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Dr Muriel Newman

Takeover by Stealth

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In 2019, under the guise of implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government adopted “Vision 2040” – a blueprint by radical Maori to replace democracy with tribal rule by 2040.

Drafted by a panel appointed by then Maori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta, He Puapua was so explosive that Labour kept it hidden from their Coalition Partner New Zealand First – and also from voters – in the run up to the 2020 election.

Once Labour won an outright majority, He Puapua was bulldozed across the State Sector and beyond by Labour’s Office for Maori Crown Relations – an agency of over 200 staff that worked in collaboration with iwi leaders.

The outrage that followed He Puapua’s discovery did not stop Jacinda Ardern from forcing illegitimate co-governance and Treaty partnership arrangements into the country’s legislative and regulatory framework. Those actions played a key role in Labour’s downfall.

Once the new National-led Government was established, it was heartening to find “Stop all work on He Puapua” was one of their policy commitments.

And while the Coalition’s main focus has been on reversing key He Puapua measures including repealing Three Waters and the Maori Health Authority, the tribal push for power has now switched to a new target – local government.

He Puapua outlined a strategy for the tribal takeover of local government. The measures included: expanding Treaty obligations to local government, transferring Council Resource Management Act consenting powers to iwi and accrediting tribal Hearing Commissioners, increasing the number of Maori Seats to 50:50, giving tribes effective control of freshwater along with royalties for water usage, and exempting Maori freehold land from rates.

Maori wards have created the pathway to achieve a number of these goals – at speed.

By abolishing the petition right, Labour opened the door for councils to change the voting system and introduce Maori wards – without the public having any recourse. Changing the way electors elect their representatives, without giving electors a say, is inconceivable in a modern democracy – yet not when Labour was in charge. 

While separatists argue the tribal voice around the council table is still in a minority, they ignore the fact that Maori are now seriously over-represented in local government at 21.6 percent. As a result, when Maori elected in Maori seats join forces with Maori Councillors in general seats, through the support of sympathetic Councillors pushing environmental and social justice causes – they often have a majority.

As a result, an effective tribal takeover of local government by stealth is now underway.

The Northland Regional Council provides a case study of how it works.

Their Council of nine has two Maori seats and three councillors who campaigned on environmental concerns. This ‘coalition’ of radical interests, which now controls the council, is responsible for on-going dysfunction including leadership coups and counter coups. 

In addition, the Council has a Maori Advisory Group of 21 members representing competing tribal interests throughout the North. There’s also pressure from the Northland Iwi Leaders Forum.

As a result of tribal coercion, in April the Council adopted “Vision 2040”, their Maori Advisory Group’s Treaty Strategy and Implementation Plan – a local government equivalent to He Puapua. The council is now effectively co-governed by Maori.

Their objectives include increased voting rights for the Council’s iwi advisors, more funding for tribal involvement in Council activities, more staff time allocated to facilitate Maori engagement, more iwi employed by Council, more iwi contracts with Council, more funding for tribal economic development, greater Council use of Maori cultural values including tikanga and Matauranga Maori, greater tribal control of freshwater, the transfer of the Council’s resource consenting powers to iwi, and the allocation of funding grants of over $2,000 per person for three iwi members a year to become certified as Resource Management Act Hearing Commissioners.

Taken together, the initiatives demanded by the Maori Advisory Group will cost the Council over $1.5 million a year.

It is little wonder that rates around the country are now almost double the OECD average!

In addition to all of this, there are three Mana Whakahono a Rohe agreements with the Council that have been independently set up under legislation passed by the National Government in 2017, giving tribal groups further rights of involvement in local government decision-making.

All in all, tribal capture is now crippling the Northland Regional Council. That means it is crippling Northland. In fact, the Council opposed the Government’s Fast-Track Approvals legislation in spite of the potential benefits to Northland, on the basis that it would “severely constrain iwi and hapu participation in decision making”.

Some will say things can be sorted out at the council elections in 2025. But it’s not as simple as that.

Firstly, a great deal of damage can be done over the next 12 months when the motivation of the controlling group on a Council is self-interest.

And secondly, there’s an expectation by these powerful Maori advisory groups that they will be retained from one council to the next. While some new councils may hold a vote on the matter, in reality most new councillors would lack the confidence to oppose their reappointment – especially when there are 21 members of the group!

In light of the Coalition’s announcement that the four local government wellbeings – cultural, environmental, social and economic – are to be abolished, surely it makes sense to also abolish all formal council cultural advisory groups as well. This would free up councils from the oppressive influence of the powerful tribal groups that are now in control of local government in their area.

It should be very clear to the new Local Government Minister that a serious problem of ‘capture’ now exists within councils. It will be no easy task to return control of local government to local communities – and Commissioners may need to be appointed in extreme cases. 

Unfortunately, what is happening in Northland will be happening all around the country to a greater or lesser degree. The fact that 45 of the country’s 78 councils have introduced Maori wards – in spite of their communities being opposed – is an indication that most have been captured by tribal interests. Furthermore, many of the 33 councils that haven’t introduced Maori wards, are already controlled by their powerful advisory bodies – like the Gore District where the Council’s Ngai Tahu advisory committee persuaded Councillors to designate their entire region as significant to Maori.

In other words, special rights for Maori are corrupting councils from making decisions in the best interest of their community to making decisions in the best interest of tribal corporations.

The reality is that He Puapua is alive and well in local government and in spite of the coalition pledge to “Stop all work on He Puapua”, it is now so rampant that it is threatening to take over the sector entirely, with very significant consequences for ratepayers! What is even more galling is that many tribal landowners do not pay rates.

While successive governments have contributed to the dangerous situation we now face, it was the former Labour Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer, who set the ball rolling when he included in his new Resource Management Act, special rights for Maori to be involved in resource consenting including – through the transfer of council powers – as a Consenting Authority.

The problem is that over the years, as a result of taxpayer-funded treaty settlements, tribal groups have grown into powerful multi-billion-dollar business conglomerates, that run numerous operations that come under the regulatory umbrella of local authorities. That’s why they are so focussed on influencing local government – not only to gain control of the resource consenting processes, but also to ensure their representatives become authorised as Resource Management Act Hearings Commissioners, so they can directly influence outcomes.

This matter was discussed in the Annual Report of Ngati Whatua – the billion-dollar tribal business corporation that orchestrated Maori seats throughout Northland. Their report makes revealing comments about the use of Maori Hearings Commissioners:

“The Dome Valley Landfill application by Waste Management was the second most important issue for the Runanga. The first hearing was held at the office of Ngati Manuhiri in 2020. In that hearing we lost our case. In my view we lost because we had commissioners with strong pakeha views making the decisions. It was clear from their judgement they didn’t care about anything we had to say. The only Maori commissioner on the panel, Sheina Tepania, supported Ngati Whatua on everything we said.

“Our appeal against the decision was finally heard in the Environment Court in April this year at Te Ao Marama Community Centre in Te Hana. It was pleasing that we had two strong maori commissioners who sat on the hearings panel, and we had two Environment Court Judges who are familiar with maori values and tikanga.”

