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Dr Muriel Newman

The Fatal Flaw 

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Last weekend Stuff offered a glimpse into the future, through an article investigating the co-governance of the former Urewera National Park.

This arrangement was put in place by John Key’s National Government in 2014 as part of a Treaty of Waitangi settlement with Tuhoe.

It’s an indication of what “Aotearoa” would look like under Labour’s He Puapua “partnership” agenda, where Maori are elevated into a ruling class, with everyone else relegated to second-class citizenship status.

Under co-governance partnerships, tribal representatives gain a controlling interest in decision-making – and the right of veto. Any pretence of democratic rule in the public good, is an illusion.

Under the Te Urewera Act, the National Park was given a “legal personality”, which means that while no-one owns it, the Crown retained the assets – including huts, camping grounds, bridges, boardwalks, and a Holiday Park.

A co-governance Board of nine – six from Tuhoe and three representing the Crown – was established as “kaitiaki”, or guardians, with authority over how the Park is used. In essence, there were three key objectives: reconnecting Tuhoe with the Park, protecting the biodiversity of the area, and ensuring public access.

So, what did the article reveal?

It began, “Lake Waikaremoana is considered the jewel of Te Urewera, the homeland of the Tuhoe people. It’s also home to one of the 10 ‘Great Walks’ and has been enjoyed by generations of non-Tuhoe. But the lake – and the whole of Te Urewera – has been closed for several months, and facilities have fallen into disrepair.”

It describes how public access is being denied – including to people who own boats moored on the lake. Rusty tractors and broken-down Department of Conservation trucks are being used to block boat ramps, and barricades have been set up across roads and tracks.

A Police Sergeant who had recently worked in the area described the shocking state of disrepair of facilities – huts vandalised, “with condoms and human waste left on the floor, gang slogans drawn on the furniture and slats from the bunks used as firewood… guttering pulled down or collapsed and empty water tanks… thousands of dollars’ worth of pest traps unused and rotting on the ground.”

Tuhoe has been receiving $2.2 million a year as a “base amount” to maintain the Park. Additional funding is available for special projects – such as when new stoves were installed in many of the huts.

But Tuhoe hasn’t allowed Department of Conservation staff to access the area for maintenance work and pest control, claiming instead that they would do it themselves. Those piles of rotting traps, however, reveal the truth that the lofty “kaitiaki” claims of Maori being the true ‘guardians’ of New Zealand’s natural heritage, are nothing more than a fabrication.

The legality of Tuhoe’s lockdown of the park is now being challenged. But Tuhoe leader and Board Chairman, Tamati Kruger, maintains they have the authority to do so. He explains that public access is “way down the list of priorities for Tuhoe, as it brings no benefit to the iwi… Tuhoe wants to put its efforts… to the first purpose of the legislation, which is the re-connection of Tuhoe with Te Urewera.”

And that in a nutshell is the fatal flaw with tribal co-governance. It’s an arrangement that replaces democratic accountability with authoritarian rule by a tribal elite that is focussed on their own best interest, and cares little for the public good.

These revelations exposing the deterioration of our former world famous National Park should send a chill down the spine of anyone who believes that Jacinda Ardern’s plan to implement He Puapua – the blueprint for the tribal co-governance of New Zealand by 2040 – would be good for the country.

Co-governance is the antithesis of democracy. While democracy operates in the public good, giving everyone the opportunity to get involved and hold elected representatives to account, tribal rule prioritises greed and self-interest.

In essense, co-governance delivers the totalitarian control of public good resources to a race-based elite that now leads some of the country’s richest private corporations. As such, co-governance results in the effective privatisation of public resources to a Maori tribal aristocracy.

It is not hard to see the motivation for the iwi power grab that is now underway. Through the power to control decision-making, co-governance delivers lucrative rewards – a royalty here and a pay-out there can easily be justified and orchestrated when you call the shots.

And the stakes are huge – already, thanks to taxpayers, post-settlement Treaty assets held by iwi corporations are worth almost $10 billion. But while tribal rulers and their associates live privileged lives, as a result of the elitist class structure of tribalism, other tribal members continue to live lives of hardship and deprivation.

Jacinda Ardern’s obsession with co-governance can be seen in the fact that the Pae Ora Bill, to replace democratically elected Health Boards with an apartheid system controlled by Maori, is being rammed through Parliament during a crisis, when an ill-equipped health service is desperately trying to ready itself for an expected tsunami of Delta cases.

The PM’s obsession can also be seen in her determination to ignore widespread opposition and force through her disastrous Three Waters proposal to replace democratic control of local government water infrastructure and services with tribal control. The Bill is expected to be tabled in Parliament any day now, with submissions called over Christmas, so it can be rushed into law early next year.

What is particularly galling is the fact that not only did Jacinda Ardern seek no mandate from voters to replace democracy with tribal rule, but she deceived the public by campaigning on moderate policy promises, that were radicalised, once she realised she could govern alone.

As the British politician Lord Acton astutely observed in 1887, “Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

What Prime Minister in her right mind would even consider delivering the effective privatisation of critical public assets and services into the hands of a powerful and self-interested tribal cabal, who cares nothing for the rights or concerns of other New Zealanders?

Meanwhile, Jacinda Ardern’s He Puapua agenda is permeating all areas of society.

It can be seen in a lucrative money-making scheme for the Maori elite that is being set up in the Plant Variety Rights Bill, which is presently in front of Parliament.

New Zealand is widely admired for its ability to add value to native plant varieties, including creating medicinal products that are used around the world. A key part of that success has been the open and transparent process for obtaining the rights to utilise plant varieties that has been in place since 1987 and has provided certainty for businesses and investors. 

But that is about to change.

When the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, entered into force on 30 December 2018, New Zealand was given three years to update our plant variety rights compliance regime. We could either adopt the 1991 international convention that was used by most of the other countries, or we could change our own law to “give effect” to that convention and include measures to fulfil Treaty of Waitangi obligations.

The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment issued a Regulatory Impact Statement proposing to update the existing law to align it with the international requirements, and to include Treaty of Waitangi provisions that take into account the Waitangi Tribunal’s Wai 262 recommendations.

Wai 262 is the 2011 Waitangi Tribunal report into the long-standing flora and fauna claim. It recommended that as “kaitiaki” or guardians of treasured native species or “taonga”, Maori should not only have their rights protected in law, but they should be able to derive benefits as well.

Tuhoe, of course, has shown how well that works!

In 2020, after the He Puapua report had recommended that “Wai 262 becomes an important subset of the wider work required to ensure that Aotearoa is meeting its obligations under the Treaty”, the Ardern Government allocated $6.5 million to a work programme to develop Wai 262 requirements.

Accordingly, the Plant Bill recommends the establishment of a “Maori Plant Varieties Committee”, to consider Wai 262 requirements: whether applications for plant variety rights affect ‘taonga’ species and ‘kaitiaki’ relationships – and if so, what ‘mitigation’ could be applied.

In other words, under the new plant rights legislation, Maori would become gatekeepers  – to be consulted, and remunerated, no doubt in such a way as to clip the ticket on the sale of products derived from their “taonga” species.

Introducing lucrative Wai 262 benefits for Maori, that enable them to profiteer from the work of others, also applies to research.

Using the same Wai 262 Waitangi Tribunal rationale, new guidelines are being developed for the involvement of Maori in research involving ‘taonga’ species: “Kaitiaki need to be involved in decisions about future uses of the information and data generated from any of these projects to ensure Maori have the opportunity to benefit from the value created… to deliver the best outcomes for Maori.”

With its significant funding base, research into ‘taonga’ species looks set to become another lucrative funding stream for tribal leaders. In fact an earlier draft of the guidelines, obtained by the NZCPR – see  HERE – reveals just how lucrative this could become, with the given examples covering museum specimens, pine trees, manuka honey, and data, to name just some of the six distinct areas of opportunity outlined:

  1. Indigenous species: Taonga species can include any Indigenous flora and fauna existing within the Maori paradigm, including both living and non-living species. An example is the interest in Indigenous specimens within natural history collections at both NZ and overseas institutions. Regardless of the age or quality of Indigenous specimens, whether they are from extant or extinct species, they are still taonga species.
  2. Introduced species: Flora and fauna introduced to Aotearoa post-European contact that hold a special significance to Maori. The whakapapa in this instance is one made by virtue of participating in the native ecosystem. For example, this may include pine trees, that in many Maori communities comprises the main source of employment and income. 
  3. Indigenous biota: Any living matter that includes flora, fauna, fungi and bacteria. All play a role in the natural ecosystem in Aotearoa, and therefore an important part of the Maori natural world.
  4. Samples: All samples collected from the taonga listed are also taonga.
  5. Bioactives: All parts of taonga species, including the bioactive components and biochemical processes of taonga species, are taonga. Irrespective of whether the bioactives within Indigenous taonga species were or were not known by Māori, they are taonga. This includes the bioactive components within manuka honey, for example.
  6. Data: Any data generated from taonga species are taonga in and of themselves. This includes any future discoveries or new knowledge that may result from taonga data.

International trade is also being captured by Wai 262. The recent trade deal with the UK includes new Treaty obligations associated with Wai 262, as well as intellectual property – including cultural expressions.

One such cultural expression that was mentioned in the UK trade deal announcement was a haka, as this week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator, author and historian Paul Verdon explains:

“The special clause to protect the Ka Mate haka of Te Rauparaha – that was included in last month’s New Zealand-United Kingdom free-trade agreement – should make thinking New Zealanders shake with derision. Somewhat mysteriously, the agreement also commits Britain to ‘co-operate with New Zealand to identify appropriate ways to advance recognition and protection of the haka, Ka Mate’.”

Paul reminds us that Te Rauparaha was responsible for a massive loss of life, and concludes, “I fail to see what makes the actions of a pathological monster acceptable in decent, modern New Zealand society – and now acceptable to Britain, whose 1840 Treaty of Waitangi halted most of the death, destruction, enslavement and cannibalism that had consumed Maori for many decades before.”

Jacinda Ardern’s He Puapua plan for tribal control is now infiltrating more and more areas of life in New Zealand. We are relentlessly moving towards a point where surely we need to say enough is enough and demand our country return to being the colourblind society that we once held dear.

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*Do you agree that Maori should be given special rights and privileges as the “guardians” of New Zealand’s flora and fauna? 

