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Regrettably, New Zealand could be about to enter a phase of radical economic reform, justified by the Prime Minister’s desire to penalise our country through harsh new emission reduction targets, while the world's largest emitters carry on as usual with no imperatives to structurally change their economies.

There are literally tens of thousands of professional climate activists working on a full-time basis and drawing wages funded by these “philanthropists”. They make up the bulk of the non-delegates at the Glasgow convention. What hope does common sense or moderation have in the face of such an army of propagandists?

You are trampling over the basic human rights of New Zealanders with socialist jack boots. This is not the New Zealand way. We feel betrayed us, and we have lost trust in your Government. That’s why we don’t love you anymore, Jacinda – and why you should resign.

New Zealand faces a major challenge to the future of its democracy, through the coming to power of the current Prime Minister Jacinda Arden. With a communist, socialist and dictatorial background, she has changed history by closing down both the economy and parliament with the excuse of Covid.

Under the traffic light system, Jacinda Ardern will take the ‘blame game’ to new heights by dividing New Zealand into two classes of citizens - the vaccinated with superior rights and freedoms, and unvaccinated, relegated to second-class status in their own country.

Infected vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects have similar viral loads, and transmission capacity. Immunity following natural infection is better and more durable than that induced by vaccination. There is no sense in immunising those who have had Covid infection in the last 6 months.

Tribalism is insidious and destructive. It divides families and communities, and it is dividing our nation. It’s also a class system that enriches the iwi elite, while leaving the most vulnerable mired in disadvantage.

For as long as this government stays in power and the courts continue to be populated with activist judges “not particularly learned in the detail of the law” New Zealand stands at a dangerous fork in the road.

Will the Prime Minister continue her authoritarian divide and rule, or will she realise that in a democracy true leadership involves protecting rights, not trampling them into the ground.

Ardern did think she was teaching the rest of the world how to cope with a pandemic. She has been brought down to Earth with a very loud bump.