What this confirms is not only that tribal groups are targeting the resource consent process, but the judiciary as well. In effect, this will ensure decisions are being made in the interests of tribal groups rather than for the benefit of the wider community.

It’s time the Coalition Government took this corruption seriously. The only way forward is to remove cultural considerations entirely from the resource consenting process.

In reality, Sir Geoffrey Palmer should not have created any special rights for Maori tribal interests in the Resource Management Act. Instead, like its original predecessor – the 1953 Town and Country Planning Act – Sir Geoffrey’s legislation should have remained colourblind. 

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, Constitutional Law Expert David Round, a former Law Lecturer at Canterbury University, is highly critical of Sir Geoffrey’s legacy:

“Sir Geoffrey seems strangely unaware of the insane complexities and delays and preposterous expenses of the present Resource Management Act system, which is often little more than a gigantic racket and can easily descend into outright corruption.

“The latest news is that there has been an agreement for Meridian and Genesis Energy to pay Ngai Tahu, the Department of Conservation ‘and others’ over $180 million in return for them not objecting to applications to renew resource consents for electricity generation from Waitaki River waters.  Those payments, of course, ultimately come out of our power bills.”

The reported payment of well over $100 million to the $2-billion Ngai Tahu corporation in return for resource consents is so extortionate, that an inquiry should surely be held into the deal. Shareholders of Meridian and Genesis should be calling for it – as should taxpayers, since the Government is the majority shareholder in both companies.

In a similar case, the Herald’s investigative reporter Kate MacNamara has revealed that Auckland Council’s water services company Watercare agreed to “$20 million worth of payments” in a secret deal with another $2-billion iwi – Tainui – in return for access to water from the Waikato River until 2032. This was on top of an earlier $40 million agreement with the iwi.

Like the Ngai Tahu extortion, it’s not the companies that pay these bribes – it’s the end users. 

The fact that this sort of coercion now forms part of the consenting process illustrates only too clearly why vested interest groups should play no role in consenting decisions – and have no role in the replacement legislation to the Resource Management Act that is currently being drafted by the Coalition.  

David Round believes New Zealand is now in a perilous position: “New Zealand now is at a very dangerous time. Now is about our last chance to turn the tide against the divisive racism which fanatics in the Labour Party have long been pushing, and which cowards in the National Party have for far too long been tolerating. If we do not turn the tide back now we are goners as a nation.”

He’s right. The Coalition has a big job reining in tribal groups, which have now captured most of our institutions, including local government.

Lip service will not be enough to sort out this mess. Real action and real reform is now needed.

