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A Media Reset

Democracy is undoubtedly enhanced by a strong media landscape. But if New Zealand is to return to having that, there needs to be a reset. The media needs to commit to their own principles to “be bound at all times by accuracy, fairness and balance." A balanced approach to climate change may well have prevented the damaging policies that are now in place.

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RCP 8.5: A recipe for endless waste

Too often, New Zealand planners and engineers ignore the core requirement to select one of the opposing scenarios and ignore the rest. Instead, they bundle them all together and then base their analysis on the “worst case” of 8.5.  Consequently, there is a better than 99% chance that their forecasts will turn out to be completely and expensively wrong.

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Moratorium on Coastal Claims

If the Marine and Coastal Area Act is not fixed Maori will become the legal owners of virtually of the entire coastline and Territorial Sea of New Zealand - including vast reserves of the invaluable minerals such as rare earths in the seabed.

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The State Owned Enterprises Case and the Partnership Fiction

Given that these partnership claims are devoid of principle, common sense, or any legal basis it is beyond time that our Parliamentarians stopped pandering to such blatant self-serving nonsense.

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Investigating Covid

There's no question that NZ, like many other countries that used lockdowns and mRNA vaccines, has experienced “excess” deaths following the pandemic. Waikato University’s Economics Professor John Gibson has just published new research showing that in 2023, “the excess mortality rate corresponds to about 3,000 more deaths than would be expected.”

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A Sad Day for NZ Journalism

The chance for meaningful dialogue, communication and negotiation was effectively scuppered. The ‘good news’, ‘the positive development’ was cancelled. Major actors were humiliated and belittled. Most of the MSM undermined themselves as impartial journalists and along with the government were exposed as ‘bad faith’ actors with a pre-determined agenda.

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Waitangi 2024

While sovereignty now rests with Parliament to govern on behalf of all New Zealanders, it is voters who have the democratic power to decide who should rule the country: government of the people, by the people, for the people. And every three years we exercise that power at the ballot box, when we decide whether the old Government should carry on - or be replaced.

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Kawharu’s Re-written Treaty

Many are aware that there are two treaties, an 1840 treaty and a 1986 reinvention, and that people on both sides talking past each other when it comes to treaty politics. But beware of everyone who alleges the coalition government is “rewriting the treaty”. The treaty was quietly rewritten long ago and that rewritten treaty is behind the division that is on display at Waitangi today.

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Derailing the Treaty Gravy Train

None of these measures promised by the Coalition Government changes the Treaty itself. Those making such claims are deliberately scaremongering and misleading the public. They don’t want New Zealanders to have a debate about where the current Treaty arrangements are taking the country. Nor do they want public scrutiny of the vast array of race-based privileges that have already been established.

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PM Speech at Ratana

The Government will honour the Treaty. But unlike the Labour government, we will honour it without moving away from equal voting rights, without creating complex co-governance bodies and bureaucracies in Wellington to decide how central services should be delivered in the regions, and we will honour it while upholding the equality of all New Zealanders before the law.