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Dr Muriel Newman

Parliamentary Sovereignty Hangs in the Balance

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The secret ‘partnership’ deal between the Cook Islands and China caught our Government by surprise. It caused concern because it will bring the influence of one of the world’s most ambitious global superpowers much closer to New Zealand’s doorstep.

The Cook Islands, originally a New Zealand colony, became a self-governing Pacific nation in “free association” with our country in 1965.

As part of the Realm of New Zealand, the Cook Islands along with Niue, another self-governing state, and the Tokelau dependency not only relies on our country for defence and most foreign affairs, but anyone born there qualifies as a New Zealand citizen with the right to our passport.

As a result, most Cook Islanders live in New Zealand – only 18,000 live in Rarotonga and the other 14 islands that make up the nation, with over 80,000 living here and 22,000 in Australia.

In 2001, New Zealand and the Cook Islands signed a joint declaration which requires regular consultation on defence and security issues. That’s why news of the imminent deal with China blindsided our Coalition, and why they believe New Zealand should be involved in decision-making.

There’s widespread speculation that China’s motivation for forming stronger links with the Cook Islands extends far beyond resource extraction. While gaining access to fishing and seabed minerals is clearly a major factor, there’s unease that their interests are much more strategic.

Whatever their intentions, our government is right to be concerned.

The reality is that money talks and with an unlimited capacity to buy influence, a strategic alliance with a New Zealand Realm nation will extend Chinese authority deep into our region. 

But there’s another reason why this development should concern every New Zealander – it could signal what’s in store for us if the Coalition fails to defend Parliamentary sovereignty.

The problem is this: if the Coalition refuses to honour its election pledge to amend the Marine and Coast Area Act to deliver what Parliament intended instead of what activist judges have ruled, New Zealand’s coast will end up in the hands of hundreds of tribal groups, who, at the stroke of a pen, could sign lucrative deals with China to exploit the invaluable mineral wealth in our seabed.

As the law stands right now, tribal interests are on the cusp of gaining Customary Marine Title to our entire coastline. That will give them full ownership of all non-nationalised minerals found in their area, such as cobalt, nickel, copper, manganese, and rare earths.

These minerals are like gold to China. They need them to maintain their global dominance in the manufacture of electronics and renewable energy technologies. 

If the Coalition does not change the law as intended before Christmas, when the Supreme Court rushed out their highly controversial contrary judgement causing the Amendment Bill to be delayed, as sure as night follows day, deals will be done and the Chinese will end up extracting New Zealand’s mineral wealth, while tribal interests get rich from royalties channelled through their tax-free charitable trusts.

Is this what the Coalition wants for our country?

Because this is what will happen if they allow the judicial activists in the Supreme Court to defeat their plan to change the law.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, Roger Partridge, the Chairman of the New Zealand Initiative and a former Head of Bell Gully who strongly believes the Coalition should put the Supreme Court in its place, outlines the background to the case:

“Judicial activism should concern every New Zealander.

“A recent ruling about who controls our coastline suggests our highest court is trying to reshape laws made by Parliament, rather than just apply them.

“Even more concerning is the Court’s extraordinary haste in delivering its judgment, just as Parliament prepared to debate changes to the law.

“The timing was striking. The Court delivered its decision on the eve of Parliament’s scheduled debate by taking the unusual step of splitting its judgment in two. Rather than resolve the appeals between the parties before it, the Court rushed out its interpretation of the customary title test, leaving its decision on how the law should apply to the facts for later.

“This unusual approach suggests a Court more focused on influencing Parliament’s debate than on resolving the case before it. It suggests a court that sees itself more as a political player, than an impartial arbiter of disputes.”

Roger Partridge has been leading the call for the Coalition to rein in activist Courts and restore the supremacy of Parliament. He believes it is imperative that the Supreme Court is re-focussed on resolving disputes by applying the law as it is written, leaving lawmaking to our democratically elected representatives.

We could not agree more.

This matter is a real test for the Coalition.

If the Government allows itself to be intimidated and surrenders to a Court that is now openly promoting Maori supremacy by withdrawing a Bill it promised voters would restrict tribal claims to remote coastal areas instead of the whole coast, that would signal the first stage in the collapse of Parliamentary Sovereignty in New Zealand.

It would demonstrate to New Zealanders that the activists in the Supreme Court are in charge of law-making in this country, instead of our democratically elected Parliament.

Such a backdown by the Coalition would effectively be a nail in the coffin of democracy in New Zealand.

When the Coalition first came to office, while they pledged to fix many of the problems this country faced, all too often they have failed to follow through. As a result, the army of activists embedded by the Ardern administration in institutions throughout the public sector are taking advantage of this lack of oversight by snubbing Coalition directives.

Furthermore, for many voters, it’s not just the incompetence of the former Labour Government that’s causing them major concerns, but more the fact that they undermined democracy by empowering tribal leaders to co-govern New Zealand. By giving tribal groups the power of veto – without seeking any mandate whatsoever from voters – Labour effectively orchestrated a tribal takeover.  

And, while the Coalition has attempted to reverse some of those changes, many others remain resolutely in place.

Meanwhile, instead of reaffirming the Coalition’s commitment to end race-based rights, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has been promising those same tribal leaders, who have been undermining our democracy, even more power and control!

Has the PM been ‘captured’ – convinced by the elite of Maoridom, to support their He Puapua plan for tribal control by 2040?

Here are some extracts of a speech he gave to Ngai Tahu on Waitangi Day:

The Treaty is central to the history of New Zealand, and it is central to our future.

The Government’s role is to honour the Treaty, work in partnership with Māori, and ensure that the country continues in a spirit of Kotahitanga.

When Ngāi Tahu signed the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, there was hope for partnership and protection.

Today, Ngāi Tahu is a tremendous force in New Zealand’s economy.

Ngāi Tahu’s values and aspirations resonate with those of my government

Economic growth is the key to all of us getting ahead.

Many Iwi recognise that too – that’s why we have more than 20 Iwi-led or partnered projects on our Fast Track List, and we are partnering with iwi and Māori to build infrastructure around the regions.

We have partnered with Māori health organisations.

We are investing in social housing with Māori.

National Governments have always worked constructively and productively with Māori on Treaty issues while ensuring equal citizenship and equal opportunity for all New Zealanders.

That will continue under my government…

Today is a time to think about the New Zealand we want in 2040 – when we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Treaty.

The Crown-Māori relationship will continue to be strong and built on respect and collaboration.

Iwi leaders and communities will continue to shape the political landscape with constructive partnerships that hold the Government accountable and work for the benefit of all.

By 2040, we will have fully embraced the idea that all of New Zealand benefits when iwi succeeds…

In his speech, the Prime Minister highlighted the progress of Ngai Tahu – but is he not concerned that this $2-billion business development corporation pays no tax?

He talks about the success of iwi, but none of these mega-rich tribal conglomerates pay any tax. They certainly do not contribute their ‘fair share’ towards the running of the country. That makes the PM’s claims that “all of New Zealand benefits when iwi succeeds”, disingenuous.

Christopher Luxon also says, “Ngāi Tahu’s values and aspirations resonate with those of my government”.

Is this the real reason the Marine and Coastal Area Act Amendment has not been passed into law? Has he been persuaded by tribal leaders that the proposed law change may dash their ambition to gain title to the whole of our coastline and Territorial Sea?

If that were the case, then our country would indeed be in an extremely precarious position and every New Zealander should be very worried about our future as a free and democratic society.

On the face of it, judging by the PM’s Waitangi Day speech and other comments he’s made, National’s leader appears blind to the public’s concerns about the threat that He Puapua and tribal control poses to our country and our way of life.

If that speculation is the reality, then he is the wrong person to be leading our country.

It’s as simple as that.

