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Dr Muriel Newman

The Consequences of Appeasement

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New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the growing demands of radical Maori leaders. They have bent over backwards apologising and kowtowing to these activists, even though their subversive plan to impose tribal rule represents a major threat to the future stability and security of our democracy.

Having received numerous multi-million dollar “full and final” settlements and an endless stream of lucrative race-based contracts, these tax-free tribal businesses have grown into some of the richest and most powerful commercial conglomerates in the country.

But that’s not enough.

They are now using their wealth and influence to impose a form of tribal apartheid onto the country.

It’s not called that, of course. In true Orwellian fashion, it’s described as a benevolent-sounding partnership between Maori and the Crown, even though such arrangements create a two-tier society divided by race: a ruling tribal aristocracy with the power of veto and dictatorial control over decision-making, and everyone else – second class citizens in their own country.

This agenda was supercharged by the Ardern administration and increasingly shapes society through education, the media, courts, churches, academia, the arts…

In education, children from pre-school to university are being indoctrinated and radicalised into angry activists who believe anyone who is not Maori is racist, that colonisation is evil, and that Western civilisation is denying tribal leaders their right to rule.

This situation is increasingly dangerous, not only because successive governments have failed to take this matter seriously enough, but because tribal demands are escalating.

They no longer just want control of land they claim to have lost in the past, but all New Zealand land including private land – a policy the radicalised Maori Party intends progressing once they become part of a new government.

They want all natural resources especially freshwater and are presently challenging the Government in Court in yet another attack on Parliamentary sovereignty.

And they want every mountain, lake, river, National Park – the whole Conservation Estate, which accounts for almost a third of New Zealand’s land area.

In fact, a framework to achieve a tribal takeover of Conservation was developed by Jacinda Ardern’s Administration. An Options Development Group of 12 members – 8 representing tribal leaders and 4 representing Conservation Boards – was established in 2020 to review the operations of the Department of Conservation. It recommended “the delegation, transfer and devolution of functions and powers within the conservation system to tangata whenua” – including revoking all Crown protection of endangered species and passing that responsibility on to Maori!  

The project resulted in endemic tribal influence in conservation.

The new Government plans to update Conservation legislation next year and has initiated a public consultation process. But if the Coalition is to honour its election pledge to end co-governance and He Puapua all references to Treaty principles and race-based rights must be eliminated from the new legislation.

Only then can the public be assured that a tribal takeover will be averted and the Conservation Estate future-proofed for all New Zealanders. 

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, Fiona Mackenzie explains the stark reality of the situation we are now in:

“Across the country, people dependent on their business or employment income are being intimidated into silence regarding the influence of the tribal elite over many aspects of our lives.

“After the publication of my article DOC Promotes Ancestral Privilege late January, I was contacted by professionals from the tourism, conservation, recreation, and infrastructure sectors. They shared their concerns about how the situation has already reached an alarming point.

“For instance, they described how the Department of Conservation (DOC) in the South Island appears to have delegated full control of operations to the Ngai Tahu corporation. Tribal executives now strongly influence DOC’s planning, conservation work, and concession/resource management granting and renewals (controlling applicants using coercive tactics and wielding the power of veto).

“Business owners affected by growing iwi control are too afraid to speak out or make formal submissions about DOC’s discriminatory practices, fearing it could cost them their livelihoods.

“That’s why NZ urgently needs the support of individuals whose livelihoods are not yet affected by government or iwi control to make submissions on the DOC consultation. You have the freedom to speak up for those Kiwis who feel unable to do so themselves. I encourage anyone, who can, to take up this cause, as the consequences for New Zealanders will only worsen if this takeover continues.”

This is the ugly truth of the situation in New Zealand today.

Tribal leaders have manoeuvred and manipulated their way into positions of power within the “system”.

If this is not stopped, the consequences for conservation will be devastating – as the reckless mismanagement of the Urewera National Park shows only too clearly. What’s worse is that this disastrous approach will inevitably be replicated elsewhere should tribal groups be entrusted with the management of conservation lands.

The demise of the Ureweras represents yet another misguided attempt at appeasement – this time by Chris Finlayson, the Minister of Treaty Negotiations in John Key’s Administration, who sacrificed the former World Heritage Status National Park as part of a Treaty settlement with Tuhoe.  

Under the 2013 Te Urewera Act, the Park was given a “legal personality”, which meant that while no-one owns it, the Government retained the assets – including huts, camping grounds, bridges, boardwalks, and a Holiday Park. A co-governance Board of nine – six from Tuhoe and three representing the Crown – was established as “kaitiaki”, or guardians of the Park, with annual funding of $2.2 million to maintain the Park and ensure public access.

In 2022, Stuff published a report revealing just how much the Park had deteriorated. It had been closed for months, facilities had fallen into disrepair, and public access was denied with boat ramps blocked, and tracks and roads barricaded.

Trampers’ huts were vandalised, and later burnt down until a Court injunction stopped the carnage.

Department of Conservation staff have been driven away, with Tuhoe claiming they would undertake pest control themselves. But tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of traps left rotting reveals the truth that the lofty “kaitiaki” claims that Maori are the true ‘guardians’ of New Zealand’s natural heritage, are nothing short of a lie.

A follow-up story earlier this month, reported further deterioration.

Pest control and conservation efforts have been “switched off” entirely, putting at risk one of New Zealand’s most endangered songbirds, the kokako.

The Department of Conservation’s ‘Mainland Island’ project had restored the bird population in the former National Park, but conservationists claim kokako numbers will now be ‘crashing’: “The Te Urewera Act signed the death warrant on kokako in northern Te Urewera, it’s as simple as that… They switched off 20,000 hectares of possum control. They just stopped doing it. There’s possums everywhere. Possums prey directly upon kokako – they kill the nesting females, they kill the chicks and they eat the eggs.”

Nor is it just the kokako under threat. Pest control in a kiwi sanctuary at Lake Waikaremoana has also been stopped, and there are now concerns not just for the future of kiwi, but also for the whio, or blue duck – another endangered species in the area.

The report reveals how the Department of Conservation, which provides the annual grant of $2 million to Tuhoe, could not say how much of that was spent on pest control: “The Department does not oversee how this grant is spent, other than at a high level.”

The Department was also unable to provide information about the state of kokako in the forest, claiming they hadn’t been monitored since 2014.

While millions of dollars of taxpayer funding continues to be delivered to tribal leaders, there appears to be no government oversight nor safeguards. This once pristine area of New Zealand – acclaimed around the world – has degraded into an ecological disaster.

Incredibly, the very same model that failed the Urewera National Park, has been adopted for Mount Taranaki, which is now recognised as a legal person under the name “Taranaki Maunga”. It too is managed by a co-governance board – in this case, eight from local iwi and four representing the Crown. In other words, the absurdity of giving inert landmarks a “personality” and legal status is nothing more than a political construct designed to transfer highly valued public conservation land into tribal control – and potentially, ecological disaster.

This is why preferential tribal treatment in Conservation affairs must be stopped.

But there’s more to it.

In their Discussion Document, the Department explains that their Section 4 ‘Principles of the Treaty’ clause is one of the “strongest” in New Zealand legislation, because of a majority Supreme Court ruling in favour of ‘preferential treatment’ for Maori: “giving effect to the Treaty principle of active protection requires decision-makers to consider extending a degree of preference to Iwi…”

As a result of that finding, even established businesses that operate within the Conservation Estate, that have invested heavily in infrastructure, are now under threat from tribal conglomerates objecting to the renewal of licences so they can take control and benefit from the goodwill that’s been created.

The Government’s new legislation must turn this situation around so tribal interests are not favoured above other New Zealanders.

That’s how things used to operate before the Department of Conservation became a money-making rort for Maori.

This can be seen only too clearly in the Punakaiki scandal.

In 2018 the Department of Conservation received $25.6 million from the Provincial Growth Fund to build a new visitor centre at Punakaiki, which included space for Ngai Tahu to operate. But along the way, cost over-runs and “partnership” demands upended the objectives: Ngai Tahu was to be gifted what ended up as a $45.5 million centre to run as a profit-making commercial venture for their own benefit, with the Department of Conservation renting space from them for its visitor services.

When the local Conservation Board was asked why the building was being given to Ngai Tahu, the Ngai Tahu-appointed Board member Kara Edwards responded: “This is an example of a Treaty Partnership in action. It’s offensive to suggest otherwise and I’m not having it”.

And the Department of Conservation’s West Coast director, Mark Davies claimed, “The facility would be an ‘exemplar’ of DOC and Ngai Tahu working together in a Treaty partnership”.