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*Do you believe that all race-based measures should be eliminated from the legislation that replaces the Resource Management Act?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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All for one, one for all. We are all equal under the law. NO preferential treatment for any group!rodge
I thought that we stood up to APARTHEID, in the 1970’s, now we are going down the same track. No one ever mentions the first Mori Ori,!!!Fiona
Absolutely,wit.hout exception,by not doing so,it further encourages racial division.galem
Ignorance silencing knowledge. New Zealand Public’s intelligence constantly being insulted by Maori mumbo-jumbo, myths and legend.Monica
We are one peopleMary
Race based measures are rampant throughout central and local government organisations. He Puapua continues under the radar.Glyn
One person one vote , all councilors should be electedStanley
National – Fix this mess or we wont have a country.Michael
A local businessman was told by Maori on RMA that unless he gave them some land they would vote down his application continuously.Natalie
YES, it’s long over due that we should all be known as Kiwis, New Zealanders not connected to any race or colour but just as ONE PEOPLE.COLIN
All issues around resource management should be decided on merit alone. It is not the role of anyone to impose conditions on resource consent based on when they arrived in the country. If we are to follow that strategy should we also consult all previous owners of the land to see if they approve of the proposed use for which resource consent is being requested??????T
In the name of democracy and for the sake of New Zealand being a co-operative and cohesive society I believe that all race-based measures MUST be eliminated from the legislation that replaces the Resource Management Act. The Radicals involved in the Northland Regional Council fiasco along with what looks to be incompetent judiciary shows that they can never be trusted to have any power due to their intrenched fraudulent mind set. They cannot help themselves to be anything else than to act like barbarians to destroy our nations democratic way of life. We the citizens of New Zealand simply cannot tolerate these frauds to run roughshod over everybody else so that they can rule the roost with evil intentions.Garry.
Absolutely essential for nonracial, ethical decision- makingGeorge
One person , one vote. Where has democracy goneMike
Long over dueAnon
Existing Government should take all effective actions to stop / eliminate all race based take overs of local government in NZ – immediately !!.Pierre
Before its to lateMike
I assumed that this would happen when National announced changes to the RMA. It is unbelievable that this has not happened. The Coalition Govt should be held to account over this.Mary
It’s a no-brainer.Andrew
If race based measures are NOT eliminated – how can NZ carry on as a ‘democracy’??Michael
When are we going to get some politicians who will dig their toes in and stand up to all this racist stuff. We are tired of it. Needs to be stopped once and for ever!!!Helen
Yes however and very unfortunately the current govt simply does not have the guts to stand against these forces who would and will destroy the country for everyday ordinary nz citizensFlip
If not,this country is stuffed !!!,i’m off to Aussie.Mark
Without excepton.Ronmac
It is the only way to stop racial inequalityPeter K
Yes. National needs to realise its stance is the same as co-governance. Racially-based legislation has no place in New Zealand.Gavin
Absolutely. – it appears to be encouraging bribery and corruptionIhaia
Maori King, shenanigans continue, as an ongoing CLOWN SHOW,….what exactly was his lliving legacy??? Beats me…. can’t recall any living legacy????David
This is political madness and we are asleep at the wheel.Bill
That’s a no brainer! Get on with it now and stem the tide.Alan
All race based content needs to be removed period. Interesting Julz said maori killed and ate the Chinese to extinction. So the Chinese and Moriori were here before Maori therefore maori not indigenous to NZ. CLAIMS ENDED. Maybe Chinese and Moriori can claim compensation through waitangi tribuneral? Oh no only for maori. RACIST IN ITSELF.Kevan
YES,YES,YES. Maori wards, tribes and big business have infiltrated our councils with huge additional costs for rate payers. We are all paying extras on our rate bills for the parasites. It will only get worse if they are alloed to continue. Just look at Northland. Ozzie bound if they takeover councils. He Pua Pua in action by stealth. If Labour, greens or maori party ever get in OZ here I come along with half NZ population.Allan
Not in the RMA. NOT in ANY Act fullstop. Ever. What a bloody mess our politicians have created. The NZ public are thick, ignorant, apathetic and deserve the apartheid that is developing by the minute.Creed
Race based anything should be wiped from, and never introduced, all legislation ejected by Any New Zealand GovernmentRoderick
There is no place for racist legislation in New Zealand.Grant
Takeover with the help of all the STATES blessings and all the STATES resources.francis
This is the apartheid of South Africa in reverse. Total stupidity.Kevin
make it gone by lunchtimeEvan
The payouts to Maori interests are extortionist and the Coalition govt needs to get some metal to oppose these demands at all levels of society.Chris
We live in a so called democracyMerv
Was only a matter of time….LUXLESS LUXON, backing down, on Seymours’ Treaty… and shutting out PUBIC INQUIRY, as well as blocking media, these politicains have no shame….!!!David
Fools are easily bribed, coerced due to self interest. Maori and black power synonymous all tribal.Norman
No place in this nation for this racisim. Will they, Iwi etc, be happy when they have turned NZ into another South Africa or the southern States of America of old? They may gain more and more evilness over the coming years but it will end in thier utter destruction of themselves and terrible damage to NZLB
I am totally sick of all this talk of racism and separatism. If the referendum on Maori wards does not go Maoris way you can bet that there will be a violent reaction from them.Allan
All legislation and politics needs to be colour-blind and secular.Rose
This needs to be stopped now and fast. There should be no legislation that is race based. We are multicultural not bicultural.June
Yes Absolutely. The farmers who support the National Party must realize that they are being ‘farmed’ by Maori.Bruce
This must be eliminated or we go under as a countryTerry
Exterminate !!! All race based crap from every part of New Zealand, I am so over the” Maori thing” that cant even stand to watch the haka before All black games, as a race they have failed themselves by not standing up for Democracy in this country.Glyn J
The Power companies directors need to explain to their shareholders and their customers what is going on and whyAlan
of course it should. RAce based legislation is un-democratoic EOS.Boud
It’s a no brainer. Politicians should stop pandering to the demands of activists.Arthur
We seem to be answering the same questionable racist policy over and over. Of course all race based law, policy and legislation should be smitten from New Zealand law, policy and legislation. Political enablers need also gone.larry
As a European NZer I demand to have the same rights as any other NZ citizen. To treat me as inferior to a Maori NZer is an absolute insult and pure effronteryKerry
A present day scandal.gary
not only the RMA but ALL GOVT DEPt’s and a priority is the HEALTH DEPT then start on the local govt and councils to stop this insidious campaign by the gready and corrupt govt officials and labour greens and hori parties, but if luxon dosent pull finger and get some balls this country will go down the shit hole further than it is now all to the thanks of adern and her ass likersRichard
Im not surprised, corruption seems to be the leading motivation with these parasites.john
I don’t understand the reluctance by many politicians to do the wishes of the greater community, unless of course they don’t support those wishes!Rex
We have been saying “No Race Based Measures” but the government takes no notice. Why not? Corruption has crept in.Paloma
Because it’s totally racistRochelle
There is no scientific, moral or or logical basis for having race-based ANYTHING!Helena
Remember after the Treaty signing: “WE ARE NOW ALL ONE PEOPLE”. Get rid of Apartheid in NZ.!!!!!Dave
We are a multi cultural society with no room for race based rules and regulations. The Iwi corporations can no longer claim it is Pakeha views. There are 50 cultures or more represented in NZ. Sadly a few in these corporates are getting very rich while many mauri families are struggling. They should pay tax and rates like everyone else and contribute to the country.lone
Imperative to remove all race-based legislation full stopNoel
Last chance to save this country..Peter
Why is this not on the news every week!!!! Ardern should be jailed!!Julz
New Zealand legislation should be colour blind and fair to all societytony
As stated many times by the majority of rate payers asking their council representatives to vote accordingly to the majorities wishes.Gillian
