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Freedoms Lost, Sufferings Gained

The loss of freedoms across all of society during the pandemic, specifically lockdowns; shackling, if you will, of healthy people, is unparalleled in human history. Heretofore only infected and contagious people, slaves and criminals, were so shackled. Lockdowns make no sense because they don’t work to stem deaths and cause untold suffering. Untold is the word. As yet there has been no accounting of the suffering. However, it has been massive...

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New Zealanders Under Siege

New Zealanders are under siege as Jacinda Ardern’s authoritarianism and deceit threatens our freedom and liberty, divides our families, imposes cruel and unnecessary mandates, and through her obsessive promotion of Maori supremacy – to appease greedy rent-seekers – she is now undermining the Rule of Law and Democracy itself. 

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“Human Induced Climate Change” – Fraud of the 21st Century

The study of global climate fluctuations over millions of years shows there are other massive  forces controlling global climate and that the role of man-made CO2 emissions is so incredibly minute as to be almost negligible. The true reality is, “There is no climate emergency” there never has been and to say CO2 is a pollutant is fraudulent in the extreme.

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A Cultural Con

The electorate’s love affair with Jacinda Ardern is over. In spite of pro-government media and intense propaganda, New Zealanders are recognising just how incompetent and dangerous her Government really is.

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The Train Wreck That Is Government Policy-Making

The government faces a tough year because it is locked into promoting major changes whose public interest justification is thin and whose nature is polarising. For opposition parties, this is an opportunity. For those who care about public policy, it is a train wreck.

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The State of Our Nation

It is traditional to start a new year with a stock-take of the state of the nation. We are now in the middle year of Labour’s three-year Parliamentary term of absolute power. While Jacinda Ardern claims she runs an open and transparent government, we now know that is a lie. Her election-night promise to govern for all New Zealanders, was also a lie...

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Marxism It Could Not Happen Here – Could It?

The fundamental goal of Marxism remains the same, to destabilize existing democratic societies and substitute a new power elite which is the complete antithesis of the basic human yearning for personal freedom and participation of the masses in the governing of society. My case: nascent Marxism is alive and well in New Zealand...

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

On behalf of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research I would like to say a huge thank you for your on-going interest and wonderful support over the last 12 months - and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

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The philosopher stoned for his defence of science 

Robert Nola’s academic specialty is the philosophy of science but the Royal Society is investigating him over what it claims are “misguided” views regarding Māori knowledge.

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A Tapestry of Lies

Without a doubt, Three Waters has become a major battleground between the Government, attempting to elevate iwi into a permanent ruling class, and Kiwis fighting to defend ratepayer rights, democracy, and our way of life.