So, taxpayers ended up paying $45.5 million for a new Department of Conservation visitors’ centre, only to find it was given to Ngai Tahu – a $2-billion private business development corporation – to run as a profit-making operation through its tax-free charity, while taxpayers now fund the Department to pay rent to Ngai Tahu, so visitor services can be provided!

Shouldn’t such massive taxpayer exploitation be subjected to a proper independent inquiry?

And what about Ngai Tahu’s plans to co-govern the Waitaki River – a vital resource of national significance with three hydro-electric dams and five other power stations, as well as a myriad of other water users?

Fresh from its success in securing a $100-million-dollars from power generators renewing water rights for their Waitaki River hydro schemes, Ngai Tahu now wants to control the whole River.

Approval to investigate their co-governance proposal was secured from the Otago Regional Council, which has a Ngai Tahu ‘advisory’ board with voting rights – and from the Canterbury Regional Council, with its two Ngai Tahu-appointed Councillors.

Whether this outrageous proposal – from a conglomerate that is not only a major water user itself but has stacked the regulatory bodies it needs approval from with voting representatives – progresses or not, remains to be seen.

Without a doubt, conservation reform represents a major challenge for the Coalition Government: given the stranglehold that tribal interests have secured, will it honour its election pledge to remove all references to Treaty principles and race-based rights from the new legislation, or will it cave in and appease tribal leaders?

Submissions on the Conservation Department’s consultation close at 5pm on Friday February 28 – see details HERE. A submission prepared by Fiona Mackenzie can be viewed HERE.

