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Dr Muriel Newman

Waitangi Day 2025

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“We should not think of ourselves as Maoris or pakehas, but rather as one people.”
– Labour Prime Minister Walter Nash, Waitangi Day 1960.

Waitangi Day was first officially commemorated in 1934, two years after the Treaty grounds were gifted to the nation by the Governor-General Lord Bledisloe.

During the 1940 centennial celebration of the signing of the Treaty, Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage emphasised national unity and pride.

The 1960 Waitangi Day Act identified February 6 as a National Day of Thanksgiving in commemoration of the signing of the Treaty.

It wasn’t until 1973 that legislation was passed to make it a public holiday. The architect of the law change, Prime Minister Norman Kirk, recognised that New Zealand was now home to people from across the globe – all bound together by common citizenship and love of our country. To ensure the day belonged to everyone irrespective of race or heritage, he renamed it New Zealand Day.

At that first New Zealand Day commemoration on 6 February 1974, he said, “Our future will be what we make of it for ourselves. If we join together in a spirit of co-operation and mutual respect, everything is possible, nothing is beyond us. Let each New Zealand Day stand as a milestone before which we pause and review our efforts and refreshed, press on to build the future.”

Sadly, New Zealand Day was short lived. National Prime Minister Robert Muldoon changed it back to Waitangi Day in 1976, paving the way for it to become a day of grievance and division rather than a celebration of nationhood and unity.

Race, of course, is at the heart of the division within our society. From the earliest of times, different rights have been awarded by race – including a separate electoral roll for those identifying as Maori.

Temporary electoral measures were introduced in the 1860s to ensure Miners and Maori – both disenfranchised by the prevailing property requirements – could vote.

While the Miners’ temporary voting rights were abolished when all adult men got the right to vote in 1879, the Maori seats remained.  

However, as a leading constitutional expert, Canterbury University Law Professor Dr Philip Joseph explains, those seats now violate the law:

“The Maori seats contravene the principle of electoral equality – ‘one person, one vote, one value’. Representative democracies must avoid barriers for the representation of minorities. Maori confront no such barriers. In 1867, they did; they failed the property qualification and could not vote. But in 1893 New Zealand moved to a universal adult franchise under which all citizens had the right to vote. Maori are free to compete for parliamentary representation. There are no impediments. The retention of the Maori seats amounts to reverse or indirect discrimination. There is no justification for the difference in treatment.

“For the courts, a discriminatory benefit on racial or ethnic grounds is as unlawful as a discriminatory disadvantage: Discrimination means differential treatment denoting failure to treat all persons equally where there is no reasonable distinction to justify different treatment. The discrimination may be positive, such as conferring a benefit, or negative by imposing a restriction.

“Preferential treatment on grounds of race or ethnicity is discriminatory and ethically wrong. To discriminate on those grounds deeply offends the right to equality of treatment under New Zealand’s human rights legislation”.

The discriminatory impact of the Maori seats is increasing. Not only have the seven Maori seats been radicalised, but with over 30 percent of MPs in Parliament now identifying as Maori – in spite of Maori comprising only 13.2 percent of voters – it is clear they have become an impediment to fair democratic representation.

While no Parliamentary party is currently promising a referendum on the future of the Maori seats, many have done so in the past. Whichever party steps up, is likely to receive considerable support.  

In the beginning, New Zealand’s racial division was based on blood quantum. The 1865 Native Lands Act defined Maori as those with 50 percent or more Maori ancestry: “Native shall mean an aboriginal Native of the Colony of New Zealand and shall include all half-castes and their descendants by Natives.”

But over the years the melding of our society into one glorious hotchpotch through rapid intermarriage resulted in a definition change in 1974.

This week’s NZCPR Guest Commentator Michael Bassett, a former Labour Minister and backbench MP at that time, explains the background:

“For more than half a century after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840, European migrants to New Zealand were disproportionately men. By the 1920s a substantial proportion of people with Maori ancestry also contained Pakeha blood. If a half caste Maori married another person with even less Maori blood – and huge numbers did – then by law their progeny lost the right to call themselves a Maori. That was what led to a law change in 1974. From the mid-seventies onwards, a Maori was ‘a person of the Maori race and any descendant’. Anyone with a drop of Maori blood could claim to be a Maori.

“Where these developments become farcical, however, is when persons who are largely Pakeha, as most Maori in this country are today, start calling those who have no Maori blood, ‘guests’, or ‘visitors’. The reality is that Maori Party loud mouths are only slightly less foreign than those of us with no Maori ancestry at all.”

As Dr Bassett says, from the mid-seventies, the division between races became increasingly farcical as someone with only a smidgeon of Maori blood could deny their majority non-Maori ancestry to claim an increasingly lucrative array of benefits available only to Maori.

The problem is that this farce, has now been weaponised by Maori sovereignty activists determined to seize control of our country. 

Those are the radical tribal separatists who believe “Aotearoa, should be in Maori hands” – including private property.

They are the ones working tirelessly, often within government institutions – and certainly within their Parliamentary Maori Seat power base – to further divide New Zealand along racial lines using culture and their fictional “Treaty partnership” to subvert democracy and gain political control.

In his chilling 1985 book Shadows Over New Zealand, the former unionist Geoff McDonald identified the use of Marxist strategies:

“Marxists understand that the key to destabilising New Zealand is to show how badly the Maori is treated by the whites. The big lie must be built up, until enough people believe it to enable the damage to be done. There is no Maori oppression at all. But that would not stop them from going ahead with their propaganda. Facts or truth have no relevance to Marxism. Anything can be said to help create the conditions amenable to the collapse of society. However absurd or grotesque the charges being made against white New Zealanders, if they are not answered, they will be believed.”

Their strategy is working.

Instead of long-term welfare dependency being seen as the main source of social dysfunction and entrenched poverty in New Zealand, tribal activists claim that for Maori, their problems are caused by racism.

Even though young people are traditionally over-represented in crime statistics, instead of the higher-than-average incarceration of Maori being seen as the result of their belonging to a far younger population cohort than other New Zealanders, tribal activists claim racism within the criminal justice system is to blame.

And instead of factors such as an inadequate diet, lack of exercise, drug and alcohol abuse, and smoking being seen as major contributors to poor health, tribal activists claim that for Maori, racism in the health system is responsible.

With claims of racism being increasingly manufactured by separatists to destabilise our society, it is frightening to reflect on just how close New Zealand came to becoming an apartheid nation.

If Labour had been re-elected in 2023, that would have been our fate.

With the framework for He Puapua – Labour’s blueprint to replace democracy with tribal rule by 2040 – largely in place, the unelected and unaccountable leaders of billion-dollar tribal empires, would, through the right of veto, be running the country.

Tribal totalitarianism would have replaced democracy.

We’d already experienced it in health, when the Maori Health Authority wasted no time at all in declaring race, instead of clinical need, was the key factor in determining treatment priorities.  

By now, tribal leaders would be in total control of water – with generous royalties flowing into tribal coffers whenever a Kiwi tap was turned on.

They would have already seized ownership of all public Conservation land – which makes up over a third of New Zealand’s land area.

But wait: although we’ve had a change in government and some of Labour’s racist policies have been reversed, the He Puapua juggernaut is still charging ahead giving tribal leaders increasing control of our country – including it appears, the Conservation Estate.

A Department of Conservation consultation paper on the future of the Conservation Estate indicates that a takeover by tribal interests is already underway.  

Presumably with the full support of the Coalition, the Department appears to want to give tribal leaders a controlling interest in decision-making in their proposed new legislation – as concerned New Zealander Fiona Mackenzie warns: “The Department of Conservation’s commitment to engage with iwi as ‘Treaty partners’ highlights the co-governance philosophy that has been so rapidly undermining our democracy and economic productivity.”

It’s imperative that the Coalition honours its election promise to stop He Puapua and co-governance.

All plans to give tribal groups greater powers than other New Zealanders – including over our Conservation Estate – should be scrapped.

With an election commitment to “defend the principle that New Zealanders are equal before the law”, all legislation creating special rights for Maori should be regarded as discriminatory and unlawful.

That should also apply to the special provisions for Maori being created in the new Gene Technology Bill. Designed to update the way genetic modification is dealt with in this country, submissions on the Bill – see HERE – close February 17.

While concerns have been raised about labelling and food safety, the Bill – unbelievably – introduces a new Treaty “principle” in Clause 4: “This Act recognises and respects the Crown’s obligations under the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi…”

In spite of the Coalition’s pledge to remove Treaty “principles” from legislation, here they are creating new principles to give Maori greater rights than other New Zealanders!

This is co-governance – yet another example of He Puapua in action.

Does this signal the Coalition is now turning its back on its commitments to “Remove co-governance from the delivery of public services”, “Stop all work on He Puapua”, and “End race-based policies”?

Are those “commitments” more lies – like those we heard from Labour?

The point is this: Maori Supremacists are using race as a weapon to gain advantage over all other New Zealanders. Using the affirmative action provisions in the Human Rights Act, millionaire tribal leaders and their gravy train lawyers are peddling the disadvantage of anyone with a smidgeon of Maori blood, to fabricate claims of racial discrimination in order to gain race-based rights.

Isn’t it time this pipeline to endless appeasement through preferential treatment based on race, was closed down?

As we reflect on 185 years since the signing of the Treaty, we need to wake up to the uncomfortable reality that national unity and pride in our country are being undermined by tribal leaders. Driven by greed and self-interest, they are sabotaging race relations to destabilise society so they can seize control of the country.