*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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One county one people Stephen
Definitely NOT. Every decent New Zealander should be up in arms at this idea. Bruce
No No No we may as well pack our bags and shift to Australia and leave them to it and the country like gorse will revert to the way it was when Cook arrived. Possibly take five years to happen if global warming does not happen. If so will take less time. rod
We are creating division, not unity! Tracey
When the rest of NZ is going to do something about this? Maori leadership is very good organising protests, occupying land, demanding more and more from the rest of the country. and getting rid of democracy. When is this going to stop if all we do is exchange words? camilla
how many animals, birds etc have our polywogs put on the extinction list, the etc relates to the mass murder, rape, imprisonment by certain polywogs that was only stopped by the British which is a pity as if they had wiped out themself this country would be wealthy and peaceful as there would be no gangs but since our polywog loving dictator is giving guardianship of flora there will be mass plantations of weed and poppies in all what was DOC land. Richard
It is noteworthy that the definition of “Taonga” has been changed to suit a politically expedient modern agenda. The correct definition of “Taonga” is “land procured by the spear” not “treasured possession” and this is why the original definition was in the treaty. But now law makers/Iwi fraudulently use this new definition and you can see why, anything can be claimed as a treasured possession if required. Rikaad
It’s coming, believe me. When they come to get your firearms, you will know where the country is going and to who. Ray S
I have considered Te Rauparaha a monster for a long time and agree with the Welsh columnist, Stephen Jones, who despises the haka. I feel it is inappropriate, barbaric, backward- looking and I never watch it – it has nothing to do with rugby. Ardern has turned into a Marxist monster with her tribal co-governance authoritarianism and is unfit to govern. Monica
Too much power by the elite Maxwell
Please wake up NZ. The Maori Elites agenda to weaponise the righteous Guardians of our society doctrine will tear the country apart. These Leeches have adopted a strategy that will cripple every New Zealander with a Life time of Levies for the financial benefit of a few. Tony
NO to anything racist Brian
This should NEVER happen. It is apartheid, theft, racism and just crazy. We do not want to retreat to the barbarism pre-treaty. We are all New Zealanders and must move forward together. Maureen
Why should they? Many people are sick and tired of this blatant outrageous favoritism and apartheid. They must be stopped. Nicola
Absolutely not! As a 6th generation NZer I am a just as “normal” as any Maori. (The term “Maori” translates into the English word Normal) Richard
New Zealand for all New Zealanders Gary
On what grounds? Maori are not indigenous to New Zealand. Their own oral histories tell the story of their arrival here. Igor
such a policy is blatantly racist. Kerry
Action must be taken whenever the public is denied access to public land and facilities. Tuhoe forget about how they got to where they are. Perhaps we should block roads in the area and perhaps turn off the power. This sort of carry on is a taste of what is to come when Te Urewera has full reign. Ray S
What I would like to say would not be deemed acceptable…this country is going to hell in a hand cart! Carol
No and I feel like spitting blood reading this week’s NZCPR letter. Absolutely infuriating stuff. .Just shows how easily people are conned by a mad woman ! John
As in all dictatorships. it doesn’t matter what we think. The way around all of these Marxist laws and regulations is to the follow the recommendations from a previous writer, Mark Hanson. NZCPR October31st, 2021; “The next incoming government should assure the electorate that they will enact one repealing act which will reverse all laws and regulations set by the current Labor govt and dissolve the accompanying jobs created by them. This could be done in one day and restore the democratic rights of all NZrs” Now who’s going to ask the National and ACT parties for these assurances? Rex
belongs to all nzers claire
No I do not. Your article on in this issue, shows that Maori don’t care and will happily block us from accessing anything they think they own. So much for one people, one country. Jacinda is destroying our country. Fraser
all New Zealanders should be equal Elizabeth
Maori’s ancestors, as European settlers, came here by boat…they aren’t Tanga te whenua…surely the people of the land were the Moriori, and “current” history shows how Maori treated them. Time to put a stop to all this nonsense and division – remove all race based policy and law, and replace it with policy that unites all the people that call New Zealand home Andrew
In this democracy it has been the normal to consult the people on issues that may have a strong effect on society. This legislation can only be divisive to our society and in fact create racial division and disharmony. To think that any Govt. would even consider such racially based legislation is beyond any common sense I have ever known. If there is a problem then solve it by encouraging the emergence of LEADERS from within the Maori Communities. That appears to be the problem–no leadership. Oh yes, plenty of negative “leadership” all very unhelpful. This Bill MUST BE STOPPED, it cannot be passed, unless this Govt. is intent of the creation of racial friction and disharmony. STOP THIS BILL—NOW.  William
Maori should have no more rights than any other kiwi! The current treaty that is recognised is not the treaty that was signed! Doug
We divide by name Maori and Pakeha but they all have a mixture of heritages within them so we should all be equal under the law and treated equally. John
I agree that native flora and compounds found in them should be kept out of the hands of drug companies, but should be accessible to all New Zealanders Carol
We in New Zealand are one people with the same privileges and rights. Rod
We are one people and should remain so!!! Robbie
Being Maori doesn’t give you expertise to be a guardian of flora and fauna linda
OFFS! Any keen botanist or zoologist can do that. Mark
One people with everyone having equal rights not based on ethnicity Mike
We need to work towards ‘0ne nation’ Lindsey
One People…One Nation Peter
One country one people Murray
Absolutely not !!! David
ALL New Zealanders got this country up and running without oppressive means. We ALL are involved – not only one ethic group. Frank
Unbelievable that the current Government is so determined to ruin Democracy in New Zealand Bob
It’s for all New Zealand people Terry
Angry face Michael
One rule for all – no apartheid clive
It’s about time someone stood up against the Maori radicals and reminded them of all the technology, science, products, architecture, building materials, knowledge, etc that overseas arrivals have gifted to the Maoris in this country. Before Europeans arrived they were basically living a stone-age life. This country should have one law for all, and it’s high time the concept that the Treaty of Waitangi provided for co-governance was sent the way of the Moa and the Dodo. Gary
Learn from Africa, other, tribal elite governance who line their pockets by corruption. The rest of the population get poorer and the economy of the country collapses. Wake up NZ before the country is ruined even further! Dane
Just like the Maori protected the moa. Bruce
We need to all have equal rights. Josie
We need to take this to court regarding the re interpreting of historical documents, adding “principles” and “partnerships”, we have remained silent as a people while they have slowly moved all this fraudulent stuff into our govt, no more, prosecute the fraudsters, set a president and run them out. Kenton
same rights for everyone in a democracy Alexander
Feck off. Those avaricious, money loving savages are the reason Wood Pigeon, Tui and Moa are so few in number. They either ate too many of them (Tui and Wood Pigeon) or completely destroyed their habitat (Moa). Guardians? Really? With a proven track record like this, I don’t think so. Mark
Racial discrimination in reverse!! DAVID
Certainly not and also not in the future. This whole maori fixation of Adernmis disaster outs for New Zealand Sudwell
A disgraceful act, but one to be expected from the worst Government New Zealand has ever had!! DAVID
No way! Mark
Totally unacceptable Chris
Are we not all equal ? Hubert
Of course not, look what they did to the Moa Terry
NO WAY meg
just another money-spinner for the elite. Gail
Wai – why? Mandy
this particular group of people should never ever have special rights and privileges as guardians of our flora and fauna. esp as indicated in your current article which indicates a total lack of care and respect for the land As usual- they are now wanting what other New Zealanders have persevered in the development of — using herbs and flowers Maori do not have the right to these expectations. It is a pity they do not follow the Hopi Indian in their philosophy, that water and nature is there for all humanity to use carefully It is also a pity that Maori New Zealanders have not ever acknowledged the benefits they have received from the education and possibilities available to them, which was purely because of the English support they received many many years ago, and has always been there for them . I do often wonder why, the Maori of today wear european style clothing when they are so keen to push their race differences and constantly cry “poor us” Having gone to school with Maori students years ago- I don’t feel today’s Maori have the dignity that so many had then, and the item in your publication of the condition that one of our most treasured national parks is now in– because of Maori– is of huge concern to me and so many of our friends The start of things to come???????? I do hope not jenny
absolutely not!!! ngaire
NZ should be for all NZers. John
The health system should be equitable for all. Resources should be made available to those in need, irrespective of race or religion. It should definitely not be race based. Nor should it be based on bogus Waitangi statements or given as special rights to the “kaitiaki Maori” Niels
Lets return to democracy and let everyone decide what is best for everyone. Symon
We’re all New Zealanders. Surely we can do it together. Kevin
we are New Zealanders, not Maori and New Zealanders. Hey if that was to be the case then the original inhabitants would have the right of that insignia surely? But hey the Maori’s eat them. The Maori’s then are imports as with all the others race and cultural uniques. Robyn
We’re all the same…just different wrapping bill
Not on your life, it will be like the Te Urewera, a beautiful walk, closed for months with huts destroyed and neglected by Maori, sadly this will apply to everything they get their hands on, Maori are a hopeless race and can%u2019t be trusted. Athol
Based on past lack of performance NO! C T
no mana without mahi John
All New Zealanders should have an equal say Kevin
What utter racist b……t. Susan
My Father would be turning in his grave if he saw what NZ was becoming in general. Michael
But how can we stop all this????? malc
undefined tash
not a bolters mike
I grew up in a NZ that gave every citizen equal rights and opportunities and that’s what it should return to. John
This is destroying nz and our democracy. This government is corrupt. They are liars. They don’t give a dam for the people of New Zealand. New Zealand- not “Aotearoa”. How dare they! Joyce
Absolutely not!! Linda
WE are either equal or we are not. Darag
Maori should not be given special rights, we are all one people, so we are told Noeline
This is deeply offensive and cis creating deep divisions in New Zealand Cam
Stop the separatism and stop the idea that Pakeha indigenous NZers don’t have a sense of ownership and pride of all things NZ. Gail
NZ is on a downward spiral. We need to act to restore democracy Elizabeth
With a Maori ratio of 15% of the population and the proposed 50% representation, it would be unconstitutional, undemocratic and totally undermine the bill of rights. Francois
Ownership of New Zealand should not be handed over to a singular race as it is a multicultural society that everybody has contributed to in some form or another to ensure benefit for everybody. Chris
Absolutely not Terry
You might as well put a fox in charge of guarding the hen-house. The view that ‘co-governance delivers the totalitarian control of public good resources to a race-based elite’ espoused by a Prime Minister who would be more-than-happy to install a totalitarian regime to control the country has similarities to the 1939 ‘pact of steel’ which set out to realign Europe. We know how that ended. Ted
Maori have all the rights and opportunities as everyone else. They should use these. Not seek special rights and priviliges. Maori have not used their equal rights and have turned themselves into an underclass.Maori control drugs, commit most major crime. They can attend all state schools and have Maori only schools and still they are at the bottom of educational standards. Ardern will avoid the ballot box and has an agenda cooked up with the Maori elite. This is a dark period in NZ politics. Bruce
outrageous rort. Catherine
We’re all Kiwi’s for god sake.Lets put a stop to all this Maori stuff.Ardern you are the racialist, dividing us by our skin colour. LETS GO BRANDON. Morea
For society to survive we must not steep to tribalism. we are all kiwis and new zealand is a democrcy. grant
No no no n0ever Erin
Before the arrival of the European, Maori started forest fires that destroyed much of the flora and fauna in the South Island in an effort to pursue the Moa – which they drove into extinction, like they did to other species of both animals and birds as well as flora in New Zealand. Their previous experiences should be a warning to all that to give them control over the “taonga” will ultimately end in the destruction of other species – especially the kereru which they still feast on today. Leslie
All New Zealanders should have the same rights and privilege’s. Malcolm
They are not indiginous Geoffrey
Maori are past masters at benign neglect. Allan
No Way! What is happening in this country. How do we stop this government in this destructive tracks. Albert