He needs to let us know where he stands on this crucial issue, because at the present time, he appears to be empowering Labour’s vision, instead of condemning it.

Right now, with the very real threat that the Chinese will move into Cook Island waters to begin extracting their mineral wealth, Prime Minister Luxon needs to take urgent action to ensure our own coastal waters are protected from tribal exploitation and a potential sell-out to the Chinese.

The Marine and Coastal Area Act (Customary Marine Title) Amendment Bill should be brought back to the top of the Order Paper without delay and passed into law – but with an important change.

Through its decision to rush out that highly political judgement to prevent the Government from changing the law, the Supreme Court has demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to interpret this law as Parliament intended. Accordingly, the Bill should be adjusted to annul the  Supreme Court’s judgment interpreting the Marine and Coastal Area Act, in the same way that all other Court judgements – including those of the High Court and the Court of Appeal – are being overturned.

When National, ACT and New Zealand First announced they had formed a Government just after the 2023 election, they promised they would uphold democracy, equality, Parliamentary Sovereignty, and the Rule of Law.

They said they would end race-based rights and He Puapua.

And a majority of New Zealand voters were relieved and extremely grateful to at last have a government that recognised their concerns and was committed to make the necessary changes.  

The point is that race is a sleeper issue in New Zealand. Like a cancer, it eats away at society creating deep and ugly divisions.

But while it is of crucial importance to voters, they tend to keep their views close to their chest.

It’s the Coalition’s failure to follow through on many of those essential changes they promised at the election, that’s causing voter disillusionment and their slide in the polls.

And a key part of the problem is the public’s perception of the Prime Minister.

He is increasingly regarded as being too weak and too woke.

We expect him to lead the way, clearly and decisively, instead of delivering speeches that make us wonder whether he actually supports tribal control instead of being determined to uphold his election promise to eliminate it and heal the country.