yes get rid of all Maori groups that are trying to take over our democracy,this government must put a stop before the next council elation.Barry
Very Importantlarry
Yes Absolutely. The Govt should ACT now and stop this theft of Rate and Tax payers money. And demand it all be returned with interest.Noel
It should not be in ANY legislation. PERIODCarolyn
All race based legislation should be deleted.Denis
One legislation for all, with no racial mention.DAVID
I’m tired of advocating 1person 1 vote and all people with nz citizenship or permanent residency are equal before the law.The Maoris who signed the Treaty are not the same Maoris who occupy nz today nor are the British people who signed for the Crown the same.As a Treaty it was a pact to give protection to Maoris from attack from Maoris and to keep the peace with all citizens. The whole Treaty business must be discussed by the whole country not just be subject to Maoris continual demands. All they want is control and once gained the rest of us are of no consequence.Peter
It is not only at the Governance/Political level, the employed staff who oppose racial corruption have left, and been replaced by employees who support such measures. It will take time to eliminate.tony
All race based measures should be removed from government and local council legislation.Andrew
Race based measures MUST be eliminated from legislation that replaces the resource management act.William
Absolutely.There is no place for any race based decision making in this countrygale
Stop Apartheid in New ZealandPeter
Why should race even come near it? The RMA takes too long as it is.Sheila
New Zealand is a multi ethnic country ad I use the word “ethnic” deliberately. We all belong to one race, the Human race. Therefore, all legislation should treat all people equally. Geoffrey Palmer was quite frankly, gutless. He walked away from an election that he knew he could not win and passed the mantle to a hapless Mike Moore. whom I met and for whom I had great respect.Peter
Race should have no place in any legislation that comes to mind.Gary
We are one nation. Let us live by the text of the original Treaty, and the principles contained in its three articles, not the ba*******ed version being pushed nowAnthony
Absolutely !!!!! Any race based policies should be eliminated — should not even be considered or put forward in the first place. I cannot understand Councils voting for maori wards — we have creeping maorisms now in all facets of our lives. From Kia Ora to Morena and other increasing bastardising of our ENGLISH language most of us have had a gutsful but it is known NZers are too meek and mild to start saying NO MORE !!!!!!.Alan
I am a great believer in DEMOCRACY! We all have a vote to decide things!Ngaire
the ordinary kiwi is not capable of comprehending what is developing in our country.. yes, by stealth.Peter
We are one people in one country – New Zealand.Wendy
NZ for NZealanders…. no wonder people are packing up and leaving. The only people left will be Maori, 501s, criminals and deadbeats… Totally depressing. I would pack up and leave myself, but now too old and worry about my children and grandchilldren in the future.Erin
Time to look forward, not back. Stop tearing my country apart, joint together and move forward as 1. Make NZ great again for my grands and all NZ people.John
Endless clipping the ticket by Maori groupsLaurie
We are one peopleJimmy
Of course they should be eliminated. Maori deserve nothing special.Des
One New Zealand,all equalRAY
It seems the government is not only condoning corruption but us leading the way through government controlled companies such as Meridian.Frank
Absolutely we are all New ZealandersTrevor
We are one people. Immigrants so Maori don’t own the land or anything. Just takers all the timeJill
New Zealand is democracy where all Kiwi’s are equal, so therefore there is no place for race based rules.John
We all have a voice. We all need to be heard and consideredRICHard
Anything to stop triblal rule of NZ buy 2040Doug
As a nation we have to rid ourselves of this nonsenseMartin
It is difficult to understand the motivation of bleeding hearts like Geoffrey Palmer when they draft divisive and destructive legislation other than it is sinister in nature.Geoffrey
The sooner the betterMax
The principle of equal rights and duties of all citizens of NZ should be apply to this matter.Stephen
Absolutely A no brainerJulie
Yes and I believe all Maori or so called ‘indigenous’ decisions, rules that result from such measures, should be immediately rescinded and an enquiry held so as to remove the power of those who as unelected persons are ruling illegitimately. If Waikato water, for example, was sold to Auckland or taken only after a bribe was paid we need justice to be re asserted.RAY
No debate – the only solution to protect democracy.mary
NZ is in danger of becoming one of the most racist countries in the world. We are perilously close to the tipping point.John
Absolutely, and any reference to TOW as a ‘constitutional,’ document; rather than a historical ‘enabling’ document that eased the passage for the ungoverned islands of New Zealand to head towards the constitutional status of a British Crown Colony and eventually a self governing sovereign nation where all citizens must be equal both under and before the law of the nation.Francis
race based legislation should br removed in its entitety A blanket defenition shoiuld be aproved what defining race based look if it looks like raced advantages are being aopprovrd to the detriment of any one else they should be abolished further the the true geniality of all members of the maori race.,Identifying as maori by stating you are maori to increase the maori numbers on the maori roll. That ploy has been used in many cases to boost maori numbers when the person was not maori at allterrence
Thames-District Council is now politically-biased, with undeclared socialists being installed as councillors, and the Mayor being not just left-wing but failed to make his Maori heritage widely known until the voting was over. This Council is now ‘rogue’, having already voted FOR Maori Wards without ANY input from permanent Residents and Ratepayers. As your column suggests Maori are now politically-focused on taking over primary roles in Council, Resident and Ratepayers Associations and Community Boards. They have learned this lesson from Britain, where when a Labour Government is kicked out the focus and effort is switched to Local Authorities and Councils are the target for being swamped by Socialists. PS The current Government Coalition MUST make English an “Official” language, and elevated clearly to THE most widely language used daily by 90% of New Zealanders. We English speakers are under constant attack and being disrespected by Maori and their “woke” sympathisers,Phil
Enough! already. I am fast going broke while the likes of Thunderpants Morgan slurp in the trough that we are funding.Philip
For democracy to work, it requires equal representation. Any move away from that requires a referendum. Were the law changes that impacted democracy even allowed under our constitutional law?Fiona
This corruption by the Maori has to stop or there will be a backlash from the majority of the population whose money and other rights have been stolen. The damage that Labour and greens have done to NZ is turning out to be the same as a terminal cancer. When the non Maori realise what has happened is when big trouble happens.Derek
Also the perpetrators of this racist ideology should face criminal charges for subverting our democratic way of life.Giles
Remove reference to ethnicity from all central and local government legislation entirely.Rex
There are no special races. All equal.Greg
Democracy for all people in NZJon
Same for all racescarolyn
If race based measures are not eliminated from the legislation that replaces the RMA, this country has had it and we might as well all go to AustraliaColin
As soon as possibleROB
Absolutely and immediatelyViv
YES ! There is no chance for a return to democracy in this country if they don’t do this NOW !Leon
Absolutely, asap. The amount of corruption by these so called maori boards is unbelievable. This coalition has to take a H hatchet to these rules and cut them right out. Will Luxon have the balls to do it? The other two have. God jabcinda stuffed this country and ‘chippee’ helped too. Makes me sick to see their pictures.Peter
Stand up NZ and lobby the Coalition.Pamela
The potential for Maori to do what they have desired since the Kingi Tunga movement in 1898, when appointed their own King, is being realised in our time. To have their own sovereign nation. To do this the treaty goes into a constitution as a partnership and they get 50% of the tax take to finance their Nation. I have dealt with the head of the sovereignty movement through the courts and that’s their goal. Now we have Joe Williams ex Head of the Waitangi Tribunal, appointed to the highest court in the land. Your readers will remember. this used to be an advisory group to Government. Not now; They tell the Government to jump and the Government says how high. This man Williams, is bringing Tikanga law into the court and joining it to our Western Judean Christian law. It is basically hearsay evidence. It has been passed down from grandfather to grandfather verbally. The other judges on the court are falling over to accommodate him. In the Wairoa beach claim by Maori: Pre trial it was decided Maori would have to prove continual use of the beach Since 1840. They couldn’t. But the judge said they only had to believe it. How is that for a principal of law. So what do you think will happen when all of these battles for 50% say, get to the highest court in the land with the Honourable Justice Joe Williams presiding? Tell me what will happen if Government change the legislation to overrule the high court. I can hear the screams of racism now, but worse the threat of tribal war against the Nation. Not good.Dene