NO, absolutely not, how far does this go, when does the “grab” stop ! mike
17% of the population ??? and no full blooded Maori Paul
No minority should have control of anything. Rod
No it’s for all New Zealanders, not some! Maori have too much say now especially for a minority! Neil
absolute nonsense Sonia
They are proven to be the most likely to break all rules set to protect protection of many species that without these rules would become extinct. This has been proven on TV with definite illegal taking of protected species. Bert
Absolutely against the Maori Elite takeover of anything worth having in New Zealand. This will end in tears and it won’t be Pakeha tears. Peter
Definitely not. Ross
They should belong to all New Zealanders, we are all guardians of this country. Lena
Absolutely not Russell
No Way Should they be given any special rights privileges as guardians all N Z Citizens have the same rights leo
What’s happened to our democracy and “WE ARE ONE” RAEWYN
NO! They can’t even guard their own health by seeking out the nearest vaccine clinic but the rest of the population, barring the loonies, can. One of the few times they have avoided getting something for nothing. The press will not print the stories regarding the poor shape the land they have been paid to maintain is now in. I tell you once again This Country Is Stuffed. The National Party is stuffed and so is free speech. Bruce
We must all be equal. Division does not work and never has. Peg
As has happened in the past, the very greedy Maori will get hands on the rewards & everyone will get the crumbs Tony
Because they have not proved that they can be good guardians that have the interests of all New Zealanders at heart. Jim
These maori elites are despicable as is the government pandering to their never ending grievances. Why should they be entitled to anything, that the European and others, toiled and struggled, to develop the New Zealand we Until recently, loved and cherished as our homeland. By the way I thought the maori were defeated by colonial forces in the land wars. Then the treaty is null and void. cal
This government is taking New Zealand away from democracy Earle
Taking care of flora and fauna should be a right for any person who has a love for all plants and wants to take care of them. Lilian
This is for the benefit of maori only and not the country of New Zealand Keith
Can anyone find a valid, or coherent, reason for Maori to have any privileges at all? Why can they not just be New Zealanders? michael
congratulations on calling out Ardern’s racist policies Norman
Absolutely NOT Pam
We are ALL responsible for looking after the flora and fauna of New Zealand NOT one exclusive ethnic group! Heather
Please organise the biggest demo and acts of civil disobedience before its too late. Alan
absolutely not. they haven’t been able to look after what they administer now john
What a lot of codswollop Pam
Guardianship over this should be carried out by experts in the field. Megan
No to apartheid. No to some are more equal than others and NO to corruption Allen
Not at all! If any people should be venerated, it should be the Patupaiarehe (Ngati Hotu), who arrived here about the time of Jesus Christ (year 1) and Waitaha, who arrived some 300 years later. Those Johnnie-cum-latelys now- known collectively as Maori, who arrived some 1000 (one thousand) years later, and decimated the originals, should get no more rights than the rest of the people of “New Zealand”. He iwi tahi tatau – let us be one people! Kevan
Often, when a particular piece of land or buildings have been returned to Maori ownership & management, the stories unfold of poor maintenance & upkeep! If this Govt continues down this road of destruction, us Kiwis who are very proud of our birthplace, NZ, will be severely disappointed in how our country called NZ, we go to rack & ruin after years of carefully organised management deteriorates. There seems to be a deliberate plan by this Govt to destroy this country & what makes it even harder to fathom is that these moronic psychopaths running this country will have to live here and be ruled by 15% of our population with either a left or right Govt in supposed overall charge…!!! Bruza
A racist grab with no accountability Barry
Going by the way the local Maori are looking after the current facilities in the park for which they are paid by the tax payer, Jacinda’s government should review some of these joint contracts that are in place. Brian
No way. Why do they want MORE? … and more … and more… …… Suzanna
Absolutely not. Mark
Decidedly not.  
It is proven they couldn’t care less about National Parks other than take the money and do nothing like they do with most of their Maori lands.Why don’t they use their lands productively – as a learning/teaching skill for young Maoris to utilise their lands farming/growing Kumara/forestry etc. Why are many houses around many rural Maori villages in such unkempt disrepair? I would say laziness! Irresponsibility/couldn’t care less attitude. Disgraceful and its getting worse as the current Government keeps giving more! John
Where will this stop? Kris
About 16% of the population. That is a nonsense Noel
No never, up here in the far north they are bloody good at growing gorse. Colin
twenty seven bird species extinct by the time Cook arrived on these shores. Guardians of the forest(s) yeah right!! Chris
Absolutely not. Just look at what is happening with Lake Waikaremoana? This is a complete takeover of NZers assets, paid for by taxpayers over the last 150 years. It’s an affront to democracy and must be prevented before we, the non-Maori NZers, become subjugated and exploited group of citizens that has contributed most towards these assets. Maori have never contributed a brass razoo because they avoid rates and taxes through the bloody Treaty. I’m absolutely incensed with the sellout of NZ by Ardern and her Marxist government. Kerry
Plants belong to no one Tim
This is insane. One only has to speak to one of the many South African (ex) citizens that have fled to NZ to see where these racist policies will lead. Does Jacinda want civil war? Andrew
This is merely another arrow in Ardern’s bow! She is a self-proclaimed and active socialist – as was Hitler when the National Socialist Party overwhelmingly won the German elections. She will likely outlaw any dissidents, using the paid media and hate speech laws to enforce compliance. Hitler was just more up front about it and banned other political parties so that his agenda could not be challenged. Interesting times ahead! Martin
This idea is treasonous and this Government should be charged as such. JOHN
Another money-grabbing con by non-productive, idle entities that never have been ‘guardians’ of any natural resources but see this as a means to further enhance their lazy lifestyle. An awful mess is being promoted by this government and it’s pandering to an elitist group – it keeps them dependant on her being in power. Reversing these controversial issues is going to take a long time and an enormous amount of tax-payer funding. Good luck to the future generations who will have to pay for this! If they stick around! Martin
I am quite comfortable with the present system. Denis & Marie- 2 votes
No Way They only want hand outs. Howard
Undemocratic and another example of around 12% of the population having a disproportionate voice in the future of NZ. Diana
The madness continues.Is there anyone in the labour government that has even a trace of common sense ? I think not. Steve
We are all subjects of the Crown. Enough is enough! Jenny
NZ is for ALL who live here. Petere
We were once classed as all Kiwis. Now we are being separated as Maori first and second and the rest of us last. Jucinda wake up and smell the roses. Tom
Ka mate – it is death. Mark
Proper history proves Maori were not very good guardians of New Zealand flora & fauna. Russ
No, imagine if someone pitched a white-rule or white control policy. The flora and fauna belong to all Kiwis like the water and the health service. Stop the Labour insanity – Maori can have equal treatment and that’s it. We need a party to say this loudly. Chris
They are already proving how they are looking after Waikerimoana National Park, receiving over 2 million dallars yearly to do so. What the hell are they doing with that money, and now demanding more? As New Zealand Taxpayers, we out to be asking proof of what they are doing with the money! Ian. Ian
We are one untied nation hopefully . Stephen
These are assets which belong to all New Zealanders. Gordon
Are there no Labour members with the courage to vote against these things? Kevin
hell no Robin
This is madness! Natalie
Maori are not the ‘guardians’ nor the indigenous people of New Zealand, as there were people here in New Zealand before Maori colonisation – why is this fact being constructively ignored? Karen
No it’s should be a joint responsibility. Tom
Not indiginous race. Maori were preceded by chinese and moriori John
Unfortunately ‘we reap what we sow’, and will continue paying and of course will be referred to as New Zealanders when it suits Brian
End this separatism!! Communism is rife & being pushed to the limit by this govt led by a crazed woman!! Ron
they have enough rights now. have any of the poorer maori benefited from the treaty of waitangi settlements. and New Zealands direction would be dictated by the super rich tribes le
Definitely NOT. They have proved themselves incapable of looking after anything. What does it mean ‘getting Maori acquainted with the Park’? The Park has been there a long time and have they done that? What a granny. What have they done with the funding? Sheila
One health system for all no race division WAYNE
Another question should be who can trust them, all good to start with, however after time the rot would set in. Unfortunately a very disturbing track will follow. Owen
We must stop racism. Ron
We are all New Zealander’s Ian
More Maori racism. When is it going to end Gareth
Absolutely NOT!! David
It’s clear that giving special rights and privileges to Maori, excluding the rest of New Zealand, means keeping their votes. Jasmine
Absolutely crazy. Kathy
Enough is Enough. This needs to stop. Addrianne
The problem is not only that Jacinda’s Labour Government is able to govern alone, but the lack of serious Opposition in Parliament. What is needed is a new strong leader from National and a forthright rejection of these racist proposals by ACT and National, with a promise to repeal all acts that are racially motivated by Maori elders demands and their ‘poor me’ culture. There must be thousands of average Maori whom have no voice in all of this, being led by the nose by their ‘leaders’ towards their apartheid. Vic
New Zealand is a democratic country, as such apartheid initiatives such as proposed by the government are incompatible with our values and must be stopped John
Yet another attempted Maori rort. It has to stop. John 
Tribalism has no place in any society Roger
This is just another means of of division that cindy is doing tio enable he to to divide and rule and is using the the maoris to help her as Hitler used his Brownshirts during the the Nazi regime eric
I don’t support apartheid. Michelle
We are one people. David
Every one is equal. To give one group special rights over others is absolute stupidity. Bryce
No-one person nor race created the Flora and Fauna of NZ. This greed and racism perpetrated to the detriment of all New Zealanders – European, Asian, and Polynesian peter
To do that would to give away all hope of a fair and democratic no. Bryan
No because they have shown throughout history they are no better at being guardians than the government, ie they burnt the habitat of the Moa to the point where they became extinct Mark
These “rights” lock in Tribalism and Racism. The long term result will be an uprising of the Masses and terrible revolution. tony
Absolutely, it is apartheid system, and will cause racial disharmony Elaine
I am a Born and Bred New Zealander, I claim my rights which I share with all others born in this country Ken
We are all one people in New Zealand Richard
Total nonsense. Faye
Why should they. Never in a million years would Queen Victoria entered into a PARTNERSHIP with any native people in the day. No-one owns the seabed, foreshore, rivers, flora and fauna. The Government is the Guardian. Sue
Yet another example of division being implemented by govt. Martyn
A lot of Maori land is not even looked after currently, I would hate to see that look all over the country Jacky
No one should have any more rights to land than anyone else. Jacquetta
Under no circumstances! Alex
More disgusting division from the traitorous Adern government. Last one out, please turn off the lights.. Tony
for the simple fact that never seems to get mentioned much why should all these extra privilege’s be given to people who are not even indigenous to new Zealand, do they really think they are the shining light of this country,what the hell is wrong with this PM and her government, the waitaha and Morori where a peaceful race and should have there say, the war like maoris and there bloody haka should be banned for a start, god help this country is all i can say, and the people who voted this government in and gave them full power i hope are thinking twice about the next ellection,because if they are not stopped this country is finished, and there could well be a revolution. rodger
No way. Look no further than the Urewera example for proof that giving tribal cabals control of anything is of benefit to NZ John
It is not about ‘flora and fauna’. The Tuhoe example in itself is a clear indicator of where this ship is sailing. These radicals are driven by a deep hate and destructive perception of everything that they perceive not to be ‘their own’ and act accordingly. Think of former Rhodesia ,now Zimbabwe, once a food basket on the African continent, now a failed state. The white farmers where driven out under Mugabe and the land and all equipment was left to ‘the people’ to become self sufficient. We know what happened after that. Zimbabwe became dependent of UN organized food imports and all the while the land and all that was on it incl machinery was run down and deteriorated. This is what we will witness here on a larger scale and a small, utterly corrupt and radical tribal leadership will live off the fat . ( until there is no more to fleece off and then they will leave to go somewhere else.) Michael