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 *Should the Marine and Coastal Area (Customary Marine Title) Amendment Bill be passed into law as a matter of urgency?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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Labour Government of Jacinda Adern shafted 84% of New Zealand voters by activating unsanctioned He Puapua report. Is National’s Chris Luxon about to do the same with sea bed and foreshore?Geoff
how can it be anything else in the interests of underpinning our constitutional sovereigntyKerry
No question should have been sorted long ago.Steve
Even if it is what back doors will be in it ?Wayne
Absolutely passed nowDenise
The marine and coastal areas of New Zealand belong to everyone!David
NO. Its just another day that gives more power to the Maori so they can cry even more about what they want and to carry on like a bunch of crying kids and to stir more shit for the rest of the country. The sooner the government shuts them down the better off we will all be.COLIN
Yes, we need to stop this nonsense!Kate
20 years of wasted BS and still it rolls on. Stop it now, we all have had enough of the endless rubbishRob
Yes it needs to be sorted sap but I can’t see it happening under Luxon. He is obviously being got at or he doesn’t want another term in government. The average kiwi doesn’t want him back either. The next election could be a real unknown quantity. One solution may be if ACT and NZ FIRST were to unite and form one party and stand at the next election. Can this be done? Luxon and National could get back in but they will need to pass into law the coastal marine title immediately followed by cancelling the maori seats and the maaori party itself as its racist.Let them get into parliament under their own steam. plus ban the maori language from parliament completely so no more some dropkick maori mp insisting on apologising in moari only. Make english an official language and the only language to be used in the public arena. Common sense and common decency need to be promoted.Brian
New Zealanders are being sold out. The coalition needs to wake up.Graham
So many Bills, that are a “matter of urgency'”now in this country….shows what a sorry state we’re in…and a mess this country is in LUXON should move aside.. HE IS A WET BUS-TICKET!David
The Govt. MUST seriously wake up.oger
We’ve already wasted too much time and the slide towards constitutional crisis is accelerating.Bernie
Do it by lunchtimeEvan
what the hell is wrong with pm is giving this crountry back to the maori he needs to get his head out of ass and sort out our sovereignty with what he and the partners agreed toBarry
It is imperative that the coast if New Zealand is not controlled by any iwi interests. The coast belongs to all New Zealanders equally.Godfrey
Of course it should. Failure to do so will see the end of this country.Tom
Get it done and as for Lxon show some guts for change. The huge majority are against any kind of co-governance etc but we don’t say it publicy . No wonerd he is now known as “Luxflakes”. We are all also had a gutsful of the bastardisation of our English language and the blending of Maori into it. We don’t need “Wikiti or “the Mahi” Etc etc and we will be laughed at internationally if we keep it up.Alan
Yes, keep New Zealand for all New Zealanders, not just for Maori.Jonathan
6th Feb. should not be a public holiday nor our national day. A better choice would be the anniversary of NZ’s universal suffrage day,19th Sept.,1893Monica
It is chillingly grotesque what is happening to New Zealand society by greedy, Marxist Maori followed closely by the behemoth China.Monica
Must get lots of publicityJohn
This is NZ’s last chance to maintain its Democracy.Geoff
Maori do not fairly represent indigenous NZ’ers, neither have they earned the right.maurice
I am disgusted with this PM. He is a traitor to his voters and its best interests.Allan
The coast here in NZ belongs to us ALLNgaire
More and more people are using the comment “Chris Luxon is just a bald Ardern” am starting to think that way myself.John
Right nowJoe
Yes, I do think the Marine and Coastal Area Amendment Bill should be passed into law as a matter of urgency. However, I would really like to see the Government take ownership of this area on behalf of all New Zealanders and put an end to this ridiculous land and resource grab. This area belongs to all New Zealanders to enjoy, not just those that have links to Maori ancestry. It doesn’t help that activist judges are supporting the Maori cause, making it much more difficult to get a fair outcome. Also why is the Government footing the bill for Maori to contest their claims, when non-Maori must pay their own legal costs. Come on New Zealand if this country is worth fighting for you better start, I don’t think Mr Luxon is going to do it for you.Rob
Have been a National voter all my life but the disingeniuos actions of past Nat PMs and the current PM i will never vote National gain- which leaves just ACT as a party that attempts to stand for all New Zealanders but i todays political environment it would appear they will be resigned to opposition- my time remaining in NZ is fast coming to and end- as with other people overseas beckons.John
If it is not passed, we can say goodbye to fishing or sunbathing on the beach.Mark
YES the courts are not the elected government and should keep to their charter.Karen
One law for all.Peter
Yes, it is urgent. Beaches should not be owned by one group.Kylie
Do it while we still have time! Time is running out to reverse the takeover of our country,Lucy
Yes but dont bet your shirt on it Luxon is showing typical signs of not wanting to rock any boat History has shown that appeasement can result in massive loss. If some thing is wrong appeasement Dosnt solve the problem. It will always be wrong. The courts are interested in having a bet each way on matters, and should only be up for interpreting the intent of the law as set down by parliament How many time in the pass have we read in decisions from judges ‘That is not what the law and parliament intended’ No interference but reference back to parliament for clarification And not taking license to make a decision that could be bias On a law which may lack clarityBruce
Of course it should. But unfortunately too much specialised unwise appeasement nonsense has been granted to Maori over the last 150ys. The more you give, (showing weakness) the more they think they are entitled to, (easy to get). Even King Canute would recognise that the forces of the increased native expectations are now well beyond being able to be reeled in. It’s too late. We can only expect to engage in some positive damage control to bring about positive common sense arrangements that just might pass an acceptance level for the majority of New Zealand’s population, Whatever that may be? good luck with that.Geoff
Absolutely vitalPeter
it needs to be enacted to ensure racial harmony and to ensure the government retains complete Sovereignty over the land in the interests of all New Zealanders.Paul
it is vital to halt the Courts taking the liberties demonstrated to date.Stan
Yes and it should water tight so as not to be manipulated by future governments, judges or anyone else, end of story.Peter
Public assets, are being handed out to Maori, like’Free Lollies’.Maoris seem to think they own them all… and they will be coming for everthing, better be prepared!! LUXON WILL GIVE THEM EVERYTHING!!David
nut I doubt Luxon has the courage to allow that to happen.mike
Of course it should . Lawyers are not the governmentMichelle
I agree Luxton is too woke and leaning to the left, why is he allowed to get away with this ? Why aren’t Peters and Seymour standing up and making a stance? People will continue to leave NZ & make it poorerChris
Keep your promises and the public will support you – look at Trump’s approval ratings.Alan
This Bill is needed to protect our Sovereignty and honour the loyal voters of this Govt who voted for equality, and one law for all not a race based system.Roy
Have NO confidence in Luxton. He .Just re-read what was promised us..Vince
yes, last chance before NZ is lost & stolen never to be recovered. The private sector taxpayers, including all the farmers who vote National, are being robbed. Who would invest here?Bruce
or civil war people versus the elite woke left wingers they swim in our money disgusting parasites destroying our countrywayne
Absolutely.by doing so it will avert untold violence and further racial divide.gale
Is luxon the hold upAlan
Luxon fiddles while NZ burns!John
Yes absolutelyPhilip
just get it done.meg
We voted for change & it appears Luinda is just carrying on with the tyranny & hate personified by AdernTracy
Yes – the sooner the better. I must say I am VERY disillusioned by the National government. Luxon is not doing what he said before the election and seems to be doing the opposite now . The Act party seem to be the only ones who have got it right and they will get my vote next time for sure.Don
It needs to be and urgentlyColleen
Sooner the better. The government is sovereign not the Supreme Court.Rod
New Zealanders are about to lose free access tto beaches, then rivers. It was good while it lasted. It wont affect me probably but when our children and theirs realise what this government has done, things will get really nasty. Goodbye.Graham
I believe the PM is lost in a haze of positive speeches from himself. He needs to get his feet back on the ground and understand what Kiwis understand to be truthful promises made, that need to be kept.John
Either we are a liberal democracy or not!!! These raced based policies and talk of partnership has to be stopped once and for alljohn
We must look to the future as well as to the past. Political imperatives change and many are unforeseen.Paul
Why are some of these things taking so long?Neil
Who will be the Govt. in 2026? Labour by Default? This Coalition lacks the courage to act on behalf o NZ.colin
Extremely urgent.Susan
Yes, it is scary that this is even up for debate!Kate
100% agree with Muriel. This fight between the courts and New Zealanders, is AKIN, to a civil war. ACT and NZ First please do something, National and Luxon are destroying democracy and handing our country over to radicals. Luxon/National absolutely understand the public voted against co governance including the lie of partnership. Luxon must go.Sam