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 *Should the Department of Conservation’s co-governance arrangements be terminated?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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Yes, otherwise the future governance of New Zealand looks messy and very bleak.Willam
The sooner the better.Lenice
There is already enough wasteful spending going onAlastair
This cringing to Maori stems from the power of the Maori seats. These are not embedded and should be deleted forthwith without any need for public consultation. This is essential for Government to retain democracy which is being surrendered to a racist group.Percy
Luxons political future looking in worse jeopardy, as he continues to alienate, his own voter base. Nat, party need to act quickly…. you don’t speak for the majority of Kiwis!!David
Absolutely and right nowMark
Bad for nzRoy
All this backward thinking to march us into an apartheid state. I am sick of hearing about the Treaty, Maori language and Maori anything.Monica
Immediately, if not sooner.Graeme
Most definitely and fast as wellMargaret
Absolutely and without any doubt. My main concern is that we all seem to have the same opinion with respect to this legalised takeover by maori, but nothing seems to be done about. The government seem hellbent to appease the tribes at our expnse. this is going to have a dirty showdown.neville
Absolutely. The very wealthy tribal corporations are laughing all the way to the bank – and paying no tax. In fact, activist Maoris (including the Maori MPs who lap up their parliamentary salaries and perks) are deliberately trying to destabilise the whole country, which is what Communism did in Russia etc.Laurence
Kiwis. should be very concerned, about the sorry, sorry state our country is becoming! evrything turning into TRASH, EVERYTHING, from politics to health, and sport, turning to crap! BE CONCERNED.David
The coalition government have failed on their election promises. We are getting a little tired of this maori race controlling everything in this country. Money & possessions are getting sucked out the ‘back door’ & this government are allowing it to happen. We have to stand up to this nonsense.Judith
This nonsense must stopBrian
Better financial control and accountability required. Voting numbers must not be biased towards iwi representatives.Keith
Iwi control of conservation estate is a disaster.Susan
Yes, stop the 2 million dollar yearly handout for the Ureweras. These lazy blood sucking leeches need to honour their commitment to look after our native species. Surely they have broken the contract so no more money. The gravy train has run out of money. Just imagine how better all NZrs would be without all the billions of dollars and counting going to maori tribes and so called elete. And to top it off they pay NO TAX!!! OUTRAGOUS.Christine
Totally sick of the Maori propaganda crap.Alan
We all own the land equally and Doc is the only trustworthy entity to keep it safe and protected without a power or monetary motive like Ngai Tahu haveKaren
Yes without a doubt New Zealanders run the country not a Maori minority some of whom think spiritual Mumbo Jumbo is the answer Whales whistling to the trees Fantastic gross blood stupidity And some woke idiots allowed it to happen. It’s time to remove all references race from all legislation. But the bald chicken Continues to sit on the fenceBruce
Luxon’s failure to terminate co-governance will loose National the election. He does not get it. National have no mandate to hand over our public spaces paid for us all New Zealanders.Sam
One of many many many examples of maori aggression beating down european’s courtesy. Non-maori have to beat them at their own game, just as, through the las,even 3% ethnic maori are robbing new zealanders of the heritage they created.margaret
If not it is another step towards tribal rule by stealth.Brian
150%, for Mike Hoskings roasting, of our Weak as dishwater P.M , Andrew Bayley sacking…. Showed just what a COWARD, OUR PM. is… He answered, 6 times, that he did not think, that he should have been sacked ! This is why LUXON AND NATIONAL, will lose at the next Election… TELL THE TRUTH NATIONAL!David
Look no further than the dereliction of Urewera National Park as an example of co-governance.Tony
Yes!!! How ever it’s too late now. Once the water of a mighty river has passed under the bridge it (the water) can not be pushed back. Luxon has demonstrated his timid feebleness and his public weakness of being fearful in the face of strong and overly aggressive demands from those in our society who believe that they are entitled to extra special privileges. The act of appeasement has been going on, world wide, for thousands of years with the results leading only to temporary respites at the best. Appeasement is still an ongoing kowtowing behaviour everywhere in the world to this day and will continue far into the future. The best outcome that we New Zealanders can expect from this current government is for some form of weak-kneed damage control. I suggest if we give it away in one hand then we should take it back in the other. Special privileges should be required to be paid for, i.e. by Taxation and rate payments that should be deducted from the current bulk handouts. Maybe for instance, special Taxes on gouging from 60% to 90%. It is necessary for the bookkeepers to record all the actual moneys that should be collectable by taxation and rates, even if it is currently exempt, so that we New Zealanders will know why we as a nation are going backwards in our standard of living. Money being paid to NGO’s for a full year’s contract should be paid in quarterly installments, but the next installment paid only if the previous quarterly payment was spent as per the department’s expectations. There needs to be some authoritative overarching controls, because any government owes to its taxpayers to demonstrate that it is somewhat competent and deserves reemployment. But when its all boiled down Luxon needs to go ASAP but only if there is a strong fearless individual to take his place. Now who could that be? Names please?Garry.
All co governance needs to be eliminated. I am so angry I now hate everything maori. Everything is now full of maori, TV, radio, press, even presenters. News and weather full of maori aspects or their language that I dont care a toss. No longer watch TVNZ news or weather or 7 sharp. They have their own channel for this? that we all pay for. The pot must be near boiling over and I hate to say bloodshed is coming. This current govt has broken its promises to rid co governance, partnerships just other words for maori takeover. Enough is enough. The maori takeover has already happened we just dont know yet and havent been told. ACT IS OUR ONLY HANDBRAKE AND REVERSE GEAR.Boden
Absolutely !Craig
just another tribal rort.New Zealanders ,please wake up,and luxon do what you promised your votersgale
Co-governance IS racismSheila
Yes immediately. Luxon’s Waitangi speech to Nga tahu is totally confusing. A please explain as it is contradictory to what he campaigned on.Dianne
New Zealand is f***ed. Thanks to the ineptitude, ignorance and arrogance of politicians, councils, Marxism, communism, socialism. The Maori IWI are parasites. They feed off the blood of their hosts, They assimilate other cultures, and destroy those people, This is the same what they are doing now. There is no turning back. Politicians have fed them this life blood, being money and power. We can talk and talk but nothing will change. NZ First and Act have no chance of being the primary in an Election. Not when the voters only can use a party vote. Both need to get more Electoral areas represented, then maybe a possibility. We the people have to get out of our comfort zone and make the politicins realize they are making undemocratic decisions. We have to walk the talk.wiseman
Not working no accountability and no action but tax payers are funding this is a divisive appeasement set up …wrong on so meany levels, land and trees are any better off.Cecilia
The land belongs to all kiwis!Andrew
We are one! Stop the divide nonsensetony
where are we going? What can little ‘ol me do about it?Doris
This cogovernance aspect is ruining everything! It’s take, take and give nothing in return. The charity should be thoroughly scrutinized..Faye
Treatyism is an control game by the few.Darag
Definitely, before it’s too late, if it isn’t too late already!ROBYN
and quickly !!David
This it’s disgusting, how can the government let this happen. We all need to stand up and be counted.Lynette
It’s a bloody shambles. Such blatant extortion that’s encouraged by government and allowed by the silence of the people…Lisa
and any and all other similar rortsLionel
NZ is a democratic nation.Ronald
The maori have destroyed UrwearsIan
We are heading the way of South Africa next they willvandilise rape and pillage all non maoriBeth
Co-governance of anything is obviously only going to be very one-sided.Patricia
Absolutely – the tuhoi debacle is ample evidence that these tribal elites cannot be trusted and they are only motivated by greedIhaia
It is time these taxpayer rip offs were stopped. How much of the money given / paid/extorted to and by the tribal elite seeps down to the everyday iwi member?Helen
It’s just another layer of stupid bureaucracyDenis
What a debacle and a crying shame for NZ!!Caroline
Co-governance of the DOC must be terminated! What is happening is horrific!Valerie
preferential tribal treatment in Conservation affairs must be stoppedStan
The Maori interests in this so call ed partnership will have strong ascendancy goals to take over the entire area and ultimately turn it into a commercial entity serving their own interests, not necessarily the wider NZ community. DOC on the other hand is a Government department set up by the people to manage the area in the interest lof the wider community. The strategy of partnering with powerful Maori interests will in time water down DOC’s control over the resource. Maori are patient negotiators and are skilled at playing long acquisition games with Government and Government departments.Paul
appease at our perilCraig
NZ is a des. res, and China knows it. They use the Maori movement to undermine the country; saves having to engage in anything overt. Maori are a minority and will be bypassed by China sponsored representatives. But that is if Iwi are granted the rights to barricade beaches and charge fees. So, yes, the government does need to govern. That would be a good start.Lawrence
Either there is government or there is not. An unelected government assuming privilege, with what objective? Would either side trust one another? Would there be consistency? Disagreements would provide a mess of a result. This would be a hindrance to NZ. We see this with Maori wards. HOwever MAori demonstrate backbone and strength as well as an ability to use the system (.75 billion p.a.) This has to be respected and matched. Their useful idiot PC friends (Hipkins / Luxon) are too personally well-off and don’t feel the threat. Co governance is stage 1. Stage 2 Replacement governance. With no opposition what will result? NZ has been undermined by the passive-aggressive PC crowd who are to society what water is to paper. Fearful politicians need to be replaced. David Seymour fronts up every time. NZF could be good but are too constrained by Coalition agreements. Traditional Nat voters (not me) are going to have their carpet / land pulled out from under them if complacency rules the day. A new and unpleasant era dawns.Lawrence
It’s all about what Iwi can gain through controls and government subsidies, there is no input save for that provided and paid for by the taxpayer. Natural resources are for ALL New Zealanders and we should ALL have a say in how DOC is run and the functions it performs.Martin