Definitely leave it to DOC Keith
I cannot believe this is being allowed to happen. Who or what is going to put a stop to this nonsense Bill
Disgusting! Norma
Absolutely not. Race has no place in any legislation. Tribal elitism is destroying the fabric of our society – the people of New Zealand need to vehemently object to this onslaught of racist legislation – Three waters, Pae Ora … the list goes on. In 1 election term this government has destroyed 80 years of democracy that our fathers and grandfathers fought for. Rick
maori are not indigenous to New Zealand. Scrap the treaty Rick
Never Ron
hahaha….what a joke ; this will turn into yet another fiasco , amongst what has already happened, too numerous to write about Roy
Absolutely not! Valda
Absolutely not. We are one people one country and the concept of providing one group special privileges reeks of apartheid. Gavin
It is all an elaborate con job based on convenient interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi and the meaning of the word ‘indigenous’. What part of ‘guaranteeing equal rights’ and ‘a race that occupied the land forever’ equals separatism or indigenous? Richard
Maori are lazy unproductive people Doug
They can’t look after themselves never mine being guardians what a joke Jimmy
I am having trouble defining how we define who are Maori. Mark
Look at the facts as outlined in this splendid piece of journalism and very obvious of the reason to oppose this Alan
New Zealand is supposed to be one nation. Division on a race basis is anathema to all right-thinking persons. Mike
give them this and what is next “THE AIR WE BREATHE” Les W
No way Mark
The flora and fauna was here long before the maori ,and have no rights at all to any of it. john
This is ludicrous and has to stop The Govt are destroying our country and culture Dividing a nation Enough is enough Jamie
once again the wedge is being driven into NZ society creating a country of two distinctly separate peoples. peter
This is racist Liz
Who guarded all the Moa and other extinct bird species? Alan
Ardern is going to far and splitting NZ up into a racist society Absolutely No good will come of this David
Not ever !!! Mark
No one should be set above anyone else. Apparently under the treaty we are all equal. Mark
Money grab John
Where is governmental transparency? If Ardern isn’t stopped we will weep for a democracy stolen while the beguiled worshipped their false idol. Ken
they showed their incompetence when they wiped out the Moa. Melahi
We have never been in partnership with maori, they swore allegiance to the queen back when the treaty was signed, I’m not happy about the way the elite iwi are trying to take over carolyn
We are one country, one people, therefore all of us are equally guardians of New Zealand%u2019s flora and fauna. Pam
Maori have no extra legal rights than any other New Zealand subject because, they ceded those rites in 1840 by signing the treaty Ath
Please call our country New Zealand and not Aotearoa. Also when giving maori terminology please give the English translation. I DO NOT speak anything but English Denis
There should be no racial discrimination in New Zealand Karl
There are many reasons for saying no. 1st: maoris are not indigenous to NZ. They immigrated here and then killed and ate the first people here.2nd : did they plant the plants that are of benefit to anyone? NO. Those p.ants were already here along with everything else, including the water from the sky. And so it goes on and on. I , like a lot of other people, including some maoris, are sick of this bullshit. It’s got to go. Peter
Day by day this country is rotting away, thanks to the insane racists in charge Patrick
They did not do a very good job ion the past and blame every one else except themselves. Digby
Not at all. The trendy current interpretation of the treaty is sham and a product of activist deceit. That our supposed representative government follows, and enforces it is just very wrong. They and their shonky treatybinterpretation need to be gone. Peter
This is the path to insanity. Ardern must be stopped. Rob
Hell no. This is ridiculous nonsense T
More racial division will result. A negative for our society! Also they have proved to have little respect for the natural environment or species eg extinction of Moa etc. Hugh
This is another diversion and another ploy by the labour government to further divide the people and divert attention away from their undemocratic operations. Robert and Louise
Absolutely not! They didn’t plant them or do the research – we’ve seen what happens when they’re given rights over things – ruination!! Gillian
kidding right? within a hundred yrs of maori arrival 3/4 of nz had been set ablaze, worlds largest eagle gone an endemic sealion seals which coated the entire coastline from north cape sth… guardians??? mark
Absolute load of nonsense we all live here so we all need to share the responsibility and the Honour of being able to share it. Laurel
This arrangement will create a racist society. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed to create a peaceful land to be shared. There is no place for Tribal elite, and it will send our country broke. Helen
NO – NO – NO – NO – NO – NO – NO – NEVER Never confirm a LIE with any form of confirmation. RICHARD
They’re good at growing gorse and broom!! Corrinne
All New Zealanders should have equal rights. mike
There is no logic to such a move Tom
Rights means responsibility for care and clearly existing disrepair is a signal that a duty of care is not met. Chris
They are not native to NZ they have no right to go govern , we were one people but not now . New Zealanders need to march on parliament and demand the governments resignation immediately and call on the Governor General to call for new elections under urgency . Ivan
The flora and fauna were here when they arrived so it was not created by them They have destroyed a lot of it including the moa and the totara forests of central Otago Arthur
Maori were responsible for the demise of 65 different fauna. Their kaitiaki is a belated effort to control yet another facet of NZ s own conservation lifetime interactions with nature as is their intention to control the coasts. and dictate terms to all tauaiwi Rayna
All New Zealanders should have equal rights/share the flora and fauna to be managed appropriately for the goodness of those who live here. Carolyn
When Maori elite cant persuade their people to get vaccinated even with monetary bribes . wake up another pending disaster for Our country. John
Maori elite and Iwi are neglecting the parks they are supposed to be protecting and taking the maintenance money and raping the land DISGUSTING our Maori Whipped government should stop paying them for this vandalism Brenda
Most of our extinct species were pushed into extinction by Maori. I think this is ludicrous Nikki
Can’t the Department of Conservation do that?  Kim
What a disgusting labour government we have. Co-governance is destroying the goodwill of millions of us who do not claim Maori members. There is so much wrong. Let’s hope above all that the new New Nation Party will right these wrongs and we can be proud of our country again. I am afraid for the future with Adern ramming through wicked laws under urgency. I am 81 years old. Pauline
This needs to be for everybody Robert
You’ve got to be kidding!!!! Another ‘we want’ to add to the list Debbie
The Treaty did not convey special rights to Maori it conveyed equal rights but has been hijacked to increasingly favour Maori. Les
The Maorification of NZ goes from bad to worse Ray
It’s all part of the racist agenda that makes me fear for the future of New Zealand Frank
New Zealand -one people -one law for all No co governance by minority indigenous new Zealanders. Judith
The dictatorship continues chris
Unequivocally no, no.no Joe
The Maori are a conquered people who [unbelievably] have been given survival rights! In history most conquered peoples are annihilated. So Maori are already extremely privileged to have an arrangement with the Queen of England and our society where they have equal rights. Wake up NZ….. Simon
what is new! bill
Especially as Maoridom does not show the slightest interest in trying to preserve some of the native species now. Bruce
Certainly not when there is no accountability from them. We are supposed to be “one people” not some more equal than others. This example only goes to show the more money we, tax payers give away for ventures of this kind, the more problems it throws up. Carol
Absolutely not, we are one country and the division this will cause is going to be a disaster to the nation. Neville
Surely the issue is what do we want NZ to be, including Treaty commitments. These discussions appear to have taken place with Maori elite, behind closed door. Completely un-democratic. Surely we are mature enough to have this discussion without it being labelled racist. Mike
Why – these are naturally occurring plants that belong to all New Zealander’s Chris
They will sit on their asses and watch it fall into ruin as with everything they steal. Richard
How can we stop her. She is a liar. Jane
Where will this madness end? I am so angry that these things remain largely hidden from the average Kiwi – thanks to a media with has been “bought off by the Govt. Dave
New Zealand – for all – one people one county Don
We’ve been fleeced over the last decades. But it’ll get a lot worse. How can we stop the rape and pillage of the country? Robin
we are all New Zealanders Bruce
Appalling. Institutional apartheid jJack
For Gods Sake! Will it ever stop? Rod
One New Zealand! Not apathied. Kevin
Look at the mess Tuhoe have caused in in our national park Ian
All laws relating to maori privilege must be repealed Brian 
I struggle even more with rights to introduced ‘colonial’ species ……. Anon
All New Zealand Biota belongs to everyone, as it always has. Kevin
Maori are still primative people without culture and standards of living and education. John
Absolutely not. Where will it all end or won%u2019t it end Neville
They cleared half the bush and extincted 35 species before European involvement. They are just another exploitive group of humans that need controlling Terry
why isnt there an uproar from the people it is not even fair to there own so called people anthony
Every week there seems to be something else popping up that puts another nail in the coffin of beautiful New Zealand. We must do something to stop this. Laraine
Absolutely never ever is race based anything acceptable, reverse racism just as distasteful! Anon
Absolutely not Derek
No – a thousand times .. NO!! russell
These species of plants were here long before Maori arrived. They didn’t plant them so they have no more right to them than any other travellers to NZ. Laura
Enough of this divisive tribal apartheid system! Wake up New Zealand! Too much damage has already been done. David
This surely must be the last straw for decent thinking New Zealanders. Can’t we get rid of Ardern and her ilk before 2023, so that all these wrongs and corrupt legislation can be repealed. Mary
It is breathtaking how every week brings a new, draconian and unprecedented attack upon NZ society and history. Tony
Ardern NZ is not the country that I grew up in or that I like. Disgusted, Age 79 Adrian
The treaty of waitangi has been completely used and abused by the upper echelon of Maori. It’s disgrace how the has been so anused Noeline 
By what right does maoridom reckon they own New Zealand ? Pete
Definitely not and it will only get worse. We just have to get rid of this dreadful Government with it’s various agendas. Alan
never,they would not know how. gerard
It is racist Barbara
This is another racist idea carl
Of course not, Maori have never had any concern for what was conversationalist until it had a $ value attached to it. They are a race of opportunists that expect everyone else to pay for their continual wantings. Ardern needs to adjust her brown tinted glasses and remove any and all apartheid legislation or disappear from our country Carolyn
Maori are not to blame as much as the Government encouraging separatism and favouritism. Brian
What nonsense Steve
Let the revolution begin and settle this once and for all. That our children are not held hostage. sam
We are one people and NZ flora and fauna is for all to enjoy not just one minority group . Judith
Wish i knew how and where i could mount a legal challenge to the LIE that Maori are or were indigenous – they arrived here about 500 yrs before my ancestors. Warwick
We are one people Sue
All New Zealanders should be treated the same. There should be no special rights or privileges at all. Jane
Maori have a lot of land now that if they chose to today or in the past -they could have made it productive. But they choose not to. Maurice
Maybe, just maybe a revitalised National party with some sense of direction, might help to restore democracy.. sure as hell wasn’t going to happen with Collins there! Rob
What a load of dangerous rubbish Bob
It belongs to us all, we are all guardians Jeanette
What a lot of rubbish, all they want to do is take, take. If it wasn’t for scientists here and overseas they would have nothing and be shortened lifespan. benjamin
Are they not first and foremost fellow New Zealanders? Further, how many species disappeared from Earth following their immigration from Hawaiiki? Affording them special rights and guardianship because they are maori only reinforces the division that is now occurring within our Nation. Tribal co-governance is not what this Nation needs or desires. Michael
I’m part Maori and totally disagree. If New Zealand is to go forward as a united country we need to include all New Zealanders as equal or it will end in bloodshed. Tribal group have got their payouts from Governments again and again and now can see that the average New Zealander just wants to get on with their lives, so the tribal elite using their Labour and Maori part members are using a long term project to gain methods to control of areas they should be for the benefits of all New Zealanders. Perhaps we should be looking a Arden’s heritage and have the Government investigate (no chance) what has bee happening. THe picture of the tractor speaks volumes. Why is our mainstream press not reporting or investigating or is it because big sister is financing them and they don’t want to lose that money stream just like the tribal elite. Alan
This is just getting ridiculous – so grateful NZCPR is keeping the pressure on Rodger
absolutely NOT Helen