We need common sense NOW!Diane
The current Government also needs to urgently arrange for the next election, a referendum to remove the special M%u0101ori seats if approved by the majority. That will change the public’s perception of Luxton as weak and finally put to bed He Puapua.Peter
How delicious. Tribes doing mining deals with the Chinese. The Greens will go bananas!!Grant
Most certainly NOT. Parliament is the Supreme governing body in New Zealand. NO “judge” and NO court trumps that.Valerie
As soon as possible !Laurie
I suspect Luxon is already gone! His speech on Waitangi Day was all wonerful Maori (sorry boy, none of them left only the 2%ers). But the money trail probably leads straight to Communist China with part-Maori separatists being simply an easily manipulated gang when money is mentioned.Elezabeth
Before the election we were looking to the new government to deal with the separatism rife in NZ. The National Party has failed to address these issues and disappoint us tremendouslypeter
This government is a disappointment, there is no spine to make desperately changes and far to much listening to people, like Mr Key and Finlayson, who helped create the problem. It is past time for a law that states if politicians do not carry out their election promises the government can be dismissed.Hugh
Coastal & Marine area and all resources should be for the good of all and belong to the state. This applies especially to minerals and also access. End the devisiveness.Bill
Save our democracytony
The British and Maori societies that signed the treaty no longer exist, therefore it’s time to leave the treaty behind just as we left those societies behind.David
This was one of the (many) reasons to vote Labour outBarrie
Yes, as soon as possible.Peter
This needs to go ahead asap!!!!Robin
The sooner this Prime minister is changed and his policies are rescinded the better. we will all be. The original Treaty by Sir Apirana must be adhered to and a Nationwde Poll taken to confirm!Ian
Yes, but sadly the National led coalition Govt are not acting on their pre-election promises specially over equal rights. We are being conned like the liebour party did to New Zealand.Wayne
This is pivotal to getting NZ back on the correct pathway. While this is sitting unresolved, division and animosity is permitted to prevail.sue
Wake up. Our present leaders appear to have no backbone and are agreeing to everything that the Maori tribes want. We did not elect them for this spineless behavior.Paloma
Very worrying our country going down the drain. Luxon should be pulled up, he is not a leader as we have discovered.Sally
God help us. One People One NationBruce
This is what I voted for (in part)Murray
Come on Christopher Luxon. It’s high time you honoured your election promises.Faye
It’s extremely tiresome and at the same time telling of the low moral and intellectual calibre of politicians in NZ over decades, that this festering pustule keeps popping up. Seymour must pull out of the coalition to force this issue.Tony
Its becoming incresingly clear, Luxon has another agenda and its not about maintaining democracy.Geoff
That was the pledge that got them elected. Luxon is a complete disgrace and is following closely in Key’s footsteps, unfortunately for NZGiles
We cannot allow all the resources of our coastal area to be taken exclusively by MaoriMichael
Come on Luxon, who is puling the strings , show some gutz and act like a PM who looks after his countryROB
It must happen but wont with Luxon at the helm. We have had enough of the two faced forked tongued gutless wonder. I have emailed my local national MP and Luxon to say they will not get another vote from my household until they honour the promises of the campaign trail.Glyn J
The government needs a backbone to honour what they were elected to parliament to do – end this divisive nonsenseLynette
hane Jones is our best bet for Prime Minister on these points…Winston speaks too fast!!Ronald
Luxon has lied to us and deceived usTane
The sooner the better.Tony
The Iwi are on a great wicket and they will be rubbing their hands together as they will make a huge amount of $$$$Chris
Yes! – if NZ is to retain its claim to be a democratic nation.Leon
Luxon must go as the leader of the Coalition if he does not stand up to the activist judges and amend this bill. He will not get my vote again if he does not do what he campaigned.Noeline
ALL foreshore and Sea bed should belong to ALL New Zealanders. IF any areas, as originally intended, can be proven to have had exclusive Maori use/occupancy fine, BUT these areas should only be for use NOT extraction of minerals etc. I find the PM,s Waitangi Day speach very disturbing and the fact he appears to feel our government should be happy with all the huge “Maori entities” not paying tax and not contributing to our country!Rita
Yes and fast trackedFrank
Yes without hesitation,it is urgent as amongst other matters it is race/based.Mr luxon needs to front up on all race based matters otherwise his government will be a one termergale
Another deeply disappointed voter in respect to Chris Luxon’s failure to implement this Bill as promised!!Janet
Yes, it is a matter of urgency.Mike
It’s just wrongWayne
The activist judges will continue to under mine the supremacy of NZ Parliament to make and change laws if this amendment bill is not passed.Wayne
it is long overdue, and for goodness sake Government get on and pass the legislation before you give away the whole of the coast of NZMargaret
Absolutely criticalIan
Luxon needs to join the Maori Party where he belongs. Let David Seymour take over and do what they promised before the election. To rid us of maorification.Carole
This issue will destroy our country. Can you imagine the CCP owning mineral rights around NZ? There would be civil strife. It appears that Chris Luxon is INDEED a tribal rule supporter. He must be ousted..soon.ken
This was one of Luxon’s election promises, he has gone too far left, he should join Labour. Get it signed ASAP so the tribal leaders don’t get their sticky little fingers on the rest of the coastlineDianne
I certainly agree the this bill should be passed urgently to protect all people’s interests in the valuables of winning anything.Catherine
Pass the Bill with an adjustment to annul the Supreme Court’s judgment interpreting the Marine and Coastal Area ActHugh
This is an issue of great importance to our country, but is largely unrecognised by the majority of our citizens who remain uninformed of the wider issues involved.David
China wants a defence accountability first. Mining undersea wealth is just a diversion. How many countries do it, and how much does it contribute to any overall wealth?Samuel
It ill be now or neverJohn
Democracy MUST BRULE!!!!!David
And Luxinda should resign.Peter
the only coalitionand partner trying to keep his election promises is david seymour and he being betrayed by Luxtonin a big way he is as bad as ardern and she was the worst we have ever had she loved every one OTHER than true new zealanders who she sold out for her own benifit natalyanatalya
This is a real test for the coalitions. I am disappointed with ACT and NZ First on this due to their noticeable absence from the conversation with this issue. National are just missing on all things Maori.David
It’s time for our PM to stand up and be counted. His constant use of the word “partnership” does NOT ring true with the word of the Treaty of Waitangi.Glyn
Prime Minister Al on has to go. He has been hijacked by iwi and no longer represents the people who voted for him and his coalitionJohn
Of coursemark
Of course. But it is all too late now. We definitely will be at the feet of the tyranny of the minority sometime in the near future. The enemies of the State are winning with the aid of their well placed insurgents throughout our political parties, our bureaucratic institutions, our judiciary, our education system, our legacy media, our local body authorities and even into our large private and government company organisations. The takeover is nearly complete and all the speak against all this well developed cunning maneuverings is nothing more than hot air blowing against the artic gales. The New Zealand public have let this happen. So be it. We will all be forced to eat humble third world pies. But at least the water will be full of clean and treasured spirits for those at the top but not for those who are at the bottom after it is use by those at the top. Good luck my child.Garry.
get rid of what’s mine and what’s yours B S we are all born the same way with equal rights … except some think that because of the colour of their skin they should be given greater rights …..yea rightJohn
Absolutely critical.Logan
The Coalition government promised in their election pledges to defend the principle that New Zealanders are equal before the law. And yet it is turning its back on its commitments to ‘Remove co-governance from the delivery of public services’, ‘Stop all work on He Puapua’, and ‘End race-based policies’? They must stop the momentum being driven by the iwi elite right now.Kerry
EVERYONE NEEDS to email WINSTON its useless emailing luxon he,ll do nothing as usual.I,d also email MOST of Nationals MP,s to wake up & have the courage to DUMP luxon & get a new leader who,s NOT WOKE & DOES NOTHING or they can kiss EVER AGAIN national being voted in as EVERYONE no longer trusts national with luxon as prime ministerCindy
This is a national emergency that the government is dancing around but achieving nothing. Maori destruction of this country is imminent and our leaders are either complicit or asleep at the wheel.John
Sadly New Zealand seems to have an incompetent (Clayton) government hell bent on confusing and thus dividing the New Zealand electorate thus to introduce un-democratic legislation!Stuart
YES NOW. I woke up this morning looked outside and thought The country with the LONG BLACK CLOUD. Very dark clouds hang over our country. WELL OUR COUNTRY TODAY. But the future look bleak. Will never vote for national again Luxon just another Ardern bowing to maori corporates and maori radicals. David and act are our only chance next election. NZ first and national not removing maorification as promised prior to election. We need snap election and everyone needs to vote Act in to save our country or we are doomed.Kevan