NZ is being led by “cunning” and it will only be free when CUNNING is eliminated. The word was used to warn me long ago by a Maori friend.Maurice
Yes. There should be no special treatment for any groups of people.Vivienne
One country one people one law. If there are special “deals” for a particular group then we do not have democracyNoel
We are all supposed to be one people according to the original Treaty Articles of 1840 and Governor HobsonJerry
This corruption must stop.Darren
Yes, racism, from all sides, has no place in New ZealandLinda
Most definitelyVince
There is no place in NewZealand for race based measuresRod
disestablish territorial local authorities centralise government and devolve local representation to ratepayer associationsBob
Absolutely we want equal representation one person one vote DEMOCRACY.John
End all this corrumtion. End all race based legislation.Warren
we are all onelin
to measure anything based on the factor of race is discrimination and breaches the Human Rights Act.Roger
I believe that all race based legislation should be removed from everything to do with government, full stop. One people, one law for all!!Mike
NZ faces disaster if we don’t all become what we were, NZ citizens.David
The events of the last few years creating unelected dictatorial Maori power need full reversal and quickly.Mike
One person one vote, regardless of ethnicity.Audrey
New Zealand used to be ONE NATION. I have never known such a division as there is now.Gene
I was sickened reading this article. I fear that New Zealand is lost and due to govermental lack of moral fibre, it is done for.Allan
We are all NZersArthur
why are we so stupid to let all this happen?????gerard
All people should be treated equally in the RMA. Race has become a tool of evil who want to benefit at the expense of others.Donald
All Maori privilege needs to be removed to stop the extortion that is taking place & being paid for by the taxpayer. All Maori tribal elite are interested in is fleecing the rest of the country & fattening their wallets, with no regard or benefit to the general public & taxpayers.David
We have lived through the Age of Enlightenment yet the darkness of superstition and witchcraft enshrouds usJeremiah
It just isn’t necessary in that legislation.Kate
All refernce to race must be eliminated from legislation. When will the average Maori realise that the extremists are costing them money, whilst getting rich themselves?Mark
Your words,”by stealth” do not apply in Gisborne where Te Mana o Te Wai is being pushed along by Council staff engaged to push such matters to the point where Ratepayers are funding the education of hapu and Iwi to improve their capacity in the business of Te Mana o Te Wai. The government is simply being ignored.Peter
I believe it is already too late. Our political elite are afraid and scared and have been for a very, very long time.Chris
We shouldn’t have to be asking that question in this day and age.Hilary
I am fine with local Maori having a real say in what happens localkly to them.. but it should not be disproportionate.Rochelle
Way past time for thisJohn
There is no room for race based policies in a democracyJan
One country one people New Zealanders.Peter
A very strong yesTony
Depressing but very good as is David Rounds articleAndrew
All race based laws should be removed from everythingClaire
From everything!Colin
Councils should treat all people the sameChridstine
We need to maintain our wonderful democracy and not slide down the path to a country dominated by the interests of a single racial or ethnic group.Jennifer
If not we are doomed! Tell me why the left are in favour of this racist rort history tells me they will not be treated well !Iain
Stop this patronising crapSam
colourblind is the only way forwardBrian
It’s feels like blackmail and non-Maori are too afraid of standing up to the issues.Eileen
From Smith: We live in a diverse and multicultural and multi faith society. Therefore the standard of equality, human rights and fairness should apply to all citizens. Hegemony doesn’t have a place in our democratic society and taxpayers funding 2 systems isn’t viable in a small country like NZ. God of Nations at Thy Feet in our national anthem? That speaks and sings volumes.Eileen
Unless all of this race based corruption is ended we wiil end up just like south Africa. We all know what a basket case that is.Warren
Has to happen very very soon. This cant go onKerin
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise civil war looms……Bev
Of course it should be!Yvonne
It’s reverse aparthied and has no place in our democracyPeter
The earlier MPs who connived in passing legislation that prompted Maori interests over the population should be condemnedGeoff
Maori are not the indigenous people of New Zealand.David
Get rid of all race based government legislation and regulations. Get rid of the lot.Peter
That useless prat Palmer is responsible for all this, and it just goes to show how corrupted the Labour party is and if National are not careful they will get sucked in an then New Zealand as we know it will be controlled by the Maoti and the rest of us will become servants in our own country. Sowe have to make sure that ACT and NZfirst gain more control.ken
Race doesn’t belong anywhere near policyClive
Definitely. There is no place in our local or national government for excessive, and often corrupt, influence by any interest groupsNeville
1 law for everyone should be consistent throughout all government legislationHeather
Absolutely. Let’s get the first inhabitants off the gravy train and return to a one size fits all policy.Hugh
National must put urgency to eliminate this race based by radical elements to completly take over local bodiesleo
How many Maori could pass basic education examination If they cannot, should they be able to have decision making positions?Dennis
NZ is becoming very close to some sort of apartheid. It is about ethnicity rather than colour. Maori then everyone else; European, Asian and everyone else. I fear for my granchildren who are a mix of several ethnicities.Barbara
no commentMerryl
Unearned power has been allocated to a very radical and nasty blackmailing minority. When an innocent transport worker is doing an underpaid job and punched by a local, just because he is under the illusion he owns NZ, its probably already too late to hep New Zealand.Sharron
Absolutely, and the sooner the better.Mike
Anybody in NZ who wants APARTHEID here, can move to South Africa where they will feel ‘at home’mike
Quality is what is required on all committees, not a race -based system that gives a result of ineptness.Barbara
Should be but wont be.Antoni
Do it now National. This is your opportunity to make this race- based legislation democratic. One vote per person. ALL races invited to vote.Dianne
Equality onlyJoe
We are all residents of NZ. No racism should exist. No one objects one factor following their culture but why do we all have to follow it. I am of Swiss/German decent do I create noise – no .lizzy
The same with the justice system. That is why she is depicted wearing a blindfold when weighing up the evidenceBrian
Needs to be done ASSPG F
Zimbabwe, here we come.Laurine
Maori do NOT OWN the land. We all come into this life with nothing and go out the same way.Dianne
help NZ get back on its feet before it is too lategraeme
Our rates are now over the top, way in excess of the OECD average, because a privelaged group of people want it all, very often, those same people aren’t paying rates on their own land. We have two choises here, revolt and refuse to pay for the extortion being meted out, or pack up and leave the country. This coalition govt needs to sort this stuff out, nowTrevor
Before it’s too late.!Heather
NZ belongs to ALL NZers not maorigraeme
Not only from that legislation, from ALL legislation.Rod
Its a must!!!Murray
Will it ever end?Murray
Fully democratic voting powers for all local body elections.Peter
Division by Race has no place in any legislation in New Zealand.Doug
The tribal takeover is alive and well. The Coalition need to step up and sort this out ASAPChris
Yes .. One rule for all.kabe
Sooner rather than later. This is all a rort!ALASTAIR
New Zealand industry and citizens (Kiwis) cannot prosper if racially based policies are promoted and accepted here.Andrew
Our laws should be completely and totally colour-blind. The take-over by the local iwi of Taupo is almost complete and most councilors seem completely oblivious to the fact.Roger
One needs to look at the WEF and UN, This was their plan years ago. We are all human with the same basic needs. Our skin color and tempers should not separate us from uniting as all for one and one for all. United we stand, Divided we fall. Im seriously considering leaving New Zealand because of all of this corruption taking place WAKE UP NEW ZEALAND!Sky