The sooner the Coalition follows the lead of governments around the world and eliminates race and ethnicity from our Statute books, the sooner they can no longer be used as weapons to divide and conquer New Zealand.

Ironically it was Labour leaders like Walter Nash, Mick Savage and Norman Kirk who wanted Waitangi Day to be a day of celebration that belonged to everyone.

Instead, it has become a day of such hate and aggression that increasing numbers of New Zealanders are questioning whether we should be celebrating it at all.

If you are concerned about matters undergoing Parliamentary consultation, then please speak up. Politicians regard silence from the public as endorsement. They only recognise they are doing the wrong thing when they receive submissions and emails telling them so.

  • Submissions on the Coalition’s proposal to give tribal interest greater control of the Conservation Estate ends on February 28 – full the details can be found HERE.
  • A submission on DOC’s discussion document that has been prepared by Fiona Mackenzie can be viewed HERE.
  • Submissions on the Gene Technology Bill close on February 17 – full details on submissions and the Bill can be found HERE.
  • And if you would like to contact MPs or local Councillors to express your concerns, their email addresses can be found HERE.

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*Should Waitangi Day remain a public holiday?


*Poll comments are posted below.


*All NZCPR poll results can be seen in the Archive.


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It’s no longer a day of national celebration, but one of dissent. We have been sold out by successive governments, but what is worse is the current National Govt, despite being elected to stop the apartheid ripping our nation apart, has sold us to the Maori (and made the tax payers pay the price) and to the climate emergency industry. (Also being paid for by farmers livelihoods and taxpayers).Barbara
The whole thing is terribly divisive, and gives the radicals a platform to perform and spread their evil words. Such nasty aggressive actions by Maori must make NZ a laughing stock on the world stage. Why would anyone want to invest in such a country??Mary
A New Zealand public holiday day should be help insteadDiana
Revert to New Zealand Day and choose another date.Bryan
But celebrated as New Zealand day, where all nationalises and all are drawn together to acknowledge we are a very mixed culture countryPaula
As New Zealand Daytony
It should be called NZ Day and the celebrations should happen all over the country at different locations each year.Natalie
The treaty of Waitangi was an interim document, that benefitted the native tribes. This ceding of individual tribal authority by the respective chiefs over New Zealand. This allowed the British to form a government, to make British laws, and to start the infrastructure of building NZ. This was due to the Queens Royal Charter Letters patent, which also annexed New Zealand from New South Wales Australia. This allowed this country to become an independent colony. This was New Zealand’s true founding document. The 16th of November should be New Zealands Independance day.steven
Now known as “Maori Day” and a continuation of the misinterpretation of the “Treaty” Both shoud be abolishedPeter
time the Treaty was deweaponised it is a document giving protection not a demand for exclusive governmental powers.Karen
The arrangements for celebrations at Waitangi should ban all Maori considerations and retain it as a non-racial day of the celebration of national unity.Michael
Let us have another Holiday but nothing to do with WaitangiSylvia
unless change to New Zealand dayAan
Too decisive to be a position influence on our nationhood. Rude, crude and a sheer waste of tax payer funds. It should be scrapped forthwith.Stewart
Waitangi Day is important to all NZ as it signifies a historic milestone in the development our nations democracy, notwithstanding, today’s maori radical elements want their own sovereignty.Paul
However, I would like the name to revert to New Zealand Day.Sue
Just because its been hijacked by radicals who are busy trying to reinterpret the Treaty doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate this important part of NZ’s historyJohn
Time to move on from the idiocy of Waitangi. Make it more of a meaningful non political day.Peter K
Call it NZ day or abolish it entirelyBob
Scrap the day, Ridiculous waste of time and money. Would be better spent on primary health careKath
Only if it’s changed to New Zealand Day.Daphne
Rename it back to NZ Day, but celebrate our becoming a nation, without all the crazy Maori grab rubbish.Margaret
Call it NZ day and put a golf course where the Waitangi grounds are it will be more useful.Evan
It’s nothing more than a platform for maori activists to promote their racist ideas. Nothing to be proud of.Peter
It has become just another day for the Maori people to get together and protest and keep on complain about how they have been treated by colonialismChris
despite the controversy surrounding events at Waitangi there is no reason to stop this being a acknowledged as a significant event in our nations history.Chris
It is a day for Maori to have a time to insult our Parlinment Leaders Maori Markist Activist have ruined the whole dayIan
It should return to New Zealand day, as introduced by Labour PM Norman Kirk.Glyn
It has become a day of hatred from a large proportion of anglo-maori towards ANYONE who has zero ‘maori’ or is of another ethnicity. A day where they believe THEY have more rights than anyone else in New Zealand, and a day where they feel free to display their whining, whinging, and yes, hatred. My people have no maori descendance – refugees from Europe in the 1800’s – we each, today, speak a number of languages but because we speak ‘english’ we are vilified…. It is unacceptable ! and I am tired of the foulness ….Rainey
It should be renamed to New Zealand Day.Robin
But only if the name is changed back to “New Zealand Day”Peter
Call it New Zealand Day BUT the part Maori have Matariki isn’t that enough?SHERYL
The present day public holiday is based on the Maori generated word of partnership, a concept that never existed on the Origiinal Treaty.Ian
Special holidays for select ‘tribal races’ is called RACIAL PREDJUDICE! this, in ALL its forms ,need to be SHUT DOWN! PRONTO…David
Trash it and just stick with the Regional Anniversary Days.Alan
It won’t make any difference. Many New Zealanders of all colour’s cal it “maori day” anywayGregor
The knee jerk reaction is to say no. But this day allows us to identify and confirm those who might be labeled as enemies of the state, i.e. those who with fraudulent intent are doing all they can to destroy our precious democratic way of life. Although it is a pain, we need those radicals old and new, to justify their absurd claims in detail. They never seem to be able to be specific as to why they should be favoured with special conditions above and beyond the rest of us New Zealand citizens. We need to ask the questions. To push them to be specific. However the blame for our current political situation lies with weak contemptuous Government politicians from the first comers to this underwhelming lot we have today. So perhaps it’s a yes? We should keep this day to have as a reminder of the internal struggles we need to fight for and the urgent need to win.Garry.
Leave Waitangi Day as a day for the radicals and deadbeats to protest, remove all Government funding for it, and introduce another day when all other NewZealanders can celebrate this nation and its achievements.Gary
Revert back to New Zealand Day.Claire
There’s already too many public holidays just ask any self employed person or business owner. Matariki day another one that should go alsoChris
New Zealand Day-Yes. Waitangi Day-NoTony
No. It’s become a day of “Maori Grievance” & most New Zealanders are over all the racism & bad behaviour of a noisy few radicals.Rex
Not neededbrian
We should go back to a New Zealand Day celebration NO Waitangi Day or celebration.It is pointlessHeather
Remove Waitangi Day and create a New Zealand Day on a different date so the 2 cannot be confused.Grange
The day should be put back to NZ day so the whole population together can celebrate our country and not just be a day for maori to complain about anything colonial and moan about how badly off they are.They look to me like they are doing pretty well after all when was the last time you can recall a canibal feast.Greg
Has become a day only celebrated by one group while the rest of us turn the radio and TV off for the day due to disrespectful behavior which is feasted upon by NZ television mediaMargaret
Call it New Zealand Day and instil pride and love of country for everyone. Get rid of everything racial that is dividing Our country. Luxon listen to the people and grow a backbone.Carole
What it has come to signify is racism with all the moral advantages to part-MaorisBruce
Far too much attention has been wasted on the Treaty along with exaggerated demands from Maoris. As for the twisted beliefs of maoris that they simply want their share of everything, the underhand way they twist facts in health, our coastal ownership and access that is absolutely revolting and untrue. Their cry of gimme, gimme, gimme is as strong as it ever was. Look at the way some coastal areas are barricaded to prevent anyone else going to that beach. The way that they say medical care is determined by race and ignores the often poor diet and lack of self care by maoris which causes their poor health The Treaty has no relevance to modern life and should be ignored and left to its 180 year old decay.CHRIS
Remove it for the greater good. Create a new day to celebrate New Zealand democracy.Karl
We need a New Zealand day. A day for one and all. Just as Norman Kirk said. So find a day in NZs history with significance for all NZers and make that NZ dayCathy
Let’s call it New Zealand day, not the other!Sue
It should remain a public holiday, but the name should revert to New Zealand DayStephen
Grievance day is all it is. Means nothing but division. Grovelling politicians hand over appeasement millions of our hard earned cash while education and health suffer. Follow the money.Sam
Change to NZ dayDave
There needs to be a huge overhaul of how Waitangi day is run, Go back to calling it New Zealand day. It has just become a day for the radical maori shit stirrers to gain attention. All this crap needs to stop or just drop it completely until everyone learns to appreciate this country again.lm sick of the winging and whining etc by the same old stirrers. Where has our national pride gone?Peter
We need a national day, but not one thar generates so much negativity and divisiveness.Roger
To most New Zealanders Waitangi Day means nothing! It seems only to bring trouble from the Maori elite an others.Valerie
Not in its present form. Perhaps a nz day where all nationalities celebrate as one people after all if it wasn’t for the hard working pioneers and current migrants wanting a better life that through hard work they have made this country great I’m proud to be called a New Zealander,Diane