Fishing quotas were granted to iwi who promptly contracted out the fishing to Chinese companies. They could instead have provided training and employment for a large number of their young adults living on benefits, but no.Ministry
our pm doese NOT have the balls to do what is needed to make all nzs equal maori must pay tax as ihave to adrianadrian
The time to talk of urgency is past; time now for action to show the voting public Parliament is determined to resolve the matter and not leave it to judicial activism.Peter
This is serious alrightRobert
It needs action nowBrenda
NZ as a sovereign Nation should own the land and sea bed and derive value from it for the benefit of all New Zealanders not just some mixed race radicalsPeter Goodwin
The PEOPLE (all people) own the Coast and sea bed. There is NO Partnership, never was.Peter
Luxflakes. Seems appropriate.Martin
Maori ownership of the beaches and seabed was never the intention of the lawRobbie
If they don’t they will be a one term government then tis country is really stuffedJohn
Why does NZ & the world accept APARTHEID in NZ?Geoffrey
Thinking of NOT renewing my Nat Party membershipTony
I can certainly see Maori tribal leaders selling seabed minerals to China if they could. Same up in the Kermadec Islands – Maori opposed turning the waters there into a marine sanctury so fish could be caught.DK
Absolutely. Critically important.Alan
1. I think there’s a high chance that the Govt Coalition will be single term unless it takes steps to do what it told the public it would do. 2. Yes, the amendment to the act that you propose should be done for the reasons that you outline.Tony
Luxon in his speeches on HePuapua issues, that hugely concerned voters, has sidetracked from , his election promises!!!!! Democracy and all New Zealander being equal. Maori & Church businesses flourishing and not contributing to tax , is not equal, they have the privilege to live and profit in this country, not contributing. ALL NEW ZEALANDERS MUST BE EQUAL.Julz
Can we have a movement for luxon to be removed as prime minister. He is a traitorWinston
Along with the Treaty Principles billChristine
Yes definitely urgent to stop tribal take over.Kylie
Otherwise we could be in trouble with China close to knocking on our door.Laurel
This is crucialBernie
The Government needs to rein in our activist judiciary. They have given themselves powers that they have no right to weld!!! Usurping the legislative arm of our democracy.Dianne
The Prime Minister seems reluctant to take steps to do what is right for ALL New Zealanders.Cheryl
Absolutely. We need to save our democracy and remove the cancer from the root. Including Chris Luxton. He is going against the why the National Party voters that elected him.Jackie
Luxon is a disgrace – a sheep in wolf’s clothing!Roger
Natural resources don’t ‘belong ‘ to anyone – they are from nature! They should benefit all kiwis.Aj
Urgent action required to ensure a return to balance and a sane approach to life in NZRobin
Luxon is just Ardern and Hipkins in a different disguiseChris
NZ is going to hell in a handcart very quickly. And the coalition govt is weak and overly woke. Fix it nowJim
Absolutely imperative.ken
I voted national MP’s & Nz first for this reason. Very urgent now as Ngai Tahi seek control of Al SI waterKay
it should have been done a year ago. The courts are overstepping their mandate & the coalition needs to get a backbone & bring them to heal. Luxton needs to resign he is a weak & pathetic leader National are Labour liteNigel
It is far too late as NZ is already ruled by Tribal beliefs not reason. The downfall of so many countries.Dane
bring back the sea bed and foreshore act instituted by helen clarkefred
The coast and seabed does not belong to anyone for their exclusive use, but it belongs to all collectively to protect, enjoy, use with care and safe guard for the future.Donald
In fact it should go further and revert to the 2004 Act. The prevarication is disgraceful.Doug
MOST DEFINITELY A YES ON THIS ONE. NZ will be f..cked unless they do. I have lost all faith in all of the National Paarty – especially LUXON and the racist POTAKABrian
Our coastline and coastal area must be held by the State of New Zealand on behalf of all New Zealanders.Stephen
The coast belongs to all NZrs.It will be ironic to see all guardianship discussions disappear when there is money directly into pockets and with no tax paid most kiwis won’t get a cents benefit from our coast.
That Maori pay no tax is big concern which would be compounded if they should gain the right to Coastal minerals!Neville
I despair for our country if there is not an urgent determination by our present Government to ensure that this bill is passed. If not passed It would indicate to me that all their promises made before and since the election mean nothing, and I question their integrity.Pam
Should have been done months ago but PM is asleep at the wheel (and has been for some time)Bruce
Who is running the country – Sadly the unelected woke Supreme Court judges. We are in real trouble !John
Put a stop to this nonsense Now!Sue
a matter of utmost urgency!vaughan
If this Bill is not passed it is the end of democracy in New Zealand.. We will become another ZimbabweBill
Of course it shouldPeter
Yesterday would not be soon enough!Colin
I am appalled at the way National is failing to deliver on it election promises regarding race. Allowing all the Maori indocrination to flourish in the school curriculum is incredibly disturbing. Our interests as a country are not served by Maori tribal supremacy. Any fool can see that. Maori elite will become New Zealands taliban.Dianna
If luxon does not listen to the majority and pass the law he will be gone from parliament by the end of this year.Steve
It appears that Luxon does not possess what it takes to fight back against the radicals. New Zealanders gave him a mandate to implement the necessary changes to take NZ back to a democratic country again. Therefore you are correct when you say that maybe he is not the right person to be leading New Zealand right now.John
We will leave this country of our birth if things don’t change and a democracy is not created and take our educated kids with us ….and we are 1 family of manyJane
New Zealand’s coastline is for all New Zealanders irrespective of race or when they landed on these shores. It is time to say ENOUGH, let us work in the now and not dwell on the past.John
Remoce Luxon ASAPRob
Most definitely before it’s too late. And Supreme court needs to be bought to orderHeather
Your comments about Luxon relating to issues Maori are correct. However, it is his view on many other issues that concern me. If he cannot improve in the polls he should be replaced soon.Chuck
I am very disappointed with our Prime Minister for not acting – doing his job.william
Many people are concerned about what is happening with the Government under Luxon at the moment. We urgently need to know exactly where he stands on our race and ethnicity issues.Mary
This is urgent and the coilition Government needs to act faster!! Failing to do so opens New Zealand up to Radical Maori Iwi being in the position to allow China or any other country to sell our marine environment and its future resources of minerals and fishing rights. Please act now!!June
Absolutely, but don’t hold your breath on this one. The way Luxon and his party are heading doesn’t leave us with any hope for the future. He has failed to overturn the maorifacation of the country as originally promisedLawrie
alternatively, if it can be actioned urgently as Helen Clark did, it should be rescinded and the Foreshore and Seabed Act reinstated. Get the whole subject matter off the table The foreshore and seabed belongs to the Crown administered by Parliament who hold it for all the citizens of New Zealand forever.Terrence
Might as well go to Aussie!!Pam
Absolutely ! Luxcinder has to go !Richard
Sadly we need to give the courts a very clear message that they are there to apply to law, not play politics in interpreting it to suit their preferred political outcomes.Linton
sick of all this maori crap and trash like geaffrey palmer chris findlason may they rot in hell for their betrayaldonald
We the,people of NZ must exert whatever pressure upon our government to either change the law or resign and hold new elections. Like most who voted this govt in I expected their promises to be kept. I submit the following as a true reflection of what a poor leader Luxon is. Oh Cowardly Luxon, so meek and so mild, By bullies and thugs, you’re easily beguiled. Their threats and their chants, you dare not defy, So you bow to their whims while your voters ask, Why? The echoes of savagery, buried yet near, Still haunt the discourse you cower to hear. For the sins of the forebears, no guilt do they show, Yet you shrink in their shadow, afraid to say No. Where are the muskets? Where is the fight? Gone are the tools, yet still they incite. With words now as weapons, they conquer your will, And you, our Prime Minister, stand weak and still. The media’s glare makes you tremble and bend, To activists rage, you seek to amend. But what of the mandate? What of the trust? The promises made now crumble to dust. Cowardly Luxon, it’s time you should learn, The fire of your voters is starting to burn. They gave you the power, they gave you the chance, Yet you hide in the shadows, afraid to advance. History is cruel, but the future is clear. A leader must lead, not cower in fear. So rise to the moment, or fall to disgrace, For the thugs and their whims will not win the race. Scribbles and Barcode can dance all they like, And their child supporter can call for a fight. But the truth is that nothing they do or they say Will change the mindset of the people at bay. Their racism bursts like the pus from a sore. It’s just how they are now and will be evermoreLindsay
Christopher Luxon you will be political history if the the Marine and Coast Area Act is not ammended . Do you copy that?Chris
