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Three Waters – Many Lies

What we have seen is false advertising and orchestrated ‘news’ items on mainstream media to promote a perception that there is a need for reform. We have been given false assurances that the councils will retain ‘ownership’ of their water assets despite councils having no benefits of ownership and a report prepared by the Internal Affairs Department for Standard & Poors admitting water entities will have “limited Local Authority oversight”.

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A Surveillance Society

We now live in an increasingly dystopian world, where saying the wrong thing can get you ‘cancelled’ - fired, socially ostracised, even jailed. Worse, under Jacinda Ardern’s regime, New Zealand is morphing into an Orwellian society, where things no longer mean what they say – lies are called the truth, and the real truth is re-classified as misinformation or disinformation.

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Public Misunderstanding of COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

There is a widespread public misunderstanding about the testing the vaccines underwent in the pivotal trials underpinning their approval, with over 95 percent of New Zealand’s voting-age public believing that the vaccines were tested against more demanding criteria than was actually the case.

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The Danger of Co-Governance

Jacinda Ardern’s path to co-governance and tribal rule, has barely got off the ground, but is already proving to be a recipe for Maori privilege by an inherited elite that will divide and weaken our society. Their end goal, of course - as outlined in He Puapua - is to ‘take the country back’ to tribal rule by 2040.

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Fairy tales for the gullible

It is beyond question that nothing in the case suggests that the Treaty in any way creates a partnership between Maoris and The Crown or brings into question the legitimacy of our democracy. To argue the contrary on the basis of this court case is either ignorant or wilfully dishonest.

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Splashing the Cash

Labour needed a circuit breaker to arrest its decline in the polls and regain control of the political narrative. But turning the country into a nation of beneficiaries is not the answer!

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“Prudent” but was it political enough?

The Labour Party will not thank Robertson if they are still too close to National in the polls next Budget and he has no money to spend. Prudence can have a price in politics

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Time for Change

The ideological call for “diversity” - embraced by the Public Service’s supposedly politically neutral agencies - is now undermining the traditional objective of hiring ‘the best person for the job’, which has long been the foundation of human progress.

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The Quota’s Crusade

One crusade pursued by the Ministry for Women, using tax-payer resources, was to get more women on corporate boards.  This is part of a global movement that has seen the introduction of quotas introduced in some nations.

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The Toxic Co-Governance Agenda

So how on earth have we reached this point in time where democracy is being undermined by our own Government through a bizarre attempt to transfer democratic power and public resources from all New Zealanders to representatives of billion-dollar tribal business development corporations that pay little or no tax?