What a mess scrap the lot and start again properlyAnthony
Yes as I know first hand what goes on behind the scenes and it needs to stop and so that conservation can be fair to all New Zealanders no privilege for just one group of people.Kylie
For evil to triumph it only takes good people doing nothingWietske
Urewera National Park and other DOC areas turned into disasters because the Maori Guardians do NOT care.Peter
There is one government that is elected. Co governance, representatives are those selected. Dark agendas at play in selections with out democratic oversight.Andrew
unless the govt pulls finger and get of their election promises into action, nzers and democracy is doomed.Helen
Having been a long time regular visitor to Waikaremoana over 50 years, I am appalled at the mess it is in, the appalling havoc wreaked by Tuhoe, the Impact on kiwi especially, and have seen directly the inability of DOC tp do anything. DOC has, as has been said, captured and is in my view the worst of all Govt Depts by far, and that is saying something!!Graham
motivated land grab. Insufficient care of national parks and public lands under Maori co-governance. Do it asap.Jude
Yes terminate all co-governance arrangementsDenise
Yes, we are all one people.Jane
End the Maori oligarchies once and for all!Mark
Gifting the conservation estate to Maori tribes will be a disaster for wildlife conservation.Alex
They have NO right to hand over OUR (NZ Citizens) property. FIRE the WHOLE leadership of DOC, and BAN1080 too.mike
Most definitely. The current government is not working quickly enough to remove all aspects of co-government legislation.. To me the Act party is leading the charge but hamstrung by the National partyCyril
Terminate all cogovernance urgently and remove all reference to Race from legislation. Terminate the Waitangi Tribunal gravy train.Carole
As soon as possible and previous gifts to Maori be repaid and their ‘control’ of DOC land and buildings be stopped, predator control to be compulsory with previously acquired moneyPeter
This is part of the master plan for the introduction of apartheid to NZ.philip
Maori have proved once again they cannot be trusted and have let the Eurewera National Park fall into a poor state and restricted access to all New Zealanders. DOC land is for everyone. Also the maintenace of pest control is imperative which I understand is not happening under Maori control, because they are not investing into the land.Jan
This gutless Government should realize that with allowing this to happen,are not representing all NZ’S,it could be seen as an insurgency by the appeaser Parliament.John
Maori claims are outrageous, discriminatory & destructive.Rose
Appeasment was used against the Dictators, just before WW2. It never worked… they never paid any attention, to it and just trampled appeasment, under foot….and saw it as the politics of weakness.. appeasment, has never worked and never will !David
I believe that that this or any other co-governance with maori should be scrapped. I am a New Zealander who loves and want to see the best for MY country like the most of us here. Think of all the money gifted to IWI would have made New Zealand a wealthy, prosperous country which woud do more for all New Zealanders not just one “Special” group. Maori IWI have proved time and time again that they never united and worked together ever and as we can see it they never will. They only got the treaty (not from worry about other nations but because they were killing themselves off. Look at the maori land wars before they ran to England to do something as they were dying. It was not Europeans killing maori it was maori who were doing it to their own people and any other migrants (before and in some cases after) in New Zealand.Jackie
Have said many times that this country needs real leadership which will put these troublesome Maori in their place once and for all. Be strong and harden up We have had enough of this stupid minorityTom
Wake Up New Zealanders please!Ronnie
No mandate has been given by the public. All Court bias needs to be scrutinised and over-turned, going back to 1950s as the outcomes do not reflect the intentions.Jennifer
The Coalition government has been very tardy in stopping the legislation passed by the previous Labour government and terminating all co-governance arrangements.Wayne
Of course it must be YES! My question is: – how come the DOC has any authority in the first place to grant any part of it’s total responsibility that it manages for and on behalf of ALL New Zealanders to be taken over by any outside person or outside groups of persons to do what amounts to any actions or non-actions as they are want to do? Surely this sort of high ended decree must be and only be capable of being authorised by a parliamentary majority in every individual case of this nature. In fact there must be no capacity what so ever for any and all Government Bureaucracies to be enabled to devolve the transfer any of its power to any outside entity that does not have prior specific clearance from New Zealand’s house of parliament. What a loose shocking state of affairs is this sort of nonsense. Are we a bunch of hillbillies, or what?Geoff
utter disgrace, DOC should be closed down all deals with maori cancelled.Peter
Immediate action required!!Kathleen
They have tried and it does not work, the partners try to keep other people out, they damage public owned gear and grow drugs in the areasColin
Gone by lunch timeEvan
Co-governance has demonstrated that it is not working. How long is the Government going to sit on its hands and do nothing?Dennis
This Department Management is NOW JUST A MAORI ROUT?HAND OUT OF $$$$$William
We are supposedly ONE people not divided by race and not ‘Partners’ in anything, we are just ONE people working for the common good. Separating responsibilities base on ethnicity or ‘who was here first’, doesnt wash. If we dont all put our shoulders to the plow and get things done, in unison, this country will go to the dogs, and the dogs in this case have an evil agenda to separate us.M
Why did all 123 Members of Parliament vote to make Mount Taranaki a legal person? Why did NZ First and ACT not vote against this nonsense?Russell
Of course all co-governance arrangements should be terminated immediately. Not only those of the Department of Conservation. The Urewera National Park disaster is a classic example of Maori disorganisation, infighting, laziness and contempt for anyone non-Maori. The taxpayer money being handed out to these non-tax paying Maori corporations (and others) is criminal and needs to stop.Peter
Sadly the horse has bolted and we have passed the point of no return.George
Any co governance teaspoon maori are involed in turns to crap and costs thr rest of us millions of dollars. All need to read www.the truth.nz This real fact based article is brillant. It exposes all the lies and deciept maori tribes and radicals have made up. All govt members should be forced to read the truth. It aslo proves maori where never anywhere near 1st here. So NOT INDIGENIOUS. Maori in the 1800s were the worlds worst savages, nothing to celebrate here. Maori wonderfulness. YEAH RIGHT.Kevans
take the Iwi out of the Kiwi, we are all one under the NZ flag.Nikki
I can’t see this government or for that matter any future government having the courage to do anything but keep bowing out of confronting the question. NZ for all Nzers is a fiction and of course the tax payer keeps paying while Iwi run tax free enterprises. Beggers belief.brian
Absolutely – this is not democracy it is a coup by a small minority to take over the country!Bruce
It’s very hard to reign in the anger I feel at becoming aware just how far the Maori takeover of my homeland, the country of my birth, has gone already and this racism must be stoppedMaxine
The government must end all these co government arrangements now.Anthony
Most certainly .As of yesterday. Mr Luxon take notice,gale
ASAP! And recent decisions need to be reversed.Fiona
Not a good idea!!!Richard
Absolutely! The sooner the better. We need the NZ equivalent of Musk’s Doge to sweep this racist Maori takeover into the dustbin of history where it belongs. We are all equal regardless of heritage. Better still, have Musk do the job for us after he cleans up the the massive fraud and waste in USA. I’m so sick and tired of this insane apartheid BS ruining my country.John
I thought it was clear when we voted that Kiwis didn’t want racism embedded in NZ society, so yes all co -governance bullshit needs to e terminated along with those pushing this corrosive & fraudulent tlieJohn
CONSERVATION is the responsibility of governmentNoel
We are ONE people. New Zealanders SHARING and CARING for our country and each other. NO OTHER WAY HAS A FUTURE!Susan
Absolutely, otherwise once it’s gone it’s gone.Janine
And sooner the better.Mark
More waste of taxpayer moneyLaurie
co governance was promised by the present government to be abolished. The government needs to make strongly worded announcements about the abandonment of all department of conservation co government arrangements as they were never intended to take effect. New Legislation needs to be drafted to give effect to that and to enforce that co governance in any form is not legally constituted and will not be Covenanced in any manner. This would apply equally to local government which should disband any arrangemeents foreseen to be any form of co governance . Parliament has sovereignty and only a law of parliament has any authority in this country the courts are subordinate to parliament and they have no power to determine laws. They can interpret laws as written by parliament. but they have no authority to promulgate laws. I believe that enforcement of these issues by government will be the defining factors at the next election. Failure to do so will result in an election failure. The government support based on racial discrimination issues was the winning formulae at the last election and the supporters will turn out in favour of the government in larger numbers thyis time if the government overturns any co government issues strongly,terrence
It needs to stop yesterday!Roy
Absolutely. Co-governance is a farce and a lie, and the whole idea of it should be irradicated from our NZ political scene.Christine
The way the tribes are taking over these things that belong to all New ZEALANDERS IS ABSOLUTLING DISGUSTING.Colleen
ASAP. What are the plonkers in DOC not doing to let this madness get so farBruce
The coalition govt must honour its election pledges to end all this co-governance stuff and get Maori out of the position of power it had assumed as there will surely be a backlash when this apartheid situation dawns on the majority of citizensDerek
if it is not terminated there will not be a conservation estateLes W
It’s not co-governance – it’s more like an ongoing gifting of assets. New Zealand will never be economically sound whilst one part of society is allowed to feed off the productive rest of us.Susan
NZ in its entirety is here for all, not one group who also keep the spoils at the top and don’t filter down to the bottom for those at lower echelons to benefit. Sir Apirina Ngata’s words can’t ring truer. If your not Happy with this Blame you ancestors – They had the power. Are we seeing decisions through corruption and backhanders here to influence?John
Absolutely yes along with all the other rorts put in place by successive woke socialist govts of all stripes bent on the failed policy of appeasement. Appeasement has never ever worked anywhere throughout history and it wont work with these people either.Flip