I feel NZ is doomed as the average kiwi is like an ostrich with its head in the sand, until the jaws of the lion sink in,to late. It is very apparent about the indoctrination that has been happening here for at least two generations, one only needs to listen to Tabatha Paul in parliament and other young people as to there total delusional and irrational thinking which they cannot justify with any facts, only the mantra of what they have been taught.wayne
it’s already too lateHugh
Absolutely, and now!Gail
Not only passed into law but done in such a way as all coastal seashore, land, minerals and amenities remain permanently in govt control in trust for the entire undivided citizenry and without prospect of division or dilution to any individual sect.Richard
The coalition and particularly National need to treat the passing of this bill with the utmost urgency. For goodness sake get it done. And while you are at it, bring the judiciary in this country to heal.chris
this is a must do !!!!david
Absolutely, this was my understanding of the promise made by the coalition govt. I am being disillusioned by the prime minister’s weaknessGary
Spot on! Maori sovereignty must be defeated as there can only be one government in a Democracy. The culture is living in the !850’s and are strategically acting to increase their power. Historically a civil war erupts and one side is defeated by the gun. Tribalism is successful as Maori has an umbilical cord into the NZ Treasury. Cut its money supply and this will cut their power base. The Treaty Principles Bill is a first step. The next should be the removal of Maori Seats in the house. The Haka is a symbol of the 1850’s and should not be supported with taxpayer funds. It is also insulting to other races who live here.Frederick
I seriously don’t know where Luxon is coming from, he is not the leader I was expecting. Come the next election unless he grows some balls I will be voting for ActTerry
Foreshore and sebead is for all new zealander’s and visitorsPeter
We need the Coalition government to make good on their election promises. Luxon is a huge disappointment & a sea anchor for NZFirst & Act.Dianne
YES IMMEDIATELY. This is real scary stuff as Brenda states. Maori big business already trying to mine the south island . Who knows what else they have planed. If maori take over our foreshore and seabed NZ is doomed. Any of these tribal leaders been to China recently? or any hosted chinese visitors. Foreshore and seabed must return to government ownership for the vested interests of all New Zealanders. Cook Islands is a huge WAKE UP CALL.Allan
Democracy for allPatricia
The coalition promised to end Race based rights and he PuapuaTony
The sooner the betterDanVid
Luxon lacks the ability to read the global trends: no to worry, Paris Accord, WHO sovereignty etc. Ardern policies everywhere still. He’ll just carry on ditheringKevin
Surely giving any one ‘ethnic’ group the foreshore to sell of as they want – is NOT DemocraticPeter
This situation was apparent to me before the Chinese became involved. I am relieved that I now have some friends saying the PM needs to pee or get off the pot.David
Government can’t be trusted.Richard
ASAP is the requirement and if it fails to happen, Luxon MUST GO.Vernon
If not done with urgency it is likely to be too late.Rod
Maybe we should dissolve the Supreme Court and go back to the Privy Council for unbiased decisions.Hugh
the marine coast and sea belong to every new zealander not just those with a brown skinLes W
Yes and yes again. when is NZ going to wake up that our beautiful country will not be so, if these co-governance policies and the supreme court get their way.neville
Mr Luxon needs to come out and ACT upon the promises he made to new zaelandersHeather
Very Urgent!Murray
To honor the Coalition’s promise(s) and ensure that all NZ citizens remain equal and Parliament continues to enact the laws of our country not the Judges.Ian
The bill should be given utmost priorityTerry
ASAP please.Paul
Definitely and without any more delays .Bruce
This is certainly urgent!Derek
Make it retrospective to Helen Clarkes definition.Peter
Yes. No further comment requiredMike
Yes but get it right no room for interpretationGary
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon needs to stand down immediately and take with him his best friend Nicola Willis. Matter of who is capable of stepping up with the right agenda.Judy
Our coast is for all new zeslanders not just one race in New Zealand!!!!!Lyn
Adern has a lot to answer too for the current disruption unsettling New Zealand. Her term at the top displays incompetent leadership resulting. She has returned into the boundaries to bleed off more freebies,displaying unqualified decision & policy making decisions.. ALSO all maori organisations should be made to pay their share of taxes and made to pay their way in life. I recieve nothing special and have paid my full share in my life time. Equity is needed.mike
The sooner the better for the sake of ALL New Zealanders! The Coalition government needs to follow through with what they were elected to do.Kevin
Look out 4 chinaBeverley
Urgent for all New ZealandersClaire
Urgently. Luxon should have supported the ACT Party treaty principal bill. He is too eager to please ‘all’. Cannot be done.Ann
When watching the PM speaking in the last few months, his attitude has changed and if fact he is starting to sound more like Jacinda Adhern every day. His blatant rhetoric re the TOW Principal bill is an example. He states over and over again that he WILL NOT entertain ANY of it including Principal #1. The question that needs to be asked is that stance HIS alone and has he DIRECTED all Nat’s to abide by it.Barry
The fudging by this Govt makes me more and more angry.Luxon’s election pledge must be honoured or he is toast and will go down in infamy.John
Yes .. as a matter of urgency.Alan
Absolutely – and we need more doey and less huey on other items as well.Gerry
Democracy is at stakeBrian
Woke Luxon is selling us out to his Iwi mates by delaying the Coastal & Seabed legislation ruling. A betrayal of his pre election promises.Marshal
Our lives as we know them depend on it.Chris
If not passed good buy national governmentbrian
Parliament should be the ones running the country, making decisions that affect all New Zealanders. Judges are not there to interpret the law but to enforce it.Dennis
Coalition must hnour its election pledge,urgently .Ann
Already too late nowHylton
Yes, immediately. The coalition has been in power for a year now and no action. Bloody useless.Noel
Definitely, because this government under the weakest prime minister New Zealand has ever had is running scared. He will not do anything that will inset Maori if he is not pushed by his coalition partners. The Nats need to dump him, and get a leader that will take on both the courts and Maori. Push this Bill through parliament, quick smart.Peter
Yes! Now! – the Government have dragged their feet for too long over this important issue!Scott
But with an important change, the Bill should be adjusted to annul the Supreme Courts judgment interpreting the Marine and Coastal Area Act, in the same way that all other Court judgements – including those of the High Court and the Court of Appeal – are being overturned.Robyn
Time to get realFrancis
Absolutely it should, but the appalling and deceitful performance of Luxon appears to paint the National party as being (yet again) simply an interim adminstrator of the woke and openly antidemocratic policies of the previous Liebour administration. Like the Treaty Principles Bill, will this simply be another demonstration of Luxon’s pandering to Maori activists, regardless of what the majority of the party faithful expect to see from their political leader?Rob
weak leadership has led to something that should have been put to bednev kath
Luxon is the wrong person to be leading the country – just as Ardern was.john
This is an utter disgrace and an insult to all New Zealanders that any Act should allow tribal interests to control the foreshaore and seabed. This belongs to all New Zealanders and needs to be in control of the Government forthwithPeter
The sooner the better. We will not be continuing with our national party membership. Chris Luxon is weak and a big disappointment.Ann
Luxon needs to pass the bill with urgency. If he doesn’t he needs to resign as he can’t keep his commitment to the voters .Elizabeth
STOP the THEFTmike
Tomorrow is too late!Chris
Oh yeahEvans
This incredibly shortsighted piece of proposed legislation will be the deathknell of our coalition government and the beginnings of a return to tribal feudalism. Unless Luxon leaves the stage for somebody with some guts then we will slide even further down the third world scale of banana RepublicsPauline
It’s a disgrace that it hasn’t been passed already. Luxon has to step down, as he hasn’t honoured his pre- election commitmentsJohn
The South Island Maori should be paying taxFelix
It should also contain no useful loopholes for iwi to exploit.Alastair
Yes, as soon as possible !!!Geoffrey
I AM VERY CONCERNED REGARDING THE POSITION THAT LUXON IS TAKING ON ALL ISSUES REGARDING Maori AND THE future of this country Luxon has not as promised prior to the elections delivered and from my sources he has become a liability to the National party and has no backbone to make the tough decisions and New Zealand’s economic future is in decline .Ken
Having to fight this kind of battle over and over again as governments kautau to Maoridom and ignore those whose ancestors built NZ. is not of use to us as a nation. It’s time for a major debate and examination of the treaty. Many of us think it is time it was scrapped.Alastair
Luxon has been a total disappointment from day one..he is ardern’s puppet, no longer fit to be leader of the nat’s.Peter
Please put your message to coalition MPsDavid
The government is falling way short of it’s promises made in the run up to election. He Puapua is flourishing because of the failure to remove it.Doug
Definately NOBarbara
And the Supreme Court restricted to it’s traffic lane. We have lost patience with their white ant activismMick
Coalition Government appears to be going backwards on resolving maori issues. Needs to take control before NZ goes bankrupt. Perhaps take a leaf out of Trump’s book!Judith
Parliament must be sovereign in New Zealand not Supreme Court judges, whom at present are re writing the law. Coalition, be bod, do what you saId you would do prior to last election.Donald