Let’s have back NZ Day where all parts of the so called partnership are given equal priority.John
Yes But called New Zealand day. The Treaty has done its day and 90% of Kiwis have had enough of the Maori moaning that they have been mistreated.Wayne
Make it New Zealand DayRay
But as NZ dayDerek
It should be removed until there is equality of rights to all New Zealanders irrespective of their ethnic background.Robert
Yes public holiday but not as it has become by whining, whinging self proclaimed victims with not one productive bone in thier bdies. Please stand up in NZ a Donald TrumpLeon
But the name changed to New Zealand DayMalcolm
Tax payer funded ‘SACRED HOLIDAYS’ for preferential selective races, need to be written out of RACE BASED,SELECT TREATIES, that exclude other races!!David
no change the namestan
No, not unless changed to NZ day for the 85% majority otherwise can it and save millions of tax payer money. Just a platform for maori radicals abuse Dr Micheal Bassett has nailed it. Poor parenting leading to poor outcomes. Just look at all the child abuse. Stop blaming everyone else. I see the maori party woman leader is 3/4 european. What a joke! So accoding to their rules the whole maori party are visitors in this country just as they acuse the rest of us. OUTRAGEOUS. PS recent court case maori land they dont have to pay rates. More burden for the rest of us. The flood gates will now open.Kevan
No because it is only creating a wider division. The racist Maori few have nil respect for those giving a speech. If they cannot behave then stop having it as a holiday.Ross
If it was New Zealand Day (like Australia have their day) yes, but not Waitangi as there is only one race celebrating(!) that day.Chris
It will become an increasingly festering sore for all New Zealanders. We should find some other useful and meaningful day/date if we even wish to celebrate our country.Ian
I think most of us are heartily sick of the level of aggression and disharmony we now see year after year. Enough!Patricia
Waitangi Day can go ahead but it should not be a public holiday. Only one section of our multi cultural country is represented…and represented in an extremely confronting and primitive manner that is, at best, highly embarrassing!! We should, however, have a REAL NZ day with a public holiday – and with a lovely name to the day – such as “We love New Zealand Day” – or something along these lines. Heather
I wrote to PM Norman Kirk, at the time that he proposed Waitangi Day as a public holiday, that we had followed Northern Hemisphere holidays, which were designed to shorten their winters. I also pointed out the problems the date causes for school children. I suggested an appropriate date in July. This is not necessary now with the four term regimes we have now. I had a thankyou reply from him.Errol
The treaty is not relevant to todays society. It was a treaty between Queen Victoria and Maori chiefs throughout the country. Any person born in New Zealand is indigenous to NZ.. If NZ ever became a republic and severed its tie to the British Crown, the Treaty would become null and void and we would need a new constitution.John
We have enough holidays & Maori have been coursing enough grief as it isTony
Only if it is NZ day and celebrations moved from waitangiIan
Full of hatredDave
this day is just an opportunity for maori to abuse non maori. CANCELPeter
For February 6th to remain a public holiday would require removal of Maori control over festivities.Dave
we should get rid of Matariki as holiday too. Why should 85% of us have to be told to honour these daysColin
New Zealand Day has always been my preference. And where were the New Zealand flags flying at Waitangi and Akaroa yesterday….saw lots of Maori flags but where was our national Flag?? !!!!Bev
And rename it as New Zealand Day!Allan
The only time that Waitangi Day be public holiday is when it is renamed NEW ZEALAND DAY as it was back in 1973 until Muldoon change it to Waitangi Day and remove all mention of Waitangi and the Treaty grounds. Let all the radical Maori and protesters have their day at Waitangi. New Zealan Day is for all Kiwis and not these political groups to grandstand Get the message Chippy the Greens and the Maori party freaks.KEN
It is good for us to have a focus day on our nationhood. More of us though need to be involved in sharing the aspects of our history that have declined from the public square.Bill
Waitangi day has racial undertones, I would prefer a neutral New Zealand DayGerhard
It should, but only with the proviso that the name be changed to NZ Day.Lynn
The New Zealand day is a good ideaChris
Yes it should. Perhaps it should be renamed New Zealand dayPeter
If this is renamed National Day and the war dances of the savages are banned altogether then perhaps it could stayAlastair
It should be New Zealand Day and no more meeting at Waitangi for activists to divide and conquer – I still remember Titipai Harawera and her behaviour decades ago – nothing has changed.Jan
There is no point to this being a “public” holiday whose main purpose now consists of quite wrongly promoting the “unfair” racial division against M%u0101ori. It is clear that the original purpose of this day to unite NZ has become a means to further create a sense of racial division. .Barrie
Yes but renamed New Zealand day. I went to do a submission on the DOC Estate regarding IWI/HAPU representations & that section has been blocked by DOC! WTFNIGEL
But only as NZ DAYDave
It should be New Zealand Day or nothing – we are all equalKerin
Treaty should have ripped up and thrown way more than a 100 years agocliff
has lost its meaning,is NZ day ,for all Waitangi now signals race disharmony.Steve
Time to have one nation, one people.Alan
Waitangi day is, to many people, totally meaningless. Surely we do not need a public holiday in the weeks beginning the school year.Paloma
Its purpose has been subverted.Ian
Let’s change it to national sicky day or working from home day.Anon
Tribalism has no place in NZ get rid of it and cancel these Maori seats in government for good!Norman
The place for this historic document is in the Archives. The Treaty was signed by some Maori chiefs and the Crown representing Queen Victoria. The first New Zealand Government was formed in 1852, and the first sitting of a New Zealand Parliament was 1854, 14 years after the Treaty was signed. Maori have every right to celebrate the signing of the Treaty, but a public holiday is not necessary.margaret
No, it has become day of hate and vitriol. Hardly the celebration of a united country.Mark
No. We should cease to recognise this divisive, race-based nonsense.Baden
It should be New Zealand Day, not Waitangi dayRichard
But it should be celebrated once again as ‘New Zealand Day’. It’s time we had a government that fostered & promoted unity and did away with the atrocious disunity that Ardern pushed, and that the Maori Party continue, out of pure greed, to embrace.Christine
Waitangi Day, which was initially intended as a day of commemoration and unity, has increasingly become a platform for tribal grievances. Rather than fostering national remembrance or celebration, the day has come to represent division. Instead of serving as a catalyst for unity, it highlights ongoing tensions. It is time to scrap this holiday.Chris
Stop this day of Racial Protest…this day of racial hatred, and segregation, once and for all, which gives the 14% a special right for Maori, to vent and voice their special right to make known their ANGER and HATRED. WAITANGI DAY HAS NEVER INCLUDED WHITE KIWIS, it never will!David
Bring back New Zealand Day. Free up the Waitangi treaty grounds, which were given to ALL New Zealanders in 1932 and not to be fenced off wth steel and used as they are today!Paul
Renaming New Zealand day again may take some heat out of the dayPeter
But only if it becomes New Zealand Day again and makes us all one as a NationLaurel
call it New Zealand Day and scrap the Waitangi fiascoValerie
The ever widening diversity of NZ population is noticeable We could establish a NZ day to celebrate all the nations who are immigrants but on a Monday.Maurice
Only if reverted to NZ DayMark
Not unless it changed its name to NZ dayLyn
In the current format it is an official farce funded only by legal force. Change the name back to New Zealand Day and shift the focus well away from Waitangi and tribal activists.,Peter
Apartheid celebrations must be stoppedLes
I think it should be called New Zealand day.Christine
It has become a circus and a platform for Maori ActivistsBruce
But it must be called New Zealand Day.Christine
If Waitangi Day is called New Zealand Day, then it should be a Public Holiday.Paul
Dreadful typical maori bullying which sets a terrible example to the young and naive who are either watching or actively involved. It MUST be stopped NOW.Brian
Not as named. It is a divisive tool by racist activists.Duncan
It’s simply become a day signifying discontent & APARTHEID in NZ. Within my own family, one child has been “captured” by her mother’s tribe. Now, with exactly 1/32 Maori genes, she is suddenly carrying a tribal ID Card which entitles her to MANY advantages over her half brother & cousins because they are mere Pakeha.Geoffrey
You mean MGD -Maori Grievance Day It should be scrapped I’m sick to death of it. It’s a division day. Let us have a New Zealand Day that encompasses all NZ’ers I put forward 16 November which was the day in 1840 through the Letters Patent that NZ became a Nation -on its own separate from its association with NSWCarolyn
It has become a negative experience for many, and a disguise to erode democracyHelen
It’s a bit like turkeys celebrating thanksgiving.Geoff
Sick to death of the Waitangi ‘grievance hijack’. No longer a National Day to celebrate the achievements we have made to try and address past wrongs as ‘New Zealanders’. I have come to feel nothing but disgust when I see the display of intentionally-offensive haka at any protest, have lost all respect for the so-called tikanga which has become nothing but a rort.Heather
It has become a circus and opportunity for protestersPam
But known as New Zealand DaySharen
It is only a day of protest – create a separate day called New Zealand day.Clive
A national day should be one of celebration At present it is and has been for sometime a day for activists to engage in unruly and offensive behaviour that show no respect for the institution of Nationhood Protest is fine but not the kind we see bordering on displays of savage confrontationJulian
It should revert back to New Zealand DayJulian
It is now being used by the racist activist bullies to spread their propaganda. It should be scapped just as the maori seats should be scrapped and all references to “Treaty principles” erased from our laws.Fred
But there should be less coverage of the Waitangi Day celebrations in the BOI which is blighted by idiotsMark
its all gone on to long. STOP the gravy train. waitangi is only a day for mad maori’s running amock !!!william