A democratic country has people with no difference in race! No favours for one group or another!!Dominique Greenslade
Why should we live in New Zealand with a bunch of maori lowlife running our local govermments ? Talk about democracy going down the gurgler…Chris
YES, but could it ever happen?Carl
Of courseMike
Even the new “Fast Track” consenting process has iwi involvement. They have their claws into everything.Alastair
Most definately YesNeville
Absolutely, We are stuffed if we dontErrol
ALL special privilege for ANY sector of our society is AGAINST DEMOCRACY and, counter to the true, original Treaty of Waitangi, which absolutely stated equality for ALL people. Further, if any “Law” is voted in without a true representation of what the law will mean for all people, it is invalid. Said “Law” should be eliminated because it is invalid as it stands, anyway. We just need to let people know that this ‘law’ is illegal, invalid and void.Joyce
Race based is Racism, to me that’s Logic. If the top Iwi keep pushing the Majority of New Zealanders into the Tribal System then be very afraid because they’re walking the Tight-rope of self destruction. For those top Tribal Leaders who are pushing subvertion on our whole Society please refer to the History Books as to what happen to the Elites in France after the Revolution !!Geoff
It’s too late, good bye…………A free and democratic country and systems cannot be replaced.Henk
With URGENCY !!John
Geoffrey Palmer and Chris Finlayson are the biggest traitors New Zealand has seen. The Racial divide they have caused in our Country is criminal.Henry
Immediate concerted action by the coalition, hopefully!!Ray
A necessityBruce
Council codes of conduct versions to assert Maori alignment or face penalty and complaint were installed into all councils under Ardern – this present Government knows it and refuses to remove the codes or the clauses that demand Maori and Treaty complianceBob
The Coalition partners should demand a National referendum to address the questions raised on these biased contentious issuesStan
It may be too late already. But let’s try and push back.William
We are one – or supposed to beJohn
It’s passed the time when we should stop this nonsense. Act now!!!!!Neil
No place for racial based rules and legislation!Hugh
Apartheid is proven to incur conflicts- history has proven it.Ivor
Future Positive – no RacismDoug
Time for Nation to step up to plate or they will be toast at the next election. They have already lost my vote .Sydney
No racial group should have different race based rights from anotherMichael
Without doubt !Tony
Race based measure and references must be removed from ALL legislation. Race based seats in local and central government must also be eliminated along with all race based government departments and agencies starting with the worst of the lot The Waitangi TribunalNeil
I agree with your article. My biggest fear is that nz will see itself in civil war in years to come. Maori only speak of Maori. They don’t ever refer to New Zealanders. They are a warlike race which can be seen more and more by their hakas.Lyn
there should not be a separate system based on race. We are all New Zealanders regardless of race, religion etcRaewyn
We need to be one country to move forward together. We are all travellers arriving on these shores and there were people here before ALL our current inhabitants arrived.Karen
What’s that old saying? Give an inch and take a mile. Lets hope citizens see sense and vote to remove Maori seats at the next Council elections.Dennis
Should never have been incorporated from the get go ! Who in the hell did they think they were. Not only the Resource Management Act .. but ALL Acts. We’ve had a gut full of the BS !Alan
NZ one nation one people one votegraham
“A house divided against itself must fall.” Is that all houses or just some of them?Mick
Definitely remove all race-based matters from all legislation.Bruce
The tax payers should not be propping wealthy Maori elites to exploit New Zealanders for their private profit tax free.Rosemary
It is obvious that iwi in any decision making process are a self interest party. They should have input but not a special seat in the decision making.Dwane
We are all kiwis and without the Treaty, Maoris would only have survived through the strongest tribes. The rest would have been killed and eaten.Garry
Partial or even full ethnicity has no place in legislation.John
It’s a pity the politicians responsible for the racism and corruption that they encouraged and supported, cannot be arrested and charged.Hugh
and every other Act tooGill
An urgent task for our new coalition government.Keith
retrospectively tooJohn
What a stupid question.Bob
If this is not happening there is a chance we will be living in a s–hole country governed by local war lords. BUT on the other hand there is also a good chance of – when these extremists push it too far things getting rather unpleasant for them.Michael
All race based legislation should be banned from all govt acts, and wiped from all old legislationColin
I as do all my Ex Military friends hate all this race based nonsence, it is splitting our country and as time goes by it will get worse.Barbara
The question is How the hell??Eddie
It’s now become a them & US situation- Very dangerous position for our democracy..Peter
Most definitelyBarbara
TheTreaty is a Treaty, generally a temporary arrangement for a limited time to fix certain agreed arrangements most suitable for the time period at which it was entered into. This treaty has now well and truly exceeded the time period of its effectiveness and before it results in ever more damage due to its historical and pagan party origins it should be terminatedRichard
I fear for the future of my two very young part Maori/European grandchildren. Unless much improves I will encourage them to leave this country to avoid being captured by the chaos coming.Helen
If – I say “if” – we are all New Zealanders there should be no special privileges for those who “by accident of birth” belong to a minority ethnic group, but who believe they should have rights to all sorts of things. Democratic government is at stake if this is allowed to continue.Laurence
Yes, DefinitelyGeoffrey
Race based questions appear to be placed in front of us ad nauseum! Has there not already been enough proof that the consensus is ‘remove immediately ‘!! Why is the Coalition is not listening or receiving ‘the message from the room’ ?Robyn
Race based measures should be eliminated from ALL legislationFrank
There should be no race-based meausres in any democracy.ted
Is Lux flake so nutless??Chris
Absolutely. And make the Maori pay rates and corporation tax.Laura
There is no place for race based measures in the Resource Management Act. On Person one vote. regardless of Race Maori or PakehaFrank
Yes! Absolutely. Apartheid and animism to be banished from all aspects of local authority operations. The payment of undisclosed amounts of ‘koha’ anytime councillors meet with local Maoris to cease forthwith.David
Race has no place whatsoever in these issuesBrian
Iwi are killing the country. Give an inch and they take a mile or more.Jackie
Its a no brainer.Leonie
Part-ancestry-based entitlements are fertile ground for corruption. Identifying as ‘Maori’ now entitles people and organisations to mafia-like power & extortion over hardworking Kiwis who will simply give-up trying to build a better NZ. The result is already being seen in plummeting standards, growing poverty and civil unrest.Fiona
Should be removed from ALL legislation. (Particularly for the benefit of ALL ethnic groups!)Jack
End the madnessfred
Yes, it is time all race based measures be removed from all legislation including the new Resource Management Act. There is no place for special entrenched positions based on race to be part of local bodies. The councils owe their allegiance to their ratepayers, and not self appointed special representatives who have other priorities. Sadly successive governments have offered special privileges to non-elected groups when they had no mandate from ratepayers or taxpayers to do so. This implemented dishonesty bypassing our constitutional democratic rights is the path to corruption and mistrust in our elected local bodies on a scale unprecedented in this country. We cannot afford to allow the dishonesty of our past leaders to destroy the future social cohesion of our wonderful country.Donald
YES. OF COURSE! But I am afraid “you ain’t seen nuffin yet” The natives are restless and the mob we elected are fast disappointing this Kiwi. God Defend New Zealand.Bruce
The longer this goes on the more entitled tiny percentage proceed to divide our countryLaurie
They lost the wars in 18th century. Stupidity of the now entitled ones give the losers a legal right to have a say via iwi treachery and falsehoods through lies and deciet, untruths of aderens Govt Treachery with no mandate/ They savages lost the wars. The status quo is right of victors rights as seized payback. They lost. Dont go soft now. Happens nowhere else. By winners.mike
Absolutely. We do not need apartheid in New Zealand.Doug
Time for colour blind decisions on all legislationBeverley
Race-based measures should be eliminated from ALL legislation!Elizabeth
ASAP please !D
