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The Climate Change Minister James Shaw has published a Risk Assessment of the effects of global climate change on New Zealand during the next 5 years. It is a massive document which which will form the basis of a National Adaptation Plan in the next few months. This Plan is expected to “transform the economy” and have major impacts on private property rights.

It seems astonishing that the Ministry of Education is allowing academics who subscribe to the radical view that science has been used as a weapon of colonisation and a tool for the suppression of Maori knowledge to drive curriculum development.

As the firestorm over the professors’ letter shows, New Zealand science is indeed being engulfed by the post-modern mantra that there is no such thing as objective truth. And it is also clear that anyone who dissents must be silenced

I say to those who claim Maori went to Antarctica as far back as 700 AD and even if these alleged excursions were as recent as 1700 AD it should be clearly demonstrated that the claims they make, were possible! Like, put up or shut up!

This nasty little episode shows in stark relief just what academic dissenters are up against. They not only risk the wrath of censorious colleagues but must also face the probability that they won’t get a fair run in the media.

Here is our Three Waters flyer to urge the public to call for a referendum, so ratepayers can decide whether community water services and assets should be transferred to the Government's iwi-controlled water authorities.

As a representative democracy founded on the principle of equal rights, it is abhorrent that Labour is destroying that culture through the 50:50 co-governance requirement of the Three Waters proposal. Imposed without warning or electoral mandate, the total upheaval of water services in New Zealand - designed to deliver control to Maori - is He Puapua in action.

My view is that because of the implications of transferring over a quarter of Council’s total assets at below valuation there is only one safe road to take. I will be advocating for a binding referendum to go out to the people of Westland seeking direction on in or out. It’s called democracy.

All councils should urgently hold a binding referendum of the residents and ratepayers they were elected to represent, to ask whether they want their assets transferred to central government without compensation, so control of water can be passed to iwi.

I have been asked by number of journalists to comment on the proposed 3 water changes. I haven't done so at this stage because to explain my view needs time. This is my journey with three waters so far.