Yes, the sooner the better, hopefully immediately.Robert
Put a stop to this co-governance BS now Mr Luxon,or face annihilation at the next election.We’re all Kiwi’s aren’t we.malcolm
If they’re not terminated our conservation estate will just become a cash cow for the maori tribal elite.Warren
Maori can still be appointed to boards – on the basis of merit.Mark
We surely need a leader – a real leader with courage not a ceoNoeline
Maori conservation ethic in three words, MOA, HUIA, KOKAKO.Allan
The government is weak.Ken
We do not need co-governance for anything. Also we need people that really do care about the conservation of New Zealand and not just money. Kim
Where is Trump and Elon Musk? We could do with them to sort a few things out in NZ. And the Cook Islands and the other islands that the tentacles of China have reached.Pam
It is nonsense to believe the British Empire handed over co governance to the New Zealand Maori. However if the current New Zealand Government goes along with this notion. We will be left with one option that is all New Zealanders except descendants of New Zealand Maori must also demand a partnership with the NZ Government and Co Governance. In this manner we can secure Sovereignty and control as majority of New Zealanders.Rex
times a million – seditious!murray
THE SOONER THE BETTER . DOC is not run from NZ, we are being controlled by BIG PEOPLEROB
NZ taxpayers are being shafted, and no one is doing anything about it.Alastair
Disturbing reading . We must keep fighting for democracyBrenda
Iwi rorts must no longer be tolerated!Col
Of they should,its just a big extortionate rort by radical maori. How gutless and stupid have the politicians up to now been. When are we going to get a government with the cou r age to tell these greedy maori radicals to ‘f’ off. Its about time they started paying tax as well.Peter
If we are all one Nation, then co-governance is undemocratic. DOC should while if needed consult with all groups – not in a co-governance arrangement with one racial group outside of government. This will lead to bias and privilege of one group, especially if their agenda is not followed. There should be no place for this – promoting racial divide.Bill
Immediately, our DoC areas are for everyone, regardless of race, to be run by those who are best qualified to do so, not on tribal lines.Paula
We need democracy, not tribal infighting for the most lucrative deal possible.Mark
The entire control should be in the hands of our elected Government with Maori having no more say than any other New Zealanders. They have no right, nor any expertise to exercise control of our national assetsHarvey
let maori pull their pull their finger and contribute to societyjack
but I guess because I’m classified as a white colonist my opinions don’t count.mike
Co governance is burning down huts in the Uraweras Cutting down mature trees on the mounts in Auckland , Kiking people of Pakari beach. We have had enough of Moari Thuggery and of a gutless National party.Winston
Completely undemocratic and a theft of taxpayer money.George
These bastards are bleeding the country dry and no one with the power to change it is doing a thing about it. I’m off to Oz, I’m sick of these leeches and their greedChris
An emphatic YES! End ALL Co- Governance crap. They want everything…Heather
Of courseCookie
NZ has had it!Pam
We as a country have one sovereign entity which is our elected parliament. There is no partnership or co governance that is operative especially to unelected and non accountable iwi entities.Des
No reason why Maori can’t apply for the jobs like anyone else.Sue
I’m too angry to comment.Peter
colour blind is the only way forwardBrian
When you appease you lose ! This country is headed dot the dunny !Iain
NZ future is looking bleak. Where is the government that was going to put an end to this?Dennis
We need a leader like Donald Trump to call out the Iwi rort.Pamela
yes ASAP. This country is already so far down the path of South Africa, POST apartheid. I now doubt that we can ever reclaim the original NZjeannette
It’s not a question of when, it’s a decision that demands a response now!Roger
Should never have been established in the first place.Peter
All references to any sort of co-governance should be abolished. So should any references to “Partnerships” as there were none in the CORRECT Treaty versions. We are being fed lie after lie and NZ”s are too complacent to do anything about it. Perhaps the day will come !!!!!!!!!!!!Alan
Without a doubt. I am over all this Tribal Bullshit.Tim
Absolutely 100%Errol
Question: Who is a Maori? Question 2:Define a New Zealander. Question 3: What is an Aotearoan. Follow the money and you will always find corruption and co-governance will finish this once good country – NO QUESTION!John (Hone)
Enough is enough!Errol
Wake up Kiwis.Don
Absolutely, stop feeding Ngai TahuGraham
Definitely. Asap. Should never have been arranged in the first place. ‘Co-governance’ was never part of the Treaty.Lee
Maori co goverance has been totally unsatisfactory and is merely a transfer of taxpayer funding to the tribal eliteGeoff
Immediately before it becomes entrenched like all the other undemocratic panderings of the previous govtGreg
When will the woke idiots wake up to the scam of co-governance. Maori looking after conservation land is a complete scam! They are scamming the hard working men women and children of this country. It beggars belief that the government is allowing this scam process to continue. I can only understand how this can continue, if bribes from maori corporations are being paid and threats are applied to people to allow this incredible scam to continue!peter
Sadly, and once agaiin we see a National led Government pandering to Maori and simply acting as a caretaker for the racially based policies of their Liebour predecessors. As the Ringleader, Luxon can only be described as a huge disappointment to those that voted for him and the party he purports to represent. As minority partners ACT a d NZF can only do so muchRob
There is NO such thing as co governance for NZ’ers – All NZ’ers democratically elect a government who are charged to look after the assets of our country on behalf of us all – ALL the different races – equal rights.Maurice
Co governance is apartheid. Under Maori control, NZ conservation land and and wildlife will end up like what happened in the Ureweras and Waikerimoana – a wrecked wasteland filled with all types of verminLaurine
The arrangements are not good.Murray
This is so blatantly a rip off, taking taxpayers money AND not allowing access to them without paying againPeter
The only permanent solution is a new government with a totally new form of governance, probably enforced by the military.Peter
The DOC should be shut down.Bruce
Maori have a very poor record as conservation guardians and don’t seem to have learned anything in the past 200 years.Janet
Immediately if not sooner.Ted
one rule(r) for ALLJo
The Punakaiki set up as done by DOC is fantastic and they have developed a world class site. I find it hard that people will be denied the information that is available. What does it have to become a money making business for NgaTahuErica
There is copious evidence that these arrangements have led to iwi takeover of the conservation estate, iwi & personal enrichment $ at taxpayer cost, & declining conservation values.Murray
Co-governance is the gradual takeover of our country by undemocratic forces. The government has spent many billions of dollars to look after individual Maori and to save New Zealand species. Taxpayers should not have to spend many billions of dollars more so that rich iwi can get even richer.Kent
Are we not One People? If so, why give preferential treatment to a small proportion of the population?Brian
Sooner the better.David
Immediately! National’s weakness in pandering to Jacinda’s divisive policies will cost them the next election!David
New Zealanders are shockingly naive about maori and their multi strategy takeover of nz and European built/funded assetsMargaret
Co-governance in reality means Maori governance and this certainly is NOT in the best interests of New Zealand. Did Maori bring electricity, telephones, architecture, reading, education, etc., etc. to this country? The activists reap the benefits as above but criticise those who implemented them. Please, May common sense prevail at some stage!!Barbara
Most Definitely! And as soon as possible!Ollie
No, we all live here and New Zealand is our country, enough is enough. When non Maori speak up we are labeled racist, when Maori speak up they are taking back their lands. It%u2019s time to put the 1840 Treaty to rest, we need to become one people again and look forward, not living in the past, this is all so sad.Colleen
Faster the betterJakz
Cogovernence does not workPaul
Maori intimidation along with large amounts of free cash the inevitable poison pill for kiwi democracy.Norman
This so infuriates me and I agree DOC co-governance arrangements be terminatedRod
ABSOLUTELY. TERMINATE CO-governate arrangments.Ann
It should never have been allowed in the first place. The Department of Consevation works for all New Zealand. The Maori so called “Parteners” just pocket the money and do nothing towards conservation. Just another version of the gravy train.Robbie
Absolutely. There is no place for tribal involvement in the management or control of any of the conservation estate through the state belongs to all NZers. The corruption, mismanagement and destruction caused by tribal control is clearly visible in Te Urewera which was given by some fool in government in part settlement of the (as usual) unjustified TOW claim.Alan
It must be done immediatelyBill
Race based policies in all Government departments must be abolishedJohn
Gone by breakfastCreed
Yes, terminate these arrangements forthwith! It is frankly outrageous that state paid assets such as visitors’ centres should be transferred to any entity without cost to enable profit making enterprises to carry on business.Peter
This a grab for control by Maori activists. Control rests with the Elected Government. It’s called democracy and it has guided NZ throughout our history. We do NOT need activists to control the country’s resourcesMichael
The whole co governance policy is bloody disgusting when Maori only represent 16% of the NZ population. The more they are given the more they want. They are now wealthy enough from all of the previous gifing for progressive governments that they can now claim what ever they want in our courts.All New Zealanders should be treated equally.stephen
No such thing as a partnership ever existedSteve
The experience of the Te Urewera National Park in he hands of Tuhoe has been a mitigated disaster, not only are they given $2m per annum as negotiated by Chris Finlayson in heir treaty settlement to carry out management of the park and pest control they have only destroyed existing recreational huts ,have not carried out predator maintenance, this has been exposed by former conservationists and hunters who have seen the traps with possum skeltons still in them , traps lying amongst demolished huts , this is blatanly taking taxpayer money and keeping it for themselves- Govt and DOC should be held accountable for allowing this to happen- Iwi being conservationists I don’t think so.John
Cogoverance is a load of hogwash .Colleen
Conservation land must remain fully under control of DOC, and no ‘partnership’ with any other group.Brian
ALL so-called ‘co-governance’ arrangements should be terminated immediately!TOBY
Co-governance is apartheid. When it stops Maori racism stops.Peter K
no separation at all everyone is a new zealander no matter their historycolin
stop co-governance everywhereRon
100% terminated now.Michael
