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Troubled Waters Ahead

All councils should urgently hold a binding referendum of the residents and ratepayers they were elected to represent, to ask whether they want their assets transferred to central government without compensation, so control of water can be passed to iwi.

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The Three Waters Journey

I have been asked by number of journalists to comment on the proposed 3 water changes. I haven't done so at this stage because to explain my view needs time. This is my journey with three waters so far.

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Unity or Division?

If New Zealand continues down the present path set out by Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand will increasingly become an apartheid nation, where race determines our future – and those claiming Maori heritage are given superior rights over everyone else.

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Apartheid in New Zealand

The 1981 Springbok Tour was to have a major impact on my life. At first it seemed the tour handed me a golden chalice. But, as time passed by, I found that chalice to be filled with poison. From famous to infamous. From revered to reviled. The vicissitudes of life. 

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The Turning Tide of Public Opinion

On election night, Jacinda Ardern promised she would govern for “all New Zealanders”. It is unacceptable that she has allowed the racial extremism of her Maori Caucus to dominate the Labour Party. It’s time the moderates within Labour took back control since mainstream New Zealanders are horrified by the separatism and division.

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The Road to He Puapua – Is there really a Treaty partnership?

The He Puapua Report proposes revolutionary change for New Zealand. The question of how we have arrived at a crossroads where New Zealanders will have to choose between an ethno-nationalist state — which He Puapua leads to — or a democratic-nationalist one has its origins in three events.

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Muzzling Free Speech

What the Prime Minister doesn’t seem to understand is that threatening people so they are afraid to speak up will not create the socialist utopia she is planning for New Zealand. Instead, by imposing State control over free speech she is practicing totalitarianism.

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A few thoughts on hate speech

The contest of ideas, which is the very heart and soul of liberal democracy, hinges on freedom of expression. Free and open debate is how we sort out the good from the bad. Our system of government can’t properly function without it.

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A Slow-Moving Coup

A slow-moving coup is underway in New Zealand. Unlike most coups, the transfer of power through non-democratic means that’s taking place is being orchestrated by the Prime Minister.

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Tikanga in law: what does it mean?

Tikanga is a religion.  We are presented with a set of beliefs that we are asked to accept and adhere to, without questioning, without rational understanding.  For myself, I refuse.