We need to see Luxon put a stop to this Maori appeasement and focus only on legitimate claims of wrongly confiscated land.Mike
We are all ONE people Mr Luxton.. racial division can NOT prevail in ANY democracy.bruce
This is urgent now.Robert
It has just turned into a day for maori to abuse everyone and also try and intimadateColin
The PM needs to show some courage and leadership and get this doneBrian
Iwi must be not given any control over anything, be it marine reseves , mountains, i mean nothingcolin
Urgent. Govt needs to let the hudiciary know clearly and categorically that their role is simply to rule according to parliamentary dictate. They do not make law, they uphold it.Carol
When National, ACT and New Zealand First announced they had formed a Government just after the 2023 election, they promised they would uphold democracy, equality, Parliamentary Sovereignty, and the Rule of Law. They said they would end race-based rights and He Puapua. Why aren’t they doing what they promised!!Albert
This cannot be lecf to a random bill or rministerial interferance.Carl
Fire Luxon, WEF clone.Dave
we cannot cede to the demands of a warlike stoneage people who will destroy the place with their warlike demands.chris
Yes, immediately – what more can I addTrevor
Sorry to say, but with a weak-kneed prime minister we have now, I hold little hope for this nation. If Seymour has any guts he will promote a vote of no confidence in the National party, and throw the suckers out.Sam
It seems to me more and more that we have been sold out time and time again by our own people and politicians. Almost feel there is no hope left for us really.Paul
We must reverse the current trend towards racial division of this country will have a very bleak future.Roger
We cannot trust Luxon to support our will, he needs to be reined in as do the judicial sector.Helen
Of course it should already have been passed. See Trumps popularity soaring after making promises and keeping themCookie
The Amendment Bill was promised. So utterly disappointed in our Prime Minister. He has to go.Graeme
It needs to be passed into law now.Luxon is letting those who voted for him down badly. He is the wrong man for the job.Des
NZ desperately needs a Donald TrumpPaul
I for one has lost confidence in Mr. Luxon. He is appearing weak and more woke as time goes on.Murray
It is now unarguable – Luxon is not the leader this country needs, and never will be. He must be removed from office by any means legally available at this time if we are to have any hope of a sustainable future. Also to be removed is the word ‘maori’ from all legislation. We are New Zealanders, and there should be no distinction between us because of ethnic origins.TOBY
Completely agree with the editorial – Luxon is very weak on any affairs concerning Maori – Cant understand why Seymour and Peters are letting this happenTony
We need to protect our coastline urgently.Kim
It’s essential for our democracyGavin
If not soon, it won’t happen in this generation. By hook or crook and expediency get this amendment bill passed!rosa
Yes and it should be combined with a conscience vote on the Treaty Principles Bill Luxon needs to read the room get real with respect to the wet woke stuff and the Climate nonsence and be a leader with a strong endorsement of and actions on what the public was promised pre election including clearing out the rot and waste in our public service and failing this resignPhil
or when does the civil war startpaul
We must save our democracy and stop He Puapua and co-governance destroying our sovereignty.Donna
Absolutely. Luxon needs to reign in his values and aspirations and do what’s right for the country. I may not support National or Luxon beyond the first reading of the Treaty Principles Bill.Peter
Definitely as well as going ahead with the election talking points to get us to vote for them re govt name changes, get rid of the last govt’s racist policies re partnership ,co governance etc They are on course to be a one term govt and then god help us !!!Greg
This is only one step in reigning in Maori activism & their shameless grab for power & control. There was never a “partnership” nor a co-governance with Maori, NZ government is sovereign. The whole issue of the hijacked & twisted treaty by Maori needs to be dealt with properly once in for all! Luxon to date has shown himself to weak, timid and spinless, NZ needs a real leader, Luxon is not that person.Greg
Hells teeth don’t want to be ruled by China nor the Maoris. We are going backwards instead of forward. Chris Lux soap should be booted out.Gaynor
extreme urgencygay
If Luxon fails to do this he needs to be removed! Such a disapointment!Gael
Immediately and any Judge that moves outside the wishes of the Parliament should be removed from office immediately. The place for radical judges is gone, their job is to put criminals in jail.Allan
Bloody hell yesBarry
If the PM does not enforce all the election promises what action can be taken? Maybe he should step down?sandra
YES. it should have been the first thing this government did. Luxon seems to have reneged on every promise he made. They promised to do this before Christmas. Why should the judges changes make a difference and delay. Just get on and do it National!Gail
Sick to death of these bloody grubbersJenny
Why is there any delay at all? I smell a rat!Fiona
One nation one peopleMat
Too much is being snatched up and given to the Maories, because of 1/ the prime minister is not standing up for the promises he made to get elected, 2/ too many left leaning judges over rriding their status . TAKE NEW ZEALAND BACK AGAINLaurie
get on with itDoug
It should be passed as quick as possible faster if it can but I cant see this patsie Government doping it the process of Government seems to difficult for them, all the promises of a year ago are now yesterdays fish and chip paper.Warren
Those who deem to reinterpret and rewrite history to confer an advantage on one racial group over another are a cancer on society. No special rights in law should be granted to any section of society who claim racial preference. Such people are simply opportunistic grifters – parasites if you will.Richard
This government is running out of time to convince it’s voter block that it will honor it’s election promises. Whilst courting the left who will never vote for this government it’s root support base becomes increasingly disillusioned.Bruno
God help us if such goes aheadGill
We’re waiting for election policies to be fulfilled.Leonora
This is crucial for the good of the country.Brian
With the utmost haste and preferably, speed! The Supreme Court maybe the highest Court in the Land but it IS NOT above Parliament and is trusted to carry out the Law as directed. NOT change Laws as the personally see fit.Robyn
Luxon is useless, he needs to be replaced by David Seymour. The Amendment Bill should already have been passed Stop all of this Maori preference right now. Get rid of these racially biased judges etc. It’s no wonder that so many Kiwi’s are leaving this country.David
Should be passed tomorrowLG F
Absolutely. The is imperative and urgentMark M
Should be changed back to the origional Helen Clark law.Wayne
We need this settled as promised, and in quick time now.M
Luxon is too woke and weak!!Marianne
Over a year has been wasted on this. He must make good on his promise and start acting on this nowRoy
This radical Maori judicial nonsense needs to endSteve
there seems no sense of urgency by Luxons Govt. They also promised to repeal the extra 2 seats for ngai Tau on envioriment canty. No action is signaledGraham
With the amendments notedRICHard
Racism in law must cease NOWBruce
GET WITH IT Luxon – stopping pussy-footing around and be a LEADER!!Tim
While I disagree with the constant use of urgency, it is necessary in this case, but there is a one major proviso. The public still need a realistic time to make submissions, as we will have no idea as to the content of the government’s Bill, especially as to what gets added at the last moment. Public confidence in our politicians is at an all-time low and broken election promises seem to be at an all-time high and this applies equally to all political parties.John
Never thanksMichael
The Coalition’s refusal to honour its election pledge / undertaking to amend the MACA Act to deliver what Parliament intended instead of what activist judges , bent on overriding Parliament in favour of Maorification , have ruled , is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE , and is yet a further VERY serious example of the Coalition’s treachery in not doing what it undertook to do and was hired / elected to do . Government undertook at election time to permanently dismantle and rid us of Maorification and co-governance and to restore and fully reinstate our democratic system / democracy and the equality of citizenship MANDATED in the Treaty of Waitangi . IT HAS NOT HAPPENED ! They have NOT HONOURED THEIR ELECTION PROMISES. Clearly their promises were both DELIBERATELY DISHONEST and FRAUDULENT – no more than a bait to catch votes . NOT GOOD ENOUGH GOVERNMENT. DO WHAT YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO !! HUGH
It needs covers the interests of All NZers, not any one race or people group. It is not accurate nor honest or true to call Maori indigenous.Maurice
We need to get everything maori out of legislation before they take us over by stealth. No co-governance and close the Waitangi TribunalJohn
It’s Time Luxon stood Down. Sneaky Deals with Maori Tribal Elite does not bode well with most New Zealanders. Luxon is really starting to show his World Economic Forum Connections !!Geoff
It is difficult to understand the reticence of the coalition particularly -to sit on their hands with regard to the commitments they made to be electedstan
Yes, because it has become increasingly obvious that this issue along with several other time critical and lengthy political debates have passed their used by date. Every major political issue that is not quickly and efficiently disposed with simply continues to fester and invariably the costs and confidence of our nation’s private sector champions is seriously diminished. Private sector initiatives have since the end of WW2 proven that they alone are more than capable of meeting and leading the ever-changing international market demands. Politicians are invariably risk averse and should where possible stay out of the implementation phases of major projects. Let the risk-taking private sector meet the time and money consequences they will have signed up for. JimJim