One country, one law . There is not a fair deal for all of NZ’rs.Kathryn
seem to think Neville Chamberlin is a role model…Anthony
Stupid white female Marxist are largely responsible for this insanity. Only direct active reistance can save NZ now.Eviryrace
Absolutely there should never be race based co anything!Carolyn
Ngai Tahu have effective veto over Doc and have made no quantifiable difference to conservation operations ,John
maori have failed the test to see first up whether they can be trusted to “do as they say they will” and “Protect the environment”. that is a simple failure by any standards and is NOT what we pay our taxes to the Conservation Department for. This bizarre failed experiment must be reversed. Where is the Conservation Minister?Roger
Absolutely. As someone who was brought up in the seventies spending a lot of time in and around Te Urewera national park I know the iwi can’t be trusted to look after it. Anywhere there was a Maori settlement the rivers were piled up with old vehicles, whiteware, animal carcases etc. I realised back then that Maori didn’t care much for the environment and frankly I don’t think anything has changed. They are no more “kaitiakis” than anyone else. Besides that, the whole concept of the treaty partnership status is jus a racist fantasy promoted by the racist activists who are given far too much airtime in NZ.Dave
All of the co-governance agreements, with Public Assets, were carried out, by ARDERN, and HIPKINS, when the N.Z public were JABBED with th BIO-JAB….. a huge distraction by Labour, which was a huge EXTORTION, of KIWI ASSETS, into foreign capatalist, INTERNATIONAL banking theft!David
Certainly. More racist nonsense. !!! When will thisSTOP. ??Andrew
Of course this should be stopped. Why is ALL this information not been made public. It’s a real worrying issue (because I have children, grand and great children) who will ALL leave NZ when I die. I feel that this govt is totally out of its depth and are easily manipulated, especially with that bald headed WEF puppet at the helm. Time has come for a strong leader who can tell Ngai Tahu and Tahoe, and now Taranaki to go to hell.Carolyn
Absolutely, that’s one of the major reasons the last government was sacked. Luxon needs to fulfil the promises made by the coalition.Giles
If it is not terminated this would be another step towards PM Luzon’s apparent acceptance and general approval for New Zealand to first become a racially divided country before the next stage akin to a totally pre 1940 tribale society! Seems bizarre to me and I believe MOST New Zealanders – or genuine Kiwis!Stuart
NZ is on the wrong path and I blame chris Luxon, another John Key and JacindaMike
The people of NZ need to wake up.Neil
The DOC estate is held in trust for all NZ citizens. Not as another money making asset for a select few based on race. This has to be stopped in its tracks right nowgraham
There needs to be an immediate audit into all funds that have been previously given, it seems likely that they have not been used to fund the betterment of conservation land, and an investigation needs to be done immediately of on the use of taxpayers money.Raewyn
Co-governance has been a predictable disaster and must be stopped.Brian
It’s clear that the treaty promised them the land that they lived on and that is all. By the the time the treaty was signed maori had sold 92% of their land. Alienation, discriminationagainst New Zealanders, and inequality have to stop. Seperatism is totally unacceptable. At the end of the day although we were not a part of any ill treayment of Maori, two wrongs do not make a right. If we want peace and harmony there has to be one law for all.Robbie
Why has this situation become so corrupt and all those spineless politicians have let the Maori elite bulldoze their way like Ngi Tahu when will this end so don’t hold your breath because we have a weak prime minister and a corrupt media. that has power to persuade the weak politicians. D O C is in trouble and so are many other govt departments .Ken
There should be no co-governance in any government ministry or local body committee. It is the continuation of the racist policies brought n by Ardern and her band of socialist activists by this inept National government who are disappointing so many of their loyal voters. National seems hell bent on destroying themselves and this country. Luxon needs to go, he is gutless.Robert
Their historical involvement shows that they are not and should not be in a management/controlling position.Ian
Maori have no right to co-governance in any form.Des
When will this fraud be stopped?There are NO MAORI in NZ! There are a few people with a smidgen of other blood who seem to think they own the country! Even to the extent of dreaming up another name for it!! A huge doubt exists as to the intentions of Maori Development Minister Poutaka!! Well placed there by Luxon as a yes man for the activists!! A coup is required to bring this Govt to its senses!!Ron
This craziness has to stop!Robert
“Maori katiakitanga” was always a myth. They want to kill kereru/wood pigeon as a feast food, or for rangatira, kaumatua/kuia gifts, to keep pigs, deer for Maori hunting, trees for felling for waka etc etc. Conservation for its own intrisic beauty and biodiversity values are a no=no for Maori and, unfortunately, for Shane Jones.Rochelle
Unless the Government wants blackberries and gorse to prosper.pdm
This is tribalism gone mad. Tribalism has never worked out well anywhere int he world at any time. underpinning all this is the religious faith called animism. So, what used to be called myths now over-rules scientific facts. Animism has no place for logic nor any overarching set of principles of justice.Duncan
Like everything else these greedy people touch, it’ll turn to custard. Once they’ve ruined it, they’ll just leave it to rot, boy, am I sick of them.merryl
All forms of Co-governance need to be terminated immediately, if not New Zealand is in very serious trouble.David
Yes – immediately – along with any other co-governance arrangements, otherwise the whole country, let alone the Conservation estate, will wind up like the Ureweras. The promise to do away with maorification by the Coalition, prior to the election is long overdue for fulfilment. If the activist Maori groups get away with this, we have only ourselves to blame for just sitting back and allowing weak-kneed politicians to cave in to the demands of these sub-human brown parasites, who are such a drain on the countries’ resources. Can someone please tell me – who or what is a Maori and what the heck is so special about them?Scott.
These various payments to Maori are looking very much like the infamous USAID debacle. Would that we had an Elon Musk!Valerie
National Parks were created for all New Zealqners. DOC should not be handed over to Maori. They have zero durisdiction in our parks. Our PM needs to grow spine and shut this nonsense down immediately.Peter
New Zealanders are being ripped off by Maori. Many of them are “white” Maori.Glyn
NOW. What has happened to the promises made before the election to stop co governance and deal to Te paupau.
Yet again the Maori elite and radicals are gaining control of all of NZ via the age-old method of “eating the elephant one bite at a time”. Although a better analogy might be that of boiling a frog – by the time the frog realises the water is getting hot it’s too late.Gary
No need for it if DOC is for all NZ residents. Terminate.alan
Co-governance, the way that the Maoris want to structure it, is anti-democratic. Is that what NZ wants ??Laurie
It’s my guess that Luxon will lick boots, resign at the next election and accept his knighthood.Rex
They have infiltrated into every aspect of our lives, this needs to stop.Kate
Stop this Maori BS !Ross
Definitely. The Coalition needs to honour its election promise. Firstly The Coalition needs to back Acts Bill. Not making it law will only kick the can down the road yet again. What is the point of getting the Country back on track Economically for a radical minorityFrancis
Ita a complete joke, a rort.
One Nation – One PeopleCarl
Absurd to give Maori control . They have no idea about conservation.Liz
There is too much of the me Me ME MEEEEEEEEEEEEE Its becoming where it is white race being left behind.Carl
currently a dangerous undemocratic alliance which should be terminatedAllan
this and all co governance are totally unnacceptable this smells of Apartide. Please remove all co governance arrangements of DEP OF CONSERVATION. THANKSTERENCE
Absolutely essentialGraham
This is apartheid!! No co governance!! There is no partnership in the Treaty of Waitangi. Why are these untruths been told?Sheila
Maori are only 12% or less of population have too much controlDavid
Should never have been agreed too in the first place. “Agreed too” is not quite right. Adhern and her followers were told by the Maori elite and the Jackson/Mahuta caucus that if they objected the full power of Maoridom would come onto force. Of cause they had a very sympathic ear in our dear Jacinda. Big question now is will Luxon have the desire to change anything in fear of his very powerful Maori mates. Don’t hold your breath.Barry
Get it fixedDon
enough of this co-governace BS. Let DOC do it job without all this interference from Maori activistsjohn
We are supposed to be one.Chris
A great article today. Unbelievable.Ian
Don’t want orneed. maori fingers in this pieJill
Of course! Unfortunately our National leaders are soft, left socialists allowing and assisting the wrecking of our beautiful country. Giving them the power to make things fair again resulted in nothing. Criminal misrepresentation. Winston and Shane talk the talk but don’t walk the walk, just some little flagwaving, David is powerless to do the things needed. No hope so people with skills leave and let it all rot away. I am too old to leave little oegoeboegoe land land and have to endure this madness. Sure know how the Jews felt in the 1930s. And I am not a jew, just a Christian with my values, now irrelevant. Shame on you who facilitate this all.Leonard
Co-governance is divisive and not appropriate in NZGraeme
All co-governance arrangement should be cancelledjohn
We should all be equal – simple – stop this them and us immediately.Mark
Grrrr, how stupid was this to have been introduced in the first place.Scott
The Dept of Conservation needs to be ‘terminated’! Few real national benefits can be attributed to this money-sink.John
I cant imagine any other rational answer but with this “Coalition’ how is this able to continue given the policies espoused by all three of them prior to the election? God help us – there is no other available option for anything else.Dick
Conservation land is for ALL nzer’s regardless of race and should be controlled solely by an nationally elected organisation.Bill
As soon as possible. The Coalition Government is failing New Zealanders and our democracy.Fiona
The coalition MUST get these treaty attachments to so much of our legislation sorted/removedStan
Absolutely. No Question. We must have a referendum so NZ becomes a country of one people, New Zealanders. I saying this the Maori Culture must remain celebrated.Alister
All co governance policy should be terminated.Clive
Emphatically YESKevin
The management of NZ’s conservation estate must be kept in the hands and control of Parliament.Bruce
Absolutely! Chris Luxon has just promised Ngai Tahu to work ‘in partnership’ with them. Partnership is the word he used instead of co-governance in his speech on Waitangi Day.Mary
There is no room for co governance in any form. I am to say the least disappointed at the lack of governance by National. In my considered opinion matters concerning Maoridom have deteriorated even further with no sign of leadership being imposed on our radical element.chris