Te Urewera proves the Maori co governance model is indeed fatally flawed. Lake Waikaremoana is the tip of the iceberg. Their species restoration work is failing on a large scale & years of valuable work by dedicated DoC workers has been wasted. Vivienne
We are supposed to be one country and one people. This proposal is separatism plain and simple. Allan
My background is in the horticultural industry (NZ & Aus). I attended Wai262 hearings in 2005-6 which was just the start. It never made sense then and it doesn’t now. It is a grab for ownership of something which is naturally here anyway under the bade of Taonga Robert
New Zealand flora and fauna belongs to all New Zealanders. No one group of people should have any privileges above others in a democratic society. Ann
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO – Get the message? Carl
NZ is for all NewZealnders not just 16% of the population How dare this bloody Government make 85% of us second class citizens in our own country, sooner they are gone the better Gwenda
We are all citizens of New Zealand therefore there should only be one system for all citizens. Ann
All New Zealanders are the guardians of our flora and fauna. Bronia
No the only plants they are interested in are plants that can make the parasites even more money like Dope . Things under The Tooth Fairy are going from bad to worse, thank goodness NZCPR are there to document this and similar anti European interests . When maori cannot even get off their backsides to get the jabs what hope is there for us as the losers continue to grab any and every thing of value in NZ Ray
Jacinda Adern and her old university comrades are commiting treason yet they still are walking nz streets and are not in jail,when will they be arrested and put on trial for there crimes against nz paul
It’s racist we are all equal Bill
What ever happened to “We are One People” for goodness sake. This blatant introduction of segregation must be halted. Immediately. Grahame
Just another part of the socialist divisive agenda. Graham
They are irresponsible and self serving tony
Gotta be kidding. Gravy train all the time. Jacinderella is in cuckooland. Derek
No.Just more race based decision making,enabling a further power grab to line the pockets of the elite gale
They have nothing unique to contribute Don
No bloody way…. Mike
Absolutely not, they are not Indigenous, having arrived in NZ just a few hundred years before the first Europeans(that we know of) Lionel
Definitely not! Yet another sneaky deal whilst everyone is distracted with covid, how convenient! Lorraine
No no no not now not ever Kristene
One has to conjecture as to who is behind the government’s maorification program. Tim
Stop this travesty..!! Peter
This is Racist– deb
These idiots are incapable of running a piss up in a brewery,let a lone to be `guardians ` of anything unless there is money involved.How do we let a very small percentage of the population dictate to the majority. Mike
We should all be treated equally, as New Zealanders. Jacinda Ardern is forcing racism on NZ. Douglas
Definitely not. they can’t organise anything at all. All they want is the handouts – and where does that money go? Not in maintaining the Parks. It’s disgraceful. The funding should be cut off immediately and let DOC take over. Sheila
They have over the years proven they cannot do due diligence. That is why this land put into trust is NOW going back to gorse and buildings are rotting and being abused. Carl
ALL New Zealanders should be the guardians of our flora and fauna. Diana 
Of course not RIchard
All New Zealanders should be the guardians of New Zealand’s flora and fauna. virginia
Definitely not. They have provided themselves to be useless at taking care of anything. The just want money for themselves. And what does “re-connecting Maori with Urewera’ mean? Nothing. Their funding should be cut off and DOC allowed to maintain the Park. sheila
Maoridom know no more than the rest of academia regarding the fauna and flora of New Zealand. They are ill equiped to be solely entrusted with managing our precious unique assets tony
Certainly not, they are getting all the benefits and none of the costs. The sooner Labour go the better. How can 16% of the population get so much and still don’t pay tax. Laura
Maori aren’t indigenous to New Zealand and arrived here like everyone else so shouldn’t be able to claim any special rights or privileges above anyone else living here. linda
No! And why are the Opposition parties not speaking up for those who oppose, who are a majority? What are they afraid of? We know why the media doesn’t speak up, they are paid off! Pammie
I’m sick of all this crap. I no longer live, (or want to) in New Zealand as it all just makes me angry and sick to my heart Trevor
God help us Rod
Sadly, some of their number are just as capable of desecrating flora and flora as any body else i.e extermination of the Moa in early days which is repeatable today. A joint effort would far more reliable. Barry
… they destroyed massive coastal and inland forestations by deliberate fire lighting exterminating much flora and fauna…why the hell should they be given special rights and privileges ? What a sick and sad idea. ChrisH
The whole Maori issue is totally abhor ant to many many I know Donald
This role should be left in the hands of the Department of Conservation who should have unfettered assess to all National Parks and Reserves. They have the structure, Staff and experience to continue to execute this task consistently across New Zealand Bob
The Maori’s cannot even look after themselves, let alone look after anything else. William
They are ruining our beautiful country this is apartheid – why can’t people see it ? sheryl
God forbid. Any ‘Guardians’ should have to qualify according to their knowledge, experience and ability – not because of their race. Wendy
This privilege has to be earned with botanical knowledge, a sense of humanitarianism and not entitlement, for the good of all mankind, race or creed and much honesty whilst protecting OUR beautiful fauna and flora. Anne
Never David
One nation one people we are not an apartheid country John
No, Maori should not be given special rights and privileges. We are ALL EQUAL in New Zealand regardless of our ancestors and we all have a responsibility to look after New Zealand’s flora and fauna. Marg
Not at already Warrick
Under no circumstances should people who had no idea how to analyse the properties of species profit from the work of others who have that ability. The same goes for minerals Peter
Definitely not. No group should be given any special rights and or privileges over anyone else. Lynne
No. These acts are purely racial. It is becoming clear that a Repealing Act of Parliament should be enacted as soon as the present regime is fired. Richard
Absolutely not. Murray
Maori should not be given any extra rights than any other New Zealanders. Mike
Absolutely no, they have shown in many ways that they cannot look after themselves, the covid-19 being the latest example despite once again being given millions of dollars which has been squandered by the so called Maori aristocracy who are nothing but a bunch of money grabbers for their own use These Maori are a disgrace to humanity and should be deported back to where their ancestors originally came from, along with Jacinda Tom
Its just another power and money grab by Maori elite. Joan
HELL NO civl war is where this country is going, I was born here but am made by the govt & media to fell I am not welcome in my own country, the Moari elite only want to feather their own nests they do not care about New Zealand & it’s people, New Zealand needs to be a colour blind society that it is except for all this Moari grevince bullstit Nigel
We are totally against giving a race based group special rights to the countrys flora and fauna. This is an area where all residents of NZ must be treated as individuals and not as racial groups. I would ask if we are one country or are we to be divided by race based legislation. If we are to be based on racial grouping we tread a dangerous path which would be detrimental to the unity of our people and the country. Brian
NO,NO,NO!Not under any stretch of the imagination. They will screw it up as they do with everything else and then blame whites for not helping them. Peter
Definitely rocksolid NO, NO, NO. It’s way past time maori has to know they are equal citizens not co-owners or co- governing people of NEW ZEALAND!!! They are less than 20% of the total population and have no legal rights to claim what does not belong to them. John Key also had no right to set this attitude into our nation. We will be a happier people when truth rules here. CM
New Zealand for all New Zealanders Ray
We are all equal Janet
More apartheid in NZ. When will we become one people. Rob
We are all NZers including Maori. God gave us all the fauna and flora, it is His not Maori. Ian
Just another gravy train trough for the elite maori Lionel
One nation one people lindsay
Only if they owned the land immediately following the treaty of Waitangi. All other public land is covered by the state. Shirley
Disaster in the making. Geoffrey
Why ruin a good country Ken
I know from personal experience their is 1 law for Maori & 1 law for Pakeha Roydon
Absolutely not Barbara
The destruction of NZ as we new it is well underway Robin
Tired of apartheid here eira
We are one people. Giving Maori rights of co- governance is insane and will threaten democracy as we know it Michael
We should focus on being colour blind, not dividing by race. We need to stop rewriting the treaty Waitangi to fit some ideological agenda. We are all New Zealanders. John
Manuka is not indigenous, it is endemic as the exact same plant grows naturally in Australia. Murray
Dam Nonsense. Darren
Maori have already claimed and extracted, under false pretenses, too many rights and privileges as it is. Under the Waitangi Treaty they ceded their rights to the crown in return for equal rights as citizens of NZ and the British Empire. They got a damned good deal and have been trying to welsh on it ever since in a greedy attempt to better themselves the easy way. Ron
Ask the moa about Maori guardianship john
They don’t look after anything Rita
The question is broad, the answer must be broad. Maori will eat the pests that DOC would dump 1080 on. Maori will put to good use a dead tree that DOC would leave to fall in river or sea to become dangerous. Or left to rot and carry fire. Maori may well return to dream lands and learn, grass is not green by chance. John
a waist of time and money as usual they take and dont deliver do we not learn from our history j Ducker
New Zealand is heading into an enormous black abyss if this racist take over is not stopped – NOW. Stuart
No – they have no love for any of it other than money grubbing Tom
democracy is precious, let’s keep it John
‘What do you think, Sherlock’?! Michael
Racism Greg
Absolutely not all New Zealanders should be treated equally Mike
no they dont own NZ, end of story graeme
This government is taking us further down the slippery slope of no return. She will not listen to any protests as she is driven by her own ideology. Lawrie
They are utterly irresponsible and can’t look after anything. Maori need to set their house in order first – ie protect children from abuse, partners from violence, give up alcohol and drugs and get some pride in their way of life. Grow their own vegetables and teach their families by example how to live a life which others can show respect to and of. valerie
That would be like giving New Zealand to a tribe of Stone Age people Mike
They can’t manage that sort of responsibility. Michael
Absolutely NOT – how can anyone possibly get an appreciation of our flora and fauna in their genes somehow! Bizarre and racist – really racist!! Roger
No more rights than any other NZer. Graham
What next, this lot just want, want, want and this government just want to give,give,give what the hell next? if any other ethnic group in this country did the same they would be shot down in flames. I say go to hell and work for things don’t keep crying over this and that and just want want want, for god sake the rest of us have had a guts full of this crap. COLIN
Absolutely NOT ….history shows us that ‘they’ have never “looked after” anything, just look at all the failed enterprises that ‘they’ have been given to manage…….just about all of them failed or needed bailing out. Special rights ? what for, what makes ‘them’ eligible for Special rights, how do I go about getting myself and my family on that list for consideration. Tony
HEL NO!!!! Andy
We need a government with enough guts to challenge and obliterate this nonsense judith
There is no special partnership – we are all equal under the Treaty. Gerry
This is moving way beyond being ok. The damage being wrought by a self obsessed control driven fanatic has reached lunacy proportions. She is no longer fit to govern and her actions and decisions (if you can call them that) are consistent with someone who wants to destroy our country. The components of this He Puapua document, if completely passed, will create apartheid such as this country has never seen before. She has to be stopped and waiting until the next election (if she doesn’t postpone it) will be too long and irreparable damage will have been caused to our nation and it%u2019s people. Heather
Definitely not but what can we do about it Geoff
Absolutely not. We should all be equal. Deryn and John 
We are all one in NZ ingrid
I read this article when Stuff published it. and I was surprised it was. However, a real good example of what New Zealanders can expect. The sad thing is that most New Zealanders don’t know it’s happening and think Jacinda is the best thing since sliced bread. One day hopefully they may wake up before it turns into burnt toast! The direction this country is heading is of huge concern now and for future generations. Chris
All nz citizens are equal Dave
Their administration is not subject to the democratic process and leads to tribal domination of the assets concerned to the prejudice of the general public. David
Maori are the worst when looking after N Z land scape and you only have to look at how they rape and pillage the ocean and have made extent some bird species and you only have to look at the condition of Maori land plus their own houses go up north to the likes of the Hokianga and you will see how they live .The bad Maori far out weigh the good and those so called Maori elite are the worst when looking after the flora and fauna and taking koha is of right. ken