It’s just too divisive. Replace it with a national celebration day on a different date. Then stop interacting with Ratana or Maori Waitangi grievance fests.Cherry
It should be changed back to “New Zealand Day” as it was known before Muldoon changed itN
Too many public holidays already also axe Matariki it a made up lie by Maori for another paid day offStuart
It is presently the opposite of unifying!Bruce
we should scrap this Waitangi rubbishgerard
Make ANZAC day our official public holiday.Cheryl
Bring Back Norman Kirk’s ‘New Zealand Day’!!!Graeme
perhaps if it was turned back to nz day, I do believe it is to lateHelen
It all just gives Maori center stage It is NOT representative of all races in NZ . It only belongs in the history booksClaire
It should be renamed New Zealand DayGlynis
But should be renamed New Zealand day Waitangi stabbed with Maori disrespect, greed . It’s Maori day Racist to the core!!!!Julz
it costs money for employers and most New Zealanders only use it for a holiday not to celebrate itROB
It has become too divisive and now longer reason to celebrateSandra
To many public holidays, Waitangi Day is currently a day for division.Alan
It has become just another public holiday. The whole occasion has been turned into a farse by maori radicalsLINDSAY
I feel as a 5th generation NZer I don’t belong now in NZ. The radicals have spoilt any love love I have for it. I can’t believe how successive governments have ruined living here for me.Jan
Replace Waitangi Day with New Zealand Day. And get rid of the Waitangi Tribunal, the Treaty, and the maori seats in Parliament.Trevor
Maori now have Matariki as their day for celebrating Maori wonderfulness. I would support a NZ Nation dayPamela
Waitangi Day has degenerated into a day of hate based racism against all who do not have a drop of Maori blood in their blood stream. It is a day I now ignore totally.Colin
Waitangi Day is NOT New Zealands national day. It is for Maori only to bitch about the past.Bill
New Zealand appears to become more divided than ever. How sad for such a beautiful country to be torn apart by racial strife.John & Wilma
Having spent time in the ChCh Hospital over the last week, I was asked to sign documentation relating to my wishes amongst other things. When presented with a document littered with Maori language, I asked the staff to kindly present me with a document written in plain English. I was advised this that was not possible as it ran contrary to staff training re cultural needs. Consequently, I refused to sign their documentation, & after a verbal barrage, they had my wishes delivered loud & clear. I should add the nursing staff within my large ward would have been of at least 95% Asian in origin.David
If it was named New Zealand Day; Yes.David
Unless it returns to being.. New Zealand dayMike
Stops all the egg growLynne
Scrap it – captured by racist Maori activists.Hohepa
But it should be a renamed New Zealand day and celebrated in Wellington, not Waitangi.John
It promotes division and hostility.Kaye
but only so that we can celebrate our Nation as one people and all equal under the law with preferential treatment based on race.Albert
It’s just a day for aggressive and savage people to act like the idiots they are.Tony
An utter waste of time and money. Stop all of these race based ideals, and you will see no need for a M.F.D.( Maori Fight Day). If we are all equal under one law,one nation,one vote, then all of the Racial Holiday can go. Waitangi Day is a farce, nothing but an embarrasment.George M.J.
Only as new zealand day!Lyn
It could be if it was changed to NewZealand Day.john
I personally feel it should not remain a holiday. It only gives radical Maori a chance to continue to deceive ordinary Kiwis about how oppressed and how hard done by they are and so much of it is based on lies and deception. There are far too many Kiwis who have little to no idea what the Hell is really going on. If ordinary Kiwis do not awaken soon this country will be lost to us for good. I to blame alot of all this on Parliament. This country needs to wake up fast. Time is running out.Paul
Not necessary any longerMurray
No !!!! And we should revert to NEW ZEALAND day and use the agreement made with Queen Victoria PRIOR to the signing of the Treaty. This is the founding document of NEW ZEALAND AND not The Treaty of Waitangi.There is no partnership and no co-governance. The whole mess is made up of historical lies. Blame a lot of it on the 1975 Treaty of Waitangi Act which our stupid politicians went along with. Heaven help our Country. !!!!!!Alan
It is no longer a day of Celebration. it has become a platform from which to spread hate and untruths.Roger
Successive Governments of all stripes have bought about this state of affairs. The present government will fail to bring about the changes needed.Owen
No, it has become a farce!Jan
Too much hate and violence from people with one or more drops of Maori blood. I don’t want to celebrate their thirst for power and economic advantage that “must be given to them”.Lennie
Make it NZ Day and I will agree but not Waitangi Day of DisrespectIan
only hold it as a holiday if it reverts to New Zealand daymurray
Waitangi Day has devolved into a national day of maori whinging, whining and demands. Treatment of politicians who endorse one people, one nation and equality for all are maligned, disrespected and treated as racist whether they be maori or not. There should be no reference anywhere by anyone to discriminate by being called maori or non maori which seems to be occurring more and more frequently. We are all NZers or kiwis. Stop the discrimination and maorification of NZ.Carol
If it can be a day to celebrate New Zealand and all who have played a part in its development then Yes. Its now just a day of protest orchestrated by radical interests and should not continue.Neville
It should be called New Zealand DayRobyn
It is only about Maori. And yet two parties signed. It needs to be renamed New Zealand day.Helen
public holidays extra sick days the farcical Mart ariki day holiday are all part of destroying New Zealand productivityStanley
Only if reverting to New Zealand day & to remain in perpetuity!!! Absolutely well written Muriel & right on point!! How do we force an early election to get rid of that a** kisser Luxon & his sympathisers!! The whole Nat party are wet behind the ears & gutless wonders PATHETICRon
Not unless we change the day back to NZ Day, or, get a new NZ day.Sheree
The name should be changed back to “New Zealand Day” as it’s more representative of all New Zealanders as one people, i.e. citizens of NZ.Greg
Should return to New Zealand Day.Dave
Unless the name is changed back to New Zealand Day.doug
We need to have it replaced by a National Day (New Zealand Day) as it has been named in the past and Te Tiriti consigned to an appropriate place in our history where it cannot be used as a handbrake to the development of our nation.Gary
Some countries such as Singapore signed a treaty with the UK but they do not have any public holiday for the signing of that Treaty. Instead, other countries such as Singapore have National Days or Independence Days, which are public holidays, when these countries became mostly independent from the UK. For now, I am not using the divisive phrase “Waitangi Day” as much as possible. Instead, I am trying alternatives commemorative names that value everyone such “One People Day”. “Bob Marley Day” is another alternative as Bob Marley was born on 6 February, 1945, and some people actually celebrate “Bob Marley Day” every year on 6 February.Kent
It’s become a side show and circus and one sided, as well as being racist.Richard
NO! Why celebrate something which is only used as a tool to further divide our country and our people. Maori, in effect, have broken the Treaty with their latest carry-on, so therefore the Treaty is now null and void, as far as I’m concerned. If we want to retain a National Holiday, then it should be renamed New Zealand Day! One Flag, One People, Many hopes.Heather
NO we are all to be treated equally. Basing legislation on a ethnic basis is Racism Fascism at its worstNorman
Because it has become a day of racial separatism and no longer a day of genuine celebration for ALL New ZealandersR0ss
It needs to revert to New Zealand Day so that it represents ALL New Zealanders.Rob
Rename New Zealand day & no public holiday & no week long talk & eating feast at Waitangi. Just hold a small gathering in Wellington to celebrate & not the huge costs tax payers are currently funding.Derek
It should remain a public holiday and be re-named New Zealand Day. The Treaty has been hijacked by radicals and is no longer representative of the wishes of the majority of New Zealanders.martin
Sadly it has morphed into a day of grissling by maori activists.The coalition should refuse to attend,they must get fedup with the abusegale
But rename it to New Zealand Day.Jack
it is another trough for the bludgersChris
I think it’s good to have a holiday, but instead of politicians going to Waitangi to be humiliated let us all celebrate the day in our own way without politics or dissensionDominic
Call it New Zealand day and then yes.Margaret
It is an important day in our historyCarolyn
It’s just a horrible day – divisive and hate-filledPatricia
We should keep the day as a holiday but change it back to New Zealand day with no emphasis on the Treaty of Waitangi. The politicians should stop attending along with the news media and let the citizens enjoy a day off doing whatever makes them happy while celebrating a day without conflictBev
It’s ridiculous. Stopping a nation from working because of a document signed way back. Now Labour has successfully divided our nation into Maori & everyone else, why take a day off work to celebrate something that made us one nation but now divides us. CChristina\’
It would be more appropriate if it were called New Zealand Day and then the holiday could standPeter
and with funding only on the condition that this is recognised as New Zealand Day as a celebration of togetherness. at present too much aggravation and too much money being wasted.John
It is providing an excuse to promote further divisions within NZLes
It should revert to New Zealand dayAnthony
A Zealand Day would be far betterShaun
Definately not in this abusive racial relation/apartheid volatility.Henk
It is now ashamedly the face of grievance and division … an excuse for hatred … all of which are hardly cause for celebrationKeith
A public holiday yes. However it should be renamed New Zealand Day as it was before. Celebrations would be better celebrated all over New Zealand in each of the provinces.Dennis
But it should go back to New Zealand DayDavid
Its not a celebration anymore. Its maori grievence day. There is nothing in the day for non maoris to celebrate or feel good about being New Zealanders.Diana
Its only purpose is for radical maori to get more air time.Caroline