This is one country with no need for co-governanceAndrew
Absolutely – there is no implied partnership at all – we are all one people.Gerry
It’s a rort !!Patrick
Stop apartheidPeter
Yes, because its just another way that the MAORI can get their hands on what ever they want, its time that all this I WANT IT AND GIVE ME CRAP STOPS. And its our right ? they DON’T have anymore right than any one else that lives in this country. The Government needs to stop being soft cocks and start cracking the whip and get on with it, if they get on with they will get back in again, if they start soon -if they don’t then they can’t blame anyone but them selves. The people of this country voted them in to do a job, so it’s time to do it.COLIN
This is racist, against Pakeha New Zealanders and must be stopped before our Country is ruined forever.alister
Apartheid in South Africa was evil because it divided people racially. In NZ, Apartheid is even more evil because we should know better by now AND the so called Indigenous people are NOT Indigenous and racially mixed.Geoffrey
These co-governance “arrangements” seem to be snowballing, and becoming more and more one-sided as time goes byJohn
Absolutely. Don’t jump into bed with conservation myths, and apply only tested science to safeguard our future conservation strategies.Hugh
Should never ever have been started why would anyone bother investing in a business in New Zealand these days. All this needs to be a lot more public as so few seem to know what is really happening.Gail
Words fail me!Albert
the camp and coffee shop at pelorus bridge has now been taken over by the horis so i no longer stop there as the previous tenant of the shop had very reasonable prices for good food but not now thanks to DOC giving the area away to a gready bunch encouraged by finlieson and key who bent over backwards so the horis shafted them and the NEW ZEALAND tax payer and now luxon is allowing the theft of the country to continue, no wonder decent people are leaving and getting replaced by asians who will rip the guts out of this country and hopefully the corrupt hori then they will piss off leaving this once decent and beautiful country to rot.Ditch the treaty and this crap called co-governance once and all and put David Seymour as our next PM in 2026Richard
One country – One peoplebruce
Time to kick all the appeasement deals fir touch. Maori are getting away with fraud pretending to do Doc’s job and simply pocketing the money. No one does a thing. More taxpayer money is squandered. The bureacrats that cant do the job themselves need to be sacked and a new brush sweep the public sector clean of this racist Maori privilege and preferebce.Mike
The Dept of Corruption cannot be trusted. When the Dept sold off Public Lands to their Minister, who knows what shady deals they’ll facilitate our so called indigenous persons to get away with!!!! Neither can be trusted.Honest Dave
Absolutely and immediately! Maori tribal entities should not be allowed near the DOC estate. Tama Potata must be sidelined -he is a dangerous idiot.Roger
YES. This is long overdue.Noel
Yes, of course. DOC should not have done any such deals in the first place. The current co-governance deals should be scrapped retrospectively and any funding to maori organisations returned.Gavin
100% and immediatelyPeter
Tribal Rule is everywhere…it’s time to leave this sinking ship….SOSChris
The whole notion is a dangerous nonsenseMike
One only has to look at the debacle Waikaremoana has turned out to be as mentioned.Wayne
Doc should take back all control of our parks. Maori have their own land that they need to look after. The Government should keep ownership of ALL of our Doc land. I am Maori and my Tikanga is for ALL Kiwis to have equal rights. NO EXCEPTIONSDave
Absolutely. Co-Governance is a dead dog. A house divided will surely fall. Its a sad state of affairs when people cant have open debate without fear of consequences . We must all stand up find our voice and be counted. Ive emailed Cluckson and my local national MP and told them that I have been a loyal supporter for decades – but NO LONGER , now its up to them to win back my support and the only way to do it is to Honor THEIR promises that they campaigned on and remove all trace of co-Governance from the country and prove to the people of New Zealand that they believe in democracy and that they will support ACTS treaty principles bill all the way to a binding referendum . If we all sent them a similar email I think either Clucksons head will roll or he may transgender into a man.Glyn J
The current government was voted in on the promise that co- governance would end and democracy would rule NZ. If they renege on this promise a civil war will be required to restore democracy.Steve
This taking over of the country will be the end of NZ’s clean/green image. The maoris are not and never have been carers of the land.Ann
Queen Victoria didnt do partnerships. She didnt need to.Grant
If only our elected representatives had the guts to do it. If only the wider pop of NZ were actually aware of how precarious our future as a society is.Geoff
All co-governance arrangements should be terminated, forthwith!Christina
there is absolutely no good reason for this to continueColin
This government is floundering and lost direction. It is asleep at the wheel and oblivious to what is going on in the real world. It is high time they started making some serious decisions which at the present time is totally lacking. Completely rudderless and no leadershipJohn
It used to be a proper department but now its a Maori Tribe with this name.Warren
This Government has to be put on notice National pledged in its election manifesto that it would put an end to or repeal any co-governance with agreement with Maori. By not doing so it is in my opinion in breach of it c0alition agreement with NZ First and ACTTony
Isn’t “co-governance” the opposite of “democracy”?Mike
We are all equal, co-governance is unnecessary and unwarranted.M
A partnership is for equal rights between 2 parties or more. Let’s fight for our rights As a single nationDominique Greenslade
All co governance needs to go. Maori radicals/ big business want total control of all New Zealand. They will be charging fot the air we breathe next. We are in critical condtion our current govt. need to act immediately. Ozzie looking better day by day. No wonder NZrs leaving in droves.Allan
OBVIOUSLY, for a myriad of reasons.Graham
All this Maori inspired Activism smacks of the WEF Globalist Agenda. The insanity that now permeates from these Activists reinforces this type of Agenda whic is to totally Destabalize New Zealand’s Society Structure.Geoff
But for the fact governments have quietly agreed its just a matter of time before Maori are handed over goverance but all those who support that idea (as they believe in kindness and being helpful for colonialism as they were indoctrinated) do not comprehend how Maori and their lawyers are well versed now in veto powers and entrenched UN self-determination rights to assert power – the bottom line is that its all political strategy now and nothing to do with grievances. Those who comprehend political power tactics understand a foot-in-the-door in NZ spreads light into the room as to what is possible.Rob
Nothing should be co- governedGail
The Urewera experience illustrates the folly of Maori Management. Enough said.Tony
Absolutely. It is going to set back years of conservationGary
Every resident in the country deserves equal say not just those who chose to identify as MaoriPeter
There should be no such thing as co governanceRoss
It is racially divisive and should be stopped immediately.mark
Appeasement NEVER works. A lesson from WWII… s l o w … learners in NZGill
What a total disaster…there’s no special knowledge that the intuitively know you have to learn and study. And not some BS course but a bone fida professional course that has international standingCath
YES 100% stopped.Collin
DO IT NOW!!!Bruce
Coalition Government need to honor their election promise. Why are they scared to do this? Have they been corrupted by the iwi elite. New Zealanders own the DOC lands. or do we allow these few people so-called Maori activists who are basically “half-cast Europeans” – the word criminals come to mind.mike
No more tribalism, it doesn’t suit our nature.Christine
Not only as far as DOC is concerned. This entire scam called ‘co governance has to be eliminated for the sake of keeping our country a country with a proper identity. If this scamming continues , we will be nothing more than another shit hole like Zimbabwe.. God help us all!!!Michael
I can’t help feeling all this started way back when we lost the Queens chain on rivers and streamsAlan
The fine example of Te Urewera!Chris
It should never, never, never have been allowed in the first place!Michael
This current government needs to grow some ***** & put a stop to the gravy train of co-governance!Vern
All co-governance arrangements should be terminated.Trevor
Maori have shown little respect for native species as seen by their very poor management of Te Urewera. This area, once lauded, is now a total mess and endangers kokahu to extinction.Carol
The Maori takeover of DoC is a traversty and will restlt in an environmental disaster!Jaydee
About time, the same problems grow like toadstool infections, ramifications festering away whichever way one looks.Ian
The North Island failures of this policy should ensure it is terminated immediately. Just a money grabbing Rort!!Colin
Absolute travesty!!!!Joe
Money and Power to tribes paid for by all New Zealanders, just a rort.Greg
Of course. The general public of NZ are getting sick of this sort of thing happening behind their backs by weak ministers and governmentsRoy
APART from David Seymour & Winston/Shane Jones I dont know ANYONE else that has the GUTS to stand up for TAX PAYING ordinary N.Zealanders as the Govt. which promised EVERYONE would be EQUAL has LIED & LET N.ZEALANDERS DOWN & I cant see any one else in Act or N..Zealand first helping.Cindy
Get rid of these Maori interlopers. Put a stop to near do well apartheids now corrupting democracy of NZNorman
It’s a rort. Co-governance needs to be expunged.Rose
It should have never been instigated to start with. A rerun of 1860’s are upon us.Alan
Maori should not not be involved at all. The interest is for the benefit of all NZr’s not just Maori. Maori are only involved because there’s money in it for their tribal elite.Greg
The Crown owns the estate on behalf of all New ZealandersRaymond
Absolutely – all public land and resources should be retained in perpetuity by the Crown, to be managed and maintained for the benefit of all New Zealanders.Melanie
It is clearly not working RORTDoug
Terminate it, yes. Where are the election promises?Neil
It is probably already too late, but at least every effort should be made to stop this theft of NZ assets being transferred to iwi control for them to benefit from yet another rent seeking opportunity.Chris
Everything today is about Maori and people are sick of it,the more you give the more they want and expect.this is now a divided countryRAY
We are one people. Let’s not undo the good work of DOC.Howard
Where is the Governments promise to stop this endless madness.Rob
another step to co governance of New Zealand by the pitiful minorityLaurie
Immediately – until a referendum is held where the people approve or reject this strategy. The Coalition will be judged on its action in this area – as per their 2023 election pledges.mary
My comments are unprintable!Leslie
