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Fact Check: Māori health claims in the Healthy Futures Bill

In this paper Dr Lawrie Knight outlines evidence as to why claims that Maori disparity in health are being caused by systemic racism in the health system are factually wrong, and why continuing with this accusation is preventing the real reasons for the poor health of Māori being clearly identified.

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Labour IS the Crisis

Jacinda Ardern is reminding us, not only that governments cannot be trusted, but of the importance of ensuring democratic safeguards are in place to protect citizens when their governments go bad.

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Labour’s sensible delay on hate speech law

The Government has delayed the introduction of its fraught hate speech law reforms, and there’s strong speculation they’ll remain on ice until after the next election. In fact, they may never see the light of day again.

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Governing by Deceit

Jacinda Ardern has no mandate to replace our colour-blind democracy with a tribal system of totalitarian rule that will deliver public power and wealth to an elite group of iwi business leaders to use for their own enrichment. This agenda needs to be exposed - and condemned by all Kiwis who still believe in democracy

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Can “principles of partnership” trump our state sovereignty

This current government has been much criticised for its lack of transparency, and its reliance upon an army of recently-appointed spin-doctors. It clearly believes that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste” and knows that there will never again be such an all-concealing cloak as the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Lessons for New Zealand

The shock invasion of the Ukraine serves as a grim reminder of the fragility of freedom and democracy in the face of powerful totalitarian aggressors. But it should also be a wake-up call - the invasion of the Ukraine is being financed by Western nations that have sacrificed energy security for the United Nations’ zero-carbon economic suicide pact.

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The Green Dream Goes Lethal

Through their unhinged obsession with “climate change,” America, Britain and Europe have handed Putin his greatest weapon against them. In their determination to reduce carbon emissions by turning against fossil fuels, and having put so many of their eggs in the basket of unreliable renewables, they have made themselves dependent on Russian gas.

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Nothing to Fear

The co-governance agenda Willie Jackson is promoting as ‘nothing to be scared of’, represents totalitarian control by unaccountable private race-based business development corporations. Labour has no mandate for these extremist measures - we should demand a halt.

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A New Dark Stage In Our Constitutional History

I will tell you what I think of most of these politicians and bureaucrats. As individuals, they may be nice enough; but collectively, they are lying, treacherous, arrogant, power-hungry, anti-democratic, environmentally heedless racist scum.

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Parliament's Arrogance

The political elite in Wellington have misjudged the situation by maligning and dismissing the protesters. Their misrepresentation of those who are standing up for what they believe, will simply harden their resolve, and result in more good Kiwis like Sir Russell Coutts going to Wellington to support a movement that is aimed at ending forced vaccinations and restoring human rights, dignity, and the freedom of choice for New Zealanders.