Maori are introduced to NZ just like everyone else. When will this insanity be stopped?? God save New Zealand, since no one else seems to want to, please please please!! Tina
Again something for nothing. Will drive research offshore where not hampered by useless regulation and if royalties demanded decrease the competitiveness and rewards for those that creat. Stop leeching and creat some real value. Bruce
they are supposed to be equal citizens under the terms of the treaty.( the pitiful attempt to clain ‘partnership must be rejected ) james
NO! Tribalism will allow the rape of flora and fauna. The only way to preserve it is to secure private property rights regardless of race or skin colour. Don
definitely not Lorraine
We need a referendum asking if New Zealander’s support Co – Governance. Would National & Act arrange this? Nigel
Jacinda Arderns government is establishing aparteid & division on all fronts in this country at an alarming rate. Whatever happened to the Team of 5 million. She seems hell bent on dividing this country by whatever means she can. Jillian
enough is enough! graham
Definitely NOT Helen
We are one or so said Jacinda. Really! How can that be when privileges based on race are promulgated? WE ARE ONE NATION of many peoples & cultures. I say NO. Doug
NO – this is becoming – too stupid for words. When are the majority of NZ’s going to say NO MORE of this bulldust. Roy
How many more stupid and racist Laws is this Gummint going to dish up to line the pockets of Maori Elite, who. Are not about their own race and the hardship continually experienced without any assistance from the M.E.? Robyn
It is incomprehensible that just a few short years ago one could have imagined that the country could be well and truly on this crazy ideological path. All while the bulk of our people remain oblivious as to what is happening. I so fear for this country of ours. Tony
We have now been made aware how NZ assets eg walk ways and lakes to start with have been left to ruin. Shocking June
Absolutely not. Time to take a stand Ann
The fact that we are even asking questions like this indicates that something seems to be going seriously wrong with our thought processes Mark
Guardians on what basis? All their ancestors did was wipe out the Moa and burn the great forest that covered the East Coast of the South Island. This is all about guarding the public money trough. Gary
I’m now starting to think that I live in Disney Land. Have these people completely lost it. The answer is NO. ENOUGH! chris
They cant look after themselves let alone our flora and fauna – must have hand outs to do anything including getting out of bed each morning. Marion
No No No No. This is getting way out of control. Murray
We are suppose to be all one people David
Too often over many years we have seen beautiful areas of NZ ruined while under the governance of Maori. They Seem to be only interested in money. I saw that during my working career when a certain piece of land that was apparently treasured was offered as part of a treaty settlement. It was refused and the request was for other land that was generating a profit. That reinforced my opinion. Watch what happens with DOC in the years to come if they cant look after the pristine Waikaremoana area. It is a disgrace. Dell
Never, and neither should any other exclusive group Peter
Racism of the highest order Alistair
so we have to work and pay they sit around and dance and tell stories , donot think it is right Pieter
There are no longer any true Maori left in NZ. Do any Maori therefore give any credit to their own genealogical non Maori component? David
Your artricle said it all.!!!~ Barry
Let’s hope New Zealanders see sense soon Kevin
Transferring democracy and decision making to tribal elite. M/s Ardern is truly on a mission to rereshape New Zealand and destroy any unity. This is madness and rotten to the core Jeff
No this is a disgrace we are heading deeper into apartheid and the Government want to give them more money, rights and privileges. Trish
Why?? John
That is why the government has DOC to do. If Maori want to ‘help’ let them get a job with DOC, who do an amazing job, recognised worldwide David
Absolutely not! Moyra
Doesn’t seem like that one race has the ability to care for anything Maxine
No! No! 1000 times no! JA and her “comrades” ar systematically dividing this country: Maori against the other 85% of the population; vaxed vs unvaxed; tenants vs landlords – the list goes on. She and her party are indeed not to be trusted in any way. The sooner this corrupt and disorganised lot are thrown out, the better for us all – well, except the Maori elite who have done well from her because of Maori Labour MPs who, it’s very clear, aree running Cabinet, and therefore Parliament. Laurence
Until we are a totally colourblind society we will not succeed. The nats are currently picking a new leader and deputy They must be both anti GW BS and anti Treaty BS plus anti Vax mandates RFG
There is no basis whatsoever to give Maori any special rights or special ownership of any physical or non physical things that are deemed public property. Maori do not have any special rights over and above all other New Zealanders. The Treaty of Waitangi certainly does not give them any special rights over and above all other citizens of this country. New Zealand’s intellectuals have driven our country down this disastrous and destructive path due to their envy of the success of NZ’s commercial operators who are the real drivers of this country’s financial and social advancement. Garry
Every week, the Maori activist element demonstrate that they are totally incapable of manging any thing. They can’t maintain a footpath, how on earth do they believe that they can manage a country; they just need to look at the mess that Ardern and Robertson have created with their lack of business experience. Bob
I say no to apartheid policy Rex
Maori dont know haw to be guardians of any thing , they can not even look after them selves unless you throw a lot of money at them Colin
Flora and fauna so described shall be overcome by noxious weeds. Too much physical work for Maori to be involved. Karen
Giving everything it seems to the Maori is not right. None of us own the land or the sea or the sky, we are caretakers of it all – Maori are abusing this, taking the money first and doing what they like with it. I am so angry Kerin
How many times do we have to say that colour of skin (race) has no place in NZ society. Paloma
Absolutely not. Graeme
Maori should have no privileges over and above another citizens of New Zealand. We have all contributed to this country and must therefore all be able to enjoy the fruits of our labours – not just some of us based on blood line. MarK
Turns every concept of democracy in this land on it’s head. If that can get traction then what about age accumulation of guardianship rights on the grounds that the longer you have been here….? All ridiculous. Alan
All qualified New Zealanders should have equal rights and privileges as Gaudians Doug
Why should a specific ethnic group be given rights and privileges above all other New Zealanders! They do not hold extraordinary skills, knowledge or scientific expertise above all other native NZers. This is just another racist initiative that this and preceding govts have pit into place, pandering to them. Attempting to make up for some perceived guilt, that they have inherited from their ancestors. We are all citizens of this country, with equal rights, as per the Treaty of Waitangi. It’s long past due, that we, as a country get over this “mea culpa ” syndrome and move forward united as one people. James
I am so disgusted to read about the Urerewa parks decline ,having hunted in many water catchments around the park to now read that Tuhoi want hand outs from the Government to do what!!!! pocket these funds!!!!They will let the whole area fall into a wild maze due to no maintenance….’them white folks know how to look after things brother” Karl
Absolutely and totally NO! Donald
I was told by an educated Maori in 1976 that their ambition was “to get NZ back” and now our stupid naive MPs are assisting the process. The end result will be the ruination of out beautiful country. Keith
What has race have to do anything with who is ‘looking after flaura and fauna’ even if that position does require some autonomous body outside existing councils and authorities (which imho it doesn’t). Pavel
Everyone has a role to play as guardians of New Zealand. Increasingly New Zealand is becoming a country of ‘us’ and ‘them’. As far as flora and fauna goes, they are colour blind to these immutable traits. Janine
We believe New Zealand is a democracy whereby all citizens and residents are involved in decision making on these types of issues. Harry and Jill
New Zealanders should be an inclusive culture Sue
Bloody hell, enoughs enough, my son lives in Sydney he wants to come home I told him stay there if NZ continues like this I might sell up and move over there I would be selling millions of dollars worth of property to do it, I feel some of us that have worked hard could loose most of what we have in tax’s to fund Maori Mark
The only way forward is for all citizens to be equal irrespective of race. Dave
We are all NZers and we all need to all contribute to our natural heritage. This policy in my view will lead to more uneccessary and unhelpful division John
This is not the country of freedom and tolerance I grew up in. Apartheid cannot become the future of NZ, our children and grandchildren are already being indoctrinated by the socialist/communist teaching fraternity Ihaia
No way should that happen. Mike
They have never looked after anything and I am pretty sure that’s not about to change now Mark
I say no because of the Moa were wiped out by maori along with other species, so I don’t see any advantages with them being “guardian” of flora and fauna judging by past history. Gavin
New Zealand flora and fauna belongs equally to every New Zealander Wietske
Maoris hunted 28 species of birds into exstinction before europeans arrived Stanley
Follow the money Zoran
No ! we are one people. True Maori no longer exist after 200 years of mixed breeding. Part Maori have no special rights. The treaty Granted EQUAL RIGHTS AS one pEOPLE. DON.
Most land, etc given to maori has fallen intp disuse wayne
Who killed of the moas Huias etc Ranald
New Zealanders which includes Maori do not want separitism of any kind as it will and has started tearing our gorgeous country apart. Families are being pulled away from each other. Most Maori people I know or come in contact with are just like me reasonable lovely New Zealanders and none of us like what is happening. barbara
This is apartheid all over again, and to think this is being proposed as a solution in a modern democracy is total madness. Jan
Monstrousely stupid tony
This and everything else that is being forced upon us is a total disgrace! Our PM should be removed from the role. John
I reject 262 whole heartedly Alan
overwhelming despair that this question even arises! murray
There was no mandate in labour’s election manifesto conferring Adern to treat Maori any differently to other new Zealanders Alan 
Dept of Conservation works for all NZ’ers. Murray
Proof in the existing pudding! Colin
No! Lee
How can voters be so blind and uniformed? Adrian
They have had to much already Dave
Enough is way more than enough Raewyn
The team of five million should be the guardians. Race should have nothing to do with it. Dennis
Everyone EQUAL Gill
To suggest that Maori have special rights in any facet of NZ life is pure evil. Apartheid is a failed system around the world and it is slowly failing in NZ. I fear bloodshed in this country before Apartheid is beaten in NZ. So why is the EVIL labour party so hell bent on destroying NZ in this manner? Geoff
We can’t promote the division this legislation could provoke. Great work commercialising the unique features off many of our (All of NZ’s) native and other plants has already been done. The imposition of a law like this could result in confiscation of valuable national assets. Murray
This will end in tears! Grant
Racism continues through out N.Z. Ann
Ha ha ha this is a Joke isn’t it? White slavery, underdogs, property relegation to Maori. this is basically WAR!!! It is against all Human Rights. David
Rights based on race can only lead in one direction – social division. (this could be the long term plan of course!) John
Absolutely not We need a robust health system ot one based on race Tony
Seems everyone except this racist Labour government knows ghat the co-governance model is a recipe for disaster with years of social pain. They are pandering to Maori elites to keep themselves in power at great expense to the general public of New Zealand. I ask how this helps the thousands of urban Maori who today are worse off as state dependants despite years and billions of $$ of treaty settlements. Mike
Definitely not. Flora & fauna belong to all New Zealanders, not just to ‘our people’ Neville
Maori with their snouts in the gravy yet again – that’s how I see it. Kevin
We should have no race based legislation. Lynne
Like it or not we are multi cultural and are all emigrants!! Hitlers aim was a superior Aryan race looks like Maori are heading same way Chris
Total sham. Can you imagine if they get control of water as well? Graeme
Maori as “guardians” is a bloody joke. Firstly remember that it is the ancestors of the part Maori elite that made sure that the NZ Moa and Huia are no longer living and the tribal chief’s in todays world pretend to be standing proud draped in cloaks of the feathers of both animals that they killed.. Barry
It is a constitutional impossibility to have both co-government and democracy. Andy
unfair gareme
Shes gotta go Dennis
tribalism led to Maori pleading for European courts to be set up to control barbaric behaviour. And you think this won’t happen again NZ. Tony
Nonsense. Garry
They are no different from any New Zealander no matter what race and this is just another form pushing the Maori race card down our throats Kevin
No just no. No racial privilege for any group is acceptable in NZ. Brian
Such a move will signal the end of democracy in New Zealand. You can’t ring fence parts of a country without creating strife. Civil unrest is looming as a result of the stupid actions of weak politicians. Graeme
For one thing, they don’t deserve it. Chris