Apartheid is almost upon us. Recall the hypocrisy about South Africa. The appalling cowards in Government now must be stand up immediately. The solutions are obviousPeter
If I were a maori, I would feel diminished by this constant whining “we need more concessions; you are oppressing us, and so-on. What this says is ‘we can’t cut the mustard in the 21st century and need the white man to help us out.’ Pitiful!TOBY
Indeed, from ALL legislation.Vic
Totally removed & Bribes paid to Maori by Power companies be refunded & rates payable on all Maori freehold land.Derek
Common sense.Graham
NZ is in serious trouble, only strong leadership will save it from a disastrous future, I can’t see that strong leadership can you ??Howard
It isn’t going to change while Luxon leads the National party. He is part of the problem.Steph
We are one nation. All equal.Les
We will never have equality and equity for ALL New Zealanders while the tribes have their hands out. The NZPCR article ‘Mana or money’ says it all.layor
It is incredible to think that people are so ignorant of what loss of actual democracy can mean, and the massive harm that can come to them as a result.Cam
All race based measures should be removed from everything! Thought that’s what we voted this Government in to do. They seem to be allowing all these racial policies to continue. Time to show some guts.Lee
Yes. We should be all equal in NZ. Descendants of Maori don’t need special treatment. I am one and find it an insult that I need special needs to live a happy life in New Zealand.Graham
Unquestionably. Maori Wards / dedicated Ward seats are no more than a form of co-governance cunningly , if not fraudulently, and dishonestly manipulated and facilitated by Luxon / Government , under the contrived guise/ cloak of democratic process in effect fraudulently shifting the responsibility from Government to Local Body jurisdiction. This despite Government’s election PROMISES to RID US of co-governance altogether . Ward seats , as with the dedicated Maori seats in Parliament , should be totally eradicated / eliminated . They signal to Maori a race-based partnership arrangement with Maori that is NOT valid , MUST NOT exist , is contrary to the equality of citizenship mandated in the Treaty of Waitangi and is majorly divisive of our society . Maori are as equally entitled and able to offer themselves / stand for elected political offices as any other citizen- and THAT is where it MUST STAND / STOP. Government has a responsibility and obligation to those who voted them into power to ELIMINATE these race based situations altogether. They are totally unwarranted and without justification . Government must TOTALLY DISMANTLE the Maorification of New Zealand agenda IMPOSED ON US by the late Labour Government starting with eliminating any possibility of co-governance both at national and local body level . Hugh
Totally agree that action is urgently required.Jim
There should be no race based allowances in any local or central government laws, regulations, by laws or expectationsAlec
No to racial politicsSteve
this is very serious now.Robert
But it won’t happen with National in charge. Things will have to get a lot worse for non-Maori on a personal level – where it becomes impossible to ignore the biased outcomes and second-class status they are destined for – before they realise that both Labour & National are cut from the same cloth when it comes to co-governance and the undemocratic fawning favouritism they show Maori.Derek
Yes in fact in all legislationCookie
Get racism entirely gone from New Zealand!Logan
unfortunatly we are fast becoming a third world Country, if National does not act more quickly we as Europeans are all doomed,as 2nd/3rd classTony
Of course they should – in fact all reference to Maori as a separate entity should be removed from New Zealand legislationTerry
The conflicts of interest that are clearly obvious are a direct consequence of moral & philosophical failure. That failure is also simple to understand. Policy should refer only to citizens & perhaps permanent residents. It should be completely indifferent and blind to ethnicity, race, gender or other identitity characteristic. Before the law, only individuals matter. Protection of minorities starts with the smallest minority – the individual – and the relationship of individuals with government – all government – should be exactly the same regaless of detail. That is what a true secular system is like. It is moral, independent and fair.Mark
The special payments for water rights need to go asap. secret deals specially.Leon
We must fight to uphold our hard fought-for Democracy. Racism, ( He Puapua) has no place in New Zealand. People must be cognisant of the contrived actions of the Maori elite to separate New Zealand!SYUART
Best Poll so far this yearGarth
More pure reverse racism which is rapidly killing our once wonderful NEW ZEALAND.Brian
It is time to remove Tax and Rate free legislation from Maori Incorporations and to make illegal for interested parties to have any say in decision making processes.David
We are one country. Remove the ability for all corporations to be registered as a charity and they should also be paying rates.Raymond
Of courseGerry
There is no time or place that race based decision making by Governments and Local Bodies acceptable.pdm
We are all one people. Democracy must rule.Steve
It is outright racist apartheid legislation and must be stopped. The trouble is our news media don’t report on any of this. It is all done under cover and behind doors that don’t open to the public.Elizabeth
Without any QuestionHylton
Absolutely OR New Zealand, it seems, could be ‘given away’ to a staunch activist organization which has encouraged weak political and media support ! Could be scary times ahead!!Stuart
must do or his country will be lostDavid
As a business NZ is reliant on the management of its resources. The RMA should not favour, in any way, any particular group of NZ’ers or we are doomed!Allan
We are in such a dangerous position now and if we go ahead as we are with many in Maoridom looking backwards instead of at the future our progress in relation to consents especially is doomed.Erica
absolutely, there is no reason whatsoever for it in a democratic societyRobert
The extortionary racial tactics have no place in a Democracy.Jim
Of course!Fletcher
One Country One People Oone rule for all and NOT one for MaoriCarl
It is the only way forward to a future where all are equal.David
get rid of eletist maori racist,snout in the trough tactics ripping us off, including ripping off my good maori mates !!norman
We have been conned through the actions of gullible well-meaning politicians.Hugh
We cannot undertake good development with race based legislation.Gifford
Apartheid by intent – not stealthGraham
Absolute no brainer if New Zealand is to stop the slide towards an irrelevant, broke thrid world country.Chris
Yes – otherwise NZ as we know it, (or knew it), is a gone burger. All race-based measures need to be eliminated from all legislation – not just the RMA – look on this as just a first step in the right direction! If we do not actively oppose this racist nonsense starting now, we will lose everything our forefathers strived and fought for – and we will deserve it!Scott.
Same rights and duties for every oneGavin
And do it tomorrow!!!Sid
Race-based favoritism is a race relations nightmare.Ross
It is critical that we oppose the Maori based takeover creeping into our democracyBrenda
Nothing we do as a country should ever be based on race. Nothing. We need to stand strong as a nation and get rid of this ridiculous attempt at race-based tribal control, and give the whole country over to one nation, one people, forever.M
We keep gong around in circles, talking about the injustice of it all, and Maori keep carrying on regardless! This government has to step up to bring equality into local and central government, as a matter or urgency, because unless that happens the rest of us are always going to be second class citizens, rate and tax payers completely sidelined. Unfortunately too many past and current handouts have enabled these tribal renegades to get rich at the expense of others.Carol
Again ignorant ,misguided politicians have contributed to this greed based rort .No wonder our power bills ,rates ,consent costs are rocketing up . Are maori so stupid and selfish to see that even maori are also strugging to pay our bills (iwi excluded,) they have robbed ALL kiwis to ensure they have billions in the bank and no doubt have a luxurious lifestyle . Shame on these human parasites .Every week I am confronted by Maori s begging for money outside grocery stores . I know the coalition started well sadly only ACT continue to reign in maori outrageous demands . Id expect Palmer ,Clarke ,Adern to push ridiculous demands against bread and butter kiwis . I am actually amazed more people aren’t calling for a stop to this devisive money grab . Sadly the future doesn’t look too good , unless much stronger steps are introduced to stop the greedy maori and associated left wing scum .Ray
there is no place in a democracy for any race based legislationjohn
one set of rules for ALLLesW
Corruption and threats of viloence in the New Plymouth area and its only going to get worse, we need to get rid of those Mauri seats, if we dont we will end up living in an apartheid society and third world economyFiona
No to apartheid in NZTom
Maori greed, Say no more.Wayne