as promised by the coalition governmentgraham
NZ future depends on it for democracy. We are VERY worried about some of the things this coalition is doing or NOT doing !Andrew
Yes. It was and still will be one of the policies that helped this Coalition form a Government. The majority of the voting public will be very disappointed if it is not amended and will be very tempted to look elsewhere when casting their votes at the next election.Gary
Our Prime Minister must be brought to understand the disaster that looms if he doesn’t put our Supreme Court back in its place as a Court of Law not a promoter of Maori Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.CHRIS
I really do not understand where our PM’s mind set is. Yes he must look at the cost of living issues but surely he and his fellow cabinet ministers must see and hear what the majority of New Zealander’s are talking about and it is not just finance. Can he not see why the latest two polls show a decline in his parties popularity, is he that blinkered. Perhaps we need a female in charge as historically they are known to be able to multi-task. Come on Mr Luxon,, get a grip, let us all be equal under the law run by one Government, we all have the same privileges and rights, and we all pay taxes (no exemptions).Steve
Judges should not be allowed to be a law unto themselvesJakz
Have no Doubt that the vet successful Ngai Tahu want control of the South IslandJohn
Luxon hasn’t got the balls to do it so where from hereAndrew
It’s racism divide and ruleGreg
Luxon needs to act now or be removed from office!Elizabeth
Enforce the intentions of Parliament as promisedGraham
They said they would end race-based rights and He Puapua. It was part of the election promise!!!!Mike
What an utter disappointment Christopher Luxun is turning out to be,if does not start to put in place the before election retorect re Moari and Treaty racisum then we who are long time National supporters and voters will be changing our support and vote to Act and NZ First who at the moment seem to be the only partys that activlly oppose the mindless garbage that the Laboue,Greens and Moari Party are promoting.Kevin
100% this should have already happenedGareth
Referendum requiredGeoff
We need transparency and the reinforcement of the Sovereignty of our Parliament with current ambiguities clarified in a way that leaves no citizen in doubt as to where the supreme authority for law making lies – Parliament (and occasionally binding national referenda)Francis
Without any delayBasil
Time for the government to honour its election commitmentsDonald
Not to do so will cement a final nail in the coffin to bury our democracy forever. Not only will all New Zealanders be bowing to the Maori elite, but we will also be bowing to the Chinese overlords. We will rapidly lose any rights at all to any say in OUR country, Heaven forbid.Colin
The writing from Luxon is on the wall. He is an activist who simply cannot be trusted with leadership or the future of our country. Chinese influence? That, too, is on the way, a la Cook Islands, if not already here, and as for the judicial system, grow some integrity and do what your election promises stated. One term PM and the party is no better than the last shambles this country suffered. Remember the “Rivers of Blood” speech by Enoch Powell, go look at it on line.Martyn
Get rid of Luxon!chris
should be fast trackedhoward
Maori should not gain control of our coastline. National party should wake up to Maori actuvitismGeorge
It is quite clear that Luxon is trying to play the game on both sides. He mentions the partnership on several occasions and we all know that it is not a partnership – we are all equal under the law. He has to go and soon!Margaret
Beyond urgentmary
When will stupid New Zealand wake up to actions of Humpty Dumpty Luxon(the fraud) and Winny the Poo Peters (the forever destructive virus of NZ politics), with David Seymour our only saviour being side lined by those other two, the coalition is a MMP joke and the laugh is on stupid us, it was once said, be careful what you wish for, obviously care is not in our D N A.Russell
Absolutely no question. And fire Luxon, he has no spine and doesn’t seem to understand what politics are all about. Help!Laura
has been overdue for a long timeKlaus
Yet it done and quicklyNorman
Like yesterdayGeoffrey
This coalition government is fast selling us out We need a urgent push by the people to get the govt on the right track .Colleen
Clear dangers in the future if not.Graham
Just get rid of the Treaty completely. NZ cannot afford such a financial drain on its resources. Democracy is the only answer. Every tribe should form a company with all tribal members holding shares. Then they can get audited annually and pay taxes like every other business. All taxpayer-funded Maori charities gone. The Maori companies will be able to fund their own. No more race-based spending. All Maoris receiving financial benefits, not just the families at the top. A simple solution to the current disaster that Labour and all the other extreme lefties (no-one uses the word communists…have you noticed?) have created. When Helen Clark removed the Privy Council as the last court of appeal, did she have the current situation planned out? I wonder. It wouldn’t surprise me.Gerard
yes yes yes, as soon as possible pleaseErin
So we can keep Luxton and the coalition accountable we need 30 minutes each week day on tv with Mike Hoskins or Heather du Plessis-Allan as does Australia. The Maori have all there meetings ect and off go the ministers and get all the hard questions put under pressure make promises and the rest of us don’t a platformterry Lester
Not an issue to push aside.Yvonne
Absolutely, we are all NZers with equal rights.Catherine
Most UrgentColin
Way too long been sitting on the fence of indecision while radicals try to place wedgesKen
They should do as they promised – now!Janete
Just get it done. Show some guts.Andrew
the only way forward is colour blindBrian
hurry upIan
But like removing all references to Treaty Principles etc it won’t happen because Luxon is Maori first and everyone else after them.I am sorry I didn’t leave this country when my kids did and now I’m too damn old.Peter
The Supreme Court are traitors to New Zealand. They are biased towards Iwi interests. They are not acting in the best interest of all Kiwis.Kent
It is crystal clear that , as soon as these radicals obtain ownership over coast and foreshore, they will with absolute certainty sell out to the highest bidder. They give a rat’s arse about Maoridom and similar claptrap slogans. That is only a front to sedate gullible, woke do gooders. They have sold out in the 1800’s and they will sell out again. The difference is : Then it was muskets and blankets, now it is billions of dollars from the highest bidder. Once these radicals have received their pound of flesh, they will swan off to greener pastures to live it up. That is the reality of what they are ! And the rest of us will be tenants in our own country.Michael
lUXTON needs to exhibit some leadership and govern for all not just Maori.Errol
common sense please!!Chris
of course it should. Asap. New Zealand is in real trouble if these so called Maoris get their hands on our coasts and sea bed. Time our Government did what they were elected to do and rid us of all this ‘Maorification’.Lee
We are one country and one peopleRaymond
Without delay!Michael
All NZ should have ownership.Maree
Enough money has already been wasted on litigation that should never have occurred To avoid any further waste this should have happened already.Phil
Luxon must be replaced also asap.Trevor
Definitely YES! Get it done. Luxon reminds me of Nero – fiddling away while Rome burnt.Rodger
So, it’s the CCP behind the Corporate (Govt/Iwi) Apartheid Agenda. No doubt our corporate sell outs are now learning mandarin.neil
Absolutely. Luxon is turning into a traitor to NZ. Remove him.Gordon
Does Donald Trump know about this and if so, what does he think of China getting control in New Zealand?Barrie
Very easy now to see what the bigger picture Ardern ,Luxon, and their Globalist cronies were working with, when they were enforcing the COVID greater plan, implications, with larger players and who some of these WORLD players are, and how they are ALL working as GLOBALISTS, ALL AS PART OF THE SAME INTERNATIONAL PLAN, and how this is starting to involve IWI, and T.P.M !! U.N/W.E.F/EU/GLOBALIST POWERSDavid
Well past time to stop the further erosion of public assets, that have been funneled, by extortion and claimed by corporate iwi, as property ownership by a certain tribal race, all based on lies and fraud treaty!David
The National led government is a huge disappointment who effectively lied to constituents. They have forfeited my vote and that of my entire family.Richard
Absolutely! The Supreme Court is now a disgrace. There is no rule of law in our top appeal court. This is something the Coalition should have fixed when it first came to office instead of allowing it to drag on and create more chaos. Because that’s what the coastal claims process has turned into!Dave
Chris Finlayson was the architect of the foreshore and seabed disaster. It should have been left in Crown ownership. I reckon if a party was genuine with a campaign promise to repeal the present law and restore Crown ownership, it would gain significant support. Murray
Pass the Amendment Bill law before the courts can do more damage. And overhaul the legal system to bring back colour blind justice.Paul
It’s unthinkable that National could back down on their law change, as that would play right into the hands of the Maori Party and their supporters who want to control the whole country. This is scary stuff. We need the Government to be strong and follow through on its election promises.Brenda
The Bill should have been passed before Christmas. The Coalition should have stood up to those activist judges in the Supreme Court. They are a disgrace to their profession.Simon