour’s Disastrous Track Record of Welfare Reform
- The Pitfalls of Change
- Defending Democracy
- A Lurch to the Left
- Local Democracy Undermined
- Labour’s Leadership Vacuum
- Global Warming Groupthink
- A Tax Sham
- Will President Trump bring down power prices in New Zealand?
- Political Correctness Threatens Free Speech
- Child Poverty: Real or Rhetoric?
- Last Chance to Oppose Coastal Claims
- A New Era of Politics
- Agendas and Demands
- The Dangers of Dependency
- Refugee Controversies and Climate Change
- Improving Productivity and Wellbeing
- A Government of Controversy
- Tribal Control of New Zealand’s Coast
- Capitalism Under Scrutiny
- Losers Take Power
- Creating a Legacy of Growth
- Proportional Representation – Disproportional Influence
- Election 2017 – Roundup
- A New Parliament and the Labelling of Food
- Election 2017: Style versus Substance
- Election 2017: Idealism vs Realism
- A Long Week in Politics
- Democracy Under Attack
- Major Election Policies Announced
- Banning Begging
- Next Steps in Coastal Claims
- Immigration Matters
- Time for a Change in Welfare Policy
- Lessons from the UK Election
- Political Courage
- Claims Tsunami Hits Foreshore and Seabed
- The Real New Zealand
- Charging for Water
- Supporting Free Speech
- Addressing Child Abuse
- National’s RMA Changes – a major constitutional victory for Iwi Leaders
- Education in Need of Reform
- An Abomination of a Bill
- Climate change data fabricated
- Parliamentary Sovereignty Under Attack
- Tinkering with the RMA
- Food Regulations Under Review
- The Silent Majority Fights Back
- The Paris Agreement
- Water Rights Agenda Exposed
- Welfare in Need of Change
- A Spotlight on Democracy
- Education Shake-up
- Electoral Apartheid by Decree
- The Kermadec Controversy
- New Zealand Needs Tax Reform
- Race Relations in New Zealand
- New Developments in Housing
- Housing Affordability – the underlying problem
- Local Body Developments
- Countering Global Warming
- Ballot Box Democracy
- Questions about Budget 2016
- Nemo Judex in Causa Sua
- Open Letter to National Members of Parliament
- Undemocratic Mayors
- Policy Failures Make Housing Less Affordable
- The Dark Art
- Changing Society and Re-writing History
- Challenges in Education
- Social Challenges and Social Bonds
- The Politics of Fresh Water Reform
- Submissions Open on Controversial Water Reform Proposals
- Time for Submissions on the RMA
- Time for the PM to be strong and principled
- The Politics of RMA Reform
- The Sovereign State of Tuhoe
- Hands Off Our Water
- Trading into the Future
- Keeping the Public in the Dark
- Feminism Damages Children
- The Consequences of Judicial Activism
- The Flag Debate
- The Challenges of Dealing With Society’s Worst Offenders
- Divided Agenda
- What Next for Local Government
- Fact or Fearmongering?
- Threatening the Kereru
- Being passionate about education
- National Security in the Internet Age
- Foreign Fighters – the next generation of global terrorism
- Compassionate Conservatism
- Boosting the Regions
- Whanau Ora
- Media Concerns
- Interesting Policies on Offer in UK Elections
- Race-based Water Rights a Step Closer
- Drunkenness is no excuse
- Law Making Pitfalls
- Irony in Northland By-election Result
- Public say NO to Maori seats on Council
- Managing Risk
- Inherent Failings of Bureaucracy
- Concerns over Amnesty
- The Islamic State
- An Amalgamation Agenda
- Reflecting On Our Past and Future
- Progressive Education a Failure
- A Recipe for Disaster
- Expanding Our Markets
- Re-writing History
- The Dangers of Cannabis
- Home Fire Scaremongering
- New Parliament – New Challenges
- Manipulating Charities
- Recommendations for the Prime Minister
- Major Reforms Needed to Safeguard Our Future
- The Danger of Constitutional Rights
- Election Roundup – Looking Forward
- Election Myths
- Open Letter to the Prime Minister
- Stealing an Election
- Tuhoe Rules
- Concerns Emerge Over Binding Citizens Referenda
- Extremism Mars Election Race
- Discrimination or Equality?
- Time to Scrap the ETS
- Regulation Is Not The Answer
- The Rule of Law and Propaganda
- Public Protest Matters
- Free Markets Under Attack
- Family Violence and Child Poverty
- Figures on home ownership and facts about affordability
- Immigration – and the European Elections
- Maori Seats Undermine Democracy
- Understanding Welfare Dependency
- Budget 2014
- Undermining Representative Democracy
- A Climate of Irrational Assumptions
- The Forces That Shape Public Policy
- Undermining the Rule of Law
- Has Welfare Reform Gone Far Enough?