The flora and fauna belong to us ALL. ALL NEW ZEALANDERS Jacque
In three words; Raglan Golf Course! Sharron
They were not first in NZ..they conquered this land just as the British did after them. No special rights..they ruin everything given and a few top ones rip off the rest. Barbara
These power hungry Maori activists have held our country back for decades and thanks to adern are ruining our country who in gods name do they think they are. They are in my pinion a bunch of greedy racists Warren
What are the opposition parties doing about this and raising public awareness of and opposition to these moves.? Brian
DEFINITELY NOT. More bloody REVERSE racism which is f….ing our NEW ZEALAND. Brian
We are all New Zealanders. This division is not helpful at all. David
Should be “New Zealanders” not this continual separatist based on part ancestry Tony
All this is assuming moari were the indigenous race of NZ. T^his is total fallasy as we all know. . Michele
No one sector of New Zealand should have that privilege. Kel
NZ is going backwards in its democratic principles so fast it is very scary Sarah
Complete refund of any settlements to date if such a law passed. Kevin
No,no,no!Surely the time has come to express as forcibly as cane legally, a vote of no confidence in the present government. Paul
Absolutely NO Anne
The Moa and Hearst eagle were the biggest land bird and flighted bird on the planet, they were gone with the first the current group claiming precedence over the the rest of the population in a liberal free domocracy. Don’t understand it. Brian
Absolutely NOT! Apartheid is not the New Zealand way, based on British democracy. Lois
No – the only “guardianship” they are interested in is the one way cashflow from the NZ taxpayer to their elitist coffers! And as for the Ureweras – DOC needs to pull all their workers and gear out of there and leave the tribalist ratbags to it – if they want to live in a pigsty of their own making, then they can do it without taxpayer funding. High time this legalised extortion was dealt with once and for all – it has been going on for far too long! Scott
All NZ assets should be owned and controlled democratically to the advantage of all with no special benefits for any race. Peter
Most definitely NOT Ian
All the people present in New Zealand are the guardians of its flora and fauna. Henk
That Maori have not shown themselves to be ‘guardians’ of much else (inc wood pigeons shellfish, fresh water fish, etc) it would be a mistake to believe that they could be ‘guardians’ of flora and fauna. Michael
Democracy must prevail not the minority’s having control over the majority. Stephen 
Access should be available to all New Zealanders to utilise native plants Lesley
Man are we in trouble. Feral tribalism has returned to these lands thanks to the bunch of excited socialist ex student union presidents finding themselves in absolute power and hostage to maori racist extremists hell bent on defying the Waitangi deal their part-ancestors (both parties), struck. Don Brash’s longtime warnings will haunt NEW ZEALND taxpaying citizens for many years to come. The NZ female voter (58%), unfounded on any policies other than a kind, working mum, need to have a long hard look at what they have done and remember it until and including the next election. Winson’s utu has backfired into a total disaster. Thanks mate! By the way, what was Mahuta and her henchman really doing in Canada as our Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade? Creed
I wish I could write what I’m feeling!!!! Raewyn
To do so further goes down the road of apartheid Graeme
No way! Situation going from bad to worse. Thanks to dishonest media reporting. Dell H
Peak racism!!! Roger
Absolutely not! Their present and past behaviour shows they are not up to the task, and that claiming this position is just power and money seeking! Brenda
Given responsibility to anything is proven beyond their competence to mage, direct or improve. due in main ti their self entitled assumption of rights on anything they take as their own. Mismanage, wreck steal being their own mandate. at the expense of the majority. They lost the war to boot 1860!! have learnt nothing. always moan moan never constructive positives in options. mike
Apartheid in NZ will lead to racial division, conflict and death for many!! John
Bloody hell, anyone who has no maori blood will be treated as second class citizens if they bow before the maori elite and those who stand up to the maori elite will be treated as third class citizens. Karl
No Way arthur
Do Maori believe that they’ve created NZ’s flora & fauna!? Margaret
wern’t maori responsible for the extinction of moa? chris
It divides the country by ethnicity Peter
A revolt against the Ardern Govt is what is needed Frank
They cant be trusted either to look after NZ assets or to honour any promises or agreements. They are only interested in financial reward for a few greedy elders. They do NOTHING for the general Maori people and certainly nothing for anyone else. Alan
What about the moa? Paul
Muriel says it all. June
NOoooooooooo! Norman
Why should they get privileges, they are no different to anyone else Clive
Fark NO G
Where will it end!! Thank you Muriel for keeping us informed. It is hard to even keep up with the changes, never mind doing something to stop it! Marianne
Absolutely NOT. Waikaremoana is an example of what a maori tribe will do! Remember the Raglan golf course ? Darryl
Not with their current track record. Graeme
This is another idiotic structure that will widen the gap between New Zealanders Robert
Jacinda Ardern and her government have no mandate to appoint special governance rights over New Zealand’s flora and fauna to any group in New Zealand . Her rejection of democracy and democratic processes would suggest she is unable to understand the difference between high school role playing and the responsibility she owes to all New Zealanders as prime minister. I seriously doubt Ms Ardern and her government have any idea how destructive this will be to the future economic well being and social cohesiveness of this wonderful nation. One nation, one people. Donald
An unrelated question that should be asked. This week a law was passed legalizing iwi check points on state hiways. What rights does this now give these untrained iwi. Will they be armed? Gary
It is a disgraceful notion and should be stopped immediately. Maori have no more right to claim ownership of any flora or fauna than any other NZ citizen. Alastair
they decimated other Maori and the Moa . john
lets make new zealand a democratic country with everyone having equal rights murray
I do not support apartheid Keith
Why do we keep giving stuff away. It’s like another whole level of tax on all these things. Andrew
Its time this country treated all its residents the same and equally with no favour. The Labour party needs to GO. Bill
Maori have desecrated the flora and fauna of the country for a long period of time. Mores so than the Europeans. They hunted the moa, the huia and many other species to extinction. They did not take care of the very land given to them; instead they exploited it. Mainly by leasing it to Europeans. In more recent times they claimed the right to fishing and then sold off these rights to foreigners. Simple really – you abuse : you lose!!! Peter
Never in a thousand sunsets! ,Dave
This article says it all. Maori should not be given special rights or privileges to anything. Maori destroyed everything and everybody they could, even before Britain offered them the opportunity to become civilized and educated. They have failed on both counts, despite being given billions of dollars of tax payers money and special treatment that no other NEW ZEALANDER receives. Its time to stop all this crap, and for LAW AND ORDER TO TAKE OVER! Des
No Maori should not be given special rights and privileges as “guardians”. We are one here in NZ. Next they would demand a money for use to use any of the flora and fauna. Frank
How are suppose to be one country. Jan
Definitely no!!!!! Margaret
what they are saying is I don’t know what it is good for or what it is but when you find out you can pay me if you wont to use it Noel
It is very simplistic, however all New Zealanders own, and are responsible for flora & fauna. The theory that only part-Maori have special connection or rights over these natural occurring trees, plants and animals is unreasonable and ridiculous. Mark
Definitely and absolutely NOT,and under no circumstances !!?? David
He Pua Pua means total economic and social destruction Raymond
Back to the Tribal Stone-age and apartheid. What bunch of ‘Retards’ would think of this, in the first place !! geoff
NZ is supposed to be a democratic nation, with ALL people of any race or creed being equal in stance! Roy
Definitely NOT! Civil War is the prognosis for my children and grandchildren. The thought brings tears to my eyes. Our beautiful country imploding into Civil War. Terrible. Elizabeth
It would be as well to remember that the maoris were stone-age people 250 years ago. Apparently, in the intervening period, they have grasped the concept of underhanded subterfuge very well and are trying to regain the country they lost, by claiming ‘rights’ that they never had, and playing the race card at every opportunity. Their claim to ‘co-governance’ is so ridiculous as to be laughable. It can be nothing other than a stepping-stone to full governance, and when they achieve that, we – and the ‘rank and file’ maoris – had better watch out. Does New Zealand law not have an act covering treason?. If so, does Miss Ardern’s current policy fall under any of its provisions? TOBY
totally fed up with the way maori has crept into everyday life .tv1 uses maori names instead of Auckland etc ,,gov departments changed to maori names instead of what we knew them as ..had a guts full mac
Only if it really is for the protection of our natural resources and not a money grab. Jan
This nonsence has to stop. David
Ethnicity should not be a reason for special privileges or governance in our society and which also provides for monetary gain once these privileges are UN-democratically sanctioned. Steve
Unless of course you are trying to create racial division. Then do exactly that. Jase
Maori have proved they are incapable of running anything. for the benefit of non-Maori. It’s all about the money. I just wish they’d look after their own. Christine
Absolutely not. Return Nz to colour blind fully democratic elected process. Alan
No, No, No… Bill
Absolutely not. Guardians of NZ flora and fauna? Just ask the Moa about the preservation measures adopted by maori. Moa hunted to extinction by maori before they turned on themselves and became cannibals. Chris
yes and no, NO to this corporate parasite jurisdiction which the 1% maori thrive on, and YES to the He Whakaputanga jurisdiction 1835 and the United Flag, Read the Te Taumata Kaumatua O Ngapuhi Nui Tonu – He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga documents Article 1 2 3 4, and you see our future laid out for us, you might not like it but it where we need to start again.. wayne
Undemocratic because it has not been discussed publicly and no reason to give 50% control of assets to16% of the population Janie
Hell NO dave
Definitely NOT , whatever they touch goes backwards Roger
Bloody bullshit Allan
of course not norman
Absolutely not. They have shown themselves incapable, or largely in disregard of anything which they cannot see a personal benefit from. They do not act in the best interests of New Zealand as a whole. Harvey
We have seen over the years that any land acquired by Maori is left to wrack and ruin. Alexia
Had enough of this type of rubbish. All citizens of N Z should be treated the same and have the same rights Michael
More racism gone mad Bruce
Definitely no way we can be that nev kath
Stop this nonsense now before it is too late. Lois
It is absolutely ridiculous that in this day and age something like this could even be considered never mind implementing! Des
More division and segregation. I do wonder what the true reason is for the divide? Using Maori as enforcers of Ardern’s new world order? Phil
Most land given back to Maori is in total disrepair. As for this statement above . That is beyond my belief. How can we stop what this devious PM is doing to our country?.. Heather
Vote as much as we like – its in law now hidden under a veil of equality rules so the lawyers will advise its correct. Bob
Maoris should not get any special right Full Stop. If they want it, make them prove that they deserve it and not just waste what we have worked hard for over the decades for al New Zealanders. They will ruin the lot. Graham
The ONLY hope for the future of New Zealand is that we immediately or as swiftly as possible adopt an ethnicity free status over all aspects of life in NZ. Bill
All New Zealanders are responsible for the flora and fauna of New Zealand. No one race should have more say than another. Lorraine
We are support to be one people. I doubt that there are any real Maori left thought inter marriage Etc Les
Your latest post shows what happens when people sense absolute power and are determined to go for it. Unfortunately people are so obsessed with covid with daily negative reports they are not looking at everything else being shoved through parliament. Bev
Let us cut to the chase: From the first moments following their arrival in New Zealand Maori ruthlessly killed and stripped everything they could from the country they found. Do not give me bullshit about Maori being the great conservators. Just take a look at all the evidence, much of it still visible. One estimate is that it took them only ten years to totally destroy every variety of moa. Just take a look at the middens still available at hundreds of sites around New Zealand where Maori gathered and collected food for eating. You can still see stacks of shell from the shellfish they ate %u2026 but hang on a moment, what are all those tiny shells, some little bigger than a pinhead, doing along with the shells of mature shellfish? Clearly the people who gathered and ate the shellfish also scraped up even baby shells, too small to even make soup. There was no food value there but these primitive rapists were quite indescriminate. Clearly it was no concern of theirs that the baby shellfish were destroyed along with the edible ones. “Guardians?” Yeah, right! Rob