The sooner our Coalition Govt takes a leaf from the book of other governments around the world and eliminates race and ethnicity from our Statute books, the sooner they can no longer be used as weapons to divide and conquer New Zealand.M
Waitangi Day has been hijacked by activists and protest against our government. It is a day of division and hatred not unity. Scrap it asap!!Trevor
As a New Zealander of European descent I have nothing for which to celebrate the Treaty. It was a simple peace document which today bears zero resemblance to what lawyers have turned it into. Just get rid of it. Restore democracy for everyone.gerard
It should revert back to New Zealand dayJan
Thats a great big NO.Ian
Its a Maori day of celebrating divisionDennis
whats to celedrateanthony
Yes, but renamed “New Zealand Day”.Mike
It should be called New Zealand Day. The National party should never of changed it.Robert
If the day reverts back to NEW ZEALAND DAY I would vote yes.Steve
I don’t think Waitangi Day is our National day any longer. It seems to be chance for some Maori to treat politicians and dignitaries with the utmost disrespect and for part Maori to once again wheel out their grievance trolley.Trish
To much hate thrown around. Let the so called maori celebrate themselves. This noncense should be stopped.Peter
It’s become a farseClive
If it was New Zealand Day, yes, but Waiting Day says its a them and us fight day. That is not to be celebrated with a holiday. We also have enough public holidays.Anna
This day is just a day off from work for people. It is not a day of celebration but a day of conflict. Get David Seymour’s bill for equality for all through, then we can have a day to celebrateDianne
If tribal leaders can dictate what meetings elected parliamentary members can or cannot attend to suit tribal,prejudices our country is doomed to failure!Max
Fed up with Maori dictating what we can or cannot do on Waitangi Day.Susan
We should celebrate our national day. We should all be aware that The Treaty gave equality to all New Zealanders. Despite the gravy train which eventuated Maori still want to create a racist separatism. The National government gave away our national hereitage treaty ground as donated by Lord Bledisloe for the benefit of all New Zealanders. Out efforts should be in reversing this separatist state which been maorified in every way. Perhaps a giant hikoi of tauiwi who trusted a document which has so severely been allowed let us down. We don’t need and can’t afford any more Maori intervention in Local Body and government procedure No other ethnic group in NZ has that privilege. The Treaty gave Maori the rights and privileges of all NZ citizens. This Maori should back themselves and use the election process and not ask for free extra representation to that which they already hold under Statute and the consultation process In 2020 Tauranga City Council voted 6-4 to establish the ward for the next election in 2022 which did not occur. It also voted 8-3 to give voting rights to tangata whenua appointees on four council committees. (In fact Mahuta tried to make a law wherein Maori Wards could not be removed). No other ethnic group has this privilege. It did no consult with locals when it made this concession. There will be no vote on this until late 2026 Any law based on race is itself racist. This attempted law is all about undemocratic request for a free ratepayer funded Maori seat on Local Bodies. It is about undemocratically forcing Maori to vote in that ward (if they are eundermine democracy, is a significant departure from their original purpose of enabling Maori participation in the democratic process. Winston Peters was understood to have said after the last election that Maori seats should go. To entrench Maori seats purports to have compulsory enrolment of Maori on the Maori Electoral roll. This in itself detracts from the democratic right of Maori to choose. Rayna StephensRayna
get back to workNoel
The sooner it is gone from the NZ Calendar the better for the future of our Country and for good Race relations .Phillip
Unless it reverts to New Zealand dayGary
We need to fix the negative social attitude behind the disruption/corruption. Educating the population to the point where they become interested in the truth would be a step in the right direction.Robert
We have Anzac Day and many other days. We should have a NZ day.William Clive
Waitangi Day should be scrapped & replaced with New Zealand Day to encourage, promote and celebrate NZ unity. One people , one vote and each individual equal under the law by right & desire to be so. The current regime is promoting separatism & division.Ray
Our nationhood is a time to celebrate. All our interim actions should be in reversing Nationals illegal act of donating the Treaty Grounds to Maori. This was land donated by Lord Bledisloe as a place to go for All NZers. Since this stupid give away of our heritage we now have to pay $25 to enter and tourists have to pay $50. The ground has been maorified totally with its building and rewritten museumRayna
It’s well past its use by date.Terry
It should be renamed NEW ZEALAND DAY to be inclusive of all ethnicities, cultures and creeds. Then we can be One Nation.Sharron
No holidayAngela
This day has been weaponised against the wider populace by Maori radicals. Leave them to wail and complain on their own and the rest of us simply to get on.Tony
Only if it has a name change to New Zealand dayRoy
No it long ago was hijacked by radicals and extremists and is just a political platform hardly something to celebrate lost and special meaning of oit nationRichard
It’s no longer a celebration for all Kiwis and has become a day of division.Shane
But only if given its original name as New Zealand Day with an appropriate emphasis upon being a day for all KiwisDavid
But change the name to NEW ZEALAND DAYCM
Pride in this country is diminishing due to the scum bags who want to run this country. As no true Marois exist in this land known as New Zealand this government has to stand up and make the hard decisions to advise those who call themselves Maori that they are no longer recognized and will from now on be treated as the rest of the population in every respect’. We are one people, Like it or leaveThomas K
The public holiday is good, but Waitangi Day has become a day with very negative connotations. Kel
Norman Kirk had it right rename it New Zealand DayGary
It’s just getting out of hand, do away with all this total crapLaurie
It should be renamed back to New Zealand Day which the name suggests would encompass all race/nationality’s. To keep the current name it will only help encourage the separatism that is becoming grave, I fear for this country’s future.Ian
New Zealand day would be much better.Richard
Waitangi Day is just another opportunity for (part) Maori to demonstrate their racist abuses…. encouraged by a pathetically weak governmentPeter
It should become New Zealand Day. A day for all Kiwis to celebrate.Eileen
We don’t need Waitangi day and Matariki. Let’s improve our productivity and stop one paid day offStephanie
Yes, but with the name changed back to New Zealand DayPhilip
Why should we pay for a day of viewing childish radical Maori temper tantrums?john
It’s just a worthless waste of a day, where Maori behave badly, encouraged by the so called Maori elite. They forget, it was their own chiefs that requested a treaty so that the indiscriminate killing amongst themselves would cease. Left to their own devices, there wouldn’t be many left, if they had carried on the way they were.Merryl
NO! Not under that divisive name. Call it New Zealand Day and it can be celebrated by all citizens, regardless of their ethnic background.TOBY
It is undoubtedly a day of division and has been for many years a festering racial sore that Maori and politicians celebrate every year.it is not a day this country should call a celebration. Each year it only reminds us of the very dangerous path this country is going down.The irresponsible mr Luxon will only be remembered for destroying our democracy if he carries on down the current path.Head in the bush politics is no way of dealing with this enormous threat to our democracy.Warren david
Replace with a National DayAndy
Hypocrisy legitimated, funded by nonbeneciaries and those without charitable trusts.Margaret
Change the name to New Zealand DayANDREW
No, I’m sick of it. Just a Maori Grievance day. Either change it back to New Zealand day and let everyone and every culture celebrate being Kiwi, or just forget it.John
No needs new name NZ daytHOMAS
Waitangi day has become a day for Maoris to showcase their aggression and insistance that all their troubles are caused by othersBrian
It has become a “mouthpiece” for separatist racial radicalism.CHARLES
Change to New Zealand DayPeter
The original purpose is no longer valid. Remove it from the law and at the same time time make changes to introduce one person one vote for every citizen.Trevor
The country has lost its way, It is not a national day any more. Activists have taken over..Errol
Let them return to Waitangi next year to continue with their intertribal fighting that the colonials stopped at the request of all Maori except for the winning side Ngapuhi. Leave them to it and create a new New Zealand Day for the majority of NZers to celebrate in the spirit of cooperation and leave the violence to the tribes on their tribal day – Waitangi Day.GRAEME
It has been used as a focus on political dissent, Norm Kirk enacted New Zealand day, the only thing he got right!Rex
Yes, it is nice to have a National Day but the whole focus of it needs to change. Kevin
If people were at work/school, there would be less time to take notice of the debacle the day has becomeJohn
most new zealanders are sick & tired of Maori ‘culture’ which is now mostly propaganda to get more money from taxpayers IE:- the private sector tax.payers.Tipene O’reagen is the worlds greatest conman. Time to stop being suckers.Bruce
only if it can become a true NZ day, not the bigotry and stupidity it has developed intobob matthews
NZ Day must be refocused away from Tribal Activists, and back to ALL New Zealanders. Our Govt is letting us down badly, and if transfer of power to Activists is not stopped, then what alternative do we have but to resort to illegal actions?Greg
Just gives an opportunity for grievances to be aired. Holiday should be stopped now.Graham
It is a day of division not celebrationfred
I have no problem with Waitangi Day remaining a public holiday. Allowing Maori people to celebrate their cultural heritage and customs is absolutely fine, and something we can all support. It is the politicisation of the day that is the problem — how do we address that? Also, as this newsletter points out, the re-definition of Maori to include anyone who can trace their ancestry back endlessly has made a mockery of the idea of celebrating a cultural heritage. Let’s overturn this ill thought out revision if we can!Marla
Rename the day New Zealand Day. Abolish the Maori Seats. Hold a binding referendum on whether the ToW should remain or be scrapped and replaced by a ConstitutionGrant
It has become a day of separatism and protest rather than a celebration of unity.David