- Reports Ignore Reality
- Constitutional Compromise
- State Control of Rental Housing
- Equal Rights an Election Issue
- Alleviating Child Poverty
- Regulating Wages
- The Abuse of Property Rights
- Election Year Tactics
- Citizens’ Democracy – the way of the future
- Waitangi Day Reflections
- Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!
- A New Report on the Treaty and the Constitution
- How to Win Friends and Influence Voters
- Nordic countries show the way
- Constitutional Rights & Tribal Ambition
- Citizens Initiated Referendum
- Selling sensation
- The State of Politics
- New Zealand’s Productivity Dilemma
- Fiscal envelope gets bigger
- Tackling Child Abuse
- More United Nations Carbon Regulations on the Way
- Labour Under Cunliffe
- MMP Tail Wags Parliamentary Dog
- Improving Global Competitiveness
- Treaty Partnership and Sovereignty
- Labour Leadership and the Pension Debate
- The Electricity Debate
- The Road to Better Local Government
- A Matter of National Security
- Comprehensive Welfare Reforms Now Underway
- Constitutional Advisory Panel Members Reveal Bias
- Institutional Racism
- Good policy relies on good data
- Have your say on the future of the Maori seats
- Green scaremongering
- A Two-Tier Society
- Politics, Cartoons and Free Speech
- The Future of the Waitangi Tribunal
- Unity or Division – the way forward
- Budget 2013
- Lessons from Singapore
- Name changes and other controversial matters
- Politicising poverty
- Sabotage or Open Disclosure
- Welcome to the future
- Charities Under Review
- Protecting the Banking Sector
- Race Relations
- Technology Changes Democracy
- Time to Have Your Say on the Management of Resources and Fresh Water
- Time to End Policy of Appeasement
- A Census Protest and a People’s Review
- Money not Mana
- Extending the Term of Parliament
- Our National Day of Shame
- Power, Water, Spectrum, and Fish
- The housing affordability debate
- Old vs new politics
- Focus on review
- Strange ideas on managing the economy
- Independent Constitutional Review Panel established
- Welfare is a risk factor for children
- Are We Heading Towards Apartheid New Zealand?
- Education – a three way partnership
- Open letter to the Prime Minister
- Stand up for New Zealand!
- Time to challenge claims and claimants
- Last chance to comment on MMP
- No new historic claims
- A Declaration of Equality
- Positive reality or fictional fantasy?
- Time for a new approach to education
- State culpability: the Kahui twins
- Are we one or two?
- Have your say about your council
- One battle ends, a new one begins
- Equality for all
- Time to have your say on our voting system
- Last chance to defend coastal rights
- Reforms focus on work
- Radical forces plan to replace our constitution
- The need for local government reform
- Time to have your say on welfare
- Will the claims ever end?
- Grievance day
- Election 2011 – the final countdown
- Election 2011 – tapes, vandalism, separatism, and the voting referendum
- Election 2011 – storm clouds gather on horizon
- Election 2011 – “it’s the economy, stupid”
- Election 2011 – round one
- Fresh thinking
- Time to hold our politicians to account
- Crime – it’s about demography not race
- Winning an election is not enough
- Spotlight on politicians over debt crisis
- Leave our constitution alone
- A Strategy for Power Price Increases
- A matter of trust
- An avoidable tragedy
- A gravy train of “full and final” settlements
- Mending a broken society
- Time to scrap the ETS
- Maori Seat Increase Undermines MMP Referendum
- Capital Gains Tax – Labour’s great leap backwards
- Coastal Coalition’s Citizens Initiated Referendum Gets the Green Light
- Radical forces shape our future
- Wai 262 empowers Maori elite
- Decision Time for CIR to Restore Crown Ownership of Foreshore and Seabed
- Does marriage matter?
- A scandal of wasted opportunity
- Time for a national economic strategy
- Popular beaches targeted for foreshore claims
- Budget 2011: A wasted opportunity
- Tackling welfare
- It’s time to say no more
- The new political landscape
- Setting the record straight
- Intimidation and Fear in Coastal Communities
- The Foreshore Swindle: Speak now or forever lose your beach
- Reaching Aussie Becomes More Distant
- An open letter to John Key
- Doing More Harm than good
- Inspiration and exasperation
- Militant unions failing our students
- Grassroots politics
- National’s foreshore seabed bill
- Shifting the Balance of Power
- New Race-based Legislation Tabled
- Financial Tremors
- Tribalism vs democracy
- Heat turned up on global warming
- The dark underbelly of welfare
- Councils threaten the Good Life
- John Key – Selling Out to Maori Activists
- Problem or Fact of Life?