We should all be equal and have equal rights and responsibilities as New ZealandersPeter
The Maori takeover by their multi billion dollar iwi who pay no tax is a travesty of one person, one vote.Alastair
There should be no race based preferences in any legislation in New Zealand Maori are not indigenous people of NZKevin
Unbelievable corruption. Anything about labour should be put down.Evans
It MUST be done in URGENT TIME which is NOW & luxon MUST grow some balls instead of cowing in to maori.So he NEEDS EVERYONE to email him & ALL desition makers in BOTH ACT & NZFIRST & SENT THIS NEWSLETTERCindy
Hell yes, of course if we, all NZers, dont stand up and be counted, nothing will change. Decisive action is needed by all who relate to Muriels warning and all of us need to get off our collective arses and rally against it. However I doubt if any of us will which is so sad.Joseph
All race based control grab agendas by Maori elites must be stopped immediately. These dangerous and greedy Maori tribal elites need to be reined in permanently. Unfortunately the current Govt leaders appear too weak and gutless to step up for New Zealand, which is what is urgently needed to save NZ democracy.Greg
Until we acknowledge we are all citizens with equal rights and opportunities and no one has special privileges we will never move forward. The potential for nz to be a first class, high demand and desirable place to live where the focus is in positive outcomes we will always be in this toxic state of stagnation. Until Maori see themselves as one and not tribelism that just creates huge diversity in their maoridom but as nz as a whole. Government for too long panders and I often wonder what exactly is this threat or dark cloud that disables forward thinking and focus based future.Angela
It’s unbelievable how this has happened! The Country & population are already in financial crisis & the tribes & EWI still want more!!!! They will never be happy. Separatism is a recipe for disaster.Michael Andrew
The Act is there to serve all of New Zealand not just a selected view. This should apply too all Acts of Parliament.chris
Stop being cowards National and stop this takeover my Maori elite this is why we voted for youHeather
race-based considerations are not compatible with democratic principlesGerhard
Creeping insidious racial indoctrination currently permeating local body councils, the judiciary and our universitys…He pauapau must be stamped out. …an incremental plague by stealth instigated by racial greed.Marshal
We are all equally New Zealanders, in a democracy we should all have equal rights. The RMA should not favour one race.Paula
We are not all tribal. Most of us believe in true democracy. No tribe has ever held enough votes to dictate the law as they see it upon all the population …. and dictate their way upon the rest of the population … who are always the majority. What is wrong with us … or those that we elect to do what is democratically right and chosen by a vast marjority of the population.Phil
Should be removed from ALL Legislation full stopKevin
We are the road to hell if we can’t reverse the Maori onslaughtTerry
All race-based legislation is separatist and un-democratic. It should be abolished immediately. The majority of Maori are not represented by these few extremists who are pushing for their own agenda.Martin
True democracy is colour blind.Margaret
Yes, yes, yes!Paul
No comment required. Anyone who is not cognisant of the reality, will reap what they have sown. God help the next generation. So many of them are so politically naive and brainwashed they are deranged.dianna
from all rules and regulationsGreg
Of course they should. Maori interests are taken into account along with all other interests. This is a DemocracyRobbie
New Zealand is supposed to be a multi racial country so why do we need the race divisive pieces of legislation? Why pamper to a minority group when it should be one law for ALL New Zealanders.Douglas
the majority of NZers voted for a return to democracy in the last elections. We don’t want racist laws and priveleges.Susan
Should be eliminated from all legislation.Mike
EVERYTHING that is race based should be eliminated. NOTHING SHOULD BE RACE BASED AT ALL.Heather
What is wrong with this government how could they let it get to this state It’s no wonder people are leaving in droves Why are power companies paying Maori anything for water no one owns the water these fat cats nead to be stopped and as far as Maori freehold land not paying rates that needs to change immediately We are thinking seriously of moving to AustraliaPeter
We’ve been over this before, of course it should be removed from all legislation, it’s a no brainer! But the whole purpose race based law is to create division, it is what the arden regime planned all along she had her orders!peter
It’s a no-brainer. For goodness sake Luxon et al …. how about being colour blind!!! Grrrrrrrrr…….Maddi
Yes, a no brainer in any democracy.Scott
Unless people take to the streets in short order and on mass New Zealand as we know it is set to become a failed country. Democracy is now an illusion, education is indoctrination, health is mystic myth, understood only by the right DNA and the politicians are playing the corruption game for their own ends. We voted for change, we expected the coalition to deliver REAL change. What the heck are they waiting for? REMOVE any Mention of RACE from laws and legislation, the TOW, wards etc now. Who is really in charge of the Government, Luxon does not seem to know what being in charge means. who is advising him?Sam
The basic tenet of one person one vote must still apply – all equal in lawPeter
No brainer. Anything otherwise is racist & undemocratic.Andrew
WE are one people. Lets get rid of apartheid in New ZealandJenny
It can only be hoped somehow, somewhere, someone will stand up and say,” How about a binding referendum with enough signatures be presented to this Govt” No need for me to state the wording of a referndunow, is there?martyn
Maori should be eliminated entirely they are all mixed racechris
There is no place for race based politics in NZ.Pete
Most definitely. It must be race and colour blindCarolyn
Absolutely and immediately!!Robin
We have had enough racism fromthe left wingBruce
Race has no place in democracy.Ross
I’m so over anything that gives any race any kind of priority over another. We’re all human. One person, one voted.Grant
Now we know, that MAORI also have their share, of treasonous SELLOUTS,…. that also work for WEF/UN/FAO, etc, sold us out to their bosses, at the UN/WHODavid
Everything you ‘saw or experienced’ is fake. A totally convected disneyfied tokenistic set of inventions fueled by a grievance culture of mixed-race imposters fetishing a false past bad history because it pays benefits.Robert
Race based measures should definitely be eliminated. I believe Bishop’s fast track process still involves Maori approval. This is a sly continuation of Labour’s co-governance. It needs to go too. We are all New Zealanders equal under the law in one New Zealand nation. All legislation should be colour blind. Say it loud, say it proud: no apartheid here.Wendy
Our country faces a dismal future if our government doesn’t stamp out race based privilege.Dennis
Yes of course. I am so sorry my parents moved us to this country from the British Isles. The weak, corrupt and foolish politicians of this country have let us all down badly.Paul
Show some integrity NationalBasil
If something is not done about this soon, absolute chaos will result and people will be killed!Alan
Real action and real reform is now needed, has been the battle cry since 1975. Look how that’s turned out as we continue to put our trust into political saviours. Don’t expect the STATE to step in and sort out its deliberate apartheid agenda. Don’t think voting harder for a statist party or a coalition of statist parties will save us either. We have been royally fleeced and are now starting to feel the cold of reality set in. Nothing will change until ALL apartheid Acts and Statues are removed from legislation, starting with the 1975 TOW Act. As for Palmer, he is just deflecting. He and the other known traitors to our country know what they have done. They just thought they could get away with their treasonous acts for a little bit longer.neil
There should have been no special rights based on race in the RMA at all. The sooner they are all removed, the better!Dan
The reality is that when you appease groups by giving them special privileges, it is never enough. They always want more. And in this case, tribal groups have been appeased so generously in the past that they now believe they can take control of the country. It is a very serious situation that we are now in and unless the Coalition can remove the foundations for tribal rule that have now been put in place, this country is buggered!Murray
All Maori privilege must be remover from all legislation, otherwise everyone is vulnerable to a tribal takeover.Paul
When councillors are too scared to stand up to tribal advisors, the advisors must go otherwise it is democracy that suffers.Helen
It really is time that good, strong people in our communities offered themselves for local government. And they need to get involved now so they stand a good chance of winning seats on councils and taking back control for the community.Jarrod