Has lost its impact for most NZersBarrie
only if it can be a celebration and not a moaning maori daynevkath
As New Zealand Day yesLorraine
I would prefer it to be New Zealand Day in honour of the country joining to be One People of this Nation.Lucy
remove racismgeorge
If it was called New Zealand day then yesRoss
Just a Maori demonstration Day . Waste of time.!!.Sherin and Jim
every day is all NZers daygraeme
Only if it is named NEW ZEALAND DAY in perpetuity and Matariki is NOT a public holiday, the reason being that it is a dreamt up farce.Sandra
Yes, but it should not be celebrated at WaitangiAnon
If Waitangi Day was named once again back to New Zealand Day perhaps it would reunite our country again.Jude
Should be NZ day as previousDavid
We have Matariki nowken
But please change it back to New Zealand dayMichael
Yes, but only if it becomes a national day of celebration. At present, it’s a national day of grievance. Most NZders couldn’t care less about all the Waitangi chest-beating that goes on every year. Part-Maori need to move on if they’ want the best for future generations and must think of themselves as Kiwis first, Maori second. The Maori Party needs to become a political irrelevance.Derek
Or it should be changed back to New Zealand Day,. It-Waitangi- no longer has relevance, we are not a separist country, and need the SO called TREATY sortedtony
A more appropriate day would be ANZAC Day, where there are no divisions and people recognize that the country fought for the principles of freedom and equalityneville
I always thought Waitangi Day was a good idea. An opportunity to reaffirm annually Governor Hobson’s statement at the time of the Treaty signing: Now we are one people. I used to think that from that moment in history it was acknowledged that all of the inhabitants of this country had equal rights and the brakes had been applied to cultures of rule by violence and oppression of the weak by the strong. It seems that it was a bit naive of me, for there will always be people whose lust for power and wealth are paramount. Some of them now claim ownership of this country that most of us love, but they are wrong. Nobody really owns any country. The majority of those people now living here were born here. We didn’t choose our place of birth. It just happened that we were lucky enough to be born in a small, beautiful island in a remote part of this little planet. Let’s not spoil it by squabbling over who is more entitled to privilege and power on the basis of their ethnicity. I still think Waitangi Day is a good idea, but only as a celebration of national unity and our common humanity.Mark
Nothing to celebrate here!!Glenda
It is being used by the radicals to further Maori takeover moves. Treaty is past its use by date.Gareth
NZ is in a Century of Decline. A bunch of public holidays is just another step towards a banana republic and a stoneage standard of living. What a sad future to awake to every morning.Chris
I would favour a public holiday if it was called New Zealand Day commemorating the unity of all peoples making up this nation.John
We cant afford as a nation the non productive time off because as a country we are broke. Already too much freeloading in this country. shoot it.mike
It is causing too much controversy. Muldoon was wrong in changing it back from New Zealand dayRobert
Should be a public holiday, but change back to New Zealand Day.Dave
It is now associated with endless protest and racism.Steve
It has become too divisive.David
Quite frankly I’m sick to death of it. Why can’t we have a New Zealand Day where we ALL celebrate our country instead of the whingeing and whining that goes on?Jenny
It has been renamed abuse all Non Maori day. It has no relevance today with the massive change in the format of what it was supposed to be, so scrap it.Warren
Waitangi Day only has significance for Maori. NZ’s true birth was the charter granted by Queen Victoria.Tony
If, and only then, if it’s renamed to NZ day again, should it continue to be a public holiday.Aj
GET RID OF IT !!! there is nothing to celebrate it is a historical and dead document . Give it no air, bury it along with maori seats ,He PuaPua co governance the maori electoral roll, Aotearoa, special privilege ,equity ,Waitangi tribunal, the maori party the Haka before sport and the mainstream media criminals and endless unjustifiable treaty claims etc etc etc ad nauseum infinitum.Glyn J
I would say ‘yes’ had the day not become so distorted by unrealistic aspirations of Maori separatismEileen
Tongue in cheek yes! It gives me a chance to watch all the other News channels on television. to watch any stored programs or better still get outside and garden or walk. The whole day is farcical anyway. The taxpayers are funding most of it including travel costs and accommodation for the “Dignitaries” Oh I also spend time to practice my pidgin English so I can better understand the weather reports and road warnings ….GOD DEFEND NEW ZEALAND! ZEALAND….Bruce
Very divisive. Unnecessary expense.Pauline
Unnecessary expense for New Zealand tax payers.Mark
It should be renamed: New Zealand DaySteve
New Zealand needs to wake up!Marianne
Its not a celebration of unity for all New Zealanders. Instead its a day for radicals to disdisrespect parliment and otber New Zealanxers rights.Anon
It should be renamed New Zealand day if anythingRoy
Waitangi day was to be a day of celebration. The only celebration is native tribes taking the opportunity to try to belittle the parliamentary members who attend. It is an absolute disgrace and typically shows the natives assuming a dominating posture to attempt to show off to their peers that they are in control. The parliamentary officials appear dominated and subdued and should withdraw from taking any part in the charade. There is no real purpose served except for the native tribes to prove their superiority to themselves. It empowers the Maoris and demonstrates their He Pua Pua ambitions. It should be regarded as a warning that there is no acquiescence , it is their way or no way. The parliamentarians should not attend but rather get on with the promises they made to the public before the election and eliminate all racial discrimination in New Zealandterrence
Although my local community are celebrating Waitangi Day, it is done with family and individuals (the whole community) having fun playing games, listening to music eating together, and being together. A big picnic but as for up at Waitangi, all I see is hate and division.Jackie
It’s become a day of division and the opportunity for racial separatism .Demolish NOWBrenda
BUT NOT AS Waitangi Day. Rename it as New Zealand Day. No more of this destructive rhetoric otherwise wipe it.Chris
A significant event in our history.Lois
It is time to call off all the tribal nonsense being put foreward and get back to being one people againTom
It has become a day of politics and divisivenessGraeme
Its turned into a radical maori day. Just kaos and abuse. So no get rid of it. All our current govt parties should boycott it. Lets change it to N.Z. day for the 85% of non maori.Allan
but should be New Zealand dayhoward
Causes to much trouble for an out dated peace of crap that devides New Zealand.Alan
I believe that the Treaty was signed to establish a British colony. The colony was abolished in 1907 and a dominion was established. Dominion Day was the birth of our nation. One hundred years ago on 26 September 1907 New Zealand became a Dominion. In 1907, following a debate in the House the New Zealand Parliament asked Britain that New Zealand’s status be changed from Colony to Dominion. A proclamation was issued that New Zealand would become a Dominion with effect from 26 September 1907.Mark
I voted yes but only on the premise that the name of the day returns to being called New Zealand Day.Steve
Like almost all public holidays. Another Mumbo Jumbo Day.Colin
Unfortunately the “New Zealand Day” of old has now become a political football that has been hijacked by radicals and is just a negative waste of time. Why any politicians would attend, only to be disrespected, is beyond comprehension. Call it “Ethnic Day” and let them spend the day disrespecting each other.Hugh
The day has become a day of dissent and division and should not be celebrated – once we can become “One Nation” then perhaps it can be reinstated – perhaps.Steve
A day of hatred towards those who do not have Maori ancestry should not be celebrated.Barbara
Taxpayers should not be giving 1 cent to support the circus that masquerades as a celebration at Waitangi each year. Time for this rubbish to end.Chris
The day has been hi-jacked and not used as a vehicle for seperationTed
It’s now become a day to promote Maori issues and grievances rather than the Treaty which gave equal rights to all in this country. The hostility towards MPs at Waitangi is totally unacceptable, with Maori acting like savages and showing utter disrespect to MPs who attend. Luxon is wise not to attend Waitangi this year. Perhaps other MPs should follow his example. A few years ago we observed both the Canada and US celebrations of their national days – the celebratory atmosphere was amazing – in stark contrast to our “National Day” activities. If Waitangi Day is not removed as a public holiday it should revert to “New Zealand Day” – and let the Maoris go to Waitangi by themselves.Laurence
Far too divisive now. Endorses BULLYING and inbred violence. Maori need to face suchGill
But called NZ Dayjill
Sadly it has become a day for activists to display their anger against the rest of New Zealand. It no longer has any meaning for me beyond a Day off.RANEE
It has become another Maori Protest Day. If kept it MUST be re-named New Zealand Day and the Media should stop their nonsense & racial actiivitie. ??Andrew
No – it has become increasingly divisive instead of being the unifying force that it once was. The net result of this is that it has lost its significance to most New Zealanders, who are sick and tired of the disruptive behaviour being foisted upon all who attend by a vociferous minority of generally obese, flax-skirted, arrogant, over-entitled, brown parasites whose only ambition is to further their own selfish agenda at the expense of hard-working New Zealanders, of all ethnicities. Just note the day on our calendars as a historic occasion and leave it at that!Scott
It has become a day of insult, disunity and racial posturing.Piet
It has just become a negative leftist msm that inflame the supposedly poor and depressed situation Maori are currently in The narrative is false and all lies but woke NZers believe itMurray
It’s continuance reinforces institutional racism. My granddaughters now live in Australia, sadly with my blessing.Alec
Anything we can do to illiminate all this Maori special treatment gets my vote. I am sick of it as is most of my circle of friends including MaoriBarbara
This is no longer a day of celebration it is now a day of DISGUSTING racial division!Andy