The alleged special connection to environment and nature of Maoris is based on their primitive animistic believes which, as being de facto religious, have no place in a secular state. The second point is that when you look around you just cannot see the practical beneficial outcome of Maori guardianship, just the opposite. The most important point is that we still live in democracy where all citizens have the same rights and duties as it is stated in the third article of the Treaty of Waitangi. Alexandra
Absolutely NOT. NZ is made up of many Ethnicities, we should all be treating each other the same. UNITED. helen
Never! New Zealand’s flora and fauna is for every New Zealander. Ron
Another ludicrous decision. Tony
Absolutely NOT! Murray
Maori seem incapable of looking after their own personal health, as witness their pathetic response to Covid vaccination! As for the flora and fauna, the way Maori rape & pillage NZ flora & fauna, there wouldn’t be enough money for them, and their knowledge & work ethic is pathetic! Tom
The desecration and neglect of NZs treasured Lake Waikaremoana says it all. Money, money and more money, and control. Look around NZ at all the rusting old cars on Maori homes, the growth of gorse on land that I cynically say ‘must be Maori Land’ says it all. All due to multi ownership of said land, our local councils say they cannot rate said land because they don’t know (or want to know) who the owners are. I’m fed up with hearing ToW, Maori, Maori, Maori. History shows that had these tribal genocidal Stone Age people had been left to their own murderous ways for another 20 years, NZ wouldn’t be having the problems, and devisivness we are now experiencing. Carolyn
Definitely NO ERIC
Colour Blind MP,s MUST be told this is NZ where we are ALL EQUAL & if they support THREE WATER ACT they are giving ALL NZ done & will loose votes as the water belongs to NO-ONE its free & comes from the sky & no matter what maori say NO-ONE OWNS THE SKY..Their grandfathers & great grandfathers BUILT ALL THE ASSETS jacinda is giving away & NZ is for EVERY-ONE NOT JUST 17%. Cindy
no way STAN
I am old enough to remember what the Raglan Golf course looked like before and after the Waitangi Tribunal settlement. Accordingly an very firm NO from me. Ian
Absolutely not. This farce that Maori are the protectors of the land and waterways has been going on for years. They are holding our country New Zealand to ransom. Mary
SA Apartheid – NZ style! Peter
Only elite Maori will benefit. We need a colour blind society where we are all equal. Liz
This is totally ridiculous. Non of this was developed by Maori. How can they say that pine trees were part of their kaitiaki this is total BS Andrew
terrible idea, maori not special,should not have opportunity to suck all the value from nz natural world. alister
This is typical of what happens when a few elite get in control of gov sponsored projects,it turns to utter shambles. Ken
Apartheid! Ruining NZ Chrysta
Just NO ! I’m sick of their bloody gripes and poor us, just get out and vaccinate for a start—will you. Colin
We are all mongrels Maori included. All these rights should be invested in all of us. Maori should participate in control. Shaun
We are all guardians. Remember Maori also destroyed many forests before the European arrived. Ed
not at all, We New Zealand citizens are the ‘Guardians’ also if given to Maori it will just slip back to Manuka etc. Rod 
NZ is becoming a place which is unliveable for good people. Howard
What the hell is Jacinta Adern thinking? John
NO, NO and NO!!!! Dianna
We are all people of NZ and we are all equally responsible. Neil
Not until they can assure all New Zealanders that the status would will not change. E.g Tuhoe’s results. Hone
Normally i would say no, but now i think maybe yes. The govt is trying to (going to) take everything; just look at what is happening in the Northern Territory (Aus) – the govt is trying to steal valuable land from the Original People of Aus. and committing heinous acts in the process. Let’s not make it easy for our govt to do the same. Lea
Give them nothing Peter
This is APARTEID and sociopathic as is the Adern Government. charles
They’ve been given too many ‘special rights’. About time this racist nonsense was stopped. Will
No one should be given special rights Lyn
they only represent 14% of our population, 14% is all they should guardian. christina
An elite globalist at work furthering the cause of elite globalism, to the detriment of the citizenry. Robert
If Waikaremoana is an example of what happens when the ‘guardians’ take over, no thanks. Steph
This proposal represents a hardening of the apartheid society this Govt is working so hard to achieve John
It’s a def NO from me ? This is totally out of hand band it won’t be long before someone takes the law into their own hands !! He Puapua needs to be stopped in its track now Karen
If they are doing it for the right reasons of protecting the flora and fauna then I think it is okay but if it is just for money spinning purposes then no. Lyn
Definitely not. Your comments about Lake Waikarimoana is just a sample of what will happen to the rest of our World famous National Parks Warren
It is time to put the Waitangi bullshit to bed, we all need to be New Zealanders Paul
Two glaring examples: Haast’s Eagle and the moa, both plentiful in pre-European times and extinct before nasty white colonisers arrived. Fact check: did any Europeans ever see a live moa or Haast’s Eagle? Linzey
we all live in new zealand. rights have just been abolished by the crappy government. we are NEW ZEALAND not divie by race creed colour or vaccine passports. i want free and objective news reporting from around the globe unbiased . this government is acting out all of the legislation is has passed in the past as its own terroist and we stand by ‘she’ll be right ‘ . now we need to do some truthfull reflection as to when this country will be whole again . and what we as the people who the government is not to oppress actually want to be into dark apparteid , totalitarin commmunist regime by some headless chicken who abandoning all her citizens in the hope of completing Facism . this is very dangerous time for our beautiful country and its almost too late to turn this around. Its just about too late for the emporers new clothes. Perhaps we need a coup dragging the 3 of them chained together through the streets naked and whimpering to a prison camp where they live in empty shipping containers and all who come to visit in support get to stay there wtih them .. rant over oh and this an act of sedition? maybe come and arrest me , this is my truth and i own that alex
It is all very well for me to vote “NO”, but this does nothing to halt the progress of separatism in NZ. With the Government now paying the media to not challenge anything given, gifted to Maori because of the supposed “partnership” there is little to stop the demise of democracy in NZ. Phil
racism is being motivated by race ian
This is not what I believe the intent of the treaty of Waitangi. Apartied is going to ruin this country, I will vote with my feet if this continues. William
No the flora and fauna belongs to all New Zealanders Kylie
No Kiwi , worthy of the name, should be horrified at what this labour Govt. is trying to seperate us all by race Peter
Never…. Jacinda and her treasonous band of marxist, racist rebels have gone stark raving mad. They need to go,,,,and soon ! Peter
I said back in Helen Clark’s reign, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. DISGUSTING!! Terry
Absolutely not, one country one people Peter
Enough is enough !! Geoffrey
I fear if the government does not drop this co government nonsense this country, ie NEW ZEALAND IS HEADING FOR CIVAL WAR!!! Neil
I’m sure there are some, but I don’t know even 1 Maori who wants to be a part of this stuff- and I do know quite a few who are at least part-Maori, including some family members by marriage. It’s starting to look like we might need to become victims of a foreign invasion to sweep this rubbish aside. It certainly doesn’t look like any of our own politicians are likely to do it. Ian
We are supposed to be one nation – regardless of race. Jim
The biggest mistake ever made by the Brits is: stopping the carnage maori did to themselves and not discarding the treaty of Waitangi which Aparima has said many times in the part. What a mess is this woman creating. peter
This is blatant theft of property and rights, being stolen from ALL New Zealanders. John
Stop this!!! Dave
We are one people Maggie
It belongs to us all as New Zealanders, we cannot accept splitting our country on racial lines. William
No way Mike
Ancient maori never respected the flora and fauna; they ate the birds (e.g.. Moas). The modern “concern” is designed to con non-maori into allowing maori to control resources eric
absolutely not ,this utterly ridiculous IT IS JUST NOT OK Robert
No, Maori were in this land for 600 years? During this time they made no progress what soever apart from the practice of having their neighbours for dinner James
No special rights and privileges as these could and will no doubt lead to abuse and exploitation by Maori elite. Pierre
One N.Z for all. Neil
Big Fat No. The “maori elite” are only interested in lining their pockets, and sticking their chests out and making noise. All this to the detriment of the “Man in the street” maori that just want to get on with their life. Neil
The only thing “guarded” by maori is their obsession with themselves Rodney
We are one supposed to be anyway John
Democracy can easily cope with ‘the tyranny of the majority’ if politicians are thoughtful and brave enough. The current government has neither of those qualities. Graham
W hat a load of BS. Tim
Sadly maori are the most racist people on this earth Donald
Colourblind is the best way forward John
How can central govt decision makers and advisors throw democracy away for a tribal elite. Are they so bigoted and corrupt they are happy to see this happen. Margaret
Maori have no more rights other than the “one man one vote” principle Peter
We should not be further dividing our country by providing special privileges (or more funding) to Maori as guardians of flora and fauna. Rachel
Total disregard for any pre-European concept of conservation disqualifies Maori from any discrete kaitiaki function. Geoffrey
No no no. !! For goodness sake this yet another racist policy being promoted by this extreme left wing socialist Government. Enough is enough. !! Anon
We are all new zealanders and should be governed as such Raymond
Do not weep for the past, weep for the future. Sven
It is absolutely ridiculous one race runs New Zealand Graeme
Apartheid will become institutionalized in New Zealand Kendall
Not to be too blunt ” Most Maori could not organise a good piss up in a brewery’ You only have to look at the Raglan Golf course and the list goes on. New Zealand belongs to all New Zealanders, National Parks, Sea Shores Etc. Not a greedy racist few. Wayne
It’s complete and utter nonsense. Nobody “owns” naturally occurring flora and fauna. Trevor
Absolutely not! I settled in NZ as it%u2019s governance was fair and democratic. John
Special rights and privileges based on race, in any field of endeavour is simply wrong, and must be rigorously opposed. Rod
I will not comment as I would finish up being called a racist. Yes I have maori blood running through my veins Reg
They have contributed almost nothing to to the identification or preservation of biota. John
Whites should be looking to get their children out. Of course farmers and landowners will remain as a reduced population of PAHEHA but they will find problems similar to those in S.A. and Zimbabwe with land being invaded and resistance will result in similar outcomes for the families on that land. You can get a glimpse of that with social housing. The police will be no help and you are getting glimpses of that also now. Other races in the country will not fare so well either. I am extremely happy my granddaughters are not in this country. The first hurdle they would have faced was the propagandisation of the children in the education system. Then of course when it comes to getting a job time imagine what it will be like for those white kids. This country is finished. A slow spiral into ruin which will increase in momentum. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. Terry
They have proved themselves incompetent at maintenance and care of anything & everything, including their babies. Coral
Definitely no.Just have a look at any Maori land ,houses or other property .Most in an unkempt state.Then add the extent of Maori crime,child abuse and welfare cheating .Maori do not meet civilised standards Don
Needs no comment Edgar W.
This PM and all of her government must be on something. Any half sane person can see where this is heading and the aftermath will not be pretty. What they aren’t giving maori activists, they are giving to the corrupt UN. They have to be completely bloody insane. Terry M
Why should anyone? Sally
Yet another money making racket to extract a passive income stream from passive kiwis. JD
I dont actually differentiate between ” Maori” and ” Non Maori” therefore as we are all one people, no group should be given extra rights and privileges. If this is not nipped in the bud it will only get worse. Areas will fall into disrepair, we wont’ get unimpeded access to our beaches and rivers which we are all entitled to as New Zealanders. To counteract this we need a political party that believes in equality as much as we do. We haven’t got one at the moment. They appear scared of the media, radicals and the academics who are pushing this. Why? We aren’t. That’s because we believe in ourselves and other like- minded Kiwis. Janine
This is just a rort. Maori are looking for new gravy trains derived from the research and work of genuine New Zealanders. Willy
No disrespect to Maori but we are all equal Roy 
What a load of rubbish this guardianship stuff is. Its just a ruse to get their hands on special privileges. Don
No, no, no – absolutely no special rights based on race.  Andrew
What a scary view of the future this newsletter brings. Tribal leaders are turning into pariahs – trying to fleece everyone else. Things are going from bad to worse under Ardern.  Hilary
Get rid of race from all our laws, and get rid of this government. That is the only way to restore some common sense and decency!  Rodney
Absolutely no race based privilege. Jacinda Ardern has unleashed a monster through He Puapua. She should resign before it gets worse.  Kevin