Founder / Director

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Dr Muriel Newman

Water Rights Petition Confirmation


Thank you for signing our New Zealand Centre for Political Research water rights petition calling on the Prime Minister to reject iwi claims for the ownership of freshwater.

We need to send a strong message to the government, so please encourage others to sign the petition.

*The direct petition link is here: 

Our article explaining the background to this petition is HERE. A paper on the common law position of water, Water yours, mine, or nobody’s, by Judge Anthony Willy can be read HERE and an article by Canterbury University law lecturer David Round, Questions of Water Rights and Ownership can be read HERE.

To keep informed, we suggest you register for the mailing list of the free weekly newsletter from the NZCPR public policy think tank HERE as we will be updating progress on this issue in the weeks to come.




We also strongly urge you to email Members of Parliament to share your views about the ownership of water – the more emails MPs receive the greater their appreciation of the depth of public opinion about this matter.

*You can email MPs using the NZCPR’s quick email facility HERE.

We are considering running public information newspaper advertising campaign to raise awareness of the need to oppose the race based allocation of water – if you would like to support such a campaign, please visit our donation page HERE.