We should always remember the Day that made us ONE People. Most of us have no Problem with that BUT stop all these different interpretations of this Document.Geoff
It’s just a day to show how far division has gone in this country.Faye
Waitangi Day as it is now, is just a platform for the Maori racial bigots to spout off about how hard done by they are & blame everyone else for their problems. Instead they should be thanking the ‘Pakeha’ for bringing them peace, medical care, housing, welfare etc. They need to get off the Gravy Train & stop getting taxpayer funded payouts & privileges. Every New Zealander needs to be equal in every respect & we need a government with the balls to pass legislation or whatever else is needed to achieve this.David
Not until it is recognized as the day that the original treaty was signed, no more and no less than that. Fat chance of that while the likes of the Maori Leaders Forum and the Maori seats and Caucus exist. Just waiting for the day that non Maori revolt in unison.Barry
We as non Maori are not welcome at Waitangi anymore Waitangi was gifted to the nation. Who is the nation? Maori!! Racialism in is rife in NZ & it’s becoming worse.Ruth
It should be called Maori Day, why should our MPs go there to be insulted? I am pleased that the Prime Minister did not go there to be insulted by protesters.Gayle
It can be public holiday celebrating our nation BUT the annual shambles, disharmony, racist nonsense, and frank rudeness of M%u0101ori at Waitangi should cease – FOREVER – by dispatching the annual nonsense at the Treaty Grounds to the rubbish tin.Hylton
It is not our founding documentSydney
But be renamed New Zealand Day.David
But it should be renamed NZ Day.Tony
It is no longer a day of celebration.Wendy
Revert name back to New Zealand day might be a starting point.Noel
It haha become a day off innsuling European spectator ppeersons, Joo respect shownKay
This day has become a farce and lost its real meaning.Robert
But, it should be renamed back to New Zealand day. We are all New Zealanders regardless of our original race.Andrew
Yews it a NZ related statuaryCarl
the day has become just another day for the average kiwi and a day of misinformation and hatred from the radicalized maori. just stop their platformjohn
Enough is enough. To many small businesses are on the brink of failure in this country, due in part to excessive public holidays and the extraordinary amount of money they have to pay to support this stuff, while they themselves get paid nothing. It’s time that not just this holiday but a number of others should be abolished as wellTrevor
It should be scrapped altogether. It is an abhorrent day of stomping, chanting, and screaming – and is totally cringing. We need a day to call New Zealand Day and that should be the day we were annexed from NSW and became a country in our own right e.g. 3 May 1841. On 6 February 1840 we were still administered from NSW so weren’t a country in our right.Helen
A abandon it completelyGreg
It is a bloody farceEric
No, not in its present format which has become a platform for part Maori activists to strut their stuff. Sadly more and more people choose to turn off the news and stay at home on what should be a day of national celebration.David
I now detest the word Waitangi and everything associated with it. I detest the blatant lies and racism of the corrupt Maori leaders and activists and increasingly I detest our lying politicians who are too craven and cowardly to oppose this March to destruction and Third World status. If Maori leaders succeed, and it looks like they will, New Zealand will be the Zimbabwe of the South Pacific both socially and economically. NZ will go down in the history books as a lesson in how to destroy a democratic nation. I am hoping to be long dead before it happens but children born now will have to emigrate to succeed or live here in poverty and slavery.John
Go Back to New Zealand day and pick another day such as the 1st of JanuaryStan
We should have a New Zealand National day for all NZ,ersJohn
Really ???? Celebrate the continuing gravy train to half caste radicals ..Dont think so .Ray
Needs to be changed back to NEW ZEALAND DAYNeil
However, return it back to New Zealand Day where we celebrate a country of unity marching forward to a bright future not the dysfunctional mess, we have a present.Peter
No . Maori have long taken total control of Waitangi Day ( which should be New Zealand Day if anything) and use it SOLELY to promote their own self interest and to preach victimhood and an ongoing hymn of race-based hate , insult and total disrespect to all non-Maori New Zealanders and particularly our non-Maori politicians. Waitangi Day IS NOT a celebration and should be canned. Maori in a massive outnumbering exercise of multiple-thousands to one , are at their cowardly bravest at Waitangi – hurling insults , invective and totally disrespectful abuse at our Government representatives attending Waitangi Day celebrations(?) at Waitangi. The biggest problem is Government’s total failure to dismantle Maorification in all its forms as they undertook to do at election time , and which they were elected to do . I’m afraid we are suffering from EXTRAORDINARILY WEAK / INEFFECTIVE leadership in Government – a Government seemingly dedicated to weakly pandering to and appeasing Maori , TOTALLY CONTRARY to their election promises . An OUTSTANDING Paper from NZCPR / Muriel Newman and also Michael Bassett . Hugh
The holiday is the only good thing about it! Otherwise it is a cringeworthy embarrassment.Alastair
If you’re not Maori – you have to lie low on this day and switch off the TV, to avoid the blame and hate hurled around.Janette
Waitangi day does not serve its purpose. Personally I do not recognize it as our National day of celebration. It%u2019s become a media playground to focus on radical Maori ploy. Scrap it and Monday it to become New Zealand day.Owen
It is o longer a national dayRobbie
But it is too late to remove it – it would never happen.Mark
Unnecessary holiday, Race based.Stuart
I voted yes, with the qualification that it should be renamed New Zealand Day (not Aotearoa Day)Charles
Could cut out some of the other useless excuses for days off instead.Bruce
For now anyway – revisit the problem holiday if we can ever fix this mess.Glenda
But yes if it is renamed New Zealand dayStuart
It is onlly a day for the So called natives to Show that they Haven’t lost their Acts of Utu, And Do the War Dance.Richard
Waste of time for the majority of New ZealandersPhyllis
The ‘show’ by radical tribes is shameful & cannot be continuedPeter
This day has been captured by race based politics and no longer represents the wishes of the majorityGrant
If renamed New Zealand dayMiles
It divides our CountryWayne
If the name “NZ Day” is reinstated, then I would vote “Yes”John
But as New Zealand Day NOT Waitangi Day as that means nothing to me bar a day for Maori radical divisiveness.Steve
Ok if renamed to NZ dayDavid
This day has been hijacked by the activist and their agenda. Rename it NZ day once again a day for everyone to enjoy With no focus on the current negative Waitangi day by media and TV cameras.Nigel
Why does Maoridom, demand a holiday, for all that they demand to be SACRED to them only?They really do not like our culture…..THEY WANT US ALL GONE!David
Maori have completely blown it this year by not listening to speeches but claiming the high ground for their own views. We have a new generation of racists in this country now and we need a firm leader to stop it.Rod
It should be abolishedJohn
Nothing to celebrate at this stageMike
It should be renamed back to New Zealand Day and ang the existing division celebration removed from Waitangi forever.Vernon
The original intent should be honoured, not the racist radicalisation.John
If it is to be recognised as a celebration it must be renamed New Zealand day and not centred at Waitangi but throughout every city and town.Noeline
No, we are all one in this country, Maori culture is no better than all the many others.Ann
End He Puapua. Abolish Maori seats forthwith. Conservation seats to remain in the hands of the Government not Iwi. Wipe Waitangi Day completely it is a national disgrace, an expression of Greed, contention, racial hatred and intimidation. Get this Coalition off its backside to vote enthusiastically to endorse and pass the Treaty Principles Bill. Time is of the essence Radical Tribalized control of Government is an abomination and MUST BE STOPPED DEAD>>>>RIGHT NOW!Marshal
its been abused too muchGraeme
But rename NZ day once race has been removed from statutes and laws.Brenda
It’s just an excuse for abuse, vitriol and hatred toward Govt and anyone who is not Maori. It’s a racist outrage.Laurine
Should be New Zealand dayJimmy
Absolutely NOT.Valerie
It’s not a day to be proud of now. Too many people behaving badlyPeter
Ask anyone Waitangi means nothing to them apart from a day off. The main concern here is where our country is heading and under the current coalition it appears cogovernance is alive and well and will be entrenched well before 2040Lawrie
New Zealand day brought backIan
Muldoon was responsible for many things which damaged this country, with the loss of New Zealand Day being the worst!Mike
it is fast becoming a day celebrating racial disharmonyLes W
Abolish this now useless occasion. It is only a opportunity for these radicals to show off and apply abuse to everybody else.Michael
Not as it is a day of grievance. Bring back New Zealand Day and the spirit of Norman Kirk. We are a multi-cultural society.Doug
name change also.Graham
But it should be renamed New Zealand day.Alan
Waitangi Day is being abused by some: Waitangi Day seems to be for protesting Maori intent on control of New Zealand while deliberately turning their backs on anyone with another opinion – the opinion to “maintain New Zealand as One Country under One People with One Flag OTHERWISE this country could rapidly revert to (historical Tribal Wars and potentially their practiced cannibalism!Stuart
Dump it. Its nothing but troubleGilbert
Renamed as New Zealand Day with Waitangi based celebrations to cease.Roger
But the day should be renamed New Zealand dayLeslie
If Feb 3 is to remain a public holiday, the name should revert to New Zealand DayGeoffrey
Rip up the “Treaty” and enforce full Democratic Laws.Steve
it is increasingly becoming one sided and failing as an “all New Zealander celebration”Phil
Yes should remain as holiday but all politicians should forget going to Waitangi it’s just an excuse for the redicals to get tv coverageMark
New Zealand OR a National Day Parades of the country’s servers like the July14 2 hours parade in Paris. Celebrating growth of the country.Lyn
Should be renamed New Zealand Day.Ron
What’s Waitangi Day nowadays? Should be abolished.Simon
We must not celebrate apartheidLeonard
We have a large number of public holidays, perhaps Matariki could replace Waitangi Day which is currently Maori grievance day.Terry
This Day of Division needs to be closed down and it will save the tax payer millions and thus help the economy. NZ needs to be united under ONE flag, ONE parliament, EQUAL rights for all. This Waitangi Cancer needs to placed into remission.Eileen