All treaty partnershipsneed to be terminated Go to the submission form & you will find you can make a submission on all pages except 20-24 this is the co-governance section is! This is against all that a democracy stands for. In the Urewera people are intimidated & locked out the huts have been burnt to the ground so no one can go there, the local helicopter companies have had their landing rights revoked & this also happened in the Kaimanuwa’s with Air Charter Taupo because the IWI wanted there own in there which went broke. The coalition have badley let all New Zealanders down & the Minister of Conservation & the Prime Minister is fine with IWI haveing full control of the Conservation Estate that belongs to all New Zealanders. If this goes ahead all non Maori will be locked out of the Conservation Estate.NIGEL
Obviously the answer is YES! And many thanks to Muriel Newman and the NZCPR for providing this information. I had no idea how far things had gone and how our national parks were being allowed to deteriorate under iwi control. The wastage of money, as seen in the Punakaiki visitor center, was less of a surprise. Using the word “parternship” to describe things is really absurd — actually, no, not just absurd, it is an out and out lie.Marla
This situation is just plain appalling. How bloody stupid have we become?David
These rorts must cease.Allen
No special rghts to be given , we are all equalFiona
We need a new Prime Minister who will lead instead of being led!Jan
Of course they should be terminated. Look at the shambles in the Ureweras. This should have been fixed within the first few days of the coaltion government.Rod
Any Co-governance equals appeasement and will slide into disaster. Guaranteed.!Henk
I am so saddened at what has happened in The UrawerasNgaire
This the death knell of democracy in NZDoug
National parks, doc land, fresh water, marine and coastal areas are for all New Zealanders and should be held in perpetuity for all future generations by the government. No public, doc seabed and foreshore should be owned, controlled by one ethnicityAlec
Take it back to DoC control and sack Tuhoe and other IWI – NZ BELONGS TO EVERY New Zealander!!!!David
Enough is enough. Bullish Maori have used their position to ensure the largest slice of the pie is directed towards their burgeoning bank accounts. This Govt needs to start using a bit more weight to reign in the rising tide of all things Maori.John
All co-governance should be abolishedGavin
The department needs to be terminated in its present state, we cannot afford to have employees employ family members to do nothing but turn up on pay dayKen
ABSOLUTELY. Remove all race based control.Doug
Co-Governance is another term for Maori ownership in all but name and legal status, whereby Maori receive all the benefits and decline all the responsibility and accountability. It’s disgusting!Brenda
What a travesty. Show us where any co-governance, tribalism, has improved outcomes (other than cash in hand for some).Henry
Absolutely! Given the disasters from the other “shared” arrangements and tribal control of national treasures, no more should be even considered. Coalition won’t do this though it’s too controversial unfortunately.Hilary
Absolutely -it is a dangerous absurdity and intolerable if it were to continue.Margaret
Yes. The only thing they are conserving is a taniwha.Jimbo Jones
We are one country and should not be controlled by people/ person who don’t makeup less than our population.Murray
I’m appalled at the gifting of national assets tp Maori, whilst all NZ’s pay the cost of maintaining those assets.Janette
Maoris lie cheat and are stealing our countrydonald
If the Maori are not controlled now the logical conclusion will be the take over of any land that they can see will bring them in money. Profitable stone and pip fruit, horticulture, vineyards, the list is endless and terrifying. The government has to stop this now.Laura
We need to fund DOC to do a job for all New Zealand. Cogovernance is just another form of racial discrimination. It should be removed from all governance structures in all Government departmentsStewart
Another rortSheena
This country can’t afford to revert to tribal rule, where one tribe was killing and maiming the other. Tax payers need to be in control through properly set up agencies to do the job of managing these areas properly. Not leave it to people with other agendas.Carol
Deal to them as highway men!chris
they should have been put on notice to do so the day after the electionStanley
How do you control the masses? Divide and conquer. Whoever is dividing us are the ones who wish to conquer us. Neither side wins the contest, the game is already owned.Dean
The present arrangements are not working and are costing the taxpayer a fortune for no benefit, only to iwi.Margaret
Reason; because DOC has strikingly indicated that the goals they were created for, the conservation of New Zealand’s fauna, flora and national parks, are actively being ignored by them. Instead they have become the asset strippers of New Zealand with a “master plan” is to transfer all to Maori tribal ownership.Vernon
All co-government arrangements should have been terminated when we elected a new government. But I guess we just could not be bothered to fight.Paloma
I am tired of continually commenting on the farces that are being proposed by people who are supposed to be acting on all New Zealanders behalf.Once again,Maori are not indigenous, they just got here earlier than some others,Maori have bred themselves out of existence having mixed their blood with every race who has come to New Zealand since time began,they want New Zealand to revert to the time when they ruled by force as that is all they know.Peter
Hell yes! We sit here watching our great country disappear in front of our eyes. One day. if we are not careful, we will wake up and wonder how we let this happen.larry
co anything should be scrapped.steven
The government has to stop this gifting of all New Zealanders assets to the natives. Luxon must stop it or resign and allow a true leader to lead in restoring the country back to a democracy where all are equal.Lindsay
What partnership arrangement?Graham
This is the end of Democratic free Country & the beginning of another Zimbabwe .That country has turned into a total disaster .From being the supermarket for South Africa.Michael Andrew
Most definitely. Enough is enoughMichele
NZ is on the brink of a conservation tragedy from which it may never recover. Co-governance needs to be stopped in it’s tracks.Jane
If tax payers money is used for conservation – even if under “co-governance” control, every penny should be accounted for. Consequences for wrong doing should also be discussed ( beforehand) and applied if there is failure on the agreement.Ingrid
All co governance arrangements should be terminated No exceptionsDianne
Enough is enough! We are patsys!Lindy
The thin end of the wedge is now well and truly locked in place. One final blow is needed to fell it.Sally
There is an elephant in the room. I have found that the Treaty of Waitangi was a lease of 150 years – similar to the Hong Kong lease. That means the Treaty expired in 1990 and therefor reverts to He Whakaputanga and our current government is illigitiment. You will understand the gravity of this situation.Ian
When appeasement fails, war ensues. a civil war is the most devastating, with neighbour confronting neighbour and brother against brother. Doing nothing to remove this threat now identified would be criminally insane.Geoffrey
Treason by another nme.Paul
Emphatically. Maori should control nothing. It should all be vested and be beneficial to all citizens, equally.Peter
another example of the continuous creeping takeover being allowed to permeate through NZMike
Immediately, if not, yesterday.Robyn
Yes, immediately!Trevor
The notion Maori are more sensitive to the environment, or anything else, above any other group of people is a nonsense.. Section 4 of the Conservation Act should be repealed forthwith.Peter
Fed up with this constant attitude that Maori can do better in a “prtnership” where they have control and ownership and no other racial group has any say.Michael
They have been disastrous for DOC, tourism and New Zealanders as a whole.Brenton
Along with all other co-governanceBryan
Kiwis do not want racial division or tribal gold-digging. Stop the extortion. One people, one rule, one law, one nation.Chrysta
Absolutely they should . Non-Maori New Zealanders are the subject of an absolute rort WHICH MUST BE URGENTLY STOPPED and action to date revisited . Maori are unquestionably NOT ONLY NOT the great conservationists they claim to be , but are NOT conservationists at all . Their history of hunting native bird life to extinction is well known %u2014- Moa huia etc . . The key to much of this is the ultra, ultra biased Maori partisan Waitangi Tribunal Maori gravy train , which has literally gifted much of our conservation estate into Maori control . It is URGENT that the Waitangi Tribunal be closed down and PERMANENTLY dismantled. So many of its recommendations are based on invention , hearsay , lies , based only on oral evidence , without any requirement for properly documented evidence or written proof being required . We non-Maori are being continually ripped off , in effect by our own Government and Government must put a stop to it – URGENTLY !! Hugh
ALL apartheid Acts and statutes which give explicit recognition to the fraudulent English language treaty masquerading as the original Maori language Treaty of Waitangi, need to be removed from OUR legislation by lunchtime. Then we can start talking about reparations.neil
sooner than laterjohn
Appeasement…politics, have never worked, and never will… always seen as weakness, because thats what it is !! beiing weak.David
Yes. Terminate the Department of Conservation’s co-governance arrangements. Why are they not practised between iwi, Ngai Tahu and Tahoe. They could demonstrate partnership and co-funding between themselves. Along with whale song and whale oil maori wonderfulness will save the flora and fauna of our semi-national parks.Peter
Yes of course it should be stopped. I sometimes think to myself now days that perhaps a full takeover of this country by the Chinese or for that matter anyone else would do far better than the NZ Governments approach of appease, appease and appease some more. What a worrying situation our Politicians have left all New Zealander in. I myself don’t know weather to just give up and leave this country as NZ Government have no idea what to do about the radicals. If the truth about the mess we find ourselves in ever gets out to the rest of the world we will be laughed at and the world will be shocked at what a weak, stupid and corrupt government we seem to have here in this country. It is perhaps just better to go, no wonder so many are leaving this country, our politicians have let us all down badly.Paul
Terminate, and long over due.Gordon
And don’t stop there, all of co-governance and unelected representatives should cease, one country, one peoplePaul
Maori Tribal racism vs democracyBryce
Absolutely not. Why are they allowed to get away with this?john
Absolutely and immediately – we voted a government to end co-governance. They need to get it done.Greg
They should be terminated with extreme prejudice.Doug
Definitely on all accounts!Robin
stop the racist crap right now.Francis
Yes, absolutely – all co-governance arrangements should be terminated!David
The Coalition pledged to end co-governance – here’s their chance to demonstrate they can be trusted.Murray
Yes, of course all co-governance arrangements should be terminated. That is all part of the He Puapua plan and the Coalition promised to end all of that. Penny
Co-governance is just code for tribal rule. Its a takeover.Ian
DOC should not be doing such deals in the first place. Of course they should be stopped.Roger