- Arming the Police
- A Triumph of Ideology Over Common Sense
- In Pursuit of the National Interest
- Improving the Lives of Children
- Maori Ownership of the Foreshore and Seabed
- Time to Make a Stand
- The Next Item on the Maori Agenda
- Welfare Bad for Health
- Rating the Budget
- Social Policy – evaluating success or failure
- Proportionate Representation, Disproportionate Power
- Protest, Propaganda and Petitions
- Acting Without a Mandate
- A Call to Action
- Time for a Referendum on Foreshore and Seabed
- An Idea Whose Time has Come
- The Litmus Test of Welfare Reform
- The Conceit of the Anointed
- Race Relations Commissioner Should Go
- The Sacred Cow of Nuclear Power
- New Zealand Needs a Champion
- Welfare Reform on the Agenda
- Climate Change in Tatters
- Hopes of a Nation
- A Radical Agenda
- Less tax not new tax was the election pledge
- THE MMP REVIEW – trashing our democratic rights
- The Copenhagen Saga
- Open Letter to the Prime Minister
- Exposing the Real Agenda
- One Year on
- Shedding light on the rising cost of power
- The Great Quango Hunt
- Halting the economic decline
- Open Letter to the Minister of Climate Change Issues
- A Threat to Freedom and Prosperity
- Down the Path to Racism
- Capital Gains Tax not the Answer
- Does NZ Need an Upper House?
- No Maori Seats – for now
- Dealing with Abuse: The Way Forward
- Change the Law Prime Minister
- The DPB: The Unfortunate Experiment
- Stand Firm
- No Public Mandate for UN Indigenous Rights Declaration
- Closing the Gap
- Improving Outcomes
- Crucial Questions Need Answers
- Controversy, Conservation and Consultation
- Too Much Secrecy
- A Smack in the Face of Democracy
- Is Maori Disparity a Myth?
- Recession Increases Need for Welfare Reform
- Budget Spendup Continues
- Cooler Weather Heats up Debate
- Creating a Wealth Revolution
- The Rising Price of Power
- Time to Modernise Education
- Zombie Science, Zombie Politics
- Reflection and Accountability
- Should New Zealand Stand Firm?
- Back to the Drawing Board
- Ideas Matter
- A High Priority Promise
- The Path to Energy Rationing
- Putting the Public Interest First
- Tackling the Tough Issues
- Time to face the truth
- Three stikes and you’re terminated
- Is National Doing Enough?
- Reviewing the Minimum Wage
- Planning our Future
- A Priority for Change
- Moving in the Right Direction
- A Top Priority
- Undue influence
- Question Time for Parliament
- Labour Closes In
- Lifting Children out of Dependency
- Making a Difference
- Education Matters
- Protecting our Future
- The Future of the Maori Seats
- Massive increase in spending, little increase in benefit
- How the Numbers Add Up, for Labour
- Distinguishing Reality from Fantasy
- Election Year Budget lacks Vision
- Who Pays?
- A Citizen Revolt
- Action Group, Gangs Welfare
- Crime in Perspective
- The Promise of the Treaty
- Political Agendas Put Economy at Risk
- Exposing the Climate Change Agenda
- Undermining Democracy
- Free Market Capitalism
- Everyone Pays
- When Radicals Agree
- Housing Affordability Crisis
- Compromising Democracy
- Global Mitigation or Adaptation?
- Selling Our Kids Short
- Taxpayer Funded Activism
- An Idea Whose Time Has Come
- Crossing the Line
- Is it Time to Change Our Voting System?
- Politics in Schools on Trial
- Corrupting Free Markets
- One Year Out
- Political Answers to Real Problems
- The Nuclear Option
- The Burdens of Local Government
- Accepting Accountability
- Breaking Through
- Australian Welfare Reform
- Struggle Street
- The Corruption of Power
- Snails and Local Government
- Freedom Under Attack
- Reasonable Force in Schools
- Questions of Governance
- Questions of Governance
- State Accountability
- The Politics of Crime
- A Royal Commission on Climate Change
- Rates and Bureaucracy – the future of local government
- Looking ahead
- Where others fear to tread
- Climate Change – fact or fear?
- Big government is the problem,
- Will migrant workers take our jobs?
- Corruption in Parliament
- A Licence for Parents
- Three Anniversaries
- Keep the Kids Inside
- MMP referendum
- Rate rebellion Reform
- Strikes, Mathematics Religion
- How New Zealanders see themselves
- Time to Look Forward Not Back
- Unsung Heroes
- Exposing the Real Culprit
- Reigning in Local Government
- Perpetuating Poverty
- The failure of welfare
- The Maori Child Abuse Crisis
- Treating Men’s Health Equally
- Freedom and Prosperity
- Waiting for Help
- Sovereignty Marchs On
- Rich Country – Poor Families
- The Boundaries of Free Speech
- The virtue of self-interest
- Transforming welfare
- Education or Social Engineering?