Yes keep the holiday but change the name.Kim
If it remains a holiday call in New Zealand Day.Chris
not when it is about divisionCollin
should only remain as New Zealand dayHoward
But, change the name back to New Zealand Day.pdm
Unless it’s changed to NZ day and held somewhere else. My family have been in NZ 8 generations with no Maori bloodLGF
Rather make it New Zealand Daymike
It is a day of ugly tribalism with an unpleasant undercurrent of menace. NOT a National Day.Trevor
Waitangi day as it is now, is just an outing for radical (racist) Maori to abuse our elected politicians. They show no respect to our countries leaders.Peter
Yes But it should be renamed New Zealand day.T
I would like to it renamed NewZealand Day as it was . A day to be proud of not as it has becomeRod
Not while it is simply a vehicle for the warped views of a small number of Maori militantsgeorge
It has become too divisive. We should have a public holiday on a different day, to celebrate our nationhood, similar to Australia day.Rod
It needs to be New Zealand Day – nations need to celebrate their nationhood. The problem today is Waitangi Day has been totally politicised.john
To celebrate the sucess of being one nation and the commitment to greater success by all working together for the benefit of all.Raymond
Stop racism now!!!Ronald
Conditional only if returned to New Zealand Day and NOT held at Waitangi.Steve
We have too many public holidays for our economy to cope with as it is. How about taxpayers also expect politicians to stop funding activism based behaviour in our community and start working harder on economic growth (job creation) instead of welfare virtue signalling. If a beneficiary is able to spend taxpayers money to protest against the very taxpayer who supports them, the system is broken and needs fixing. Waitangi day seems to have become the opposite of what it is supposed to represent- unity.Andrew
It has no meaning for meMary
Removing its status as a public holiday, would not change the way in which it is being used by radical people to advance their agenda. Worse, the decision would give them a huge weapon with which to support their mission.tony
Means nothing but abuse of pakeha snd indocrination young people against kiwis The cost of lost school and work time is hugeBeverley
There is no longer a reason to celebrate. It has become a day for corporate iwi to glorify hatred and division. I want no part of it.Robyn
There is nothing other than racial division to celebrate here and who in their right ‘Democratic’ mind needs a ‘Holiday’ to celebrate that! Totally bizarreDick
If it was returned to New Zealand day well yesDuncan
Waitangi Day has become the official Maori protest day with appalling behaviour and severe disrespect as key features. What is there to celebrate? Disunity and the you done me wrong song played continuously has a negative impact on the wellbeing of the entire nation.Sharon
Yes but not the way it is currentlyTerry
Consign to the pastArthur
But Kings birthday public holiday should stop.Lex
It should be renamed New Zealand day and be celebrated by all the people in New Zealand. Get rid of Matariki and then make New Zealand day a National holiday againPeter
If it’s not a celebration anymore and just an event for radical protesters all funding should stop along with the public holiday.James
No, not if we have to put up with a divided country because of it.Chris
only if they rename it New Zealand daylinda
Waitangi day has been eroded to the point of being just another day for activists to speak of allegded discrimination.Mark
Change to New Zealand DaySax
It’s just a day of racial hatred against white nzers and a tax payer fed platform of gluttony, savagery, and a celebration of their cannibalistic origins.Koreen
No problem with it staying a public holiday but only if the reason for it is to unify the country. Otherwise delete it.antoni
It is divisive and gives Maori a platform to air their grievances. If the name was changed to New Zealand day and become a day If celebration for ALL New Zealanders then I would have said yesMargaret
However we must cease to use the day to give Maori radicals another platform to vent their form of racist hatred and political sovereignty goals.Mike
Yes, it is nice to have a day off but the whole going up to Waitangi needs to stop. New Zealand Day is much better. Kelly
The word Holiday comes from the words Holy Day – dont think it applies to the 6th of FebJane
But change the name to Invasion Day; to wind the racists up.Robert
Get rid of it altogether and save the money that we all pay towards it. Would be better spent on a new prison in Waitangi.Des
Definitely not.Lee
I feel it has passed its use-by-date. If we have a special holiday it should be New Zealand Day; a celebration of all things and all people of New Zealand. What we have currently is just a source of disharmony, violence and misinformation.Lauree
No way, this day is nothing to be proud of. Get rid of it, pick another date and make NZ Day. 1 people 1 country in harmaneJohn
It should revert back to New Zealand DayChris
Not in its current format, there be should be a day to celebrate our country’s diversity, which encourages forward thinking and not dwelling on the past.Rob
This has become a never ending weapon for political advantage by Maori radicals. It is continuous devision that needs to find a solution.William
But it should revert to New Zealand day and take the Maori radicalism out of it.Gerry
Start a New Zealand Day on a new date. Not 6 Feb.RICHard
Not if all it does is give a minority of the public the right to abuse and treat our Nations leaders with total disrespect.Mike
BUT the name of the day should be New Zealand Day and celebrated throughout the country NOT only at Waitangi and other Maori places. The current Waitangi Day has been taken over by Maori and become meaningless to most New ZealandersWarwick
If a change is needed it should revert to being New Zealand DaySue
With all the protesting and abuse thrown at polititions and white people it is a disgrace and should be consigned to historycolin
No not unless it’s changed to New Zealand Day it’s become a joke costing millions for what ?Peter
National cringe dayKaren
If it is New Zealand ok but not the current day of apartheid with Maori anti white aggression and sense of entitlementAlexandra
I just hope someone reads these commentsJane
Name should be changed back to New Zealand Day, for all of us to celebrate. As it is it is only relevant to the Maori grievance industry,Graeme
Rename it New Zealand Day, as it used to be known. Turn our backs to the Waitangi antics, which are negative and increasingly irrelevant.Barry
No we need a NZ Day in the middle of the yearCarol
Bin it.Evans
Unfortunately the day has become more and more about aggressive confrontation and pursuing a racist agenda. Let’s put a stop to it.Brian
It’s now just a celebration of the gravy train for Maori tribil eleat, bring back New Zealand day.Bruce
Only if the govt starts to treat all NZers as equal citizensLiz
BUT this He Pua Pua thing should be reigned in and stoppedFrank
No it has become “Division” or “Grievance” Day. Enough.Kevin
and whilst at it matariki day should be gone as well.New Zealand day for me.Brian
But renamed NEW ZEALAND DAY.Richard
Waitangi Day has been weaponised by Maori Supremists to be a platform for division, separation and blackmail.Murray
But change the name to New Zealand Day.Brenton
I’m part Maori yesSamuel
No longer relevant for me.Paul
when memorials fade away or lapse, we lose another portion of our historyGraeme
I celebrate Waitangi Day, not IN SPITE of differences between Maori and the colonisers – but BECAUSE of differences resolved : We are truly “One People”. Waitangi Day is truly our national New Zealand DayAndyE
Its a very important part of NZ’s history and we have uphold its significance in our country.Pavithra
Pick another day and we name it New Zealand dayTim
This day means nothing to me as it is not a celebration for all New Zeaanders!Margaret
So long as it is only a recognition of the original intent of the treaty. It is a part of New Zealand. Not a political statement trying to validate radical Maori.John
Grievance day! Nothing to celebrate because of the way the fake Maoris have spoilt race relations, and are absolutely insulting Maori culture, and all the rest of the people who have some Maori ancestry.Leonie
It has outlived it’s usefulness and is more divisive than unifyingBill
Whytangi Day has become a symbol of division, not unity, in this nation. It needs to be abolished, along with Matariki. It is a sad reflection on the day that Norman Kirk had hoped it would be — one of togetherness and happiness. Now it is one of abuse and racism.Gavin
Not until all treaty-based ethnic divisiveness is banished from statute!Peter
I have always thought of it as a chance for Maoris to bleat and moan about how hard done by they are as a result of colonisation. Today Shane Jones said on the news that he had given the Waitangi Trust $10 million dollars. How much of that went on the celebrations? What will happen to the leftover money? If they feel hard done by as a result of colonisation I wonder how the Morioris felt??? Interesting how they have been written out of NZ’s history. It was genecide that out-did Hitler!Gerard
As it stands, I woud vote ‘No’. But I am an optimist and hope we can return to a national day of unity and celebrate ‘one people’ – New Zealanders. Rename it to New Zealand Day.Lindsay
Not only should it NOT be a public holiday, but all legislation that gives explicit recognition to the Treaty of Waitangi be repealed. The REAL New Zealand day date is actually the 3rd June, the day in 1841 that New Zealand officially became a standalone independent British Colony.neil
Certainly not. It has increasingly become a day of division, disrespect, disloyalty, dishonour, and disgusting behaviour. Bin it!Rodger
Unfortunately not, now it has been taken over by activists & causes nothing but envy & division.Lenice
No. What should be a day of celebration by all has degenerated into an ugly day of often overweight and pale skinned so-called Maori intimidating our mainly stupid politicians and their hangers-on to continuing their handouts and handovers to the tribal leaders.Alan
No – it should NOT be a public holiday any longer. All that we are doing is providing a platform for people trying to destroy our democracy. Repeal the law. Donald
Most Kiwis are sick of the grandstanding and abuse from Maori activists. If it was a true day for all New Zealanders, we could keep it as a public holiday. But the way are going it has become a disgrace and should be scrapped.Maurice
Most people like holidays so it should stay.Brenda
We should not have a public holiday to recognise activism and attempts to distort our history and undermine our democracy. Abolish it!Paul
Keep the day of recognition of the signing of the Treaty but remove the holiday – we have too many public holidays in this country as it is.Stuart